#' Compute Euclidean pump neighborhoods (lat-long prototype).
#' Plots star graph from pump to its cases.
#' @param pump.select Numeric. Vector of numeric pump IDs to define pump neighborhoods (i.e., the "population"). Negative selection possible. \code{NULL} selects all pumps.
#' @param vestry Logical. \code{TRUE} uses the 14 pumps from the Vestry report. \code{FALSE} uses the 13 in the original map.
#' @param case.set Character. "observed" or "expected".
#' @param location "nominal", "anchor" or "orthogonal".
#' @importFrom sp point.in.polygon
#' @noRd
euclideanLatlong <- function(pump.select = NULL, vestry = FALSE,
case.set = "observed", location = "nominal") {
if (case.set %in% c("observed", "expected") == FALSE) {
stop('case.set must be "observed" or "expected".', call. = FALSE)
if (location %in% c("nominal", "anchor", "orthogonal") == FALSE) {
stop('location must be "nominal", "anchor" or "orthogonal".', call. = FALSE)
} else if (location == "orthogonal") {
if (vestry) pump.data <- cholera::latlong.ortho.pump.vestry
else pump.data <- cholera::latlong.ortho.pump
} else if (location %in% c("anchor", "nominal")) {
if (vestry) pump.data <- cholera::pumps.vestry
else pump.data <- cholera::pumps
cells <- latlongVoronoiVertices(pump.select = pump.select,
vestry = vestry)$cells
pump.id <- selectPump(pump.data, pump.select, "euclidean", vestry)
if (case.set == "observed") {
if (location == "nominal") {
case.data <- cholera::fatalities
} else if (location == "anchor") {
case.data <- cholera::fatalities.address
} else if (location == "orthogonal") {
case.data <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr
} else if (case.set == "expected") {
if (location %in% c("nominal", "anchor")) {
case.data <- cholera::latlong.regular.cases
} else if (location == "orthogonal") {
case.data <- cholera::latlong.sim.ortho.proj
statistic.data <- lapply(cells, function(cell) {
sp::point.in.polygon(case.data$lon, case.data$lat, cell$lon, cell$lat)
out <- list(pump.select = pump.select,
pump.id = pump.id,
vestry = vestry,
cells = cells,
pump.data = pump.data,
case.set = case.set,
location = location,
snow.colors = snowColors(vestry = vestry),
statistic.data = statistic.data)
class(out) <- "euclideanLatlong"
#' Plot method for euclideanLatlong()
#' @param x Object.
#' @param type Character. "star", "area.points" or "area.polygons". "area" flavors only valid when \code{case.set = "expected"}.
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters.
#' @export
plot.euclideanLatlong <- function(x, type = "star", ...) {
if (!type %in% c("area.points", "area.polygons", "star")) {
stop('type must be "area.points", "area.polygons" or "star".',
call. = FALSE)
if (type %in% c("area.points", "area.polygons")) {
if (x$case.set != "expected") {
stop('area plots valid only when case.set = "expected".', call. = FALSE)
if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
if (x$case.set != "observed") {
msgA <- 'location = "orthogonal" valid '
msgB <- 'only with case.set = "observed".'
stop(msgA, msgB, call. = FALSE)
pump.id <- x$pump.id
vars <- c("lon", "lat")
if (x$case.set == "observed") {
snowMap(vestry = x$vestry, latlong = TRUE, add.cases = FALSE,
add.pumps = FALSE)
pumpTokens(x, type, latlong = TRUE)
if (!is.null(type)) {
if (type == "star") {
latlongEuclideanStar(x, vars)
latlongEuclideanCases(x, vars)
} else if (x$case.set == "expected") {
snowMap(vestry = x$vestry, add.cases = FALSE, add.pumps = FALSE,
add.roads = FALSE, latlong = TRUE)
if (type == "star") latlongEuclideanStar(x, vars)
else if (type == "area.points") latlongEuclideanCases(x, vars)
else if (type == "area.polygons") latlongEuclideanAreaPolygons(x)
else stop('type must be "star", "area.points" or "area.polygons".')
