
Defines functions parseAge convertNumAge convertKnownSub buildPeds

Documented in buildPeds

#' Build a list of pedigrees
#' Build all pedigrees between a set of individuals, subject to given
#' restrictions.
#' The parameter `extra` controls which of two algorithms are used to create the
#' pedigree list.
#' If `extra` is a nonnegative integer, it determines the number of extra
#' individuals allowed in the iterative pedigree construction. These extras
#' start off with undetermined sex, meaning that both males and females are
#' used. It should be noted that the final pedigrees may contain additional
#' extras, since missing parents are added at the end.
#' If `extra` is the word "parents", the algorithm is not iterative. It first
#' generates all directed acyclic graphs between the original individuals. Then
#' their parents are added and merged in all possible ways. This option has the
#' advantage of not requiring an explicit/ad hoc number of "extras", but works
#' best in smaller cases.
#' @param labs A character vector of ID labels.
#' @param sex A vector of the same length as `labs`, with entries 1 (male) or 2
#'   (female).
#' @param extra Either the word "parents" (default), or a non-negative integer.
#'   See Details.
#' @param age A numeric or character vector. If numeric, and `age[i] < age[j]`,
#'   then individual `i` will not be an ancestor of individual `j`. The numbers
#'   themselves are irrelevant, only the partial ordering. (No inference is made
#'   about individuals of equal age.) Alternatively, for finer control, `age`
#'   may be a character vector of inequalities, e.g., `age = c("1>2", "1>3")`.
#' @param knownPO A list of vectors of length 2, containing the ID labels of
#'   pairs known to be parent-offspring. By default, both directions are
#'   considered; use `age` to force a specific direction.
#' @param knownSub A `ped` object involving a subset of the `labs` individuals.
#' @param allKnown A logical. If TRUE, no other pairs than `knownPO` will be
#'   assigned as parent-offspring. If FALSE (default), all pairs except those in
#'   `notPO` are treated as potential parent-offspring.
#' @param notPO A list of vectors of length 2, containing the ID labels of pairs
#'   known *not* to be parent-offspring.
#' @param noChildren A vector of ID labels, indicating individuals without
#'   children of their own.
#' @param connected A logical. If TRUE (default), only connected pedigrees are
#'   returned.
#' @param maxInbreeding A single numeric indicating the highest permitted
#'   inbreeding coefficient. Default: 1/16 (as with first-cousin parents.)
#' @param linearInb A parameter controlling the maximum separation of linearly
#'   related spouses. Either TRUE (allow all linear inbreeding), FALSE (disallow
#'   all) or a non-negative integer. For example, `linearInb = 1` allows
#'   parent/child mating, but not grandparent/grandchild or more distant linear
#'   relatives. Default: FALSE.
#' @param sexSymmetry A logical. If TRUE (default), pedigrees which are equal
#'   except for the gender distribution of the *added* parents, are regarded as
#'   equivalent, and only one of each equivalence class is returned. Example:
#'   paternal vs. maternal half sibs.
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @return A list of (possibly disconnected) pedigrees.
#' @examples
#' # Two individuals + 1 extra
#' plist = buildPeds(1:2, extra = 1, age = "1>2")
#' plot(plist)
#' # Allow disconnected
#' plist2 = buildPeds(1:2, extra = 1, age = "1>2", connected = FALSE)
#' plot(plist2, frames = TRUE)
#' # Note that full sibs require 2 extras
#' plist3 = buildPeds(1:2, extra = 2, age = "1>2")
#' plot(plist3)
#' # With 2 extras, allowing any inbreeding
#' plist4 = buildPeds(1:2, extra = 2, age = "1>2", maxInbreeding = 1)
#' plot(plist4)
#' # Full sibs are also included when `extra = "parents"`
#' plist5 = buildPeds(1:2, extra = "parents", age = "1>2")
#' plot(plist5)
#' @export
buildPeds = function(labs, sex = 1, extra = "parents", age = NULL, knownPO = NULL, knownSub = NULL,
                     allKnown = FALSE, notPO = NULL, noChildren = NULL, connected = TRUE,
                     maxInbreeding = 1/16, linearInb = FALSE, sexSymmetry = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {

  N = length(labs)
  labs = as.character(labs)

  if(length(sex) == 1)
    sex = rep(sex, N)
  else if(length(sex) != N)
    stop2("`labs` and `sex` must have the same length\nlabs: ", labs, "\nsex: ", sex)

  extraNum = !identical(extra, "parents")
  if(extraNum && !isCount(extra, minimum = 0))
     stop2('`extra` must be either the word "parents" or a nonnegative integer: ', extra)

  if(allKnown) {
      stop2("`knownPO` cannot be NULL when `allKnown = TRUE`")
      stop2("`notPO` must be NULL when `allKnown = TRUE`")

  # Check that IDs used are known or allowed extras (e1, e2, ...)
  checkLabs = c(unlist(knownPO), unlist(notPO), noChildren)
  if(!all(checkLabs %in% labs))
    stop2("Unknown pedigree member: ", setdiff(checkLabs, labs))

  # Convert numeric age vector to vector of inequalities
    age = convertNumAge(age, labs)

  # Convert knownSub to knownPO + age
  if(!is.null(knownSub)) {
    subDat = convertKnownSub(knownSub, labs, sex)
    knownPO = c(knownPO, subDat$knownPO)
    age = c(age, subDat$age)

