
Defines functions democraticG democratic predict.democratic democraticCombine confidenceInterval vote

Documented in democratic democraticCombine democraticG predict.democratic

#' @title Democratic generic method
#' @description Democratic is a semi-supervised learning algorithm with a co-training 
#' style. This algorithm trains N classifiers with different learning schemes defined in 
#' list \code{gen.learners}. During the iterative process, the multiple classifiers with
#' different inductive biases label data for each other.
#' @param y A vector with the labels of training instances. In this vector the 
#' unlabeled instances are specified with the value \code{NA}.
#' @param gen.learners A list of functions for training N different supervised base classifiers.
#' Each function needs two parameters, indexes and cls, where indexes indicates
#' the instances to use and cls specifies the classes of those instances.
#' @param gen.preds A list of functions for predicting the probabilities per classes.
#' Each function must be two parameters, model and indexes, where the model
#' is a classifier trained with \code{gen.learner} function and
#' indexes indicates the instances to predict.
#' @details 
#' democraticG can be helpful in those cases where the method selected as 
#' base classifier needs a \code{learner} and \code{pred} functions with other
#' specifications. For more information about the general democratic method,
#' please see \code{\link{democratic}} function. Essentially, \code{democratic}
#' function is a wrapper of \code{democraticG} function.
#' @return A list object of class "democraticG" containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{W}{A vector with the confidence-weighted vote assigned to each classifier.}
#'   \item{model}{A list with the final N base classifiers trained using the 
#'   enlarged labeled set.}
#'   \item{model.index}{List of N vectors of indexes related to the training instances 
#'   used per each classifier. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{instances.index}{The indexes of all training instances used to
#'   train the N \code{models}. These indexes include the initial labeled instances
#'   and the newly labeled instances. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{model.index.map}{List of three vectors with the same information in \code{model.index}
#'   but the indexes are relative to \code{instances.index} vector.}
#'   \item{classes}{The levels of \code{y} factor.}
#' }
#' @references
#' Yan Zhou and Sally Goldman.\cr
#' \emph{Democratic co-learning.}\cr
#' In IEEE 16th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI),
#' pages 594-602. IEEE, Nov 2004. doi: 10.1109/ICTAI.2004.48.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # this is a long running example
#' library(ssc)
#' ## Load Wine data set
#' data(wine)
#' cls <- which(colnames(wine) == "Wine")
#' x <- wine[, -cls] # instances without classes
#' y <- wine[, cls] # the classes
#' x <- scale(x) # scale the attributes
#' ## Prepare data
#' set.seed(20)
#' # Use 50% of instances for training
#' tra.idx <- sample(x = length(y), size = ceiling(length(y) * 0.5))
#' xtrain <- x[tra.idx,] # training instances
#' ytrain <- y[tra.idx]  # classes of training instances
#' # Use 70% of train instances as unlabeled set
#' tra.na.idx <- sample(x = length(tra.idx), size = ceiling(length(tra.idx) * 0.7))
#' ytrain[tra.na.idx] <- NA # remove class information of unlabeled instances
#' # Use the other 50% of instances for inductive testing
#' tst.idx <- setdiff(1:length(y), tra.idx)
#' xitest <- x[tst.idx,] # testing instances
#' yitest <- y[tst.idx] # classes of testing instances
#' ## Example A: 
#' # Training from a set of instances with 
#' # 1-NN and C-svc (SVM) as base classifiers.
#' ### Define knn base classifier using knn3 from caret package
