
Defines functions nicegee

Documented in nicegee

#' Lisa's GEE Regression Table Function - fit must be geeglm type model 
#' @param df Dataframe. 
#' @param fit geeglm (geepack) model object.
#' @param ref If TRUE, the reference category gets its own line (left blank). 
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param family Model family in quotes ("guassian", "binomial", "poisson"). 
#' @param id id variable.
#' @param exp Exponentiate estimates and CI's? (T or F).
#' @param corstr corstr type ("exch" is default).
#' @param labels Covariate labels - default is NA.
#' @param blanks If TRUE, blank lines will be inserted separating covariates - default is FALSE.
#' @param overallp is whether to do overall Chisq test per variable
#' @param est.dec Number of decimal places for OR estimates - default is 4.
#' @param ci.dec Number of decimal places for 95% CI - default is 4.
#' @param estname Option to override estimate column name. Default is NA.
#' @param pval.dec Number of decimal places for pvalues - default is 4.
#' @keywords pretty table gee logistic regression geeglm geepack 
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @export 
nicegee <- function(df, 
                    family = "gaussian",
                    intercept = FALSE,
                    ref = FALSE,
                    labels = NA, 
                    blanks = FALSE,
                    exp = FALSE,
                    overallp = FALSE,
                    est.dec = 2,
                    ci.dec = 2,
                    pval.dec = 3,
                    estname = NA){
    df <- data.frame(df)
    df <- data.frame(df)
    if (family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")){
        exp <- TRUE
    ciformat <- paste("%.", ci.dec, "f", sep="")
    expconf <- function(x){
              sprintf(ciformat, round(exp(x), ci.dec)[1]), ", ",
              sprintf(ciformat, round(exp(x), ci.dec)[2]) , "]", sep="")
    conf <- function(x){
              sprintf(ciformat, round(x, ci.dec)[1]), ", ",
              sprintf(ciformat, round(x, ci.dec)[2]) , "]", sep="")
    trim <- function(x) {
        gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", x)
    esformat <- paste("%.", est.dec, "f", sep="")
    orig <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef)
    coef_tbl <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef)
    coef_tbl$Estimate <- summary(fit)$coef[,"Estimate"]
    if (exp == TRUE) coef_tbl$Estimate <- exp(coef_tbl$Estimate)
    coef_tbl$Estimate <- sprintf(esformat, round(coef_tbl$Estimate, est.dec))
    names(coef_tbl)[grepl("Est", names(coef_tbl))] <- "R_R"
    names(coef_tbl)[grepl("Pr", names(coef_tbl))] <- "p_value"
    cimat <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(coef_tbl))
    cimat[,1] <- orig$Estimate - (qnorm(0.975)*orig$Std.err)
    cimat[,2] <- orig$Estimate + (qnorm(0.975)*orig$Std.err)
    cimat <- data.frame(cimat)
    rownames(cimat) <- rownames(coef_tbl)
    names(cimat) <- c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")
    if (exp == TRUE)  coef_tbl$CI <- apply(cimat,1,expconf)
    if (exp == FALSE) coef_tbl$CI <- apply(cimat,1,conf)
    sformat <- paste("%.", pval.dec, "f", sep="")
    p_value2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(coef_tbl$p_value, pval.dec))
    if (pval.dec == 4) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
    if (pval.dec == 3) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.001] <- "< 0.001"
    if (pval.dec == 2) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.01] <- "< 0.01"
    coef_tbl$p_value <- p_value2
    out <- strsplit(as.character(fit$formula), "~")[[2]]
    covs <- strsplit(as.character(fit$formula), "~")[[3]]
    covs <- trim(unlist(strsplit(covs, "+", fixed=T)))
    coef_tbl <- coef_tbl[,c("R_R", "CI", "p_value")]
    tbl <- NULL
    if (intercept == TRUE){
        tbl <- coef_tbl["(Intercept)",]
        if (overallp == TRUE) tbl$Overall_pvalue <- NA
        tbl$Variable <- "(Intercept)"
    for (i in 1:length(covs)){
        if (attr(fit$terms, "dataClass")[i+1] == "numeric"){
            tmp <- coef_tbl[grepl(covs[i], rownames(coef_tbl)),]