  # Convert age inequalities into matrix with all ordered pairs (works with NULL)
  ageMat = parseAge(age, labs)

  # Convert to indices
  knownPO_int = lapply(knownPO, function(p) match(p, labs))
  notPO_int = lapply(notPO, function(p) match(p, labs))
  noChildren_int = match(noChildren, labs)

  # Check noChildren, and convert to internal
  if(!all(noChildren %in% labs))
    stop2("Unknown label in `noChildren`: ", setdiff(noChildren, labs))

  # Check `maxInbreeding`
  if(length(maxInbreeding) != 1 || !is.numeric(maxInbreeding) || maxInbreeding < 0 || maxInbreeding > 1)
    stop2("`maxInbreeding` must be a single number in the range [0, 1]: ", maxInbreeding %||% "NULL")

  # Convert `linearInb` to `maxLinearInb`
  maxLinearInb = if(isTRUE(linearInb)) Inf else if(isFALSE(linearInb)) 0 else linearInb

  # If maxInbreeding disallows the weakest linear inbreeding, set the latter to 0
  if(maxLinearInb > 0 && (maxInbreeding == 0 || maxInbreeding < 1/2^(maxLinearInb + 1))) {
    maxLinearInb = 0
    linearInb = "FALSE (adj)" # only used in glue below

  if(verbose) {
    .knownPO = sapply(knownPO, paste, collapse = "-")
    .notPO = sapply(notPO, paste, collapse = "-")
    .age = paste(labs[ageMat[,2]], labs[ageMat[,1]], sep = ">")

    toStr = function(...) toString(...) %e% "-"

      Pedigree parameters:
        ID labels: {toString(labs)}
        Sex: {toString(sex)}
        Extra: {extra}
        Age info: {toStr(.age)}
        Known PO: {toStr(.knownPO)}
        Known non-PO: {toStr(.notPO)}
        No children: {toStr(noChildren)}
        Connected only: {connected}
        Symmetry filter: {sexSymmetry}
        Max inbreeding: {maxInbreeding}
        Linear inbreeding: {linearInb}"

  if(identical(extra, "parents")) {
    buildPedsParents(labs = labs, sex = sex, ageMat = ageMat, knownPO = knownPO_int,
                     allKnown = allKnown, notPO = notPO_int, noChildren = noChildren_int,
                     connected = connected, maxInbreeding = maxInbreeding, maxLinearInb = maxLinearInb,
                     sexSymmetry = sexSymmetry, verbose = verbose)
  else {
    buildPedsExtra(labs = labs, sex = sex, extra = extra, ageMat = ageMat, knownPO = knownPO_int,
                   allKnown = allKnown, notPO = notPO_int, noChildren = noChildren_int,
                   connected = connected, maxInbreeding = maxInbreeding, maxLinearInb = maxLinearInb,
                   sexSymmetry = sexSymmetry, verbose = verbose)

convertKnownSub = function(knownSub, labs, sex) {
    stop2("Argument `knownSub` must be a `ped` object. Received class: ", class(knownSub))

  # Overlapping individuals
  ids = intersect(labels(knownSub), labs)
  if(length(ids) < 2)
    stop2("`knownSub` must contain at least two of the indicated individuals")

  names(sex) = labs
  if(!all(getSex(knownSub, ids) == sex[ids]))
    stop2("Member of `knownSub` has wrong sex: ", ids[getSex(knownSub, ids) != sex[ids]])

  pomat = which(ped2adj(knownSub)[ids, ids], arr.ind = T)
  pomat[] = ids[pomat]

  knownPO = lapply(seq_len(nrow(pomat)), function(i) unname(pomat[i, ]))
  age = paste(pomat[, 1], pomat[, 2], sep = ">")

  list(knownPO = knownPO, age = age)

# Convert numeric age vector to string inequalities: "A>B,C,D", B>C"
convertNumAge = function(age, labs) {
    stop2("`age` is not numeric")

  N = length(labs)

  # If age is named, convert to full vector
  if(!is.null(nms <- names(age))) {
    if(!all(nms %in% labs))
      stop2("Unknown name in `age`: ", setdiff(nms, labs))
    age.full = rep(NA_real_, N)
    names(age.full) = labs
    age.full[nms] = age
    age = age.full

  if(length(age) != N)
    stop2("When `age` is an unnamed numeric, its length must match `labs`")

  s = lapply(seq_len(N), function(i) {
    younger = age < age[i]
    younger = younger & !is.na(younger)

      sprintf("%s>%s", labs[i], labs[younger])


# Convert vector to string inequalities: "A>B,C,D", B>C" to internal matrix
parseAge = function(a, labs, output = c("matrix", "list")) {
  if(is.null(a) || all(is.na(a)))

  if(!all(good <- grepl(">", a)))
    stop2("Character '>' missing in `age` entry: ", a[!good])

  lst = lapply(strsplit(a, ">"), function(par) {
    par1 = lapply(strsplit(par, ","), trimws)
    names(par1) = c("o", "y")

  # Bind to a single matrix
  # Note column order: y - o. (This is the natural choice in `directedAdjs`)
  res = do.call(rbind, lapply(lst, function(l) {
    cbind(younger = l$y,
          older = rep(l$o, each = length(l$y)))

  if(!all(res %in% labs))
    stop2("Unknown ID label in `age`: ", sort(setdiff(res, labs)))

  # Convert to internal ordering
  cbind(younger = match(res[, "younger"], labs),
        older   = match(res[, "older"],   labs))
magnusdv/pedbuildr documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:49 p.m.