
# UK GEOGRAPHY * 16 - Postal Towns #

Rfuns::load_pkgs('data.table', 'fst', 'rvest')

message('Downloading Postcode Areas (PCA)...')
url_pref <- ''
pca <- paste0(url_pref, 'postcode-areas') |>
          read_html_ns('.postcode_areas_list a') |>
          html_text() |> 
          matrix(byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) |> 
          setnames(c('PCA', 'name'))
pca[, `:=`(PCA = trimws(gsub('postcode area', '', PCA)), name = trimws(gsub('postcode area', '', name)))]
fwrite(pca, './data-raw/csv/locations/PCA.csv')

message('\nDownloading Post Towns (PCT)...')
pcdt <- rbindlist(lapply(
              Sys.sleep(runif(1, 0.5,1.5))
              message(' - Processing postcode area ', idx, ' out of ', nrow(pca))
              paste0(url_pref, pca[idx, PCA], '-postcode-area') |>
                  read_html_ns('.postcode_district_list a') |>
                  html_text() |> 
                  matrix(byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) |> 
)) |> setnames(c('PCD', 'PCT'))
pcdt[, `:=`(PCD = trimws(gsub('postcode', '', PCD)), PCT = trimws(gsub('postcode', '', PCT)))]
pcdt <- pcdt[PCT != '']
fwrite(pcdt, './data-raw/csv/lookups/PCDT.csv')

message('\nDownloading missed Post Towns from Wikipedia...')
pcd <- fread('./data-raw/csv/locations/PCD.csv')
pcdt <- pcdt[pcd, on = 'PCD']
miss <- unique(pcdt[, gsub('[0-9]', '', PCD)])
pctw <- data.table(PCD = character(0), PCT = character(0))
for(idx in 1:length(miss)){
    message(' - Processing postcode area ', idx, ' out of ', length(miss))
    y <- data.table(htmltab::htmltab(
            paste0(file.path('', miss[idx]), '_postcode_area'), 
    y <- y[!grepl('non-geo', Coverage)]
    if(ncol(y) == 4) y <- y[!grepl('non-geo', `Local authority area(s)`)]
    pctw <- rbindlist(list(pctw, y[, 1:2]), use.names = FALSE)

message('\nDone! Cleaning results...')

# clean names
pctw[, PCT := paste0( substr(PCT, 1, 1), tolower(substring(PCT, 2)) ) ]

# retain only records with missing PCT names in joint table PCDT
pctw <- pctw[ PCD %in% pcdt[, PCD]]

# update first table with missing post town names
pcdt[, PCT := pctw[.SD[['PCD']], .(PCT), on = 'PCD'] ]

# add PCA to duplicate post town names
pcdt[, PCA := gsub('[0-9]', '', substr(PCD, 1, 2))]
pcdt[PCT %in% pcdt[, .N, .(PCT, PCA)][, .N, PCT][N>1, PCT], PCT := paste0(PCT, ' (', PCA, ')')]

message('\nCreating IDs and Saving tables as csv...')

# create post town primary key and save table  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pct <- unique(pcdt[!, .(name = PCT)])[order(name)][, .( PCT = paste0('PCT', formatC(1:.N, width = 4, format = 'd', flag = '0')), name)]
fwrite(pct, './data-raw/csv/locations/PCT.csv')

# substitute post towns names with new ids in pcd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pcdt <- pct[pcdt, on = c(name = 'PCT')][!][, name := NULL]
setcolorder(pcdt, c('PCD', 'ordering', 'PCT'))
fwrite(pcdt[, .(PCD, PCT, ordering)], './data-raw/csv/lookups/PCD_PCT.csv')
fwrite(pcdt[fread('./data-raw/csv/lookups/OA_PCD.csv'), on = 'PCD'][, .(OA, PCT)], './data-raw/csv/lookups/OA_PCT.csv')
    warning('CHECK pcd.csv! Not all Post Towns have been found. There still are ', nrow(pcd[]), ' missing' )

message('\nDownloading villages...')
villages <- data.table('PCD' = character(0), village = character(0))
for(idx in 1:nrow(pcd)){
    message(' - Processing district ', pcd[idx, PCD], ' (', idx, ' out of ', nrow(pcd), ')')
    pcd_vlg <- tryCatch(
        paste0(url_pref, pcd[idx, PCD], '-postcode-district') |> 
            read_html_ns('.places-list a') |> 
        , error = function(err) character(0)
    if(length(pcd_vlg) > 0){
        villages <- rbindlist(list(villages, data.table( pcd[idx, PCD], pcd_vlg ) ), use.names = FALSE )
        message('   => Added ', length(pcd_vlg), ' villages (total villages so far: ', nrow(villages), ')')
    Sys.sleep(stats::runif(1, 0.5, 4))

message('\nDone!\nAdding PCD with no villages, then saving table as csv...')
y <- pcdt[!(PCD %in% unique(villages$PCD)), .(PCD, PCT)]
y <- pct[y, on = 'PCT'][!, .(PCD, village = name)]
villages <- rbindlist( list(villages, y) )
fwrite(villages[order(PCD, village)], './data-raw/csv/locations/villages.csv')

message('\nDONE! Cleaning...')
rm(list = ls())
lvalnegri/dmpkg.geouk documentation built on Sept. 15, 2022, 9:16 a.m.