            if (overallp == TRUE) {
                form <- as.formula(paste(out, " ~ ", paste(covs[-i], collapse=" + "), 
                fit2 <- geeglm(form,
                               id = id,
                               family = binomial,
                               data = df,
                               corstr = corstr)
                op <- anova(fit, fit2)[1,"P(>|Chi|)"]
                op2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(op, pval.dec))
                if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
                if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001] <- "< 0.001"
                if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01] <- "< 0.01"
                tmp$Overall_pvalue <- op2
            if (is.na(labels[1])) tmp$Variable <- covs[i]
            if (!is.na(labels[1])) tmp$Variable <- labels[i]
            if (blanks == TRUE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, blank, tmp)
            if (blanks == FALSE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, tmp)
        if (attr(fit$terms, "dataClass")[i+1] == "factor" |
                attr(fit$terms, "dataClass")[i+1] == "character"){
            df <- data.frame(df)
            df[,covs[i]] <- as.factor(df[,covs[i]] )
            tmp <- coef_tbl[grepl(covs[i], rownames(coef_tbl)),]
            if (overallp == TRUE) tmp$Overall_pvalue <- NA
            title <- data.frame(tmp[1,])
            title[1,] <- NA
            if (overallp == TRUE) {
                form <- as.formula(paste(out, " ~ ", paste(covs[-i], collapse=" + "), 
                fit2 <- geeglm(form,
                               id = id,
                               family = binomial,
                               data = df,
                               corstr = corstr)
                op <- anova(fit, fit2)[1,"P(>|Chi|)"]
                op2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(op, pval.dec))
                if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
                if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001] <- "< 0.001"
                if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01] <- "< 0.01"
                title$Overall_pvalue <- op2
            if (is.na(labels[1])) title$Variable <- covs[i]
            if (!is.na(labels[1])) title$Variable <- labels[i]
            blank <- data.frame(tmp[1,])
            blank <- NA
            reference <- data.frame(tmp[1,])
            reference[1,] <- NA
            reference$Variable <- paste("*", levels(df[,covs[i]])[1])
            if (ref == FALSE){
                tmp$Variable <- 
                    paste("*", levels(df[,covs[i]])[2:nlevels(df[,covs[i]])], "vs.", 
            if (ref == TRUE){
                tmp$Variable <- 
                    paste("*", levels(df[,covs[i]])[2:nlevels(df[,covs[i]])])
            if (blanks == TRUE){
                if (ref == TRUE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, blank, title, reference, tmp)
                if (ref == FALSE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, blank, title, tmp)
            if (blanks == FALSE){
                if (ref == TRUE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, title, reference, tmp)
                if (ref == FALSE) tbl <- rbind(tbl, title, tmp)
    est_name <- "Estimate"
    if (family == "binomial") est_name <- "Odds Ratio"
    if (family == "poisson")  est_name <- "Rate Ratio"
    if (family == "gaussian") est_name <- "Difference"
    if (!is.na(estname)) est_name <- estname
    tbl <- tbl[,c(ncol(tbl), 2:ncol(tbl)-1)]
    if (overallp == TRUE){
        names(tbl) <- c("Variable", est_name, "95% CI", "Wald p-value", "Chisq p-value")
    if (overallp == FALSE){
        names(tbl) <- c("Variable", est_name, "95% CI", "p-value")
    if (overallp == TRUE){
        print(xtable(tbl, align="llccrr"), type='html', 
    if (overallp == FALSE){
        print(xtable(tbl, align = "llccr"), type='html', 
lisaerein/daphne documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:42 a.m.