
Defines functions sacSma_mon

Documented in sacSma_mon

#' @title Sacremento Soil Moisture Accounting Model SAC-SMA
#' @description revised based on sacsmaR package
#' @param par model parameters (11 soil parameters)
#' @param ini.states initial parameters
#' @param prcp daily precipitation data
#' @param pet potential evapotranspiration, in mm
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sacSma_mon(pet, prcp,par)
#' }
#' @rdname sacSim_mon
#' @export
sacSma_mon <- function(pet, prcp,par,ini.states = c(0,0,500,500,500,0)) {
  if(sum(names(par) %in% c("UZTWM","UZFWM","UZK", "ZPERC",  "REXP", "LZTWM", "LZFSM", "LZFPM",  "LZSK",  "LZPK", "PFREE"))==11){
    uztwm  <-  par["UZTWM"]    # Upper zone tension water capacity [mm]
    uzfwm  <-  par["UZFWM"]    # Upper zone free water capacity [mm]
    lztwm  <-  par["LZTWM"]    # Lower zone tension water capacity [mm]
    lzfpm  <-  par["LZFPM"]    # Lower zone primary free water capacity [mm]
    lzfsm  <-  par["LZFSM"]    # Lower zone supplementary free water capacity [mm]
    uzk    <-  par["UZK"]    # Upper zone free water lateral depletion rate [1/day]
    lzpk   <-  par["LZPK"]    # Lower zone primary free water depletion rate [1/day]
    lzsk   <-  par["LZSK"]    # Lower zone supplementary free water depletion rate [1/day]
    zperc  <-  par["ZPERC"]    # Percolation demand scale parameter [-]
    rexp   <-  par["REXP"]   # Percolation demand shape parameter [-]
    pfree  <-  par["PFREE"]   # Percolating water split parameter (decimal fraction)
    pctim  <- 0 #   par[12]   # Impervious fraction of the watershed area (decimal fraction)
    adimp  <- 0 #  par[13]   # Additional impervious areas (decimal fraction)
    riva   <- 0 #  par[14]   # Riparian vegetation area (decimal fraction)
    side   <- 0 # par[15]   # The ratio of deep recharge to channel base flow [-]
    rserv  <- 0 #par[16]   # Fraction of lower zone free water not transferrable (decimal fraction)
    print("Input soil parameter is missing")

  # Initial Storage States (SAC-SMA)
  uztwc <- uztwm # Upper zone tension water storage
  uzfwc <- 1.0 # Upper zone free water storage
  lztwc <- lztwm # Lower zone tension water storage
  lzfsc <- lzfsm*0.75 # Lower zone supplementary free water storage
  lzfpc <- lzfpm*0.75 # Upper zone primary free water storage
  adimc <- 0 # Additional impervious area storage

  simaet  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  simflow   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  base_tot  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  surf_tot  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  uztwc_ts   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  uzfwc_ts  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  lztwc_ts  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  lzfpc_ts  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))
  lzfsc_ts  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(prcp))

  thres_zero  <- 0.00001 # Threshold to be considered as zero
  parea       <- 1 - adimp - pctim

  for (i in 1:length(prcp)) {

    ### Set input precipitation and potential evapotranspiration
    pr = prcp[i] # This could be effective rainfall, a sum of rainfall and snowmelt
    edmnd = pet[i]

    ## Compute for different compnents...
    # ET(1), ET from Upper zone tension water storage
    et1 <- edmnd * uztwc/uztwm
    red <- edmnd - et1  # residual ET demand
    uztwc <- uztwc - et1

    # ET(2), ET from upper zone free water storage
    et2 <- 0
    #print(paste0("I=",i," uztwm= ",uztwm," uztwc= ",uztwc," et1= ", et1, " pr= ",pr," pet= ",edmnd))
    # in case et1 > uztws, no water in the upper tension water storage
    if (uztwc <= 0) {
      et1 <- et1 + uztwc #et1 = uztwc
      uztwc <- 0
      red <- edmnd - et1

