
Defines functions aovGeo aovGeo.spVariofitCRD print.GEOcrd summary.GEOcrd anova.GEOcrd aovGeo.spVariofitRCBD print.GEOrcbd summary.GEOrcbd anova.GEOrcbd

Documented in aovGeo aovGeo.spVariofitRCBD

#' @name aovGeo
#' @title Analysis of variance using a geostatistical model to handle spatial dependence
#' @description Fit an analysis of variance model using geostatistics for modeling the
#' spatial dependence among the observations.
#' @usage aovGeo(model, cutoff = 0.5, tol = 1e-3)
#' @param model an object of class spVariofit.
#' @param cutoff a value in (0,1] interval representing the percentage of the maximum
#' distance adopted to estimate the variogram in the algorithm suggested by
#' Pontes & Oliveira (2004). See 'Details'.
#' @param tol the desired accuracy.
#' @details
#' Three assumptions are made about the error in the analysis of variance (ANOVA):
#' 1. The errors come from a normal distribution.
#' 2. The errors have the same variance.
#' 3. The errors are uncorrelated.
#' However, in many experiments, especially field trials, there is a type of correlation
#' generated by the sample locations known as spatial autocorrelation, and this condition
#' violates the independence assumption.
#' In that way, we need to regard this spatial autocorrelation and include it in the final
#' model. It could be done adopting a geostatistical model to characterize the spatial
#' variability among the observations directly in the covariance matrix.
#' The geostatistical modeling is based on the residuals of the standard model
#' (where the errors are assumed to be independent, uncorrelated and having a normal
#' distribution with mean 0 and constant variance). The basic idea is using them to
#' estimate the residuals of the spatially autocorrelated model in order to fit a
#' theoretical geostatistic model to build the covariance matrix.
#' As Pointed by Pontes & Oliveira (2004), this task can be done using the
#' following algorithm
#' 1 - Extract the residuals from the standard model
#' 2 - Fit a variogram based on residuals obtained in step 1.
#' 3 - Fit a theoretical model to describe the spatial dependence observed in the variogram.
#' 4 - On basis in the theoretical model fitted in step 3 and its parameter estimates,
#' create the covariance matrix.
#' 5 - Estimate the residuals using the covariance matrix obtained in step 4 and use
#' them to create a variogram.
#' 6 -  Fit a theoretical model to the residual variogram obtained in step 5 and use
#' its parameters estimates to build a new covariance matrix.
#' 7 - Repeat 5 to 6 until convergence.
#' Step 1 is implemented in spVariog. Steps 2 and 3 are implemented in spVariofit.
#' aovGeo implements steps 4 to 7 and needs a cutoff argument to define the maximum
#' distance in the computation of the residual variogram described in step 6
#' In presence of spatial trend, the model is modified
#' in order to include the effect of the spatial coordinates.
#' @return
#' \code{aovGeo} returns an object of \code{\link[base]{class}} "GEOanova".
#' The functions \code{\link[base]{summary}} and anova are used to obtain and print a summary
#' and analysis of variance table of the results.
#' An object of class "GEOanova" is a list containing the following components:
#' \item{DF}{degrees of freedom of coordinates (in presence of spatial trend), treatments, block (if RCBD), residual and total.}
#' \item{SS}{sum of squares of coordinates (in presence of spatial trend), treatments, block (if RCBD), residual and total.}
#' \item{MS}{mean of squares of coordinates (in presence of spatial trend), treatments, block (if RCBD), residual and total.}
#' \item{Fc}{F statistic calculated for coordinates (in presence of spatial trend), treatment and block (if RCBD).}
#' \item{p.value}{p-value associated to F statistic for coordinates (in presence of spatial trend), treatment and block (if RCBD).}
#' \item{residuals}{residuals extracted from the model}
#' \item{params}{variogram parameter estimates from Pontes & Oliveira (2004) algorithm.}
#' \item{type}{type of trend in the data. It can be "trend" or "cte".}
#' \item{model}{geostatistical model used to describe the spatial dependence.}
#' \item{data}{data set used in the analysis.}
#' \item{des.mat}{design matrix.}
#' \item{beta}{parameter estimates of the linear model taking into account the spatial dependence.}
#' \item{n}{number of observations.}
#' \item{vcov}{covariance matrix built taking into account the spatial dependence.}
#' \item{design}{character string indicating the name of the experimental design.}
#' @references
#' Nogueira, C. H., de Liima, R. R., & de Oliveira, M. S. (2013).
#' Aprimoramento da Análise de Variância: A Influência da Proximidade Espacial.
#' Rev. Bras. Biom, 31(3), 408-422.
#' Nogueira, C.H., et al. (2015). Modelagem espacial na análise de um plantio
#' experimental de candeia. Rev. Bras. Biom., São Paulo, v.33, n.1, p.14-29.
#' Pontes, J. M., & de Oliveira, M. S. (2004).
#' An alternative proposal to the analysis of  field experiments using geostatistics.
#' Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 28(1), 135-141.
#' Gotway, C. A., & Cressie, N. A. (1990). A spatial analysis of variance applied
#' to soil water infiltration. Water Resources Research, 26(11), 2695-703.
#' @examples
#' data("crd_simulated")
#' #Geodata object
#' geodados <- as.geodata(crd_simulated, coords.col = 1:2, data.col = 3,
#'                             covar.col = 4)
#' h_max <- summary(geodados)[[3]][[2]]
#' dist <- 0.6*h_max
#' # Computing the variogram
#' variograma <- spVariog(geodata = geodados,
#'                       trend = "cte", max.dist = dist, design = "crd",
#'                       scale = FALSE)
#' plot(variograma, ylab = "Semivariance", xlab = "Distance")
#' # Gaussian Model
#' ols <- spVariofit(variograma, cov.model = "gaussian", weights = "equal",
#'                   max.dist = dist)
#' lines(ols, col = 1)
#' # Compute the model and get the analysis of variance table
#' mod <- aovGeo(ols, cutoff = 0.6)
#' anova(mod)
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix
#' @importFrom graphics lines plot
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova aov as.formula dist model.matrix pchisq qtukey pf
#' @import geoR
#' @export
aovGeo <- function(model, cutoff = 0.5, tol = 1e-3){
  if(cutoff <= 0 | cutoff > 1) stop("'cutoff' should be in (0,1] interval")

