
Defines functions plot_coefficients.lm

Documented in plot_coefficients.lm

#' Plot coefficients for standard linear models.
#' @description A basic plot of coefficients with their uncertainty interval for
#'   lm and glm objects.
#' @param model The lm or glm model
#' @param order The order of the plots- "increasing", "decreasing", or a numeric
#'   vector giving the order. The default is NULL, i.e. the default ordering.
#'   Not applied to random effects.
#' @param sd_multi For non-brmsfit objects, the multiplier that determines the
#'   width of the interval. Default is 2.
#' @param palette A scico palette. Default is 'bilbao'.
#' @param keep_intercept Default is FALSE. Intercepts are typically on a very
#'   different scale than covariate effects.
#' @param ref_line A reference line. Default is zero.
#' @param trans A transformation function to be applied to the coefficients
#'   (e.g. exponentiation).
#' @param plot Default is TRUE, but sometimes you just want the data.
#' @details This is more or less a function that serves as the basis for other
#'   models I actually use.
#' @inheritParams plot_coefficients
#' @return A ggplot of the coefficients and their interval estimates. Or the
#'   data that would be used to create the plot.
#' @examples
#' mod = lm(mpg ~ ., mtcars)
#' plot_coefficients(mod, order = 'increasing')
#' @family model visualization
#' @export
plot_coefficients.lm <- function(
  order = 'decreasing',
  sd_multi = 2,
  keep_intercept = FALSE,
  palette = 'bilbao',
  ref_line = 0,
  trans = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,
) {

  init <- summary(model)[['coefficients']]

  if (!isTRUE(keep_intercept)) {
    init <- init[!grepl(rownames(init), pattern = 'Intercept'), ]

  if (is.character(order) && order == 'decreasing') {
    ord <- order(init[,'Estimate'], decreasing = TRUE)
  } else if (is.character(order) && order == 'increasing') {
    ord <- order(init[,'Estimate'])
  } else if (is.numeric(order)) {
    ord <- order

  init <- init[ord,]

  # grab coefs and sd
  coefs <- init[,'Estimate']
  sds <- init[,'Std. Error']

  # create uis based on multiplier
  ui <- coefs  + outer(sds, c(-sd_multi, sd_multi))

  out <-
    data.frame(value = coefs,
               ui) %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var='Coefficient') %>%
    dplyr::rename(ui_l = X1,
           ui_u = X2)

  # call internal gg
  if (plot) {
               palette = palette,
               ref_line = ref_line,
               trans =  trans)
  } else {

#' @rdname plot_coefficients.lm
#' @family model visualization
#' @export
plot_coefficients.glm <- plot_coefficients.lm
m-clark/visibly documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 5:33 p.m.