#' library(caret)
#' # learner function
#' knn <- function(indexes, cls) {
#'   knn3(x = xtrain[indexes, ], y = cls, k = 1)
#' }
#' # function to predict probabilities
#' knn.prob <- function(model, indexes) {
#'   predict(model, xtrain[indexes, ])
#' }
#' ### Define svm base classifier using ksvm from kernlab package
#' library(kernlab)
#' library(proxy)
#' # learner function
#' svm <- function(indexes, cls) {
#'   rbf <- function(x, y) {
#'     sigma <- 0.048
#'     d <- dist(x, y, method = "Euclidean", by_rows = FALSE)
#'     exp(-sigma *  d * d)
#'   }
#'   class(rbf) <- "kernel"
#'   ksvm(x = xtrain[indexes, ], y = cls, scaled = FALSE,
#'        type = "C-svc",  C = 1,
#'        kernel = rbf, prob.model = TRUE)
#' }
#' # function to predict probabilities
#' svm.prob <- function(model, indexes) {
#'   predict(model, xtrain[indexes, ], type = "probabilities")
#' }
#' ### Train
#' m1 <- democraticG(y = ytrain, 
#'                   gen.learners = list(knn, svm),
#'                   gen.preds = list(knn.prob, svm.prob))
#' ### Predict
#' # predict labels using each classifier
#' m1.pred1 <- predict(m1$model[[1]], xitest, type = "class")
#' m1.pred2 <- predict(m1$model[[2]], xitest)
#' # combine predictions
#' m1.pred <- list(m1.pred1, m1.pred2)
#' cls1 <- democraticCombine(m1.pred, m1$W, m1$classes)
#' table(cls1, yitest)
#' ## Example B: 
#' # Training from a distance matrix and a kernel matrix with 
#' # 1-NN and C-svc (SVM) as base classifiers.
#' ### Define knn2 base classifier using oneNN from ssc package
#' library(ssc)
#' # Compute distance matrix D
#' # D is used in knn2.prob
#' D <- as.matrix(dist(x = xtrain, method = "euclidean", by_rows = TRUE))
#' # learner function
#' knn2 <- function(indexes, cls) {
#'   model <- oneNN(y = cls)
#'   attr(model, "tra.idxs") <- indexes
#'   model
#' }
#' # function to predict probabilities
#' knn2.prob <- function(model, indexes)  {
#'   tra.idxs <- attr(model, "tra.idxs")
#'   predict(model, D[indexes, tra.idxs], distance.weighting = "none")
#' }
#' ### Define svm2 base classifier using ksvm from kernlab package
#' library(kernlab)
#' # Compute kernel matrix K
#' # K is used in svm2 and svm2.prob functions
#' sigma <- 0.048
#' K <- exp(- sigma * D * D)
#' # learner function
#' svm2 <- function(indexes, cls) {
#'   model <- ksvm(K[indexes, indexes], y = cls, 
#'                 type = "C-svc", C = 1,
#'                 kernel = "matrix", 
#'                 prob.model = TRUE)
#'   attr(model, "tra.idxs") <- indexes
#'   model
#' }
#' # function to predict probabilities
#' svm2.prob <- function(model, indexes)  {
#'   tra.idxs <- attr(model, "tra.idxs")
#'   sv.idxs <- tra.idxs[SVindex(model)]
#'   predict(model, 
#'           as.kernelMatrix(K[indexes, sv.idxs]),
#'           type = "probabilities") 
#' }
#' }
#' @export
democraticG <- function(
) {
  ### Check parameters ###
  # Check y 
  if(!is.factor(y) ){
      stop("Parameter y is neither a vector nor a factor.")  
      y = as.factor(y)
  # Check lengths
  if(length(gen.learners) != length(gen.preds)){
    stop("The length of gen.learners is not equal to the length of gen.preds.")
  nclassifiers <- length(gen.learners)
  if (nclassifiers <= 1) {
    stop("gen.learners must contain at least two base classifiers.")
  ### Init variables ###
  # Identify the classes
  classes <- levels(y)
  nclasses <- length(classes)
  # Init variable to store the labels
  ynew <- y
  # Obtain the indexes of labeled and unlabeled instances
  labeled <- which(!is.na(y))
  unlabeled <- which(is.na(y))
  nunlabeled <- length(unlabeled)
  ## Check the labeled and unlabeled sets
  if(length(labeled) == 0){   # labeled is empty
    stop("The labeled set is empty. All the values in y parameter are NA.")
  if(length(unlabeled) == 0){ # unlabeled is empty
    stop("The unlabeled set is empty. None value in y parameter is NA.")

