This package is still under active development. It is based on the last release of Baidu Echarts2 (v2.2.7). The documentation here always reflects the latest development version of recharts on Github. To install the package:

if (!require(devtools)) library(devtools)

Knowledge Map of the Guidance

  1. Base Plots
    1. Mono-coordinate System
      1. Cartesian Coordinate System
        1. Scatter/Bubble Plot
        2. Bar/Column Chart
        3. Line/Area Chart
        4. Candlestick/K Chart
        5. Event River Chart
      2. Others
        1. Force Chart
        2. Chord Chart
        3. Word Cloud
        4. Venn Chart
        5. Heatmap
    2. Multi-coordinate System
      1. Polar Coordinate System
        1. Pie/Ring/Rose Chart
        2. Funnel/Pyramid Chart
        3. Radar Chart
        4. Gauge Chart
      2. Others
        1. Map
        2. Tree Chart
        3. Treemap
  2. Mixed Plots
  3. Axis/Widget Configuration

    1. Tune Series
      1. setSeries
    2. Axis/Grid
      1. setAxis
      2. setPolar
      3. setGrid
    3. Graph Elements
      1. addMarkLine
      2. addMarkPoint
    4. Widgets
      1. setTitle
      2. setLegend
      3. setTimeline
      4. setToolbox
      5. setDataRange
      6. setDataZoom
      7. setRoam
    5. Feature Lists
      1. aesStyle
  4. Aesthetic Configuration

    1. setTooltip
    2. setSymbols
    3. setTheme
  5. Customization

Hello World

The R package recharts provides an interface to the JavaScript library ECharts2 for data visualization. The goal of this package is to make it easy to create charts with only a few lines of R code. R users should be able to get started with ECharts without having to know HTML or JavaScript, although advanced users will benefit from their knowledge of JavaScript. Here is an example of a scatterplot that shows the basic syntax of this package:

echartr(iris, ~Sepal.Length, ~Sepal.Width, series = ~Species)

The recharts package was built on top of htmlwidgets, which can save us a lot of time on managing JavaScript dependencies and dealing with different types of output documents such as R Markdown and Shiny. You just create a chart, and we will take care of the rest of things when the chart is renderd in R Markdown, Shiny, or the R console / RStudio.

The main function in this package is the echartr() function (an S3 generic function), and we want to make it smart enough to deal with different types of R data automatically. For example, when a data frame is passed to echart(), and the x/y variables are numeric, it should automatically figure out that you probably need a scatterplot, and the axes will be automatically generated. Of course, you can also override the automatic guess.

Quick Start

Follow the steps below to make a plot yourself.


Always start from data itself. Let's use mtcars in the package datasets. You can type ?mtcars to read the instruction.


We want to know the relationship between wt (weight) and mpg (miles per gallon), a scatterplot is a good fit. It requires x and y variables of numeric.

Core Plot

Use echartr to build the basic chart.

echartr(mtcars, wt, mpg)

The grammar of echartr is



+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Arg | Interpretation | +===========+==================================================================+ | data | source data in the form of data.frame | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | x | Independent variable(s). One or more columns of data. Could be time, numeric or characters. | | | | | - In Cartesian coordinate system charts, x is linked with x-axis | | | - In polar coordinate system charts, x var1 is linked with polar-axis, and x var2 is data series (linked with legends) | | | - In other chart types, mono-coordinate system charts refer to Cartesian coordinat system examples, while multi-coordinates system charts refer to polar system examples. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | y | dependent variable(s). One or more columns of data. Always numeric. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | series | series variable. A column of data which is treated as factors. | | | | | - In Cartesian coordinate system charts, series is data series (linked with legends). | | | - In polar coordinate system charts, series is linked with polar systems. | | | - In other chart types, mono-coordinate system charts refer to Cartesian coordinat system examples, while multi-coordinates system charts refer to polar system examples. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | weight | weight variable used in bubble, bar/column, line/area chart, linking with the size of graph elements. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | z | time variable. If z is assigned, a timeline widget will display. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lat | latitude variable for map/heatmap. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lng | longitude variable for map/heatmap. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | type | chart type. Default 'auto'. type as a vector is linked with series. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | subtype | chart subtype. Default NULL. subtype as a vector is also linked with series. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+

Supported Chart Types

echartr now supports the following types (the regex patterns in 'name' column, case insensitive). The 'type' column lists chart type names supported by Echarts2.


