
# Modelling related functions
# Modelling receives the population data and outputs goodness-of-fit for each element of the population
# Input: list of (boolean data.frame with column 'features' and rows element of the population)
# Output: list of (boolean data.frame with column 'features' and rows element of the population, goodness-of-fit)

# Deprecated
check_input <- function(input) {
  #' Checking Modelling Input
  #' Checks whether the input is the appropriate format
  #' @author Louis Rémus
  #' @param input list of data.frames
  #' @examples
  #' check_input(input = list(data.frame(a=1), data.frame(b=2)))
  #' @return Nothing
  lapply(input, stopifnot(is.data.frame))

# get dataset and target_names, output Y_variable(one column), X_variable(feature matrix)
split_data <- function(dataset, target_name){
  y_variable <- dataset[target_name]
  x_variable <- setdiff(dataset,y_variable)

# Unit function
get_goodness_of_fit <- function(df, regression_target, criterion = "AIC", glmindicator = FALSE, family = gaussian) {
  #' Goodness of Fit
  #' Returns the goodness-of-fit for regression_target ~ df
  #' @author Louis Rémus, Jinhui Xu
  #' @param df data.frame: regression_target and covariates
  #' @param regression_target character: column of df regressed on other covariates in df
  #' @param criterion character: goodness of fit criterion
  #' @example get_goodness_of_fit(df = subset_data, regression_target = regression_target, criterion = "AIC")
  #' @return Goodness of fit value for the given regression problem


  # Get the function
  criterion_function <- match.fun(criterion)

  # Build the formula

  x <- as.data.frame(df[,(2:dim(df)[2])])
  if (glmindicator == TRUE)
    fit<- glm(df[,1] ~., family = gaussian, data = x)
    fit <- lm(df[,1] ~., data = x)

  goodness_of_fit <- criterion_function(fit)

#   #parallize
#   ncores <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv('SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE'))
#   registerDoParallel(ncores)
#   out <- foreach(i = 1:length(filenames),.combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {


compute_population_goodness_of_fit <- function(data, population, regression_target,
                                               criterion = "AIC", verbose = FALSE) {
  #' Compute Population Goodness of Fit
  #' Returns the goodness of fit for the given population
  #' @author Louis Rémus, Jinhui Xu
  #' @param data data.frame: regression_target and covariates
  #' @param population data.frame: selected column per element of the population
  #' @param regression_target character: column of df regressed on other covariates in df
  #' @param criterion character: goodness of fit criterion
  #' @example
  #' population_new = compute_population_goodness_of_fit(data = main_dataset, population = population, regression_target = 'col_1')
  #' @return Returns the goodness of fit for the given population


  # Make sure we always have the regression_target column
  # stopifnot(all(population[regression_target] == 1))
  # Make sure there is more than zeros column
  stopifnot(dim(data)[2] > 0)

  # Compute goodness of fit for each element of the population
  if (verbose) print('Computing goodness of fit for population')

  goodness_of_fit_values <- sapply(1:nrow(population), function(i){
    if (verbose) print(paste("Processing element:", i))
    if (sum(population[i, ]) == 0) return(100000)
    selected_columns <- as.logical(population[i, ])

    y_variable <- split_data(dataset = data, regression_target)[[1]]
    x_variable <- split_data(dataset = data, regression_target)[[2]]
    x_names <- names(x_variable[ selected_columns])
    subset_data <- cbind(y_variable,x_variable[selected_columns])
    return(get_goodness_of_fit(df = subset_data, regression_target = regression_target,  criterion = criterion))
  population <- cbind(population, goodness_of_fit_values)

# generate_toy_dataset <- function(n_cols = 7, n_rows = 100, n_population = 50, regression_target = "V1") {
#   #' Generate a toy dataset
#   #'
#   #' Returns a toy dataset in the appropriate format
#   #' Enforce 1s in the regression_target column, and sum of row for population > 1 (otherwise no regression)
#   #'
#   #' @author Louis Rémus
#   #' @param n_cols : number of columns of the regression dataset
#   #' @param n_rows : number of rows of the regression dataset
#   #' @param n_population : number of rows of the population dataset
#   #' @param regression_target character: column of df regressed on other covariates in df
#   #' @example
#   #' @return main_dataset, population_dataset
#   stopifnot(is.character(regression_target))
#   main_dataset <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(n = n_rows * n_cols), nrow = n_rows, ncol = n_cols))
#   population <- as.data.frame(matrix(rbinom(n = n_population * n_cols, prob = .5, size = 1), ncol = n_cols))
#   # Make sure we always have the regression_target column in our regressions
#   # population[regression_target] = 1
#   # Make sure we do not have rows with sum of bool = 1 (means no regression)
#   if (any(rowSums(population) <= 1)) {
#     # list of covariates
#     col_names <- names(population)
#     col_names <- col_names[col_names != regression_target]
#     # Put a one in the first covariate
#     population[, col_names][rowSums(population[, col_names]) == 0, 1] = 1
#   }
#   return(list(population = population[, col_names],
#               main_dataset = main_dataset))
# }
# ###test
# ####generate dataset and population
# main_dataset <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(n = 100 * 8), nrow = 100, ncol = 8))
# population <- matrix(rbinom(n = 1000 * 7, prob = 0.5, size = 1), ncol = 7)
# population_new <- compute_population_goodness_of_fit(data = main_dataset,
#                                                      population = population,
#                                                      "V1")
lixiao0214/GA documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:06 p.m.