getMsoChartAllMeta <- function(oChart, retainCoreAreaOnly=FALSE,
gapWidth=2, emptyString=c(NA, NaN)){
# Work function: simultaneously get all the info from the msoChart
# Wrapping getMsoChartSourceData and getMsoChartSeries
# Args:
# refer to getMsoChartSourceData
# Returns:
# list(chartType, sourceData, seriesList, dataSheet)
if (! inherits(oChart, "COMIDispatch"))
stop("oChart must be of COMIDispatch type. (pkg::RDCOMClient or rdcom)")
if (inherits(try(oChart$Type(), silent=TRUE), "try-error") ||
try(oChart$Parent()$HasChart() , silent) != -1)
stop("oChart must be a msoChart.")
# chart type
enumChartType <- as.numeric(oChart$ChartType())
stopifnot(enumChartType %in% ENUM$xlChartType)
chartType <- ENUM$xlChartTyp[ENUM$xlChartType == enumChartType]
if (length(chartType) == 0) chartType <- NULL
# source data
oChartdata <- oChart[["ChartData"]]
oWb <- oChartdata[["Workbook"]]
xlApp <- oWb$Application()
xlApp[["Visible"]] <- FALSE
oWs <- oWb$Worksheets(1) # suppose the data is in the first worksheet
dataSht <- oWs$Name()
oUr <- oWs$UsedRange()
sd <- sapply(oUr$Value(), function(lst) {
lst <- sapply(lst, function(sublst)
if (is.null(sublst)) sublst <- NA else sublst)
if (retainCoreAreaOnly)
sd <- getCoreDataMtx(sd, gapWidth=gapWidth,
# series
o <- lapply(seq_len(oChart$SeriesCollection()$Count()), function(i){
# extract formula of the whole series
formula <- sub("=SERIES\\((.+?)\\)$", "\\1",
formula <- gsub("([^,\\(\\)]+)", "'\\1'", formula)
formula <- gsub("\\(", "c\\(", formula)
formula <- paste0("list(", formula, ")")
formula <- gsub("([\\(,])([,\\)])", "\\1NA\\2", formula)
formula <- eval(parse(text=formula))
formula <- formula[sapply(formula, function(x) length(x) > 0)]
names(formula) <- c("name", "label", "value", "index",
if (length(formula) > 4) "weight" else NULL)
posIndex <- which(names(formula) == "index")
# translate formula to cell_limits
formula <- lapply(formula[- posIndex], function(v){
cellLimits <- sapply(seq_along(v), function(i){
if (grepl("\\$.+\\$|[A-Z]+[0-9]+|R[1-9]+C[1-9]+", v[i])){
o <- unlist(as.cell_limits(v[i]))
o <- c(o, c(formula=v[i]))
o <- structure(
rep(NA, 6),
names=c("ul1", "ul2", "lr1", "lr2", "sheet", "formula"))
formula[["orient"]] <- if (formula$value[1, 'ul2'] == formula$value[1, 'lr2'])
"vertical" else "horizontal"
names(o) <- seq_along(o)
series <- structure(o, class="MsoSeriesList")
# return
return(structure(list(chartType=chartType, sourceData=sd, seriesList=series,
get_msochart_allmeta <- getMsoChartAllMeta
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.