# ----- functions for explicitly computing truncation sets S -----
# ----- functions for solving quadratic inequalities -----
#' Solve the roots of quadratic polynomials related to testing for a difference in means
#' Solves \eqn{ax^2 + bx + c \ge 0}, then returns the complement of the solution set
#' wrt to the real line, unless the complement is empty, in which case
#' the function returns NA.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param A, B, C the coefficients of the quadratic equation.
#' @param tol if \eqn{|a|}, \eqn{|b|}, or \eqn{|c|} is not larger than tol, then treat it as zero.
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing NA or the complement of the solution set.
solve_one_ineq <- function(A, B, C, tol=1e-10) {
# Computes the complement of the set {phi >= 0: B*phi + C >= 0},
# ignoring (-Inf, 0].
compute_linear_ineq_complement <- function(B, C, tol=1e-10) {
# Is B = 0?
if(abs(B) <= tol) {
if(C >= -tol) { # C >= 0: inequality automatically satisfied
} else { # C < 0: something has gone wrong ...
warning("B = 0 and C < 0: B*phi + C >=0 is degenerate")
return(c(0, Inf))
# We know that B =/= 0
ratio <- -C/B
# Is B > 0?
if(B > tol) {
if(C >= -tol) { # -C/B <= 0: inequality automatically satisfied
} else { # -C/B > 0: the interval extends to the right
return(c(0, ratio))
# We know B < 0
if(C <= tol) { # -C/B <= 0: inequality can't be satisfied
return(c(0, Inf))
# We know B < 0 & -C/B > 0: the interval extends to the left
return(c(ratio, Inf))
# A = 0?
if(abs(A) <= tol) {
return(compute_linear_ineq_complement(B, C, tol))
# We know A =/= 0
discrim <- B^2 - 4*A*C
# No roots or one root?
if(discrim <= tol) {
if(A > tol) { # Parabola opens up: inequality automatically satisfied
} else { # Parabola opens down: inequality never satisfied
return(c(0, Inf))
# We now know that A =/= 0, and that there are two roots
sqrt_discrim <- sqrt(discrim)
roots <- sort(c(-B + sqrt_discrim, -B - sqrt_discrim)/(2*A))
# Parabola opens up? (A > 0?)
if(A > tol) {
if(roots[1] > tol) {
return(c(roots[1], roots[2]))
if(roots[2] <= tol) {
return(c(0, roots[2]))
# We now know that there are two roots, and parabola opens down (A < 0)
if(roots[2] < -tol) {
return(c(0, Inf))
if(roots[1] > tol) {
return(c(0, roots[1], roots[2], Inf))
return(c(roots[2], Inf))
# ----- functions for computing truncation sets -----
# ----- isotropic covariance mat -----
#' Computes the conditioning set for single linkage hierarchical clustering
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_single <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
h <- hcl$height[n-K]
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# compute quantities used in all inequalities
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2 - 1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# solve inequalities involving i in cluster k1 and j in cluster k2, and save the results
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means),
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2,
2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means),
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1,
2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means),
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement), 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set for average linkage hierarchical clustering
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_average <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
loop_index <- c(k2_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs)
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*B2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*C2
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*C2
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set for centroid linkage hierarchical clustering
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_centroid <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
inv <- as.double(which(diff(hcl$height, 1) < 0)) # inversion locations
num_inv <- length(inv)
min_inv <- min(inv)
max_inv <- max(inv)
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2 - 1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
# We want the maximum in [1, upper_ij].
# If the first inversion is after upper_ij then there are no inversions in there.
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
# Otherwise we need to find the locations of the inversions
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
# Then take the max over the inversions & upper_ij
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
finished_inversions <- FALSE
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
if((step+1) > max_inv) {
finished_inversions <- TRUE # We no longer have to worry about inversions
} else {
first_inversion <- findInterval(step+1, inv, left.open=TRUE) # Find location of largest inversion st less than (step + 1)
if(first_inversion != 0) {
inv <- inv[(first_inversion+1):length(inv)]
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- prop_min_1*prop_min_2*C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1] = 0
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*C2 - C_constant
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*C2 - C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