  ### Democratic algorithm ###
  y.map <- unclass(y)
  H <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
  Lind <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
  Lcls <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
  e <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nclassifiers)
  for (i in 1:nclassifiers) {
    H[[i]] <- gen.learners[[i]](labeled, y[labeled])
    Lind[[i]] <- labeled
    Lcls[[i]] <- y.map[labeled]
    e[i] <- 0
  iter <- 1
  changes <- TRUE
  while (changes) { #while some classifier changes
    changes <- FALSE
    LindPrima <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
    LclsPrima <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
    # Internal classify
    predU <- mapply(    
      FUN = function(model, pred){
            prob = pred(model, unlabeled),
            ninstances = length(unlabeled), 
      H, gen.preds
    cls <- vote(predU) # voted labels
    # End Internal classify
    # compute the confidence interval over the original set L
    W <- mapply(
      FUN = function(model, pred){
              prob = pred(model, labeled), 
              ninstances = length(labeled), 
      H, gen.preds
    for (i in 1:nunlabeled) { #for each unlabeled example x in U
      # is the sum of the mean confidence values of the learners in the majority
      # group greater than the sum of the mean confidence values in the minority group??
      sumW <- rep(0, nclasses)
      for (j in 1:nclassifiers) #for each classifier
        sumW[predU[i, j]] <- sumW[predU[i, j]] + W[j]
      # Calculate the maximum confidence with different label to predicted.
      lab <- cls[[i]][which.max(sumW[cls[[i]]])] #returns the most probable label
      tmp <- sumW[lab] # the total confidence associated with this label
      sumW[lab] <- -Inf # don't select the same label 
      Max <- which.max(sumW) # second class with major confidence
      sumW[lab] <- tmp
      if (sumW[lab] > sumW[Max]) {
        # if the classifier i does not label this X unlabeled as predicted, add it to Li.
        for (j in 1:nclassifiers)
          if (predU[i, j] != lab) {# wrong label
            LindPrima[[j]] <- c(LindPrima[[j]], unlabeled[i])
            LclsPrima[[j]] <- c(LclsPrima[[j]], lab)
    }# end for each unlabeled example x in U
    # Estimate if adding Li' to Li improves the accuracy
    LindUnion <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
    LclsUnion <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclassifiers)
    for (i in 1:nclassifiers) {
      repeated <- intersect(Lind[[i]], LindPrima[[i]])
      if (length(repeated) != 0){
        indexesToRemove <- sapply(
          X = repeated, 
          FUN = function(r) {
            which(LindPrima[[i]] == r)
        LindPrima[[i]] <- LindPrima[[i]][-indexesToRemove]
        LclsPrima[[i]] <- LclsPrima[[i]][-indexesToRemove]
      if (!is.null(LindPrima[[i]])){
        LindUnion[[i]] <- c(Lind[[i]], LindPrima[[i]])
        LclsUnion[[i]] <- c(Lcls[[i]], LclsPrima[[i]])
      } else{
        LindUnion[[i]] <- Lind[[i]]
        LclsUnion[[i]] <- Lcls[[i]]
    L <- mapply(
      FUN = function(model, pred){
              prob = pred(model, Lind[[i]]), 
              ninstances = length(Lind[[i]]), 
      H, gen.preds
    q <- ep <- qp <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nclassifiers) { # for each classifier
      sizeLi <- length(Lind[[i]])
      sizeLLP <- length(LindUnion[[i]])
      if (sizeLLP > sizeLi) { # there are new instances in LindUnion
        q[i] <- sizeLi * (1 - 2 * ( e[i] / sizeLi)) ^ 2				# est. of error rate
        ep[i] <- (1 - mean(L[-i])) * length(LindPrima[[i]])			# est. of new error rate
        qp[i] <- sizeLLP * (1 - 2 * (e[i] + ep[i]) / sizeLLP) ^ 2		# if Li' added
        if (qp[i] > q[i]) {
          Lind[[i]] <- LindUnion[[i]]
          Lcls[[i]] <- LclsUnion[[i]]
          e[i] <- e[i] + ep[i]
          changes <- TRUE
          # train i classifier
          yi <- classes[Lcls[[i]]]
          H[[i]] <- gen.learners[[i]](Lind[[i]], factor(yi, classes))
    } # end for each classifier
    iter <- iter + 1
  } # End while
  ### Result ###
  # determine labeled instances
  instances.index <- unique(unlist(Lind))
  # map indexes respect to instances.index
  model.index.map <- lapply(
    X = Lind,
    FUN = function(indexes){
      r <- unclass(factor(indexes, levels = instances.index))
      attr(r, "levels") <- NULL
  # compute W
  W <- mapply(
    FUN = function(model, pred){
            prob = pred(model, labeled), 
            ninstances = length(labeled), 
    H, gen.preds
  # Save result
  result <- list(
    W = W,
    model = H,
    model.index = Lind,
    instances.index = instances.index,
    model.index.map = model.index.map,
    classes = classes
  class(result) <- "democraticG"

