
Defines functions find_best_model

Documented in find_best_model

#' Function to find the best n-dimensional ellipsoid model using Partial Roc as a performance criteria.
#' @param this.species, Species Temporal Environment "sp.temporal.env" object see \code{\link[hdm]{extract_by_year}}.
#' @param cor_threshold Threshold valuefrom which it is considered that the correlation is high see \code{\link[hdm]{correlation_finder}}.
#' @param ellipsoid_level The proportion of points to be included inside the ellipsoid see \code{\link[hdm]{ellipsoidfit}}.
#' @param nvars_to_fit Number of variables that will be used to model.
#' @param E  Amount of error admissible for Partial Roc test (by default =.05). Value should range between 0 - 1. see \code{\link[hdm]{PartialROC}}
#' @param RandomPercent Occurrence points to be sampled in randomly for the boostrap of the Partial Roc test \code{\link[hdm]{PartialROC}}.
#' @param NoOfIteration Number of iteration for the bootstrapping of the Partial Roc test \code{\link[hdm]{PartialROC}}.
#' @return A "sp.temp.best.model" object with metadata of the best model given the performance of the Partial Roc test.
#' @export

find_best_model <- function(this.species,cor_threshold=0.9,
                            E = 0.05,
                            RandomPercent = 50,
  stopifnot(inherits(this.species, "sp.temporal.env"))
  n_nas <- floor(dim(this.species$env_data_train)[1]*0.1)
  env_train <- this.species$env_data_train

  rm_layers <- unlist(sapply( 1:dim(env_train)[2], function(x){
    if(length(which(is.na(env_train[,x]))) > n_nas) return(x)
  } ))

  env_train <- stats::na.omit(env_train[,-rm_layers])
  cor_matrix <- stats::cor(env_train)
  find_cor   <- correlation_finder(cor_mat = cor_matrix,
                                   threshold = cor_threshold,
                                   verbose = F)
  cor_filter <- find_cor$descriptors
  combinatoria_vars <- combn(length(cor_filter),nvars_to_fit)

  year_to_search <- min(as.numeric(names(this.species$layers_path_by_year)))

  env_layers <- raster::stack(this.species$layers_path_by_year[[paste0(year_to_search)]])
  modelos <- lapply(1:dim(combinatoria_vars)[2],function(x){
    # Varaibles filtadas por combinatiria de las mas representativas
    vars_model <- cor_filter[combinatoria_vars[,x]]
    ellip <- cov_center(env_train[,vars_model],
                        level = ellipsoid_level ,vars = vars_model)

    # Datos de presencia de la sp en el ambiente
    occs_env <- this.species$env_data_train[,vars_model]

    # Ajuste del modelo de elipsoide

    sp_model <- ellipsoidfit(data = env_layers[[vars_model]],
                             centroid =ellip$centroid,
                             covar =  ellip$covariance,
                             level = ellipsoid_level,
                             threshold = 0.000001,size = 3)

      # Presencias de la sp en el ambiente

      # Ejes del elipsoide

      rgl::segments3d(x = ellip$axis_coordinates[[1]][,1],
                 y = ellip$axis_coordinates[[1]][,2],
                 z = ellip$axis_coordinates[[1]][,3],

      rgl::segments3d(x = ellip$axis_coordinates[[2]][,1],
                 y = ellip$axis_coordinates[[2]][,2],
                 z = ellip$axis_coordinates[[2]][,3],

      rgl::segments3d(x = ellip$axis_coordinates[[3]][,1],
                 y = ellip$axis_coordinates[[3]][,2],
                 z = ellip$axis_coordinates[[3]][,3],


    valData <- this.species$test_data[,c(1,2)]
    valData$sp_name <- "sp"
    valData <- valData[,c(3,1,2)]
    p_roc<- PartialROC(valData = valData,
                        PredictionFile = sp_model$suitRaster,
                        E = E,
                        RandomPercent = RandomPercent,
                        NoOfIteration = NoOfIteration)
    p_roc$model <- paste0(x)

    return(list(model = sp_model$suitRaster,

  procs <- lapply(1:length(modelos),function(x) {
    proc <- modelos[[x]][[2]]
  procs <- do.call("rbind.data.frame",procs)
  procs$model <- as.factor(procs$model)

  m1 <- lm(AUC_ratio ~ model, data = procs)
  model_means <- sapply(levels(procs$model), function(y){
    model_index <- which(procs$model == y)
    media_model <- mean(procs[model_index,1])

  best_model <-names(model_means)[which(model_means==max(model_means))]

  models_meta_data <- lapply(1:length(modelos), function(x){
    matadata <- modelos[[x]][[3]]

  best_model_metadata <- modelos[[as.numeric(best_model)]][[3]]

  sp.temp.best.model <- list(sp_coords = this.species$sp_coords,
                             coords_env_data_all = this.species$coords_env_data_all,
                             env_data_train = this.species$env_data_train,
                             env_data_test = this.species$env_data_test,
                             test_data = this.species$test_data,
                             sp_occs_year = this.species$sp_occs_year,
                             oocs_data = this.species$oocs_data,
                             lon_lat_vars = this.species$lon_lat_vars,
                             layers_path_by_year = this.species$layers_path_by_year,
                             best_model_metadata= best_model_metadata,
                             ellipsoid_level =ellipsoid_level,
                             pROC_table = procs,
  class(sp.temp.best.model) <- c("list", "sp.temporal.modeling","sp.temporal.env","sp.temp.best.model")


luismurao/hdm documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:06 a.m.