  if(is.numeric(cutoff) == FALSE) stop("'cutoff' must be numeric")

  if(length(cutoff) > 1) stop("'cutoff' must of length 1")

  if(cutoff < 0 | cutoff > 1) stop("'cutoff' must be in (0,1) interval")

  UseMethod("aovGeo", model)

#' @export
#' @method aovGeo spVariofitCRD
aovGeo.spVariofitCRD <- function(model, cutoff = 0.5, tol = 1e-3){

  # variaveis
  dados <- model$data.geo
  resp <- dados$data
  treat <- dados$covariate[ ,1]
  coords <- dados$coords

  # Atributos do modelo geoestatistico
  covMod <- model$mod$cov.model
  nugget <- model$mod$nugget
  psill <- model$mod$cov.pars[1]
  phi <- model$mod$cov.pars[2]
  trend <- model$trend

  #matriz de covariancia espacial
  sigma <- varcov.spatial(coords = coords, cov.model = covMod, nugget = nugget,
                          kappa = 0.5, cov.pars = c(psill, phi))$varcov

  #Matriz de covariancias do modelo - V
  V <- sigma*(1/as.numeric(nugget+psill))
  i.V <- chol2inv(chol(V))

  #Construindo a matriz de delineamento X
  trt <- length(unique(treat)) #numero de tratamentos
  r <- tapply(resp, treat, length) # O nº de obs por categoria
  Y <- resp # variavel resposta
  n <- sum(r)

  # Obtendo o theta com dependencia espacial
  # 1 col da Matriz de delineamento

  if(trend == "cte"){
    X1 <- as.matrix(model$des.mat[ ,1], ncol = 1)
    X2 <- model$des.mat[ ,-1]
    X <- cbind(X1, X2)
    theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y
    X2 <- model$des.mat[ ,1:trt]
    X <- cbind(X1, X2, coords)
    theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y