addRoads(latlong = TRUE, col = "black")
pumpTokens(x, type, latlong = TRUE)
if (!is.null(pump.id)) {
if (x$location == "nominal") {
title(main = paste0("Pump Neighborhoods: Euclidean (nominal)", "\n",
"Pumps ", paste(sort(x$pump.select), collapse = ", ")))
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
title(main = paste0("Pump Neighborhoods: Euclidean (orthogonal)", "\n",
"Pumps ", paste(sort(x$pump.select), collapse = ", ")))
} else {
if (x$location == "nominal") {
title(main = "Pump Neighborhoods: Euclidean (nominal)")
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
title(main = "Pump Neighborhoods: Euclidean (orthogonal)")
latlongEuclideanCases <- function(x, vars) {
if (x$case.set == "observed") {
if (x$location == "nominal") {
dat <- cholera::fatalities
} else if (x$location == "anchor") {
dat <- cholera::fatalities.address
names(dat)[names(dat) == "anchor"] <- "case"
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
dat <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr
} else if (x$case.set == "expected") {
if (x$location %in% c("nominal", "anchor")) {
dat <- cholera::latlong.regular.cases
dat$case <- seq_len(nrow(dat))
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
dat <- cholera::latlong.sim.ortho.proj
case.partition <- lapply(x$statistic.data, function(neighbor) {
dat$case[neighbor == 1]
invisible(lapply(names(case.partition), function(nm) {
sel <- dat$case %in% case.partition[[nm]]
points(dat[sel, vars], col = x$snow.colors[nm], pch = 20, cex = 0.5)
latlongEuclideanStar <- function(x, vars) {
if (x$case.set == "observed") {
if (x$location == "nominal") {
cases <- cholera::fatalities
} else if (x$location == "anchor") {
cases <- cholera::fatalities.address
names(cases)[names(cases) == "anchor"] <- "case"
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
cases <- cholera::latlong.ortho.addr
} else if (x$case.set == "expected") {
if (x$location %in% c("nominal", "anchor")) {
cases <- cholera::latlong.regular.cases
cases$case <- seq_len(nrow(cases))
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
cases <- cholera::latlong.sim.ortho.proj
pump.id <- x$pump.id
nearest.pump <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cases$case, function(cs) {
p1 <- cases[cases$case == cs, vars]
d <- vapply(pump.id, function(p) {
p2 <- x$pump.data[x$pump.data$id == p, vars]
geosphere::distGeo(p1, p2)
}, numeric(1L))
near.id <- which.min(d)
if (is.null(pump.id)) p.nr <- x$pump.data$id[near.id]
else p.nr <- pump.id[near.id]
data.frame(case = cs, pump = p.nr, meters = d[near.id])
invisible(lapply(nearest.pump$case, function(cs) {
ego <- cases[cases$case == cs, vars]
p <- nearest.pump[nearest.pump$case == cs, "pump"]
alter <- x$pump.data[x$pump.data$id == p, vars]
segments(ego$lon, ego$lat, alter$lon, alter$lat,
col = x$snow.colors[paste0("p", p)], lwd = 0.5)
latlongEuclideanAreaPolygons <- function(x) {
if (x$case.set == "expected") {
if (x$location %in% c("nominal", "anchor")) {
dat <- cholera::latlong.regular.cases
dat$case <- seq_len(nrow(dat))
} else if (x$location == "orthogonal") {
dat <- cholera::latlong.sim.ortho.proj
neighborhood.cases <- lapply(x$statistic.data, function(neighbor) {
dat$case[neighbor == 1]
periphery.cases <- lapply(neighborhood.cases, function(x) {
peripheryCases(x, latlong = TRUE)
pearl.string <- lapply(periphery.cases, function(x) {
travelingSalesman(x, latlong = TRUE)
invisible(lapply(names(pearl.string), function(nm) {
polygon(dat[pearl.string[[nm]], c("lon", "lat")],
col = grDevices::adjustcolor(x$snow.colors[nm], alpha.f = 2/3))
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