#' @title Democratic method
#' @description Democratic Co-Learning is a semi-supervised learning algorithm with a 
#' co-training style. This algorithm trains N classifiers with different learning schemes 
#' defined in list \code{gen.learners}. During the iterative process, the multiple classifiers
#' with different inductive biases label data for each other.
#' @param x A object that can be coerced as matrix. This object has two possible 
#' interpretations according to the value set in the \code{x.inst} argument:
#' a matrix with the training instances where each row represents a single instance
#' or a precomputed (distance or kernel) matrix between the training examples.
#' @param y A vector with the labels of the training instances. In this vector 
#' the unlabeled instances are specified with the value \code{NA}.
#' @param x.inst A boolean value that indicates if \code{x} is or not an instance matrix.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param learners A list of functions or strings naming the functions for 
#' training the different supervised base classifiers. 
#' @param learners.pars A list with the set of additional parameters for each
#' learner functions if necessary.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param preds A list of functions or strings naming the functions for
#' predicting the probabilities per classes,
#' using the base classifiers trained with the functions defined in \code{learners}.
#' Default is \code{"predict"} function for each learner in \code{learners}.
#' @param preds.pars A list with the set of additional parameters for each
#' function in \code{preds} if necessary.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @details
#' This method trains an ensemble of diverse classifiers. To promote the initial diversity 
#' the classifiers must represent different learning schemes.
#' When x.inst is \code{FALSE} all \code{learners} defined must be able to learn a classifier
#' from the precomputed matrix in \code{x}.
#' The iteration process of the algorithm ends when no changes occurs in 
#' any model during a complete iteration.
#' The generation of the final hypothesis is 
#' produced via a weigthed majority voting.
#' @return A list object of class "democratic" containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{W}{A vector with the confidence-weighted vote assigned to each classifier.}
#'   \item{model}{A list with the final N base classifiers trained using the 
#'   enlarged labeled set.}
#'   \item{model.index}{List of N vectors of indexes related to the training instances 
#'   used per each classifier. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{instances.index}{The indexes of all training instances used to
#'   train the N \code{models}. These indexes include the initial labeled instances
#'   and the newly labeled instances. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{model.index.map}{List of three vectors with the same information in \code{model.index}
#'   but the indexes are relative to \code{instances.index} vector.}
#'   \item{classes}{The levels of \code{y} factor.}
#'   \item{preds}{The functions provided in the \code{preds} argument.}
#'   \item{preds.pars}{The set of lists provided in the \code{preds.pars} argument.}
#'   \item{x.inst}{The value provided in the \code{x.inst} argument.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ssc)
#' ## Load Wine data set
#' data(wine)
#' cls <- which(colnames(wine) == "Wine")
#' x <- wine[, -cls] # instances without classes
#' y <- wine[, cls] # the classes
#' x <- scale(x) # scale the attributes
#' ## Prepare data
#' set.seed(20)
#' # Use 50% of instances for training
#' tra.idx <- sample(x = length(y), size = ceiling(length(y) * 0.5))
#' xtrain <- x[tra.idx,] # training instances
#' ytrain <- y[tra.idx]  # classes of training instances
#' # Use 70% of train instances as unlabeled set
#' tra.na.idx <- sample(x = length(tra.idx), size = ceiling(length(tra.idx) * 0.7))
#' ytrain[tra.na.idx] <- NA # remove class information of unlabeled instances
#' # Use the other 50% of instances for inductive testing
#' tst.idx <- setdiff(1:length(y), tra.idx)
#' xitest <- x[tst.idx,] # testing instances
#' yitest <- y[tst.idx] # classes of testing instances
#' ## Example: Training from a set of instances with 
#' # 1-NN and C-svc (SVM) as base classifiers.
#' # knn3 learner
#' library(caret)
#' knn <- knn3             # learner function
#' knn.pars <- list(k = 1) # parameters for learner function
#' knn.prob <- predict     # function to predict probabilities
#' knn.prob.pars <- NULL   # parameters for prediction function
#' # ksvm learner
#' library(kernlab)
#' svm <- ksvm             # learner function
#' svm.pars <- list(       # parameters for learner function
#'   type = "C-svc",  C = 1, 
#'   kernel = "rbfdot", kpar = list(sigma = 0.048),
#'   prob.model = TRUE,
#'   scaled = FALSE
#' )
#' svm.prob <- predict     # function to predict probabilities
#' svm.prob.pars <- list(  # parameters for prediction function
#'   type = "probabilities"
#' )
#' # train a model
#' m <- democratic(x = xtrain, y = ytrain, 
#'                 learners = list(knn, svm), 
#'                 learners.pars = list(knn.pars, svm.pars), 
#'                 preds = list(knn.prob, svm.prob), 
#'                 preds.pars = list(knn.prob.pars, svm.prob.pars))
#' # predict classes
#' m.pred <- predict(m, xitest)
#' table(m.pred, yitest)
#' }
#' @export
democratic <- function(
  x, y, x.inst = TRUE,
  learners, learners.pars = NULL,
  preds = rep("predict", length(learners)),
  preds.pars = NULL
) {
  ### Check parameters ###
  learners.pars <- as.list2(learners.pars, length(learners))
  preds.pars <- as.list2(preds.pars, length(preds))
  # Check learners
  if (length(learners)  <= 1) {
    stop("Parameter learners must contain at least two base classifiers.") 
  if(!(length(learners) == length(learners.pars) &&
       length(preds) == length(preds.pars) &&
       length(learners) == length(preds))){
    stop("The lists: learners, learners.pars, preds and preds.pars must be of the same length.")
    # Instance matrix case
    # Build learner base functions
    m_learners_base <- mapply(
      FUN = function(learner, learner.pars){
        learner_base <- function(training.ints, cls){
          m <- trainModel(x[training.ints, ], cls, learner, learner.pars)
    # Build pred base functions 
    m_preds_base <- mapply(
      FUN = function(pred, pred.pars){
        pred_base <-  function(m, testing.ints){
          prob <- predProb(m, x[testing.ints, ], pred, pred.pars)
    # Call base method
    result <- democraticG(y, m_learners_base, m_preds_base)
    # Distance matrix case
    # Build learner base functions
    d_learners_base <- mapply(
      FUN = function(learner, learner.pars){
        learner_base <- function(training.ints, cls){
          m <- trainModel(x[training.ints, training.ints], cls, learner, learner.pars)
          r <- list(m = m, training.ints = training.ints)
    # Build pred base functions 
    d_preds_base <- mapply(
      FUN = function(pred, pred.pars){
        pred_base <- function(r, testing.ints){
          prob <- predProb(r$m, x[testing.ints, r$training.ints], pred, pred.pars)
    # Call base method
    result <- democraticG(y, d_learners_base, d_preds_base)
    # Extract model from list created in gen.learner
    result$model <- lapply(X = result$model, FUN = function(e) e$m)
  ### Result ###
  result$preds = preds
  result$preds.pars = preds.pars
  result$x.inst = x.inst
  class(result) <- "democratic"

