
# Rotate cartesian coordinates around a given center for a given angle
# Can use 2 methods: polar or a transform matrix (both give the same result)
# Can also be used to translate points
# (c)2014 Johan Slotman & Maarten Paul OIC/ErasmusMC
# v 0.1
# v 0.2 - added formal arguments
# v 0.3 - fixed center offset bug 16-7-14
# v 0.4 - addes stretch and flip features 17-7-14
# v 0.5 - added rotate3d 17-7-14

rotate_coord <- function(x,y,angle, type=c("degrees","radial"), method=c("transform","polar","polar_extended"), center=c(0,0), translate=NULL, stretch=NULL, flip=FALSE){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(!(length(translate)==2 || is.null(translate))){stop("translation coordinates should be a vector of length 2")}
  if(!(is.logical(flip))){stop("Flip should be TRUE or FALSE")}
    x <- -x
    x <- x*stretch
    y <- y*stretch
    center <- center*stretch
    if(!is.null(translate)){translate<- translate*stretch}
  x <- x-center[1]
  y <- y-center[2]
  if(type=="degrees"){angle <- angle*pi/180}
  if(type=="radial" && angle>(2*pi)){warning("Angle is bigger than 2pi are you sure it's in rads", call. = F)}
  if(method=="polar" || method=="polar_extended"){
    r <-sqrt(x^2+y^2)
    phi <- atan2(x,y)
    new_x <- r*sin(phi+angle)
    new_y <- r*cos(phi+angle)
    xy <- cbind(new_x,new_y)
      degrees={phi <- (phi+angle)*180/pi},
      radial={phi <- phi+angle}
    ext_list <- list(Coordinates=xy, Angles=phi, Distance_from_center=r)
    conversionmatrix <- matrix(c(cos(angle),sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle)), ncol=2, nrow=2)
    xy <- cbind(x,y)%*%conversionmatrix
  xy[,1] <- xy[,1]+center[1]
  xy[,2] <- xy[,2]+center[2]
    xy[,1] <- xy[,1]+translate[1]
    xy[,2] <- xy[,2]+translate[2]

rotate3d <- function(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL,i=0,j=0,k=0){
    if(is.null(x)||is.null(y)||is.null(z)){stop("no x, y and Z values found")}
    if(length(unique(c(length(x),length(y),length(z))))!=1){stop("x,y and z not of equal length")}
    xy <- rotate_coord(x,y,i)
    xz <- rotate_coord(xy[,1],z,j)
    yz <- rotate_coord(xy[,2],xz[,2],k)
    x <- xz[,1]
    y <- yz[,1]
    z <- yz[,2]

SMOLR_ROTATE <- function(x,y,angle, type, method, center, translate, stretch, flip){

SMOLR_ROTATE.default <- function(x,y,angle, type=c("degrees","radial"), method=c("transform","polar","polar_extended"), center=c(0,0), translate=NULL, stretch=NULL, flip=FALSE){
  coordinates <- rotate_coord(x,y,angle, type, method, center, translate, stretch, flip)

SMOLR_ROTATE.data.frame <- function(x,y=NULL,angle, type=c("degrees","radial"), method=c("transform","polar","polar_extended"), center=c(0,0), translate=NULL, stretch=NULL, flip=FALSE){
  ind_x <- grep("^x$",names(x),ignore.case=T)
  ind_y <- grep("^y$",names(x),ignore.case=T)
  dx <- x[,ind_x]
  y <- x[,ind_y]
  if(length(c(ind_x,ind_y))!=2){stop("Not all parameters (x,y,channel,precision) are present once in the header")}
  coordinates <- rotate_coord(dx,y,angle, type, method, center, translate, stretch, flip)
  x[,ind_x] <- coordinates[,1]
  x[,ind_y] <- coordinates[,2]
maartenpaul/SMoLR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:14 a.m.