#' \code{Javascript}-style Binary Operator Assignment
#' If you are familiar with \code{Javascript}, you may miss +=, -=, *=, /= very much.
#' The operator can be \code{+, -, *, /, ^, **, \\, mod, root}.
#' @param lhs Left hand side argument.
#' @param rhs Right hand side argument.
#' @param envir Environment for operation to take place. Default \code{parent.frame()}
#' @return Nothing, but lhs is already modified.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_split
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
#' @export
#' @seealso You can also use the compound operator \code{\link[magrittr]{\%<>\%}} and
#' the operator aliases provided in \pkg{magrittr} to realize simiar effects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## update an object entirely
#' a <- 3
#' a %+=% 2 # 3 --> (3 + 2) --> 5, equivalent to a %<>% add(2)
#' a %-=% 2 # 5 --> (5 - 2) --> 3, equivalent to a %<>% subtract(2)
#' a %*=% 2 # 3 --> (3 * 2) --> 6, equivalent to a %<>% multiply_by(2)
#' a %/=% 2 # 6 --> (6 / 2) --> 3, equivalent to a %<>% divide_by(2)
#' a %^=% 2 # 3 --> (3 ^ 2) --> 9, equivalent to a %<>% raise_to_power(2)
#' a %**=% 2 # 9 --> (3 ** 2) --> 81, same as above
#' a %\=% 30 # 81 --> (81 %% 30) --> 21, equivalent to a %<>% mod(30)
#' a %mod=% 8 # 21 --> (21 %% 8) --> 5, equivalent to a %<>% mod(8)
#' a %root=% 2 # 5 --> (5 ^ (1/2)) --> 2.236, equivalent to a %<>% sqrt
#' ## object and object
#' a <- 1:4
#' b <- 4:1
#' a %+=% b # a --> c(5,5,5,5)
#' a %*=% b # a --> c(20, 15, 10, 5) (c(5,5,5,5) * c(4,3,2,1))
#' ## update an object partially
#' b <- 1:4
#' b[1] %+=% 1 # b --> c(2,2,3,4)
#' c <- list(list(A=1, B=2:3), list(C=4))
#' c[[1]]$A %-=% 1 # c[[1]]$A --> 0, rest elements are not changed
#' 1 %+=% b # simply print 3 (1 + b[2]), but no variable is changed
#' 1 %+=% 1 # simply print 2 (1 + b[1]), but no variable is changed
#' }
`%+=%` <- function(lhs, rhs, envir=parent.frame()){
opr <- str_replace_all(deparse(match.call()[[1]]), "^%(.+)=%$", "\\1")
if (opr %in% c('\\', '%%', '%', 'mod')) opr <- '%%'
if (opr %in% c('root')) transformRHS <- "1/" else transformRHS <- ""
if (opr %in% c('^', '**', 'root')) opr <- '^'
oLHS <- deparse(substitute(lhs))
oRHS <- deparse(substitute(rhs))
nameLHS <- str_split(oLHS, pattern="[$\\[\\]]")[[1]][1]
nameRHS <- str_split(oRHS, pattern="[$\\[\\]]")[[1]][1]
fullLHS <- deparse(substitute(lhs))
fullRHS <- deparse(substitute(rhs))
# mirror the object in function envir
if (! identical(lhs, substitute(lhs)))
assign(nameLHS, get(nameLHS, envir), envir=environment())
if (! identical(rhs, substitute(rhs)))
assign(nameRHS, get(nameRHS, envir), envir=environment())
# assign value to the object within function envir
if (identical(lhs, substitute(lhs))) {
out <- eval(parse(text=paste0(
"`", opr, "`(", lhs, ",", transformRHS, fullRHS, "[[1]])")))
fullLHS, " <- `", opr, "`(", fullLHS, ", ", transformRHS,
fullRHS, ")")))
assign(nameLHS, eval(parse(text=nameLHS)), envir=envir)
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%-=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%*=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%/=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%^=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%**=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%\\=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%mod=%` <- `%+=%`
#' @export
#' @rdname JS.Operator.Assignment
`%root=%` <- `%+=%`
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