
Defines functions advanced_batch_search

Documented in advanced_batch_search

#' Encapsulation of CEU Mass Mediator advanced batch search API.
#' \code{advanced_batch_search} returns the body string of a POST request.
#'   using the following code to install the dependencies:
#'   install.packages(c("httr", "progress", "RJSONIO"))
#' @param cmm_url 'http://ceumass.eps.uspceu.es/mediator/api/v3/advancedbatch' or your local one
#' @param chemical_alphabet "CHNOPS", "CHNOPSCL", "ALL"
#' @param modifiers_type "none", "NH3", "HCOO", "CH3COO", "HCOONH3", "CH3COONH3"
#' @param metabolites_type "all-except-peptides", "only-lipids", "all-including-peptides"
#' @param databases "all", "all-except-mine", "HMDB", "LipidMaps", "Metlin", "Kegg", "in-house", "mine"
#' @param masses_mode "neutral", "mz"
#' @param ion_mode "positive", "negative"
#' @param adducts for positive mode ["M+H", "M+2H", "M+Na", "M+K", "M+NH4", "M+H-H2O"] for negative mode ["M-H", "M+Cl", "M+FA-H", "M-H-H2O"], for neutral ["M"]
#' @param deuterium boolean 'true' 'false'
#' @param tolerance double (Range: [0..100])
#' @param tolerance_mode "ppm", "mDa"
#' @param masses double
#' @param all_masses array of doubles
#' @param retention_times double
#' @param all_retention_times array of doubles
#' @param composite_spectra array of arrays of spectra_object
#' @return If all inputs are all correctly formatted, a dataframe will be returned for the result.
#' @examples df <- advanced_batch_search(
#' cmm_url             = paste0(
#'   'http://ceumass.eps.uspceu.es/mediator/api/v3/',
#'   'advancedbatch'),
#' chemical_alphabet   = 'all',
#' modifiers_type      = 'none',
#' metabolites_type    = 'all-except-peptides',
#' databases           = '["hmdb"]',
#' masses_mode         = 'mz',
#' ion_mode            = 'positive',
#' adducts             = '["all"]',
#' deuterium           = 'false',
#' tolerance           = '7.5',
#' tolerance_mode      = 'ppm',
#' masses              = '[400.3432, 288.2174]',
#' all_masses          = '[]',
#' retention_times     = '[18.842525, 4.021555]',
#' all_retention_times = '[]',
#' composite_spectra   = paste0(
#'   '[[{ "mz": 400.3432, "intensity": 307034.88 }, ',
#'   '{ "mz": 311.20145, "intensity": 400.03336 }]]'
#' ))
#' @author Yaoxiang Li \email{yl814@georgetown.edu}
#' Georgetown University, USA
#' License: GPL (>= 3)
#' @export
advanced_batch_search = function(
  cmm_url             = paste0(
  chemical_alphabet   = 'all',
  modifiers_type      = 'none',
  metabolites_type    = 'all-except-peptides',
  databases           = '["hmdb"]',
  masses_mode         = 'mz',
  ion_mode            = 'positive',
  adducts             = '["all"]',
  deuterium           = 'false',
  tolerance           = '7.5',
  tolerance_mode      = 'ppm',
  masses              = '[400.3432, 288.2174]',
  all_masses          = '[]',
  retention_times     = '[18.842525, 4.021555]',
  all_retention_times = '[]',
  composite_spectra   = paste0(
  '[[{ "mz": 400.3432, "intensity": 307034.88 }, ',
  '{ "mz": 311.20145, "intensity": 400.03336 }]]'
)) {

  post_body <- create_advanced_batch_body(chemical_alphabet, modifiers_type,
    metabolites_type, databases, masses_mode, ion_mode, adducts, deuterium,
    tolerance, tolerance_mode, masses, all_masses, retention_times,
    all_retention_times, composite_spectra)

  if (cmm_url == 'http://ceumass.eps.uspceu.es/mediator/api/v3/advancedbatch') {
    cat("Using the CEU Mass Mediator server API.\n")
  } else {
    cat("Using the local/3rd party server API:\n")
    cat(paste0(cmm_url, "\n"))

  r <- httr::POST(url = cmm_url, body = post_body, httr::content_type("application/json"))

  if (r$status_code == 200) {

    columns_to_save <- c("RT", "adductRelationScore", "RTscore",
                         "identifier", "EM", "name", "formula", "adduct",
                         "molecular_weight", "error_ppm",
                         "ionizationScore", "finalScore",
                         "kegg_compound", "kegg_uri",
                         "hmdb_compound", "hmdb_uri",
                         "lipidmaps_compound", "lipidmaps_uri",
                         "metlin_compound", "metlin_uri",
                         "pubchem_compound", "pubchem_uri")

    columns_to_name <- c("RT", "adductRelationScore", "RTscore",
                         "Identifier", "Experimental.mass", "Name", "Formula", "Adduct",
                         "Molecular.Weight", "PPM.Error",
                         "Ionization.Score", "Final.Score",
                         "Kegg", "Kegg_URI",
                         "HMDB", "HMDB_URI",
                         "LipidMaps", "LipidMaps_URI",
                         "Metlin", "Metlin_URI",
                         "PubChem", "PubChem_URI")

    cat(paste0("Status: ", r$status_code, ", Success!\n"))
    cat(paste0("Date: ", r$date, "\n"))
    json_file <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(httr::content(r, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))$results
    if (length(json_file) == 0) {
      cat("No compounds found in the database search.\n")
      return("No compounds found in the database search.")

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = "  Parsing database search results [:bar] :percent in :elapsed",
      total  = length(json_file) - 1,
      clear  = FALSE,
      width  = 100)

    df = json_file[[1]]
    df = as.data.frame(df[names(df) %in% columns_to_save])
    if (length(json_file) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(json_file)) {
        dfi = json_file[[i]]
        dfi = as.data.frame(dfi[names(dfi) %in% columns_to_save])
        df = rbind(df, dfi)

    df = df[, columns_to_save]
    colnames(df) = columns_to_name
  } else {
    cat(paste0("Status: ", r$status_code, ", Fail to connect the API service!\n"))
    cat(paste0("Date: ", r$date, "\n"))
lzyacht/cmmr documentation built on July 1, 2021, 5:19 p.m.