#' Convert PDF to Text Files
#' Use Xpdf to convert PDFs to text files. The function relies on
#' \pkg{\link{doParallel}} to convert the PDFs in parallel.
#' It calls Xpdf to complete the conversion. Currently this function
#' only supports Windows.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param mode integer, Default 1L. \describe{
#' \item{1L}{as is (-raw)} \item{2L}{with layout (-layout)}
#' \item{3L}{no breaks (-nopgbrk)} \item{4L}{without format ()}
#' \item{5L}{as table (-table)} \item{6L}{simplified (-simple)}
#' }
#' @param silent logical, whether show the results of the conversion.
#' Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param converter which executable program to use to extract the pdf, "pdftotext"
#' or "pdftohtml", default "pdftotext".
#' @param converter.path Path to the pdftotext.exe or pdftohtml.exe executable
#' program. If NULL, make sure the xpdf folder is under R.home() or the parent
#' directory of R.home(). E.g., for an x86 Win PC, \code{paste0(R.home(),
#' paste0("/xpdfbin-win-4.00/bin32/pdftotext.exe"))}.
#' @param use.parallel Logical, whether to apply parallel computation when there
#' are more than 50 files to process. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Full name of the PDFs if you set \code{silent=FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @aliases conv_pdfs
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom gWidgets2 gfile
#' @importFrom compiler cmpfun
#' @importFrom stringi stri_conv
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_replace_all
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' convPDFs()
#' }
convPDFs <- function(mode=1L, silent=FALSE, converter=c("pdftotext", "pdftohtml"),
converter.path=NULL, use.parallel=TRUE){
converter <- match.arg(converter)
if(Sys.info()[['sysname']] != "Windows")
stop("This function only supports Windows platform currently.")
stopifnot(mode %in% 1L:6L)
modes <- c(" 1: as is (-raw)", " 2: with format (-layout)",
" 3: no page breaks (-nopgbrk)",
" 4: without format ", " 5: as table (-table)",
" 6: simplified (-simple)")
modes[mode] <- sub("^ {2}", "->", modes[mode])
if (converter == "pdftotext"){
invisible(message("PDF transformation mode:\n",
paste(modes, collapse="\n")))
if (missing(mode)){
mode.input <- as.integer(readline(
"Input the conversion mode (1-6), or type enter to bypass:\n"))
if (!is.na(mode.input)){
mode <- mode.input %>% gsub("->", "", .)
modes[mode] <- sub("^ {2}", "->", modes[mode])
invisible(message("PDF transformation mode:\n",
paste(modes, collapse="\n")))
#Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "Chs") # deprecated
if (is.null(converter.path))
converter.path <- paste0(searchXpdfFolder(), "/", converter, ".exe")
if (! file.exists(converter.path))
"The converter program is not found! ",
"Please install xpdfbin-win-4.00 to the R root path or its parent directory.",
"Type R.home() to find more details.",
#---------get pdfs------------
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
pdfs <- invisible(choose.files(
paste0(getOption("init.dir"), "*.*"), caption="Select PDF files...",
filters=Filters[c("pdf", "All"),]))
pdfs <- gfile(text = "Select PDF files...", type = "open",
initial.dir = getOption("init.dir"),
filter = c("PDF Files"="pdf"),
multi=TRUE, toolkit=guiToolkit(getOption("guiToolkit")))
pdfs <- stri_conv(pdfs, "CP936", "UTF-8")
# pdfs<-list.files(filepath,pattern="\\.pdf$",recursive=TRUE,full.names=TRUE)
convPDF <- cmpfun(invisible(convPDF))
if (any(file.exists(pdfs))){
pdfs <- str_replace_all(pdfs, "\\\\", "/")
pdf.path <- str_replace(pdfs[[1]], "^(.+/)[^/]+$", "\\1")
pdfs <- pdfs[file.exists(pdfs)]
if (length(pdfs) > 0){
if (length(pdfs) > 50 && use.parallel){
## cluster computation
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(
logical=! Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"))
registerDoParallel(cl, detectCores(
logical=! Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"))
foreach(i = 1:length(pdfs), .export=c(
"mode", "converter", "converter.path")) %dopar%
convPDF(pdfs[i], mode=mode, converter=converter,
invisible(lapply(pdfs, convPDF, mode=mode, converter=converter,
invisible(message(paste("Done. A total of", length(pdfs),
"pdf files conversed in", pdf.path, ".")))
if (! silent) return(pdfs) else return(NULL)
invisible(message("No file assigned!"))
#' @export
#' @rdname convPDFs
conv_pdfs <- convPDFs
convPDF <- function(pdf, mode=1, converter=c("pdftotext", "pdftohtml"),
converter <- match.arg(converter)
if (converter == "pdftotext"){
#------1 = as is------
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" -raw \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE),
#------2 = with format-----
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" -layout \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE),
#------3 = no breaks------
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" -nopgbrk \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE),
#------4 = without format
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE),
#------5 = as table------
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" -table \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE),
#------6 = simplified------
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" -simple \"", pdf, "\""),
wait = FALSE)
} else {
system(paste0("\"", converter.path, "\" \"", pdf, "\" \"",
sub("^(.+)\\.pdf$", "\\1", pdf), "\""),
wait = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.