
Defines functions datafile_write_csv datafile_dictionary_no_stats datafile_dictionary

Documented in datafile_dictionary datafile_dictionary_no_stats datafile_write_csv

#' @title Generate data dictionary (STATA, SPSS, CSV)
#' @description Generate data dictionary from various file formats (STATA, SPSS, CSV)
#' @param file Path to data file or upload file
#' @param type Type of data file (dta | sav | csv)
#' @param fileId unique file id e.g. F1, F2, ...
#' @param freqLimit frequency limit
#' @return data dictionary list
#' @examples  import('\\Sample Data\\in\\HND_2012_L2L.dta', 'dta', 'F1', 36000)
#' @export datafile_dictionary
datafile_dictionary <- function(filepath,
                                     freqLimit=50) {


  if (toupper(type) == 'DTA') {
    DF_DATA <- read_dta(filepath)
  } else if (toupper(type) == 'SAV') {
    DF_DATA <- read_spss(filepath)
  } else if (toupper(type) == 'CSV') {
    #. to resolve the unicode issues, used readr::read_csv instead of read.csv method
    DF_DATA <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(read_csv(filepath)))

  rowCount <- nrow(DF_DATA)  # get row count
  DF_DATA[ is.na(DF_DATA) ] <- NA    #missing values replaced with NA

  #Get the total number of variables
  variables <- colnames(DF_DATA)

  #Apply transformation on each variable
  varList <- lapply(variables,function(varName){

    attrVector <- c(names(attributes(DF_DATA[[varName]])))
    #If the variable does not have variable label it automatically takes the value labels which we don't want.
    #e.g hhid appears as Name if there is no label such as "HouseHold Id"
    if (is.element('label', attrVector)) {
      label <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],'label')
    } else {
      label <- ''

    # If CSV, set variable name as label
    if (toupper(type) == 'CSV') {
      label <- varName

    regexp <- "[[:digit:]]+"

    file.index = as.character(fileId)
    units <- "REAL" #TODO:
    varFormatSchema <- "other" #TODO: Where is it used??

    dcml <- 0
    location.width <- 0

    # define interval
    if ((any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "haven_labelled")) ||
        class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) == "character" ||
        any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "Date") ||
        any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "difftime"))
      intrvl <- "discrete"
    } else {
      intrvl <- "contin"

    #intrvl <- "contin"

    #Start: For numeric variables (For STATA, SPSS and in future other types that can set attributes in DF)
    if (sapply(DF_DATA[varName], is.numeric)) {

      location.width = 0
      #intrvl <- "contin" #Take sample and see if x has n% threshold and decide???

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 2) {
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][1:1], regexp)
          dcml <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][2:2], regexp)

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        # Numerical: byte %8.0g, int %8.0g, long %12.0g, float %9.0g, double %10.0g,
        # Fixed Length Numerical: %9.2f
        # String: str# E.g; str14 means datatype
        # String Len: %#s E.g: %18s length 18
        # Date: %ty year

        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 2) {
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][1:1], regexp)
          dcml <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][2:2], regexp)

    #End: For numeric variables

    #Start: For character variables (For STATA, SPSS and in future other types that can set attributes in DF)
    if (sapply(DF_DATA[varName], is.character)) {

      location.width = 0

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 1) {
          #For string width should be maximum it can hold
          #StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]], regexp)
          units <- "character"

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 1) {
          #For string width should be maximum it can hold
          #StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]], regexp)
          units <- "character"


    catList <- NA

    #If the variable is labelled and it has labels or if it is nominal/ordinal
    if (is.labelled(DF_DATA[[varName]]) && !is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],'labels'))) {
      #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
      labels <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"labels") #Get the labels for the variable

      #This can copy value as label if the incoming data file has duplicate category names.
      #e.g;HND_2012_L2L_UTF8_old.dta variable:H60
      #4 "Member of agricultural cooperative, group or settlement"
      #8 "Member of agricultural cooperative, group or settlement" when converted to DF
      #ALl other value labels are lost. The label is set as value
      #Right now nt doing any special case handling, assuming that it will be fixed at source data file.
      labels_df <- as.data.frame(labels) #convert variables to DF

      colnames(labels_df) <- c(varName) #Make the column same as variable name so that we can merge
      labels_df["labl"] <- rownames(labels_df) #Add column for labels
      uniqlabel <- nrow(labels_df)

