
Defines functions create_slides create_report create_doc

Documented in create_doc create_report create_slides

#' Create a basic R Markdown document from a template.
#' Creates manuscript/report or slide R Markdown file and saves it into
#' the `doc/` folder.
#' @param type The file type (e.g. report, slides).
#' @return A created `.Rmd` file in the `doc/` folder.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_manuscript()
#' create_report()
#' create_slides()
#' }
create_doc <- function(type = c("report", "slides")) {
    if (!is_rproj_folder())
        rlang::abort("The folder does not contain an `.Rproj` file. Please use this function while in the project created from `setup_project().`")

    if (!dir.exists("doc"))
        rlang::abort("What happened to your `doc/` folder?")

    type <- match.arg(type)
    file_name <- normalizePath(file.path("doc", paste0(type, ".Rmd")), mustWork = FALSE)
    template_file <- fs::path_package("prodigenr", "rmarkdown", "templates", type)
    if (fs::file_exists(file_name)) {
        rlang::abort(paste0("The file '", type, ".Rmd' already exists in the doc folder."))
    } else {
            file = file_name,
            template = template_file,
            package = NULL,
            create_dir = FALSE,
            edit = FALSE
        cli::cli_alert_success("Creating a {.val {type}} file in the {.val {'doc/'}} folder.")

#' @describeIn create_doc Creates a report R Markdown document in the `doc/` folder.
#' @export
create_report <- function() {
    create_doc(type = "report")

#' @describeIn create_doc Creates a manuscript R Markdown document in
#'   the `doc/` folder. Is the same as [create_report()].
#' @export
create_manuscript <- create_report

#' @describeIn create_doc Creates a R Markdown document for making slides in the `doc/` folder.
#' @export
create_slides <- function() {
    create_doc(type = "slides")

#' List project templates within \pkg{prodigenr}.
#' Get a list of available templates in a package.
#' @return Vector of templates available
#' @export
#' @examples
#' template_list
template_list <- c("report", "slides")
lwjohnst86/prodigenr documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 2:45 a.m.