  # Erros considerando a dependencia espacial
  erro <- Y-X%*%theta_dep

  # algoritmo iterativo pontes (2002)
  e1 = e2 = e3 = 1
  int <- 0
  while((abs(e1) > tol) & (abs(e2) > tol) & (abs(e3) > tol)){
    #Converter os dados para a classe geodata
    geodados <- as.geodata(data.frame(coords, erro), coords.col = 1:2, data.col = 3)

    #Definir a h maxima
    h_max <- summary(geodados)[[3]][[2]]
    dist <- cutoff*h_max

    #Obter o semiovariograma empirico
    vario.res <- variog(geodados, max.dist = dist, trend = "cte", messages = FALSE)
    #Ajustando o modelo teorico via MQO
    ols <- variofit(vario.res, cov.model = covMod, max.dist = dist,
                    messages = FALSE, ini.cov.pars = c(psill, phi), nugget = nugget)

    #Extrair os parametros do objeto ols
    phi1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[3]]    #Alcance
    psill1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[2]]   #contribuição
    nugget1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[1]] #Efeito pepita

    #Obter a matriz de covariancias

    #matriz de covariancia espacial
    sigma<-varcov.spatial(coords = coords, cov.model = covMod, nugget = nugget1,
                          kappa = 0.5, cov.pars = c(psill1, phi1))$varcov

    #Matriz de covariancias do modelo V
    V <- sigma*(1/as.numeric(nugget1+psill1))
    i.V <- solve(V)

    #Theta considerando a dependencia espacial
    theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y

    #Erros considerando a dependencia espacial
    erro <- Y-X%*%theta_dep

    e1 <- phi-phi1
    e2 <- psill-psill1
    e3 <- nugget-nugget1

    phi <- phi1
    psill <- psill1
    nugget <- nugget1
    int <- int + 1
    message(paste("Iteration number: ", int), "\n")

  #pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)

  # Modelo sem tendencia

  if(trend == "cte"){

    #Forma como apresentado na tese
    P <- i.V - i.V%*%X%*%ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1/10)

    P1 <- i.V - i.V%*%X1%*%solve(t(X1)%*%i.V%*%X1)%*%t(X1)%*%i.V
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 2/10)

    gltrat <- rankMatrix(P1 - P)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 3/10)

    glres <- rankMatrix(P)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 4/10)

    gltot <- rankMatrix(P1)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5/10)

    sqtrat <- t(Y)%*%(P1 - P)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 6/10)

    sqres <- t(Y)%*%(P)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 7/10)

    sqtot <- t(Y)%*%(P1)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 8/10)

    QMTrat <- sqtrat/gltrat
    QMRes <- sqres/glres

    F.trat <- QMTrat/QMRes

    pvalTrat <- round(pf(F.trat, gltrat, glres, lower.tail = F), 4)
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 9/10)

  } else {

    # Modelo com tendencia

    Mc <- cbind(X1, X2, coords)
    M2 <- cbind(X1, X2)
    M3 <- cbind(X1, coords)
    Pc <- i.V%*%Mc%*%ginv(t(Mc)%*%i.V%*%Mc)%*%t(Mc)%*%i.V
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1/10)

    P2 <- i.V%*%M2%*%ginv(t(M2)%*%i.V%*%M2)%*%t(M2)%*%i.V
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 2/10)

    P3 <- i.V%*%M3%*%solve(t(M3)%*%i.V%*%M3)%*%t(M3)%*%i.V
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 3/10)

    sqcoord <- t(Y)%*%(Pc - P2)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 4/10)

    sqtrat <- t(Y)%*%(Pc - P3)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5/10)

    sqres <- t(Y)%*%(i.V - Pc)%*%Y
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 6/10)

    sqtot <- sqcoord + sqtrat + sqres

    ####Graus de liberdade###
    glres <- rankMatrix(i.V - Pc)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 7/10)

    gltrat <- rankMatrix(Pc - P3)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 8/10)

    glcoord <- rankMatrix(Pc - P2)[1]
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 9/10)

    gltot <- glres + gltrat + glcoord

    ### Construindo a analise de variancia ###
    QMTrat <- sqtrat/gltrat
    QMRes <- sqres/glres
    QMCoord <- sqcoord/glcoord
    F.trat <- QMTrat/QMRes
    F.coord <- QMCoord/QMRes
    pvalTrat <- pf(F.trat, gltrat, glres, lower.tail = FALSE)
    pvalCoord <- pf(F.coord, glcoord, glres, lower.tail = FALSE)