      # when upper zone free water content is less than residual ET
      if (uzfwc < red) {

        # all content at upper zone free water zone will be gone as ET
        et2 <- uzfwc
        uzfwc <- 0
        red <- red - et2
        if (uztwc < thres_zero) uztwc <- 0
        if (uzfwc < thres_zero) uzfwc <- 0

        # when upper zone free water content is more than residual ET
      } else {
        et2 <- red  # all residual ET will be gone as ET
        uzfwc <- uzfwc - et2
        red <- 0

      # in case et1 <= uztws, all maximum et (et1) are consumed at uztwc,
      # so no et from uzfwc (et2=0)
    } else {

      # There's possibility that upper zone free water ratio exceeds
      #upper zone tension water ratio. If so, free water is transferred to
      #tension water storage

      if((uztwc / uztwm) < (uzfwc / uzfwm)) {
        uzrat = (uztwc + uzfwc) / (uztwm + uzfwm)
        uztwc = uztwm * uzrat
        uzfwc = uzfwm * uzrat

      if(uztwc < thres_zero) uztwc = 0
      if(uzfwc < thres_zero) uzfwc = 0


    # ET(3), ET from Lower zone tension water storage when residual ET > 0
    et3 <- red * lztwc / (uztwm + lztwm) #residual ET is always bigger than ET(3)
    lztwc <- lztwc - et3

    # if lztwc is less than zero, et3 cannot exceed lztws
    if(lztwc < 0) {
      et3   <- et3 + lztwc  # et3 = lztwc
      lztwc <- 0

    # Water resupply from Lower free water storages to Lower tension water storage
    saved  <- rserv * (lzfpm + lzfsm)
    ratlzt <- lztwc / lztwm
    ratlz  <- (lztwc + lzfpc + lzfsc - saved) / (lztwm + lzfpm + lzfsm - saved)

    # water is first taken from supplementary water storage for resupply
    if (ratlzt < ratlz) {

      del <- (ratlz - ratlzt) * lztwm
      lztwc <- lztwc + del  # Transfer water from lzfss to lztws
      lzfsc <- lzfsc - del

      # if tranfer exceeds lzfsc then remainder comes from lzfps
      if(lzfsc < 0) {
        lzfpc <- lzfpc + lzfsc
        lzfsc <- 0

    if(lztwc < thres_zero) {lztwc <- 0}
# Comment for additional imprevious ET
    # # ET(5), ET from additional impervious (ADIMP) area
    # # ????? no idea where this come from, I think there's a possibility that et5 can be negative values
    et5   <- et1 + (red + et2) * (adimc - et1 - uztwc) / (uztwm + lztwm)
    adimc <- adimc - et5
    if(adimc < 0) {
      #et5 cannot exceed adimc
      et5 <- et5 + adimc # et5 = adimc
      adimc <- 0
    et5 <- et5 * adimp

    # Time interval available moisture in excess of uztw requirements
    twx <- pr + uztwc - uztwm

    # all moisture held in uztw- no excess
    if(twx < 0) {
      uztwc <- uztwc + pr
      twx <- 0
      # moisture available in excess of uztw storage
    } else {
      uztwc = uztwm
# ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
    # for now twx is excess rainfall after filling the uztwc
# ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
    adimc <- adimc + pr - twx

    # Compute Impervious Area Runoff
    roimp <- pr * pctim

    # Initialize time interval sums
    sbf   <- 0  # Sum of total baseflow(from primary and supplemental storages)
    ssur  <- 0  # Sum of surface runoff
    sif   <- 0  # Sum of interflow
    sperc <- 0  # Time interval summation of percolation
    sdro  <- 0  # Sum of direct runoff from the additional impervious area

    # Determine computational time increments for the basic time interval
    ninc <- floor(1.0 + 0.2*(uzfwc+twx))  # Number of time increments that interval is divided into for further soil-moisture accountng

    dinc <- 1.0 / ninc                    # Length of each increment in days
    pinc <- twx / ninc                    # Amount of available moisture for each increment

