# Unitily functions for unstack()
orthoProj <- function(fatalities, case.id, cores, dev.mode) {
ortho_proj <- function(case, fatalities) {
case.data <- fatalities[fatalities$case == case, c("x", "y")]
within.radius <- lapply(cholera::road.segments$id, function(id) {
seg.data <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == id, ]
test1 <- withinRadius(case.data, seg.data[, c("x1", "y1")])
test2 <- withinRadius(case.data, seg.data[, c("x2", "y2")])
if (any(test1, test2)) unique(seg.data$id)
within.radius <- unlist(within.radius)
ortho.proj.test <- lapply(within.radius, function(seg.id) {
ortho.data <- orthogonalProjection(case, seg.id)
x.proj <- ortho.data$x.proj
y.proj <- ortho.data$y.proj
seg.data <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == seg.id,
c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")]
seg.df <- data.frame(x = c(seg.data$x1, seg.data$x2),
y = c(seg.data$y1, seg.data$y2))
# segment bisection/intersection test
distB <- stats::dist(rbind(seg.df[1, ], c(x.proj, y.proj))) +
stats::dist(rbind(seg.df[2, ], c(x.proj, y.proj)))
bisect.test <- signif(stats::dist(seg.df)) == signif(distB)
if (bisect.test) {
dat <- rbind(c(case.data$x, case.data$y), c(x.proj, y.proj))
ortho.dist <- c(stats::dist(dat))
ortho.pts <- data.frame(x.proj, y.proj)
data.frame(road.segment = seg.id, ortho.pts, ortho.dist,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
null.out <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 4))
names(null.out) <- c("road.segment", "x.proj", "y.proj", "ortho.dist")
out <- do.call(rbind, ortho.proj.test)
if (all(is.na(out)) == FALSE) {
sel <- which.min(out$ortho.dist)
out[sel, ]
} else {
out[1, ] # all candidate roads are NA; arbitrarily choose first obs.
# case.id <- fatalities$case
if ((.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores > 1) | dev.mode) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = "fatalities",
envir = environment())
projection <- parallel::parLapply(cl, case.id, function(case) {
ortho_proj(case, fatalities)
} else {
projection <- parallel::mclapply(case.id, function(case) {
ortho_proj(case, fatalities)
}, mc.cores = cores)
orthogonalProjectionFatalities <- function(fatality.df, cores, radius = 2) {
vars <- c("x", "y")
manual.classification <- caseRoadClassificationFix()
out <- parallel::mclapply(fatality.df$case, function(case.id) {
case.data <- fatality.df[fatality.df$case == case.id, vars]
if (case.id %in% unlist(manual.classification)) {
sel <- vapply(manual.classification, function(x) {
case.id %in% x
}, logical(1L))
within.radius <- names(manual.classification[sel])
} else {
ones <- rbind(case.data[, vars],
stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[, paste0(vars, 1)], vars))
twos <- rbind(case.data[, vars],
stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[, paste0(vars, 2)], vars))
d1 <- as.matrix(stats::dist(ones))[-1, 1]
d2 <- as.matrix(stats::dist(twos))[-1, 1]
# choose road segment with _both_ endpoints <= radius
within.radius <- cholera::road.segments$id[d1 <= radius & d2 <= radius]
ortho.proj.test <- lapply(within.radius, function(seg.id) {
sel <- cholera::road.segments$id == seg.id
xs <- unlist(cholera::road.segments[sel, c("x1", "x2")])
ys <- unlist(cholera::road.segments[sel, c("y1", "y2")])
seg.df <- data.frame(x = xs, y = ys)
ols <- stats::lm(y ~ x, data = seg.df)
road.intercept <- stats::coef(ols)[1]
road.slope <- stats::coef(ols)[2]
ortho.slope <- -1 / road.slope
ortho.intercept <- case.data$y - ortho.slope * case.data$x
x.proj <- (ortho.intercept - road.intercept) / (road.slope - ortho.slope)
y.proj <- road.slope * x.proj + road.intercept
# segment bisection/intersection test
distB <- stats::dist(rbind(seg.df[1, ], c(x.proj, y.proj))) +
stats::dist(rbind(seg.df[2, ], c(x.proj, y.proj)))
bisect.test <- signif(stats::dist(seg.df)) == signif(distB)
if (bisect.test) {
ortho.pts <- data.frame(x.proj, y.proj)
dat <- rbind(c(case.data$x, case.data$y), c(x.proj, y.proj))
data.frame(road.segment = seg.id, ortho.pts, dist = c(stats::dist(dat)))
ortho <- do.call(rbind, ortho.proj.test)
if (is.null(ortho)) {
na.vars <- c("road.segment", "x.proj", "y.proj", "dist", "type")
na.df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(na.vars)))
ortho.location <- stats::setNames(na.df, na.vars)
} else {
ortho.location <- ortho[which.min(ortho$dist), ]
ortho.location$type <- "ortho"
## nearest endpoint of nearest road segment ##
unbisected.segs <- setdiff(within.radius, ortho$road.segment)
if (length(within.radius) <= 1) {
sel <- cholera::road.segments$id == within.radius
candidates <- cholera::road.segments[sel, ]
ones <- stats::setNames(candidates[, paste0(vars, 1)], vars)