  #Estimacao das componentes do modelo
  trend1 <- X%*%theta_dep
  erro <- Y-trend1
  sig0 <- varcov.spatial(coords, cov.model = covMod,
                         nugget = 0, cov.pars = c(psill, phi))$varcov
  i.sig <- chol2inv(chol(sigma))
  compEsp <- sig0%*%i.sig%*%erro
  resid <- as.numeric(erro - compEsp)

  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 10/10)

  # Lista que armazenara a saida
  if(trend != "cte"){
    output <- list(DF = c(glcoord, gltrat, glres, gltot),
                   SS = c(sqcoord, sqtrat, sqres, sqtot),
                   MS = c(QMCoord, QMTrat, QMRes),
                   Fc = c(F.coord, F.trat),
                   p.value = c(pvalCoord, pvalTrat),
                   residuals = resid, params = c(sigsq = psill, phi = phi, tausq = nugget),
                   type = "trend", model = covMod, data = dados, des.mat = model$des.mat,
                   beta = theta_dep, n = n, vcov =  sigma, design = "CRD")
  } else {
    output <- list(DF = c(gltrat, glres, gltot),
                   SS = c(sqtrat, sqres, sqtot),
                   MS = c(QMTrat, QMRes),
                   Fc = c(F.trat),
                   p.value = c(pvalTrat),
                   residuals = resid, params = c(sigsq = psill, phi = phi, tausq = nugget),
                   type = "cte", model = covMod, data = dados, des.mat = model$des.mat,
                   beta = theta_dep, n = n, vcov =  sigma, design = "crd")
  class(output) <- c("GEOanova", "GEOcrd")

#' @export
#' @method print GEOcrd
print.GEOcrd <- function(x, ...){
  if(x$type == "cte"){
    trm <- data.frame(treat = c(as.character(round(x$SS[1],3)),as.character(x$DF[1])),
                      Residuals = c(as.character(round(x$SS[2],3)),as.character(x$DF[2])))
    rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
    rse <- sqrt(x$MS[2])
    cat("Residual standard error:", rse, "\n")
    cat("Covariance Model:", x$model, "\n")
  } else {
    trm <- data.frame(coordinates = c(as.character(round(x$SS[1],3)),as.character(x$DF[1])),
                      treat = c(as.character(round(x$SS[2],3)),as.character(x$DF[2])),
                      Residuals = c(as.character(round(x$SS[3],3)),as.character(x$DF[3]))
    rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
    rse <- sqrt(x$MS[3])
    cat("Residual standard error:",rse, "\n")
    cat("Covariance Model:", x$model, "\n")


#' @export
#' @method summary GEOcrd
summary.GEOcrd <- function(object, ...){
  k <- nrow(object$beta)
  if(object$type == "cte"){
    trm <- data.frame(treat = c(as.character(round(object$SS[1],3)),as.character(object$DF[1])),
                      Residuals = c(as.character(round(object$SS[2],3)),as.character(object$DF[2])))
    rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
    rse <- sqrt(object$MS[2])
    cat("Residual standard error:",rse, "\n")
    r2 <- 1 - (object$SS[2]/object$SS[3])
    r2adj <- 1 - ((object$n - 1)/(object$n - k))*(1-r2)
    cat("Adjusted R-squared:", r2adj, "\n")
    cat("Covariance Model:", object$model, "\n")
    cat("Spatial Parameters:", "\n")
  } else {
    trm <- data.frame(coordinates = c(as.character(round(object$SS[1],3)),as.character(object$DF[1])),
                      treat = c(as.character(round(object$SS[2],3)),as.character(object$DF[2])),
                      Residuals = c(as.character(round(object$SS[3],3)),as.character(object$DF[3]))
    rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
    rse <- sqrt(object$MS[3])
    cat("Residual standard error:",rse, "\n")
    r2 <- 1 - (object$SS[3]/object$SS[4])
    r2adj <- 1 - ((object$n - 1)/(object$n - k))*(1-r2)
    cat("Adjusted R-squared:", r2adj, "\n")
    cat("Covariance Model:", object$model, "\n")
    cat("Spatial Parameters:", "\n")

