
Defines functions niceglm

Documented in niceglm

#' Lisa's GLM Regression Table Function
#' This function creates a nice looking regression table for a glm model.
#' Input either a glm object or outcome variable, vector of covariates, model family, and type of analysis (bivariate or multiple regression).
#' The function returns a dataframe with regression coefficients.
#' By default a table is also printed via htmlTable - handy for R markdown html reports.
#' @param df Dataframe [REQUIRED].
#' @param fit GLM model object [fit or family/covs/out are REQUIRED].
#' @param family Model family name in quotes ("guassian", "binomial", "poisson") [fit or family/covs/out are REQUIRED].
#' @param covs Vector of covariates to include in model [fit or family/covs/out are REQUIRED].
#' @param out Outcome for regression model [fit or family/covs/out are REQUIRED].
#' @param regtype Should the covariates be run separately ("uni") or together in a multiple regression model ("multi") [REQUIRED if no fit].
#' @param intercept If TRUE the intercept will be included in the table. Default is FALSE.
#' @param overallp If TRUE, a likelihood ratio test pvalue (using drop1 Chisq tests) will be calculated for each variable. Default is TRUE.
#' @param est.dec Number of decimal places for estimates. Default is 2.
#' @param ci.dec Number of decimal places for 95% confidence interval. Default is 2.
#' @param pval.dec Number of decimal places for pvalues. Default is 3.
#' @param estname Option to override default estimate column name. Default is NA.
#' @param exp Option to exponentiate coefficients and CI's. Default is NA (estimates are only exponentiated for binomial and poisson family models by default).
#' @param htmlTable Whether to use htmlTable package to display table (instead of xtable). Default is TRUE
#' @param color Hex color to use for htmlTable output. Default is "#EEEEEE" (grey).
#' @param printRMD Whether to print resulting table to Rmd via xtable. Default is FALSE
#' @param printR2 Whether to include R squared value in label. Default = FALSE.
#' @keywords glm table logistic poisson linear regression coefficients
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @importFrom htmlTable htmlTable
#' @importFrom htmltools html_print
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @export
niceglm    <- function(df,
                       fit = NA,
                       family = NA,
                       covs = NA,
                       out = NA,
                       regtype = "multi",
                       exp = NA,
                       estname = NA,
                       intercept = FALSE,
                       labels = NA,
                       overallp = FALSE,
                       est.dec = 2,
                       ci.dec = 2,
                       pval.dec = 3,
                       color = "#EEEEEE",
                       printRMD = FALSE,
                       printR2 = FALSE,
                       htmlTable = TRUE){

  ## for testing purposes
  # library(MASS)
  # head(survey <- survey)
  # survey$out01 <- as.numeric(survey$Sex)-1
  # df  = survey
  # fit = NA
  # family =
  # covs = c("Sex", "Age", "Height")
  # # out = "Wr.Hnd"
  # # family = "gaussian"
  # out = "out01"
  # family = "binomial"
  # regtype = "uni"
  # exp = NA
  # estname = NA
  # intercept = FALSE
  # labels = NA
  # overallp = FALSE
  # est.dec = 2
  # ci.dec = 2
  # pval.dec = 3
  # color = "#EEEEEE"
  # printRMD = FALSE
  # printR2 = TRUE
  # htmlTable = TRUE

  ### run separate models for univariate and 1 model for multivariate analyses
  ### if model fit is provided, make table as is
  if (!is.na(fit[1])) regtype <- "multi"

  if (regtype == "uni"  ) {
    nmods <- length(covs)
    covlist <- as.list(covs)
    intercept <- FALSE
  if (regtype == "multi") {
    nmods <- 1
    covlist <- list(covs)

  tbl_uni <- NULL
  rgroup_uni <- NULL

  for (j in 1:nmods){

    ### if needed, run the model
    if (is.na(fit[1]) & !is.na(covlist[[j]][1]) & !is.na(out) & !is.na(family)){

      form <- as.formula(paste(out, "~", paste(covlist[[j]], collapse = " + ")))
      fit <- glm(form, data = df, family = family)

    ### calcaulate r-squared
    rsq <- 1 - (fit$deviance/fit$null.deviance)
    if (family(fit)$family == "gaussian"){
        fit <- lm(form, data = df)
        rsq <- summary(fit)$r.squared

    ### get family/covariates/types from glm object (fit) attributes
    nobs_fit <- nobs(fit)
    covs <- attr(terms(fit), "term.labels")

    class <- attr(terms(fit), "dataClasses")[-1]
    type <- rep(NA, length(covs))
    type[class %in% c("numeric", "integer")] <- 1
    type[class %in% c("factor", "character")] <- 2

    if (is.na(family)) family <- summary(fit)$family[1]

    ########## formatting table of model coefficients ###############

    ciformat <- paste("%.", ci.dec, "f", sep="")

    if (is.na(exp) & family %in% c("binomial", "poisson", "quasibinomial", "quasipoisson")){
      exp <- TRUE
    if (is.na(exp) & family %in% c("gaussian")){
      exp <- FALSE