You assign data and x, y, then echartr automatically processes the data using recharts:::series_scatter function.

If series is assigned, a series-specfic scatterplot is shown.

echartr(mtcars, wt, mpg, factor(am, labels=c('Automatic', 'Manual')))

If weight is assigned and type is set bubble, a bubble chart is displayed.

echartr(mtcars, wt, mpg, am, weight=gear, type='bubble')

Special Notes

Param List

The input param list could be

Data Requirements

Data must be a data.frame. The data series and timeline will display in the original order of series and z, so you should sort the data.frame before making charts so as to make sure the display order is exactly what you want.

When it comes to timeline (z), you must be very cautious. All the combination sets of x, y, series, weight should be exactly equal across all the levels of z. Otherwise you will find confusious overlap of graphs across timeline.

You should pay special attention to series, as it behaves differently in mono-coordinate-system charts (those under Cartesian coordinate system) and multi-coordinate-system charts (those under polar coordinate system). In the former scenario, series represents data series. But in the latter scenario, series represents index of coordinate systems while x[,2] represents data series. That's because type and subtype are mapped to the levels of series, and in multi-coordinate-system charts, users tend to map different types/subtypes to differnt charts instead of different data series.

Type And Subtype

recharts supports mixed chart types in some cases, e.g., bar and line.

d <- data.table::dcast(mtcars, carb+gear~., mean, value.var='mpg')
names(d)[3] <- 'mean.mpg'
d$carb <- as.character(d$carb)
echartr(d, carb, "mean.mpg", gear, type=c('vbar', 'vbar', 'line')) %>% 

Or mixed subtypes. Refer to 'subtype' column in recharts:::validChartTypes. You can assign combined subtypes using '+', '_' or '|', e.g., 'stack+smooth' to simultaneously render the line chart stacked and smooth.

echartr(d, carb, mean.mpg, gear, type='line', 
        subtype=c('stack + smooth', 'stack + dotted', 'smooth + dashed')) %>%

Modify the Plot

You can save the plot as an object and keep modifying the plot using %>%.

g = echartr(mtcars, wt, mpg, factor(am, labels=c('Automatic', 'Manual')))

Tune the Series

The above command made an Echarts object g containing two series: 'Automatic' and 'Manual'. The data strcuture of g is:

- x
    - series
        - list 1
            - name: 'Automatic'
            - data: ...
            - type: 'scatter'
        - list 2
            - name: 'Manual'
            - data: ...
            - type: 'scatter'
    - legend
    - xAxis
    - yAxis
    - tooltip

If you want to customize the definition of the series directly, you can call the low-level function setSeries.

Let's set 'Manual' series (series index 2) symbolSize 8, symbolRotate 30.

g %>% setSeries(series=2, symbolSize=8, symbolRotate=30)


Markline the average level of the two series.

g %>% addMarkLine(data=data.frame(type='average', name1='Avg'))


Markpoint the maximum of series 1 ('Automatic').

g %>% addMarkPoint(series=1, data=data.frame(type='max', name='Max'))

It's the same as

g %>% addMarkPoint(series='Automatic', data=data.frame(type='max', name='Max'))


Add title (in red) and subtitle (with reference link to to the chart.

link <- ''
g %>% setTitle('wt vs mpg', paste0('[Motor Trend](', link, ')'), 


Modify the legend (in lime), and only select series 1 ('Automatic') at the beginning.

g %>% setLegend(selected='Automatic', textStyle=list(color='lime'))


Modify toolbox as English, and put it to the upper-right of the chart with vertical display.

g %>% setToolbox(lang='en', pos=2)


Add dataZoom (orignally there is not one).

g %>% setDataZoom()


Modify axes to make x- and y-axis cross at zero.

g %>% setXAxis(min=0) %>% setYAxis(min=0)

Fortify the Chart


Apply 'dark' theme to the chart. You can also apply "macarons", "infographic", "blue", "dark", "gray", "green", "helianthus", "macarons2", "mint", "red", "roma", "sakura", "shine", and "vintage".