#' @title Predictions of the Democratic method
#' @description Predicts the label of instances according to the \code{democratic} model.
#' @details For additional help see \code{\link{democratic}} examples.
#' @param object Democratic model built with the \code{\link{democratic}} function.
#' @param x A object that can be coerced as matrix.
#' Depending on how was the model built, \code{x} is interpreted as a matrix 
#' with the distances between the unseen instances and the selected training instances, 
#' or a matrix of instances.
#' @param ... This parameter is included for compatibility reasons.
#' @return Vector with the labels assigned.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
predict.democratic <- function(object, x, ...){
  x <- as.matrix2(x)
  # Select classifiers for prediction
  lower.limit <- 0.5
  selected <- object$W > lower.limit # TODO: create a parameter for 0.5 lower limit
  W.selected <- object$W[selected]
  if(length(W.selected) == 0){
        "%s %s %f",
        "Any classifier selected according model's W values.", 
        "The classifiers are selected when it's W value is greater than",
  # Classify the instances using each classifier
  # The result is a matrix of indexes that indicates the classes
  # The matrix have one column per selected classifier 
  # and one row per instance
  ninstances = nrow(x)
    pred <- mapply(
      FUN = function(model, pred, pred.pars){
            predProb(model, x, pred, pred.pars), 
    pred <- mapply(
      FUN = function(model, indexes, pred, pred.pars){
            predProb(model, x[, indexes], pred, pred.pars), 
  pred <- as.matrix2(pred)
  # Combining predictions
  map <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = ninstances)
  for (i in 1:nrow(pred)) {#for each example x in U
    pertenece <- wz <- rep(0, length(object$classes))