#' @export
#' @method anova GEOcrd
anova.GEOcrd <- function(object, compare = FALSE, ...) {

  if(is.logical(compare) == FALSE){
    warning("'compare' must be logical. Assuming compare == FALSE")
    compare = FALSE

  if(object$type == "trend"){

    cat("Analysis of Variance With Spatially Correlated Errors","\n")
    star1 <- stars.pval(object$p.value[1])
    star2 <- stars.pval(object$p.value[2])
    anova.p1 <- data.frame("DF" = round(object$DF[1:4],0),
                           "SS" = round(object$SS[1:4],4),
                           "MS" = c(round(object$MS[1:3],4), ""),
                           "Fc" = c(round(object$Fc[1:2],4), "", ""),
                           "Pv" = c(format.pval(object$p.value[1]), format.pval(object$p.value[2]), "", ""),
                           "St" = c(star1, star2, "", "")
    colnames(anova.p1) <- c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value", "Pr(>F)", "")
    rownames(anova.p1) <- c("Coordinates", "Treatment", "Residuals", "Total")
    cat("---", "\n")
    cat("Signif. codes: ", attr(star1, "legend"), "\n")

    if(compare == TRUE){
      cat("\n", "\n")
      cat("Standard Analysis of Variance", "\n")
      Treatment <- factor(object$data$covariate[ ,1])
      Resp <- object$data$data
      print(anova(aov(Resp ~ Treatment)))

  } else {

    cat("Analysis of Variance With Spatially Correlated Errors","\n")
    star <- stars.pval(object$p.value)
    anova.p1 <- data.frame("DF" = round(object$DF[1:3],0),
                           "SS" = round(object$SS[1:3],4),
                           "MS" = c(round(object$MS[1:2],4), ""),
                           "Fc" = c(round(object$Fc,4), "", ""),
                           "Pv" = c(format.pval(object$p.value), "", ""),
                           "St" = c(star, "", "")
    colnames(anova.p1) <- c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value" ,"Pr(>F)", "")
    rownames(anova.p1) <- c("Treatment", "Residuals", "Total")
    cat("---", "\n")
    cat("Signif. codes: ", attr(star, "legend"),"\n")

    if(compare == TRUE){
      cat("\n", "\n")
      cat("Standard Analysis of Variance", "\n")
      Treatment <- factor(object$data$covariate[ ,1])
      Resp <- object$data$data
      print(anova(aov(Resp ~ Treatment)))




#' @export
#' @method aovGeo spVariofitRCBD
#' @rdname aovGeo
aovGeo.spVariofitRCBD <- function(model, cutoff = 0.5, tol = 1e-3){

  # variaveis
  dados <- model$data.geo
  resp <- dados$data
  coords <- dados$coords
  block <- dados$covariate[,2]
  treat <- dados$covariate[,1]

  # Atributos do modelo geoestatistico
  covMod <- model$mod$cov.model
  nugget <- model$mod$nugget
  psill <- model$mod$cov.pars[1]
  phi <- model$mod$cov.pars[2]
  trend <- "cte"

  #matriz de covariancia espacial
  sigma <- varcov.spatial(coords = coords, cov.model = covMod, nugget = nugget,
                          kappa = 0.5, cov.pars = c(psill, phi))$varcov

  trt <- length(unique(treat)) #numero de tratamentos
  blk <- length(unique(block)) #numero de blocos
  r <- tapply(resp, treat, length) #
  n <- sum(r)