Calculable is a special interation in Echarts. In other charts (e.g.,pie), it is quite efficient.

g %>% setTheme('dark', calculable=TRUE)


Set symbolList for series 1 ('Automatic') 'heart' and that for series 2 ('Manual') 'star6'.

g %>% setSymbols(c('heart', 'star6'))


You can combine all the steps using a pipe chain. If you are familiar with JS, you can embed JS fragments using JS() for better effects.

g %>% setSeries(series=2, symbolSize=8, symbolRotate=30) %>% 
    addMarkLine(data=data.frame(type='average', name1='Avg')) %>%
    addMarkPoint(series=1, data=data.frame(type='max', name='Max')) %>%
    setTitle('wt vs mpg', paste0('[Motor Trend](', link, ')'), 
               textStyle=list(color='red')) %>%
    setLegend(selected='Automatic', textStyle=list(color='lime')) %>%
    setToolbox(lang='en', pos=2) %>% setDataZoom() %>% 
    setTheme('dark', calculable=TRUE) %>% setSymbols(c('heart', 'star6'))

Low-level API

De Novo

Given that ECharts supports so many types of charts, it may take a while for us to make echartr() really smart. With that in mind, we also provided a really low-level S3 method defined for lists. Since the main usage of ECharts is that you pass a JavaScript object to the method .setOption(), and we can construct such an object using a list in R. This low-level echart.list() method makes it possible for you to create arbitrary charts. Here is a simple example of a Chord diagram taken from

chordEx1 = list(
  title = list(
    text = '测试数据',
    subtext = 'From d3.js',
    x = 'right',
    y = 'bottom'
  tooltip = list(
    trigger = 'item',
    formatter = JS('function(params) {
      if (params.indicator2) { // is edge
        return params.value.weight;
      } else {// is node
  toolbox = list(
    show = TRUE,
    feature = list(
      restore = list(show = TRUE),
      magicType = list(show = TRUE, type = c('force', 'chord')),
      saveAsImage = list(show = TRUE)
  legend = list(
    x = 'left',
    data = c('group1', 'group2', 'group3', 'group4')
  series = list(
      type = 'chord',
      sort = 'ascending',
      sortSub = 'descending',
      showScale = TRUE,
      showScaleText = TRUE,
      data = list(
        list(name = 'group1'),
        list(name = 'group2'),
        list(name = 'group3'),
        list(name = 'group4')
      itemStyle = list(
        normal = list(
          label = list(show = FALSE)
      matrix = rbind(
        c(11975,  5871, 8916, 2868),
        c( 1951, 10048, 2060, 6171),
        c( 8010, 16145, 8090, 8045),
        c( 1013,   990,  940, 6907)


Apparently, all we did was to translate the JavaScript object in the original example into R. Note we translated the function tooltip.fomatter using the JS() function in htmlwidgets. All other objects can be mapped naturally to R.

Modify the Echarts Object

We can also yield an echarts object using echartr and then modify the object directly as we do to a S3 list, if we are familiar with echarts data structure.

The following is the structure of the object g we producted by echartr(mtcars, wt, mpg, factor(am, labels=c('Automatic', 'Mannual'))).



Normally we do not want R users to specify a long list of options like that. As R users, you are more familiar with (and often work with) data structures like data frames, matrices, tables, and so on. Ideally we hope you can just pass a familiar data object, and we configure ECharts automatically for you whenever possible. We are still far away from our goal at this moment, but we will be happy to know your feedback, and you are welcome to contribute code through Github pull requests.

madlogos/recharts2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.