    ### if no estimate name is specified pick a reasonable name for each situation
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "binomial"      & exp == TRUE)  estname <- "OR"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "poisson"       & exp == TRUE)  estname <- "RR"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "quasibinomial" & exp == TRUE)  estname <- "OR"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "quasipoisson"  & exp == TRUE)  estname <- "RR"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "gaussian"      & exp == TRUE)  estname <- "Ratio"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "quasibinomial" & exp == FALSE) estname <- "Estimate"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "quasipoisson"  & exp == FALSE) estname <- "Estimate"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "binomial"      & exp == FALSE) estname <- "Estimate"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "poisson"       & exp == FALSE) estname <- "Estimate"
    if (is.na(estname) & family == "gaussian"      & exp == FALSE) estname <- "Difference"

    if (exp){
      conf <- function(x){
              sprintf(ciformat, round(exp(x), ci.dec)[1]), ", ",
              sprintf(ciformat, round(exp(x), ci.dec)[2]) , "]", sep="")
    if (exp == FALSE){
      conf <- function(x){
              sprintf(ciformat, round(x, ci.dec)[1]), ", ",
              sprintf(ciformat, round(x, ci.dec)[2]) , "]", sep="")

    trim <- function(x) {
      gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", x)

    esformat <- paste("%.", est.dec, "f", sep="")

    coef_tbl <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef)
    if (exp)          coef_tbl$Estimate <- exp(summary(fit)$coef[,"Estimate"])
    if (exp == FALSE) coef_tbl$Estimate <-    (summary(fit)$coef[,"Estimate"])
    coef_tbl$Estimate <- sprintf(esformat, round(coef_tbl$Estimate, est.dec))

    names(coef_tbl)[grepl("Est", names(coef_tbl))] <- estname
    names(coef_tbl)[grepl("Pr", names(coef_tbl))] <- "p_value"

    cimat <- data.frame(confint(fit))
    if (nrow(coef_tbl) == 1) coef_tbl$CI <- conf(t(cimat))
    if (nrow(coef_tbl) >  1) coef_tbl$CI <- apply(cimat,1,conf)

    sformat <- paste("%.", pval.dec, "f", sep="")

    p_value2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(coef_tbl$p_value, pval.dec))
    if (pval.dec == 4) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
    if (pval.dec == 3) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.001]  <- "< 0.001"
    if (pval.dec == 2) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.01]   <- "< 0.01"
    if (pval.dec == 4) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.9999] <- "> 0.9999"
    if (pval.dec == 3) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.999]  <- "> 0.999"
    if (pval.dec == 2) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.99]   <- "> 0.99"
    if (htmlTable){
      if (pval.dec == 4) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.0001] <- "&lt; 0.0001"
      if (pval.dec == 3) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.001]  <- "&lt; 0.001"
      if (pval.dec == 2) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value < 0.01]   <- "&lt; 0.01"
      if (pval.dec == 4) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.9999] <- "&gt; 0.9999"
      if (pval.dec == 3) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.999]  <- "&gt; 0.999"
      if (pval.dec == 2) p_value2[coef_tbl$p_value > 0.99]   <- "&gt; 0.99"
    coef_tbl$p_value <- p_value2

    coef_tbl <- coef_tbl[,c(estname, "CI", "p_value")]

    tbl <- NULL
    rgroup <- NULL

    rowlab <- NULL

    if (intercept == TRUE){
      tbl <- coef_tbl["(Intercept)",]
      rgroup <- "none"
      if (overallp == TRUE) tbl$Overall_pvalue <- NA
      tbl$Variable <- "(Intercept)"

    ### create variable for coefficient table line number
    line <- 1

    for (i in 1:length(covs)){

      if (type[i] == 1){
        ngroups <- 1
        line <- line + ngroups
        tmp <- coef_tbl[line,]
        if (overallp == TRUE) {
          op <- drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")[covs[i],"Pr(>Chi)"]
          op2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(op, pval.dec))
          if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
          if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001]  <- "< 0.001"
          if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01]   <- "< 0.01"
          if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op > 0.9999] <- "> 0.9999"
          if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op > 0.999]  <- "> 0.999"
          if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op > 0.99]   <- "> 0.99"
          if (htmlTable){
            if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "&lt; 0.0001"
            if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001]  <- "&lt; 0.001"
            if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01]   <- "&lt; 0.01"
            if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op > 0.9999] <- "&gt; 0.9999"
            if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op > 0.999]  <- "&gt; 0.999"
            if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op > 0.99]   <- "&gt; 0.99"
          tmp$Overall_pvalue <- op2

        if (is.na(labels[1])) tmp$Variable <- covs[i]
        if (!is.na(labels[1])) {
          if (regtype == "multi") tmp$Variable <- labels[i]
          if (regtype == "uni"  ) tmp$Variable <- labels[j]
        if (regtype == "uni") tmp$Variable <- paste(tmp$Variable, " (N = ", nobs_fit, ")", sep="")

