
Defines functions memevolution

Documented in memevolution

#' @title Evolution of estimators
#' @description
#' Function \code{memevolution} analyzes the evolution of mem estimators
#' @name memevolution
#' @param i.data Data frame of input data.
#' @param i.evolution.seasons Maximum number of seasons to use.
#' @param i.evolution.method method to calculate evolution.
#' @param ... other parameters passed to memmodel.
#' @return
#' \code{memevolution} returns a list.
#' A list containing at least the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{evolution.data} {data for each value analysed.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Shows the evolution of some indicators across time. The indicators are: duration of the epidemic,
#' start of the epidemic, epidemic percentage, pre-epidemic, post-epidemic and intensity thresholds.
#' Values per season are the estimates of the indicator for this specific season calculated according the
#' \link{memmodel} options: cross or sequential (validation option), maximum number of seasons to use in calculations.
#' In \link{memmodel} is it also possible to select the method used to calculate indicators and the level of
#' confidence of the confidence intervals.
#' To clarify how it is calculated, the \code{evolution.seasons} showss for each x-axis point the seasons
#' selected to calculate thresholds. Each row is a different season and in each column it is shown if that
#' specific season has been used to calculate the indicators. If \code{TRUE}, it has been used, if \code{NO}, it hasn't.
#' In the last row, called Next, the indicators are calculated for the upcoming next season.
#' Note that if you select sequential validation, first points in the graphs calculate thresholds
#' using less data (there are less seasons before the current data than the max. seasons value), and
#' this will affect the range of confidence intervals.
#' There are four indicators:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Duration: Average duration of the epidemic and its confidence interval.
#' \item Start: Average start of the epidemic and its confidence interval.
#' \item Epidemic percentage: The sum of the values (cases/rates) in the epidemic period
#' divided by the total sum of values of the whole surveillance period. It's a coverage percentage
#' of the epidemic period. And its confidence interval.
#' \item Thresholds: Pre-epidemic, post-epidemic and intensity thresholds.
#' }
#' The confidence intervals for these indicators are calculated using the other CI and other CI.
#' level parameters of \link{memmodel}.
#' @examples
#' # Castilla y Leon Influenza Rates data
#' data(flucyl)
#' # evolution of estimators
#' evolution <- memevolution(flucyl)
#' evolution$evolution.data
#' @author Jose E. Lozano \email{lozalojo@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, Gutierrez Perez M. Modelling influenza epidemic - can we
#' detect the beginning and predict the intensity and duration? Int Congr Ser. 2004 Jun;1263:281-3.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Mott J, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, et al. Influenza surveillance
#' in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other Respir
#' Viruses. 2013 Jul;7(4):546-58. DOI:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00422.x.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Beaute J, Jorgensen P, et al. Influenza surveillance in
#' Europe: comparing intensity levels calculated using the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other
#' Respir Viruses. 2015 Sep;9(5):234-46. DOI:10.1111/irv.12330.
#' Lozano JE. lozalojo/mem: Second release of the MEM R library. Zenodo [Internet]. [cited 2017 Feb 1];
#' Available from: \url{https://zenodo.org/record/165983}. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.165983
#' @keywords influenza
#' @export
memevolution <- function(i.data, i.evolution.seasons = 10, i.evolution.method = "sequential", ...) {
  anios <- dim(i.data)[2]
  semanas <- dim(i.data)[1]
  evolution.data <- numeric()
  evolution.seasons <- logical()

  if (is.na(i.evolution.seasons)) i.evolution.seasons <- anios
  if (is.null(i.evolution.seasons)) i.evolution.seasons <- anios

  if (anios < 2) {
    evolution.data <- NULL
    evolution.seasons <- NULL
  } else {
    if (!(i.evolution.method == "sequential")) {
      # Metodo 2: cruzada
      for (i in 1:anios) {
        indices.2 <- (1:anios) - i
        indices.1 <- abs(indices.2)
        indices.modelo <- order(indices.1, indices.2)[2:(i.evolution.seasons + 1)]
        indices.modelo <- sort(indices.modelo[!is.na(indices.modelo)])
        datos.modelo <- memmodel(i.data[indices.modelo], i.seasons = NA, ...)
        evolution.data.i <- c(
          datos.modelo$ci.length[1, ],
          datos.modelo$ci.start[1, ],
        evolution.data <- rbind(evolution.data, evolution.data.i)
        evolution.seasons <- rbind(evolution.seasons, 1:anios %in% indices.modelo)
      indices.modelo <- max(1, anios + 1 - i.evolution.seasons):anios
      datos.modelo <- memmodel(i.data[indices.modelo], i.seasons = NA, ...)
      evolution.data.i <- c(
        datos.modelo$ci.length[1, ],
        datos.modelo$ci.start[1, ],
      evolution.data <- rbind(evolution.data, evolution.data.i)
      evolution.seasons <- rbind(evolution.seasons, 1:anios %in% indices.modelo)
      evolution.seasons <- data.frame(evolution.seasons, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(evolution.seasons) <- names(i.data)
      rownames(evolution.seasons) <- c(names(i.data), "next")
      evolution.data <- data.frame(evolution.data, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(evolution.data) <- c("number", "durationll", "duration", "durationul", "startll", "start", "startul", "percentagell", "percentage", "percentageul", "epidemic", "postepidemic", "medium", "high", "veryhigh")
      rownames(evolution.data) <- c(names(i.data), "next")
    } else {
      for (i in 3:(anios + 1)) {
        indices.modelo <- max(1, i - i.evolution.seasons):(i - 1)
        datos.modelo <- memmodel(i.data[indices.modelo], i.seasons = NA, ...)
        evolution.data.i <- c(
          datos.modelo$ci.length[1, ],
          datos.modelo$ci.start[1, ],
        evolution.data <- rbind(evolution.data, evolution.data.i)
        evolution.seasons <- rbind(evolution.seasons, 1:anios %in% indices.modelo)
      evolution.seasons <- data.frame(evolution.seasons, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(evolution.seasons) <- names(i.data)
      rownames(evolution.seasons) <- c(names(i.data)[3:anios], "next")
      evolution.data <- data.frame(evolution.data, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(evolution.data) <- c("number", "durationll", "duration", "durationul", "startll", "start", "startul", "percentagell", "percentage", "percentageul", "epidemic", "postepidemic", "medium", "high", "veryhigh")
      rownames(evolution.data) <- c(names(i.data)[3:anios], "next")
  memevolution.output <- list(
    evolution.data = evolution.data,
    evolution.seasons = evolution.seasons,
    param.data = i.data,
    param.evolution.seasons = i.evolution.seasons,
    param.evolution.method = i.evolution.method
  memevolution.output$call <- match.call()
lozalojo/mem documentation built on July 7, 2023, 10 a.m.