
context('test coefficient plots')

test_lm <- lm(mpg ~ ., mtcars)

x <- rnorm(100)
q <- rnorm(100)
z <- rnorm(100)
y <- rpois(100, exp(.25*x + .1*q - .5*z))

test_glm <- glm(y ~ x + q + z, family = poisson)
fit_mer  <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), lme4::sleepstudy)
fit_mer2 <- lme4::lmer(count ~ zAge + zBase * Trt + (1 | patient),
mer_re <- plot_coefficients(fit_mer, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = 'Subject')

test_that('It works', {
  expect_s3_class(mer_re[[1]], 'ggplot')

test_that('It works', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_lm, plot = FALSE), 'data.frame')

# test lm glm coefficients ------------------------------------------------

test_that('test plot_coefficients.lm', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_lm), 'ggplot')

test_that('test palette', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_lm, palette = 'oslo'), 'ggplot')

test_that('test order numeric', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_lm, order = sample(1:10)), 'ggplot')

test_that('test order increasing', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_lm, order = 'increasing'), 'ggplot')
  expect_equal(plot_coefficients(test_lm, order = 'increasing', plot = FALSE)$Coefficient[1], 'wt')

test_that('test plot_coefficients.glm and trans', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(test_glm, trans = exp, ref_line = 1),

# test lme4 ---------------------------------------------------------------

# test fixed effects plots ------------------------------------------------
test_that('test fixef options', {
  test_fe <- plot_coefficients(fit_mer, ranef = F)
  expect_s3_class(test_fe, 'ggplot')

test_that('test fixef options order increasing', {
  test_fe <- plot_coefficients(fit_mer2, order = 'increasing', plot=F)
  expect_equal(test_fe$Coefficient[1], 'Trt1')

test_that('test fixef options order numeric', {
  test_fe <- plot_coefficients(fit_mer2, order = 4:1, plot=F)
  expect_equal(test_fe$Coefficient[2], 'Trt1')

test_that('no plot works', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(fit_mer, plot = FALSE), 'data.frame')

# test random effect plots ------------------------------------------------

test_that('test ranef options', {
  expect_s3_class(mer_re[[1]], 'ggplot')

test_that('test merMod ranef errors with wrong ranef', {
  expect_error(plot_coefficients(fit_mer, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = 'blah'))

test_that('test merMod ranef errors with null ranef', {
  expect_error(plot_coefficients(fit_mer, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = NULL))

test_that('test merMod ranef can return data', {
  expect_s3_class(plot_coefficients(fit_mer, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = 'Subject',
                                    plot=F)[[1]], 'data.frame')

test_that('test merMod ranef can take single ranef and
          returns ggplot with 1 ranef', {
                                              ranef = TRUE,
                                              which_ranef = 'patient'),

# test brms ---------------------------------------------------------------

# test fixed effects plots ------------------------------------------------

# to reduce size, only a few posterior samples are saved, but this produces warnings, so suppressed.

test_that('test fixef options', {
  test_fe <-
      plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, ranef = F)
  expect_s3_class(test_fe, 'ggplot')

test_that('test fixef options order increasing', {
  test_fe <-
      plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, order = 'increasing', plot = FALSE)
  expect_equal(test_fe$Coefficient[1], 'Trt1')

test_that('test fixef options order numeric', {
  test_fe <-
      plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, order = 4:1, plot = FALSE)
  expect_equal(test_fe$Coefficient[2], 'Trt1')

test_that('no plot works', {
    plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, plot = FALSE)
  }), 'data.frame')

# test random effect plots ------------------------------------------------

test_that('test ranef options', {
    plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef='patient'), 'ggplot')

test_that('test error with wrong ranef', {
  expect_error(plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = 'blah'))

test_that('test error with null ranef', {
  expect_error(plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = NULL))

test_that('test can return data', {
    plot_coefficients(fit_brms_two, ranef = TRUE, which_ranef = 'patient', plot=F),

test_that('test merMod ranef returns ggplot with 1 ranef', {
                                              ranef = TRUE,
                                              which_ranef = 'patient'),

test_that('test merMod ranef returns list with multi ranef', {
            test <- plot_coefficients(fit_brms_slope,
                                     ranef = TRUE,
                                     which_ranef = 'Subject')
            expect_is(test, 'list')
m-clark/visibly documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 5:33 p.m.