  #Matriz de covariancias do modelo - V
  V <- sigma*(1/as.numeric(nugget+psill))
  i.V <- chol2inv(chol(V))

  #Construindo a matriz de delineamento X
  Y <- resp # variavel resposta
  X1 <- as.matrix(model$des.mat[ ,1], ncol = 1)
  X2 <- model$des.mat[ ,-c(1,(trt+2):(blk+trt+1))]
  X <- model$des.mat

  theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y

  #Erros considerando a dependência espacial
  erro <- Y-X%*%theta_dep

  # algoritmo iterativo pontes (2002)
  e1 = e2 = e3 = 1
  int <- 0
  while((abs(e1) > tol) & (abs(e2) > tol) & (abs(e3) > tol)){
    #Converter os dados para a classe geodata
    geodados <- as.geodata(data.frame(coords, erro), coords.col = 1:2, data.col = 3)

    #Definir a h maxima
    h_max <- summary(geodados)[[3]][[2]]
    dist <- cutoff*h_max

    #Obter o semiovariograma empirico
    vario.res <- variog(geodados, max.dist = dist, trend = "cte", messages = FALSE)

    #Ajustando o modelo teorico via MQO
    ols <- variofit(vario.res, cov.model = covMod, max.dist = dist,
                    messages = FALSE, ini.cov.pars = c(psill, phi), nugget = nugget)

    #Extrair os parametros do objeto ols
    phi1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[3]]    #Alcance
    psill1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[2]]   #contribuição
    nugget1 <- summary(ols)[[10]][[1]] #Efeito pepita

    #Obter a matriz de covariancias

    #matriz de covariancia espacial
    sigma<-varcov.spatial(coords = coords, cov.model = covMod, nugget = nugget1,
                          kappa = 0.5, cov.pars = c(psill1, phi1))$varcov

    #Matriz de covariancias do modelo V
    V <- sigma*(1/as.numeric(nugget1+psill1))
    i.V <- solve(V)

    #Theta considerando a dependencia espacial
    theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y
    theta_dep <- ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V%*%Y

    #Erros considerando a dependencia espacial
    erro <- Y-X%*%theta_dep

    e1 <- phi-phi1
    e2 <- psill-psill1
    e3 <- nugget-nugget1

    phi <- phi1
    psill <- psill1
    nugget <- nugget1
    int <- int + 1
    message(paste("Iteration number: ", int), "\n")

  #pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)

  #Obtendo a soma de quadrados
  P1 <- i.V%*%X1%*%solve(t(X1)%*%i.V%*%X1)%*%t(X1)%*%i.V
  P <- i.V%*%X%*%ginv(t(X)%*%i.V%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%i.V
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1/10)

  R <- i.V-P1
  P2 <- R%*%X2%*%ginv(t(X2)%*%R%*%X2)%*%t(X2)%*%R
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 2/10)

  SQT <- t(Y)%*%(i.V-P1)%*%Y
  SQRes <- t(Y)%*%(i.V-P)%*%Y
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 3/10)

  SQTrat <- t(Y)%*%(P2)%*%Y
  SQBloco <- t(Y)%*%(P-P1-P2)%*%Y
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 4/10)

  #Graus de liberdade
  glt <- rankMatrix(i.V-P1)[1] #Total
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5/10)

  gle <- rankMatrix(i.V-P)[1]  #Erro
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 6/10)

  gltra <- rankMatrix(P2)[1] #tratamento
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 7/10)

  glblo <- rankMatrix(P-P1-P2)[1] #Bloco
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 8/10)

  #Quadrados médios
  QMTrat <- SQTrat/gltra
  QMRes <- SQRes/gle
  QMBlo <- SQBloco/glblo
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 9/10)

  #Estatística F
  F0 <- QMTrat/QMRes
  F0b <- QMBlo/QMRes

  pvalTrat <- round(pf(F0, gltra, gle, lower.tail = F), 4)
  pvalBlo <-  round(pf(F0b, glblo, gle, lower.tail = F), 4)