    # Compute free water depletion fractions for the time increment
    #(basic depletions are for one day)
    duz   <- 1 - (1 - uzk)^dinc
    dlzp  <- 1 - (1 - lzpk)^dinc
    dlzs  <- 1 - (1 - lzsk)^dinc
# This is different to Peter's
    # duz   <- uzk*dinc
    # dlzp  <- lzpk*dinc
    # dlzs  <- lzsk*dinc

    #print(paste0("ninc=", str(ninc)))

    # Start incremental for-loop for the time interval
    for (n in 1:ninc){

      adsur <- 0 # Amount of surface runoff. This will be updated.
      excess<- 0  # the excess of LZ soil water capacity

      # Compute direct runoff from adimp area
      ratio <- (adimc - uztwc) / lztwm
      if(ratio < 0) ratio <- 0

      # Amount of direct runoff from the additional impervious area
      addro <- pinc*(ratio^2)

      # Compute baseflow and keep track of time interval sum
      # Baseflow from free water primary storage
      bf_p <- lzfpc * dlzp
      lzfpc <- lzfpc - bf_p
      if(lzfpc <= 0.0001) {
        bf_p  <- bf_p + lzfpc
        lzfpc <- 0

      sbf <- sbf + bf_p
      spbf<- sbf + bf_p
      # Baseflow from free water supplemental storage
      bf_s  <- lzfsc * dlzs
      lzfsc <- lzfsc - bf_s
      if (lzfsc <= 0.0001) {
        bf_s <- bf_s + lzfsc
        lzfsc <- 0

      # Total Baseflow from primary and supplemental storages
      sbf <- sbf + bf_s

      # Compute PERCOLATION- if no water available then skip.
      if((pinc + uzfwc) <= 0.01) {
        uzfwc <- uzfwc + pinc
      } else {

        # Limiting drainage rate from the combined saturated lower zone storages
        percm <- lzfpm * dlzp + lzfsm * dlzs
        perc <- percm * uzfwc / uzfwm

        # DEFR is the lower zone moisture deficiency ratio
        defr <- 1.0 - (lztwc + lzfpc + lzfsc)/(lztwm + lzfpm + lzfsm)

        if(defr < 0) {defr <- 0}

        perc <- perc * (1.0 + zperc * (defr^rexp))

        # Note. . . percolation occurs from uzfws before pav is added

        # Percolation rate exceeds uzfws
        if(perc >= uzfwc) {perc <- uzfwc}

        uzfwc <- uzfwc - perc    # Percolation rate is less than uzfws.

        # Check to see if percolation exceeds lower zone deficiency.
        check <- lztwc + lzfpc + lzfsc + perc - lztwm - lzfpm - lzfsm
        if(check > 0) {
          perc <- perc - check
          uzfwc <- uzfwc + check

        # SPERC is the time interval summation of PERC
        sperc <- sperc + perc

        # Compute interflow and keep track of time interval sum. Note that PINC has not yet been added.
        del <- uzfwc * duz # The amount of interflow

        ## Check whether interflow is larger than uzfwc
        if (del > uzfwc) {
          uzfwc <- uzfwc - del

        sif <- sif + del

        # Distribute percolated water into the lower zones. Tension water
        # must be filled first except for the PFREE area. PERCT is
        # percolation to tension water and PERCF is percolation going to
        # free water.

        perct <- perc * (1.0 - pfree)  # Percolation going to the tension water storage
        if((perct + lztwc) <= lztwm) {

          lztwc <- lztwc + perct
          percf <- 0 # Pecolation going to th lower zone free water storages

        } else {

          percf <- lztwc + perct - lztwm
          lztwc <- lztwm


        # Distribute percolation in excess of tension requirements among the free water storages.
        percf <- percf + (perc * pfree)

        if(percf != 0) {

          # Relative size of the primary storage as compared with total lower zone free water storages.
          hpl <- lzfpm / (lzfpm + lzfsm)