upper_min_cluster_1 <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
# We want the maximum in [(step+1), upper_ij].
# If the first inversion is after upper_ij or the last inversion is before (step+1)
# then there are no inversions in there.
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
# Otherwise we need to find the location of the inversions in [(step+1), upper_ij]
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
for(j in k1_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
for(j in k1_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement), 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set for Ward linkage hierarchical clustering
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_ward <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
A <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- 1
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- 1
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- squared_prop_k2
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- squared_prop_k2
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- squared_prop_k1
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- squared_prop_k1
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
min_cluster_1_size <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]
min_cluster_2_size <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
sum_min_cluster_sizes <- min_cluster_1_size + min_cluster_2_size
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
cluster_j_size <- cluster_sizes[j]
sum_cluster_sizes <- sum_min_cluster_sizes + cluster_j_size
beta <- cluster_j_size/sum_cluster_sizes
alpha1 <- min_cluster_1_size/sum_cluster_sizes + beta
alpha2 <- min_cluster_2_size/sum_cluster_sizes + beta
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
A2 <- A[min_cluster_2, j]
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
A2 <- A[j, min_cluster_2]
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
A[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*A[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*A2 # note that A[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*C2 - beta*C_constant
} else {
A[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*A[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*A2 # note that A[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*C2 - beta*C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- sum_min_cluster_sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set for McQuitty linkage hierarchical clustering (WPGMA)
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_mcquitty <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
loop_index <- c(k2_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs)
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*B[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*B2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*C[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*C2
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*B[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*C[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*C2
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set for median linkage hierarchical clustering (WPGMC)
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_median <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, dist) {
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
inv <- as.double(which(diff(hcl$height, 1) < 0)) # inversion locations
num_inv <- length(inv)
min_inv <- min(inv)
max_inv <- max(inv)
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2 - 1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij/dist_means - dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k2*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij/dist_means - prop_k1*dist_means)
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
# We want the maximum in [1, upper_ij].
# If the first inversion is after upper_ij then there are no inversions in there.
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
# Otherwise we need to find the locations of the inversions
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
# Then take the max over the inversions & upper_ij
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
# current_height <- max(heights[inv[inv < upper_ij]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
if(min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
finished_inversions <- FALSE
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
if((step+1) > max_inv) {
finished_inversions <- TRUE # We no longer have to worry about inversions
} else {
first_inversion <- findInterval(step+1, inv, left.open=TRUE) # Find location of largest inversion st less than (step + 1)
if(first_inversion != 0) {
inv <- inv[(first_inversion+1):length(inv)]
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
# Update coefficient matrices
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- 0.25*C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*B[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*B2 # Note that B[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*C[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*C2 - C_constant
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*B[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*C[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*C2 - C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
upper_min_cluster_1 <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
# We want the maximum in [(step+1), upper_ij].
# If the first inversion is after upper_ij or the last inversion is before (step+1)
# then there are no inversions in there.
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
# Otherwise we need to find the location of the inversions in [(step+1), upper_ij]
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
for(j in k1_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
for(j in k1_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k2, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
hmj <- height_merge[j]
if(upper_min_cluster_1 < hmj) {
upper_ij <- upper_min_cluster_1
} else {
upper_ij <- hmj
if(finished_inversions | min_inv >= upper_ij) {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
} else {
inv_locations <- findInterval(upper_ij, inv, left.open=TRUE)
if(inv_locations != 0) {
current_height <- max(heights[inv[1:inv_locations]], heights[upper_ij])
} else {
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(squared_prop_k1, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement), 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
# ----- non-isotropic covariance mat -----
#' Computes the conditioning set S for single linkage hierarchical clustering,
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_single_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
h <- hcl$height[n-K]
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# compute quantities used in all inequalities
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2 - 1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# solve inequalities involving i in cluster k1 and j in cluster k2, and save the results
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat,
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
# solve inequalities involving i in cluster k1 and j not in clusters k1 or k2, and save the results
A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A,
2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat,
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
# solve inequalities involving i in cluster k2 and j not in clusters k1 or k2, and save the results
A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A,
2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat,
sum(diff_ij^2) + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij - h)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set S for average linkage hierarchical clustering,