        tbl <- rbind(tbl, tmp)

        rowlab <- c(rowlab, TRUE, rep(FALSE, (nrow(tmp)-1)))


      if (type[i] == 2){

        df[,covs[i]] <- as.factor(df[,covs[i]])
        ngroups <- nlevels(df[,covs[i]])
        tmp <- coef_tbl[(line+1):(line+ngroups-1),]
        line <- line + ngroups - 1
        if (overallp == TRUE) tmp$Overall_pvalue <- NA
        title <- data.frame(tmp[1,])
        title[1,] <- NA
        if (overallp == TRUE) {
          op <- drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")[covs[i],"Pr(>Chi)"]
          op2 <- sprintf(sformat, round(op, pval.dec))

          if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "< 0.0001"
          if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001]  <- "< 0.001"
          if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01]   <- "< 0.01"
          if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op > 0.9999] <- "> 0.9999"
          if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op > 0.999]  <- "> 0.999"
          if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op > 0.99]   <- "> 0.99"
          if (htmlTable){
            if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op < 0.0001] <- "&lt; 0.0001"
            if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op < 0.001]  <- "&lt; 0.001"
            if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op < 0.01]   <- "&lt; 0.01"
            if (pval.dec == 4) op2[op > 0.9999] <- "&gt; 0.9999"
            if (pval.dec == 3) op2[op > 0.999]  <- "&gt; 0.999"
            if (pval.dec == 2) op2[op > 0.99]   <- "&gt; 0.99"
          title$Overall_pvalue <- op2
        if (is.na(labels[1])) title$Variable <- covs[i]
        if (!is.na(labels[1])) {
          if (regtype == "multi") title$Variable <- labels[i]
          if (regtype == "uni"  ) title$Variable <- labels[j]
        if (regtype == "uni") title$Variable <- paste(title$Variable, " (N = ", nobs_fit, ")", sep="")

        tmp$Variable <- paste("*", levels(df[,covs[i]])[2:nlevels(df[,covs[i]])], "vs.",

        tbl <- rbind(tbl, title, tmp)

        rowlab <- c(rowlab, TRUE, rep(FALSE, (nrow(tmp)-1)))


      ### set colors for htmlTable striping
      if (i %% 2 != 0) rgroup <- c(rgroup, rep(color, ngroups))
      if (i %% 2 == 0) rgroup <- c(rgroup, rep("none", ngroups))


    tbl <- tbl[,c(ncol(tbl), 2:ncol(tbl)-1)]

    tbl_uni <- rbind(tbl_uni, tbl)
    fit <- NA

    ### set colors for htmlTable striping
    if (j %% 2 == 0) rgroup_uni <- c(rgroup_uni, rep("none", nrow(tbl)))
    if (j %% 2 != 0) rgroup_uni <- c(rgroup_uni, rep(color, nrow(tbl)))

    tbl <- tbl_uni

    if (overallp == TRUE){
        names(tbl) <- c("Variable", estname, "95% CI", "Wald p-value", "LR p-value")
    if (overallp == FALSE){
        names(tbl) <- c("Variable", estname, "95% CI", "p-value")
    if (printRMD){
        if (overallp == TRUE){
            print(xtable(tbl, align="llccrr"), type='html', include.rownames=F)
        if (overallp == FALSE){
            print(xtable(tbl, align = "llccr"), type='html', include.rownames=F)

    if (htmlTable){
        final_html <- tbl

        ### stop htmlTable from treating everything as a factor
        for (i in 1:ncol(final_html)){

            if (class(final_html[,i]) != "character") final_html[,i] <- as.character(final_html[,i])
            # Encoding(final_html[,i]) <- "latin1"
        head <- grepl("*", final_html[,"Variable"], fixed =T) == FALSE
        final_html[head,"Variable"] <- paste("<b>",
                                             "<b/>", sep="")
        final_html[,"Variable"] <- gsub("*",
                                        "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;",
                                        fixed = T)

        ### create htmlTable
        if (regtype == "uni"  ) myrgroup <- rgroup_uni
        if (regtype == "multi") myrgroup <- rgroup
        if (regtype == "uni"  ) myrowlab <- ""
        if (regtype == "multi") myrowlab <- paste("N =", nobs_fit)

        if (printR2 & (regtype == "multi")){
          # rsq <- 1-(fit$deviance/fit$null.deviance)
          R2 <- sprintf("%4.3f",round(rsq,3))
          myrowlab <- paste("N = ", nobs_fit, "; R2 = ", R2, sep="")

        htmlver <- htmlTable(x = final_html[,2:ncol(final_html)],
                             rnames = final_html[,"Variable"],
                             rowlabel = myrowlab,
                             escape.html = FALSE,
                             css.cell='border-collapse: collapse; padding: 4px;',
        # html_print(htmlver)
        # knit_print(htmlver)


lisaerein/daphne documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:42 a.m.