      #Calculate freq. i.e Table to identify number of occurances for a value
      freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
      uniqfreq <- nrow(freqTable)

      # count is returning unicode, set column name as variable name to merge
      colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

      # Get the sysmiss row and append it back after the merge
      # To resolve the issue sysmiss row is missing for the categorical variable
      sysmiss <- subset(freqTable, is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))
      freqTable <- subset(freqTable, !is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))

      #merge total cat and labels. There might be categories which don't have label.
      #Their "labl" column will be NA
      #   sex  freq  labl
      # 1 1    1670   Male
      # 2 2    1819   Female
      if (uniqfreq<=100){
        #generate for all values (labelled or not)
        catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all = TRUE)
      } else if (uniqfreq >100 & uniqfreq < 5000){
        #minimum threshold  (20%)
        if ((uniqfreq * .20) <= uniqlabel) {
          #generate for all values (labelled or not)
          catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all = TRUE)
        } else {
          #only generate frequencies for labeled values
          catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)
      } else{
        #only generate frequencies for labeled values
        catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)

      # append sysmis row
      if(dim(sysmiss) && dim(sysmiss)[1] != 0) {
        labl <- ''
        catMerge <- rbind(catMerge, cbind(sysmiss, labl))

      #Set frequency as 0 if NA
      catMerge$freq[ is.na(catMerge$freq) ] <- 0

      catList <- lapply(rownames(catMerge), function(rowName){
        catValue <- catMerge[rowName,varName]
        catLabl <- catMerge[rowName,"labl"]
        freq <- catMerge[rowName,"freq"]

    } else if (is.factor(DF_DATA[[varName]]) && toupper(type) == 'CSV') {

      #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
      labels <- levels(DF_DATA[[varName]]) #Get the levels of the factor for the variable

      labels_df <- as.data.frame(labels) #convert variables to DF
      colnames(labels_df) <- c(varName) #Make the column same as variable name so that we can merge
      labels_df["labl"] <- rownames(labels_df) #Add column for labels

      #Set width based on the type
      location.width <- switch(typeof(DF_DATA[[varName]]), "integer" = 8, "double" = 10, 16)

      #Calculate freq
      freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
      colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

      # Get the sysmiss row and append it back after the merge
      # To resolve the issue sysmiss row is missing for the categorical variable
      sysmiss <- subset(freqTable, is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))
      freqTable <- subset(freqTable, !is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))

      #merge total cat and labels. There might be categories which don't have label. Their "labl" column will be NA
      catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)

      # append sysmis row
      if(dim(sysmiss) && dim(sysmiss)[1] != 0) {
        labl <- ''
        catMerge <- rbind(catMerge, cbind(sysmiss, labl))

      catList <- lapply(rownames(catMerge), function(rowName){
        catValue <- catMerge[rowName,"labl"]
        catLabl <- catMerge[rowName,varName]
        freq <- catMerge[rowName,"freq"]

    }  else {
      # DO THIS: If we are not able to decide if the variable is "Discrete" or "Continuous" based on the
      # variable attributes (isLabelled or factor). Most of the STATA/SPSS should be covered under
      # is.labelled check.
      # TODO: This logic needs to be refined

      #1. Check the number of distinct values
      #2. Compare with a configurable parameter (DEFAULT 50).
      # IF less then set it as DISCRETE and set Label to empty ""
      # Otherwise set it as CONTINUOUS

      uniqueValues <- unique(DF_DATA[[varName]])
      lenUniqueValues <- length(uniqueValues)

      #freqLimit: Number of distinct values
      if (lenUniqueValues < freqLimit) {
        #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
        #Calculate freq
        freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
        colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

        catList <- lapply(rownames(freqTable), function(rowName){
          catValue <- freqTable[rowName,varName]
          catLabl <- c("")
          freq <- freqTable[rowName,"freq"]


    #assign each variable a unique id "V1","V2"....
    var_seq <- as.data.frame(paste(replicate(length(colnames(DF_DATA)),"V"),
    names(var_seq) <- list("var_seq") #Modify the column name
    row.names(var_seq) <- colnames(DF_DATA) #Give the rownames same as the variable name
    ID <- as.character(var_seq[varName,"var_seq"]) #Get the sequence ID for the variable

    sumstats <- .summary_stats(DF_DATA,varName)