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_average_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
loop_index <- c(k2_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs)
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*B2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*C2
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*C2
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set S for centroid linkage hierarchical clustering,
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_centroid_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- prop_min_1*prop_min_2*C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1] = 0
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- prop_min_1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + prop_min_2*C2 - C_constant
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- prop_min_1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + prop_min_2*C2 - C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set S for ward linkage hierarchical clustering,
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_ward_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
A <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- gencov_factor
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- gencov_factor
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
this_A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- this_A
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- this_A
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
this_A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
A[i, j] <- this_A
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
A[j, i] <- this_A
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
this_A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(this_A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(this_A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
this_A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(this_A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(this_A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
# Update coefficient matrices
min_cluster_1_size <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]
min_cluster_2_size <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
sum_min_cluster_sizes <- min_cluster_1_size + min_cluster_2_size
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
cluster_j_size <- cluster_sizes[j]
sum_cluster_sizes <- sum_min_cluster_sizes + cluster_j_size
beta <- cluster_j_size/sum_cluster_sizes
alpha1 <- min_cluster_1_size/sum_cluster_sizes + beta
alpha2 <- min_cluster_2_size/sum_cluster_sizes + beta
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
A2 <- A[min_cluster_2, j]
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
A2 <- A[j, min_cluster_2]
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
A[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*A[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*A2 # note that A[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*B[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- alpha1*C[min_cluster_1, j] + alpha2*C2 - beta*C_constant
} else {
A[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*A[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*A2 # note that A[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*B[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_1, min_cluster_2] = 0 by Lemma S2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- alpha1*C[j, min_cluster_1] + alpha2*C2 - beta*C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- sum_min_cluster_sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[min_cluster_1, j], B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A[j, min_cluster_1], B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set S for McQuitty linkage hierarchical clustering (WPGMA),
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_mcquitty_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
loop_index <- c(k2_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, other_obs)
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs)
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*B[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*B2
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*C[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*C2
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*B[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*C[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*C2
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
#' Computes the conditioning set S for median linkage hierarchical clustering (WPGMC),
#' w/o assuming isotropic covariance matrix
#' @param X the n x q data set
#' @param hcl hclust object obtained by clustering X
#' @param K number of clusters
#' @param k1 the index of first cluster involved in the test
#' @param k2 the index of second cluster involved in the test
#' @param stat the test statistic, \eqn{||\Sigma^{-1/2} x^T \nu||_2}
#' @param dist The distances of matrix X
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Returns an "Intervals" object containing the conditioning set.
compute_S_median_gencov <- function(X, hcl, K, k1, k2, stat, dist) {
# Initialization and book-keeping
n <- nrow(X)
heights <- hcl$height
merges <- hcl$merge
cl <- stats::cutree(hcl, K)
k1_obs <- which(cl == k1)
k2_obs <- which(cl == k2)
other_obs <- setdiff(1:n, c(k1_obs, k2_obs))
S_complement <- list(c(-Inf, 0))
list_index <- 2
# where is each observation merged away?
# if it's after the (n-K)th merge, then that cluster still exists at step (n-K)
height_merge <- rep(n-K, n)
for(l in 1:(n-K)) {
minimal_clusters <- merges[l, ]
height_merge[-minimal_clusters[minimal_clusters < 0]] <- l
# Step 1
cluster_sizes <- rep(1, n)
merged_to_index <- rep(NA, n)
# Make the coefficients for d(i, i'; x'(\phi))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), nrow(X))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- dist
# compute quantities used in all coefficients
prop_k2 <- length(k2_obs)/(length(k1_obs) + length(k2_obs))
squared_prop_k2 <- prop_k2^2
prop_k1 <- prop_k2-1
squared_prop_k1 <- prop_k1^2
diff_means <- colMeans(X[k1_obs, , drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(X[k2_obs, , drop=FALSE])
squared_dist_means <- sum(diff_means^2)
dist_means <- sqrt(squared_dist_means)
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' in cluster k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in k2_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*(cross_ij - squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_dist_means - 2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k1 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k1_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k2*(cross_ij - prop_k2*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k2*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k2*cross_ij
# compute coefficients involving i in cluster k2 and i' not in clusters k1 or k2
for(i in k2_obs) {
for(j in other_obs) {
diff_ij <- X[i, ] - X[j, ]
cross_ij <- sum(diff_ij*diff_means)
if(i > j) {
B[i, j] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
} else {
B[j, i] <- 2*prop_k1*(cross_ij - prop_k1*squared_dist_means)/stat
C[j, i] <- C[j, i] + squared_prop_k1*squared_dist_means - 2*prop_k1*cross_ij
gencov_factor <- squared_dist_means/(stat^2)
# solve the inequalities
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in k2_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k2*gencov_factor
for(i in k1_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- squared_prop_k1*gencov_factor
for(i in k2_obs) {
hm1 <- height_merge[i]
for(j in other_obs) {
hm2 <- height_merge[j]
if(hm1 < hm2) {
upper_ij <- hm1
} else {
upper_ij <- hm2
current_height <- heights[upper_ij]
if(i > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[i, j], C[i, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, i], C[j, i] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
