
Defines functions PrepData

Documented in PrepData

#' @title PrepData
#' @description Creates a table of wrangled, aggregate data of counts from the Title II website in each degree completion category(Major, Subject, Area) and in each program(Arizona State University, Brigham Young University, etc.) and prepares it for use in other functions(ByState(), ByProgram(), ByProgramType())
#' @param Year is digit numeric number of the year
#' @param with_summary defaults to TRUE. Adds a summary (total) row and the bottom of the table.

#' @export

PrepData <- function(Year) {

  #Download Online File
  dataset <- tempfile(fileext = '.xls')
  downloader::download(paste0("https://title2.ed.gov/Public/DataTools/", Year, "/AllStates.xls"), mode = 'wb', destfile = dataset)
  assign(paste0('Subject'), readxl::read_excel(dataset, sheet = 'PreparedBySubject'))
  assign(paste0('Major'), readxl::read_excel(dataset, sheet = 'PreparedByMajor'))
  assign(paste0('Area'), readxl::read_excel(dataset, sheet = 'PreparedByArea'))

  if (Year %in% c(2012, 2013, 2014)) {

    tempfile(fileext = '.xls')
    download(paste0("https://title2.ed.gov/Public/DataTools/", Year, "/IPEDS_Crosswalk.xls"), mode = 'wb', destfile = dataset2)

    if (year == 2012) {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2, sheet = 'All')
    } else {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2)

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      mutate(newcol = paste0(ProgramCode, Program))

    Ipeds <- Ipeds[!duplicated(Ipeds$newcol),]

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      select(ProgramCode, Program, IPEDS)

  } else if (Year >= 2017 & Year < 2020) {

    tempfile(fileext = '.xls')
    download(paste0("https://title2.ed.gov/Public/DataTools/", Year, "/IPEDS_Crosswalk.xls"), mode = 'wb', destfile = dataset2)

    if (year == 2012) {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2, sheet = 'All')
    } else {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2)

    colnames(Ipeds)[3] <- 'ProgramCode'
    colnames(Ipeds)[4] <- 'Program'

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      mutate(newcol = paste0(ProgramCode, Program))

    Ipeds <- Ipeds[!duplicated(Ipeds$newcol),]

    if (Year == 2019) {

      Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
        mutate(ProgramCode = str_pad(ProgramCode, 3, pad = "0"))


    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      select(ProgramCode, Program, IPEDS)

  } else if (Year >= 2020) {

    assign(paste0('Ipeds'), readxl::read_excel(dataset, sheet = 'Program'))

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      select(ProgramCode, Program, IPEDSID)

    colnames(Ipeds)[3] <- 'IPEDS'

  } else {

    tempfile(fileext = '.xls')
    download(paste0("https://title2.ed.gov/Public/DataTools/", Year, "/IPEDS_Crosswalk.xls"), mode = 'wb', destfile = dataset2)

    if (year == 2012) {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2, sheet = 'All')
    } else {
      Ipeds <- read_excel(dataset2)

    colnames(Ipeds)[2] <- 'ProgramCode'
    colnames(Ipeds)[3] <- 'Program'

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      mutate(newcol = paste0(ProgramCode, Program))

    Ipeds <- Ipeds[!duplicated(Ipeds$newcol),]

    Ipeds <- Ipeds %>%
      select(ProgramCode, Program, IPEDS)


  #Create Unique Program Names
  s1 <- unique(Subject$Program)
  a1 <- unique(Area$Program)
  m1 <- unique(Major$Program)

  allprog <- as.data.frame(unique(c(s1, a1, m1)))

  colnames(allprog) <- 'Program'

  allprog <- rbind(Major, Subject, Area) %>%
    dplyr::select(State, Program, ProgramType, ProgramCode)

  allprog <- allprog[!duplicated(allprog$Program),]

  #PreparedByArea Organization
  area2 <- Area %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lowcat = str_to_lower(OtherSpecify),
                  Physicsa = dplyr::case_when(

                    str_detect(lowcat, 'physics') |  str_detect(lowcat, 'astro') ~ 1

                  )) %>%
    dplyr::filter(Physicsa == 1) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(ProgramCode, Program) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(TotalPreppeda = sum(Prepared))

  #PreparedByMajor Organization
  major2 <- Major %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lowcatm = str_to_lower(Category),
                  lowother = str_to_lower(OtherSpecify),
                  Physicsm = dplyr::case_when(

                    str_detect(lowcatm, 'physics') | str_detect(lowcatm, 'astro')  | str_detect(lowother, 'physics')  | str_detect(lowcatm, 'astro')~ 1,

                  )) %>%
    dplyr::filter(Physicsm == 1) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(ProgramCode, Program) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(TotalPreppedm = sum(Prepared))

  subject2 <- Subject %>%
    mutate(lowcats = str_to_lower(Category),
           lowothers = str_to_lower(OtherSpecify),
           Physicss = case_when(

             str_detect(lowcats, 'physics') | str_detect(lowothers, 'physics') ~ 1

           )) %>%
    filter(Physicss == 1) %>%
    group_by(ProgramCode, Program) %>%
    summarise(TotalPreppeds = sum(Prepared))

  naalldata <- allprog %>%
    left_join(area2, by = c('Program', 'ProgramCode')) %>%
    left_join(major2, by = c('Program', 'ProgramCode')) %>%
    left_join(subject2, by = c('Program', 'ProgramCode')) %>%
    mutate(allna = case_when(

      is.na(TotalPreppeda & is.na(TotalPreppedm) &is.na(TotalPreppeds)) ~ 'is na',
      TRUE ~ 'is not na'

    )) %>%
    #filter(allna == 'is not na') %>%

  alldata <- naalldata %>%
    mutate(TotalPreppeds = case_when(

      is.na(TotalPreppeds) ~ 0,
      TRUE ~ TotalPreppeds

    TotalPreppedm = case_when(

      is.na(TotalPreppedm) ~ 0,
      TRUE ~ TotalPreppedm

    TotalPreppeda = case_when(

      is.na(TotalPreppeda) ~ 0,
      TRUE ~ TotalPreppeda


  alldata3 <- alldata %>%
    left_join(Ipeds, by = c('Program', 'ProgramCode')) %>%
    select(c(8, 1:7)) %>%
    mutate(ProgramType = case_when(

      ProgramType == 'Traditional' | ProgramType == 'Alternative, IHE-based' ~ 'IHE-based',
      TRUE ~ 'Not IHE-based'


  #To fix the extra rows given to years before 2015

  alldata4 <- alldata3 %>%
    mutate(newc = paste0(Program, ProgramType))

  alldata5 <- alldata4[!duplicated(alldata4$newc), ]

  alldata6 <- alldata5[,-9]


lvjensen/PhysicsEdCoalition documentation built on March 20, 2021, 10:11 p.m.