          # Relative fullness of each storage.
          ratlp <- lzfpc / lzfpm
          ratls <- lzfsc / lzfsm

          # The fraction going to primary
          fracp <- hpl * 2 * (1 - ratlp) / (2 - ratlp - ratls)

          if(fracp > 1.0) {fracp <- 1.0}

          percp <- percf * fracp # Amount of the excess percolation going to primary
          percs <- percf - percp # Amount of the excess percolation going to supplemental
          lzfsc <- lzfsc + percs

          if(lzfsc > lzfsm) {
            percs <- percs - lzfsc + lzfsm
            lzfsc <- lzfsm

          lzfpc <- lzfpc + percf - percs

# This is different to Peter's
          # Check to make sure lzfps does not exceed lzfpm
          if(lzfpc >= lzfpm) {
            excess <- lzfpc - lzfpm
            lztwc <- lztwc + excess
            lzfpc <- lzfpm
            if(lztwc >= lztwm) {
              excess <- lztwc - lztwm
              lztwc <- lztwm


#---------------   #---------------

        # Distribute PINC between uzfws and surface runoff
        if((pinc+excess) != 0) {

          # check if pinc exceeds uzfwm
          if((pinc + uzfwc+excess) <= uzfwm) {

            uzfwc <- uzfwc + pinc+excess  # no surface runoff
          } else {
            sur <- pinc + uzfwc + excess - uzfwm # Surface runoff
            uzfwc <- uzfwm

            ssur = ssur + (sur * parea)

            # ADSUR is the amount of surface runoff which comes from
            # that portion of adimp which is not currently generating
            # direct runoff. ADDRO/PINC is the fraction of adimp
            # currently generating direct runoff.
            adsur = sur * (1.0 - addro / pinc)
            ssur = ssur + adsur * adimp


      adimc <- adimc + pinc - addro - adsur
      if(adimc > (uztwm + lztwm)) {
        addro = addro + adimc - (uztwm + lztwm)
        adimc = uztwm + lztwm

      # Direct runoff from the additional impervious area
      sdro  = sdro + (addro * adimp)

      if(adimc < thres_zero) {adimc <- 0}

    } # END of incremental for loop

    # Compute sums and adjust runoff amounts by the area over which they are generated.

    # EUSED is the ET from PAREA which is 1.0 - adimp - pctim
    eused <- et1 + et2 + et3
    sif <- sif * parea

    # Separate channel component of baseflow from the non-channel component
    tbf <- sbf * parea   # TBF is the total baseflow
    bfcc <- tbf / (1 + side)    # BFCC is baseflow, channel component

    bfp = (spbf * parea) / (1.0 + side)
    bfs = bfcc - bfp
    if (bfs < 0.) bfs = 0

    # Ground flow and Surface flow
    base <- bfcc                       # Baseflow and Interflow are considered as Ground inflow to the channel
    surf <- roimp + sdro + ssur + sif  # Surface flow consists of Direct runoff and Surface inflow to the channel

    # ET(4)- ET from riparian vegetation.
    et4 <- (edmnd - eused) * riva  # no effect if riva is set to zero

    # Compute total evapotransporation - TET
    eused <- eused * parea
    tet <- eused + et4 + et5

    # Check that adimc >= uztws
# This is not sure?
    #if(adimc > uztwc) adimc <- uztwc

    # Total inflow to channel for a timestep
    tot_outflow <- surf + base - et4;

    ### ------- Adjustments to prevent negative flows -------------------------#

    # If total outflow <0 surface and baseflow needs to be updated
    if (tot_outflow < 0) {

      tot_outflow = 0; surf = 0; base = 0;

    } else {

      surf_remainder = surf - et4
      surf <- max(0,surf_remainder)

      if (surf_remainder < 0) { # In this case, base is reduced

        base = base + surf_remainder
        if (base < 0) base = 0

    # Total inflow to channel for a timestep
    simaet[i]  <- tet
    simflow[i]  <- tot_outflow
    surf_tot[i] <- surf
    base_tot[i] <- base
    uztwc_ts[i] <- uztwc
    uzfwc_ts[i]  <- uzfwc
    lztwc_ts[i]  <- lztwc
    lzfpc_ts[i]  <- lzfpc
    lzfsc_ts[i]  <- lzfsc
  } #close time-loop
  return(data.frame("aetTot" = simaet,"flwTot" = simflow, "flwSurface" = surf_tot, "flwBase" = base_tot,
ln1267/dWaSSI documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 4:39 a.m.