twos <- stats::setNames(candidates[, paste0(vars, 2)], vars)
ep.data <- rbind(case.data[, vars], ones, twos)
ep.dist <- as.matrix(stats::dist(ep.data))[-1, 1]
# nearest endpoint of nearest road segment
nearest <- which.min(ep.dist)
if (nearest == 1) {
var.sel <- paste0(vars, 1)
} else if (nearest == 2) {
var.sel <- paste0(vars, 2)
prox.location <- data.frame(road.segment = candidates$id,
x.proj = candidates[, var.sel[1]],
y.proj = candidates[, var.sel[2]],
dist = ep.dist[nearest],
type = "eucl")
} else if (length(unbisected.segs) > 1) {
sel <- cholera::road.segments$id %in% unbisected.segs
candidates <- cholera::road.segments[sel, ]
ones <- stats::setNames(candidates[, paste0(vars, 1)], vars)
twos <- stats::setNames(candidates[, paste0(vars, 2)], vars)
ep.data <- rbind(case.data[, vars], ones, twos)
ep.dist <- as.matrix(stats::dist(ep.data))[-1, 1]
# nearest endpoint of nearest road segment
nearest <- which.min(ep.dist)
if (nearest > nrow(candidates)) {
nearest <- nearest - nrow(candidates)
var.sel <- paste0(vars, 2)
} else {
var.sel <- paste0(vars, 1)
prox.location <- data.frame(road.segment = candidates[nearest, "id"],
x.proj = candidates[nearest, var.sel[1]],
y.proj = candidates[nearest, var.sel[2]],
dist = ep.dist[nearest],
type = "eucl")
nearest.sel <- which.min(c(ortho.location$dist, prox.location$dist))
if (nearest.sel == 1) {
out <- ortho.location
} else if (nearest.sel == 2) {
out <- prox.location
data.frame(case = case.id, out, row.names = NULL)
}, mc.cores = cores)
do.call(rbind, out)
multipleAddress <- function(multiple.obs, ortho.proj, fixed.fatalities,
cutpoint, cores, dev.mode) {
multiple_address <- function(id, ortho.proj, fixed.fatalities, cutpoint) {
cases <- ortho.proj[ortho.proj$road.segment == id, "case"]
ortho <- ortho.proj[ortho.proj$road.segment == id, c("x.proj", "y.proj")]
orientation <- sign(fixed.fatalities[cases, c("x", "y")] - ortho)
sideA <- (orientation$x == -1 & orientation$y == 1) |
(orientation$x == -1 & orientation$y == -1) |
(orientation$x == 0 & orientation$y == 1) |
(orientation$x == 1 & orientation$y == 0)
# side of street
orientation$side <- ifelse(sideA, 1, 0)
if (length(unique(orientation$side)) == 2) {
A <- cases[orientation$side == 1]
B <- cases[orientation$side == 0]
dataA <- ortho.proj[ortho.proj$case %in% A, c("x.proj", "y.proj")]
dataB <- ortho.proj[ortho.proj$case %in% B, c("x.proj", "y.proj")]
if (nrow(dataA) >= 2) {
clusterA <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(dataA))
outA <- stats::cutree(clusterA, h = cutpoint)
} else {
outA <- 1
names(outA) <- row.names(dataA)
if (nrow(dataB) >= 2) {
clusterB <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(dataB))
outB <- stats::cutree(clusterB, h = cutpoint)
} else {
outB <- 1
names(outB) <- row.names(dataB)
outB <- max(outA) + outB
census <- c(outA, outB)
out <- data.frame(case = as.numeric(names(census)), group = census)
row.names(out) <- NULL
} else if (length(unique(orientation$side)) == 1) {
dataA <- ortho.proj[ortho.proj$case %in% cases, c("x.proj", "y.proj")]
if (nrow(dataA) >= 2) {
clusterA <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(dataA))
outA <- stats::cutree(clusterA, h = cutpoint)
} else {
outA <- 1
out <- data.frame(case = cases, group = outA)
row.names(out) <- NULL
sel <- ortho.proj$road.segment == id
out <- merge(out, ortho.proj[sel, c("case", "dist")], by = "case")
out <- out[order(out$group, out$dist), ]
out$anchor <- ifelse(duplicated(out$group) == FALSE, 1, 0)
data.frame(id = id, out)
if ((.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores > 1) | dev.mode) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, envir = environment(),
varlist = c("ortho.proj", "fixed.fatalities", "cutpoint"))
addr <- parallel::parLapply(cl, multiple.obs$id, function(id) {
multiple_address(id, ortho.proj, fixed.fatalities, cutpoint)
} else {
addr <- parallel::mclapply(multiple.obs$id, function(id) {
multiple_address(id, ortho.proj, fixed.fatalities, cutpoint)
}, mc.cores = cores)
multipleUnstack <- function(multiple.address, cores, dev.mode) {
multiple_unstack <- function(x) {
group.id <- unique(x$group)
group.data <- lapply(group.id, function(id) {
tmp <- x[x$group == id, ]
tmp$case.count <- nrow(tmp)
tmp$anchor <- tmp[tmp$anchor == 1, "case"]
tmp$dist <- NULL
do.call(rbind, group.data)
if ((.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores > 1) | dev.mode) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
unstacked <- parallel::parLapply(cl, multiple.address, multiple_unstack)
} else {
unstacked <- parallel::mclapply(multiple.address, multiple_unstack,
mc.cores = cores)
out <- do.call(rbind, unstacked)
out$multiple.obs.seg <- "Yes"
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