    for (j in 1:ncol(pred)) {#for each classifier
      z = pred[i, j]
      # Allocate this classifier to group Gz
      pertenece[z] <- pertenece[z] + 1
      wz[z] <- wz[z] + W.selected[j]

    # Compute group average mean confidence
    countGj <- (pertenece + 0.5) / (pertenece + 1) * (wz / pertenece)
    map[i] <- which.max(countGj)
  }# end for

  cls <- factor(object$classes[map], object$classes)


#' @title Combining the hypothesis of the classifiers
#' @description This function combines the probabilities predicted by the set of 
#' classifiers.
#' @param pred A list with the prediction for each classifier.
#' @param W A vector with the confidence-weighted vote assigned to each classifier 
#' during the training process.
#' @param classes the classes.
#' @return The classification proposed.
#' @export
democraticCombine <- function(pred, W, classes){
  # Check relation between pred and W
  if(length(pred) != length(W)){
    stop("The lengths of 'pred' and 'W' parameters are not equals.")
  # Check the number of instances
  ninstances <- unique(vapply(X = pred, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
  if(length(ninstances) != 1){
    stop("The length of objects in the 'pred' parameter are not all equals.") 
  nclassifiers <- length(pred)
  nclasses <- length(classes)
  map <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = ninstances)
  for (i in 1:ninstances) {#for each example x in U
    pertenece <- wz <- rep(0, nclasses)
    for (j in 1:nclassifiers) {#for each classifier
      z <- which(pred[[j]][i] == classes)
      if (W[j] > 0.5) {
        # Allocate this classifier to group Gz
        pertenece[z] <- pertenece[z] + 1
        wz[z] <- wz[z] + W[j]
    # Compute group average mean confidence
    countGj <- (pertenece+0.5)/(pertenece+1) * (wz / pertenece)
    map[i] <- which.max(countGj)
  }# end for
  factor(classes[map], classes)

#' @title Compute the 95\% confidence interval of the classifier
#' @noRd
confidenceInterval <- function(pred, conf.cls) {
  # accuracy
  W <- length(which(pred == conf.cls)) / length(conf.cls) 
  # lowest point of the confidence interval
  L <- W - 1.96 * sqrt(W*(1-W) / length(conf.cls)) 
  list(L = L, W = W)

#' @title Compute the most common label for each instance
#' @param pred a matrix with the prediction of each instance
#' using each classifier
#' @return The voted class for each instance
#' @noRd
vote <- function(pred){
  FUN = function(p){
  lab <- apply(X = pred, MARGIN = 1, FUN)
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