for(step in 1:(n-K-1)) {
# Which clusters merged in this step?
minimal_clusters <- merges[step, ]
for(i in 1:2) {
if(minimal_clusters[i] > 0) {
minimal_clusters[i] <- merged_to_index[minimal_clusters[i]]
} else {
minimal_clusters[i] <- -minimal_clusters[i]
# Merge them to create the (step+1)th clustering
min_cluster_1 <- min(minimal_clusters)
min_cluster_2 <- max(minimal_clusters)
merged_to_index[step] <- min_cluster_1
# Update last step where each cluster exists
# If it's merged away before n-K, then that's the step. If it's merged away after n-K,
# or if it's never merged away, then it should be n-K
height_merge[min_cluster_2] <- NA
match_merge_row <- match(step, merges)
if(is.na(match_merge_row)) {
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- n-K
} else {
if(match_merge_row > n-1) {
match_merge_row <- match_merge_row - (n-1)
height_merge[min_cluster_1] <- min(n-K, match_merge_row)
# Update coefficient matrices
prop_min_1 <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1]/(cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2])
prop_min_2 <- 1 - prop_min_1
# Update cluster indexing
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) k1_obs <- k1_obs[k1_obs != min_cluster_2]
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) k2_obs <- k2_obs[k2_obs != min_cluster_2]
if((cl[min_cluster_1] != k1) & (cl[min_cluster_1] != k2)) other_obs <- other_obs[other_obs != min_cluster_2]
loop_index <- c(k1_obs, k2_obs, other_obs)
C_constant <- 0.25*C[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1]
for(j in loop_index) {
if(j < min_cluster_2) {
B2 <- B[min_cluster_2, j]
C2 <- C[min_cluster_2, j]
} else {
B2 <- B[j, min_cluster_2]
C2 <- C[j, min_cluster_2]
if(j < min_cluster_1) {
B[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*B[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*B2 # note that B[min_cluster_2, min_cluster_1] = 0
C[min_cluster_1, j] <- 0.5*C[min_cluster_1, j] + 0.5*C2 - C_constant
} else {
B[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*B[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*B2
C[j, min_cluster_1] <- 0.5*C[j, min_cluster_1] + 0.5*C2 - C_constant
# Update cluster sizes
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] <- cluster_sizes[min_cluster_1] + cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2]
cluster_sizes[min_cluster_2] <- NA
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k1) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] == k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(gencov_factor, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in other_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
if(cl[min_cluster_1] != k1 & cl[min_cluster_1] != k2) {
first_height <- height_merge[min_cluster_1]
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k2
for(j in k1_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
A <- gencov_factor*squared_prop_k1
for(j in k2_obs) {
if(first_height < height_merge[j]) {
current_height <- heights[first_height]
} else {
current_height <- heights[height_merge[j]]
if(min_cluster_1 > j) {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[min_cluster_1, j], C[min_cluster_1, j] - current_height)
} else {
new_intervals <- solve_one_ineq(A, B[j, min_cluster_1], C[j, min_cluster_1] - current_height)
if(!is.null(new_intervals)) {
S_complement[[list_index]] <- new_intervals
list_index <- list_index + 1
S_complement <- do.call('c', S_complement)
S_complement <- matrix(S_complement, length(S_complement)/2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
S_complement <- intervals::reduce(intervals::Intervals(S_complement), check_valid=FALSE)
# complement the complement to get S
S <- intervals::interval_complement(S_complement, check_valid=FALSE)
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