  #Estimação das componentes do modelo
  trend <- X%*%theta_dep
  erro <- Y-trend
  sig0 <- varcov.spatial(coords, cov.model = covMod,
                         nugget = 0, cov.pars = c(psill,phi))$varcov
  i.sig <- chol2inv(chol(sigma))
  compEsp <- sig0%*%i.sig%*%erro
  resid <- as.numeric(erro-compEsp)
  #setTxtProgressBar(pb, 10/10)

  output <- list(DF = c(gltra, glblo, gle, glt),
                 SS = c(SQTrat, SQBloco, SQRes, SQT),
                 MS = c(QMTrat, QMBlo, QMRes),
                 Fc = c(F0, F0b),
                 p.value = c(pvalTrat, pvalBlo),
                 residuals = resid, params = c(sigsq = psill, phi = phi, tausq = nugget),
                 type = "cte", model = covMod, data = dados, des.mat = model$des.mat,
                 beta = theta_dep, n = n, vcov =  sigma, design = "rcbd")

  class(output) <- c("GEOanova", "GEOrcbd")



#' @export
#' @method print GEOrcbd
print.GEOrcbd <- function(x, ...){
  trm <- data.frame(treat = c(as.character(round(x$SS[1], 3)), as.character(x$DF[1])),
                    block = c(as.character(round(x$SS[2], 3)), as.character(x$DF[2])),
                    Residuals = c(as.character(round(x$SS[3], 3)), as.character(x$DF[3])))
  rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
  rse <- sqrt(x$MS[3])
  cat("Residual standard error:", rse, "\n")
  cat("Covariance Model:", x$model, "\n")

#' @export
#' @method summary GEOrcbd
summary.GEOrcbd<- function(object, ...){
  trm <- data.frame(treat = c(as.character(round(object$SS[1], 3)), as.character(object$DF[1])),
                    block = c(as.character(round(object$SS[2], 3)), as.character(object$DF[2])),
                    Residuals = c(as.character(round(object$SS[3], 3)), as.character(object$DF[3])))
  rownames(trm) <- c("Sum of Squares","Deg. of Freedom")
  rse <- sqrt(object$MS[3])
  cat("Residual standard error:", rse, "\n")
  k <- nrow(object$beta)
  r2 <- 1 - (object$SS[3]/object$SS[4])
  r2adj <- 1 - ((object$n - 1)/(object$n - k))*(1-r2)
  cat("Adjusted R-squared:", r2adj, "\n")
  cat("Covariance Model:", object$model, "\n")
  cat("Spatial Parameters:", "\n")

#' @export
#' @method anova GEOrcbd
anova.GEOrcbd <- function(object, compare = FALSE, ...) {

  if(is.logical(compare) == FALSE){
    warning("'compare' must be logical. Assuming compare == FALSE")
    compare = FALSE

  cat("Analysis of Variance With Spatially Correlated Errors","\n")
  star1 <- stars.pval(object$p.value[1])
  star2 <- stars.pval(object$p.value[2])
  anova.p1 <- data.frame("DF" = round(object$DF[1:4],0),
                         "SS" = round(object$SS[1:4],4),
                         "MS" = c(round(object$MS[1:3],4), ""),
                         "Fc" = c(round(object$Fc[1:2],4), "", ""),
                         "Pv" = c(format.pval(object$p.value[1]), format.pval(object$p.value[2]), "", ""),
                         "St" = c(star1, star2, "", "")
  colnames(anova.p1) <- c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value" ,"Pr(>F)", "")
  rownames(anova.p1) <- c("Treatment","Block","Residuals","Total")
  cat("Signif. codes: ",attr(star1, "legend"), "\n")

  if(compare == TRUE){
    cat("\n", "\n")
    cat("Standard Analysis of Variance", "\n")
    Treatment <- as.factor(object$data$covariate[ ,1])
    Block <- as.factor(object$data$covariate[ ,2])
    Resp <- object$data$data
    print(anova(aov(Resp ~ Treatment + Block)))


lrcastro/spANOVA documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 11:45 a.m.