    #todo - need to test with a date field type
    #variableType <- ifelse(class(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]) == 'Date', 'date', mode(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]))
    variableType <- ifelse(('Date' %in% class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) |
                              'difftime' %in% class(DF_DATA[[varName]])), 'Date', mode(DF_DATA[[varName]]))
    #variableType <- mode(DF_DATA[varName][[1]])

    #handle date type variable
    #if(class(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]) == 'Date'){
    #  variableType<-"date"

      name = varName,
      #measure: If "Discrete" then set it to Nomial. How to figure out ordinal values?
      #stringLen: application will set the character.width as StringLen initially. Resequencing can change it
      #Width vs StringLen:For string width should be maximum it can hold, StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
      #dataType: UNITS (REAL for numeric, CHARACTER for string/char)
      #ImplictDecimal: 201 with implicit decimal 2 actually means 2.01


  return(list(result='ok', cnt=rowCount, variables=varList))
  # }, warning = function(war) {
  #   warning(war)
  #   return(list(result='warning', message= paste('warning >> ',war)))
  # }, error = function(err) {
  #   warning(err)
  #   return(list(result='error', message= paste('error >> ',err)))
  # })

#' @title Generate data dictionary w/o summary statistics (STATA, SPSS, CSV)
#' @description Generate data dictionary from various file formats w/o summary stats (STATA, SPSS, CSV)
#' @param file Path to data file or upload file
#' @param type Type of data file (dta | sav | csv)
#' @param fileId unique file id e.g. F1, F2, ...
#' @param freqLimit frequency limit
#' @return data dictionary list
#' @examples  import('\\Sample Data\\in\\HND_2012_L2L.dta', 'dta', 'F1', 36000)
#' @export datafile_dictionary_no_stats
datafile_dictionary_no_stats <- function(filepath,
                                freqLimit=50) {


  if (toupper(type) == 'DTA') {
    DF_DATA <- read_dta(filepath, n_max=10)
  } else if (toupper(type) == 'SAV') {
    DF_DATA <- read_spss(filepath, n_max=10)
  } else if (toupper(type) == 'CSV') {
    #. to resolve the unicode issues, used readr::read_csv instead of read.csv method
    DF_DATA <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(read_csv(filepath, n_max=10)))

  rowCount <- nrow(DF_DATA)  # get row count
  DF_DATA[ is.na(DF_DATA) ] <- NA    #missing values replaced with NA

  #Get the total number of variables
  variables <- colnames(DF_DATA)

  #Apply transformation on each variable
  varList <- lapply(variables,function(varName){

    attrVector <- c(names(attributes(DF_DATA[[varName]])))
    #If the variable does not have variable label it automatically takes the value labels which we don't want.
    #e.g hhid appears as Name if there is no label such as "HouseHold Id"
    if (is.element('label', attrVector)) {
      label <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],'label')
    } else {
      label <- ''

    # If CSV, set variable name as label
    if (toupper(type) == 'CSV') {
      label <- varName

    regexp <- "[[:digit:]]+"

    file.index = as.character(fileId)
    units <- "REAL" #TODO:
    varFormatSchema <- "other" #TODO: Where is it used??

    dcml <- 0
    location.width <- 0

    # define interval
    if ((any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "haven_labelled")) ||
        class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) == "character" ||
        any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "Date") ||
        any(class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) %in% "difftime"))
      intrvl <- "discrete"
    } else {
      intrvl <- "contin"

    #intrvl <- "contin"

    #Start: For numeric variables (For STATA, SPSS and in future other types that can set attributes in DF)
    if (sapply(DF_DATA[varName], is.numeric)) {

      location.width = 0
      #intrvl <- "contin" #Take sample and see if x has n% threshold and decide???

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 2) {
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][1:1], regexp)
          dcml <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][2:2], regexp)

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        # Numerical: byte %8.0g, int %8.0g, long %12.0g, float %9.0g, double %10.0g,
        # Fixed Length Numerical: %9.2f
        # String: str# E.g; str14 means datatype
        # String Len: %#s E.g: %18s length 18
        # Date: %ty year

        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 2) {
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][1:1], regexp)
          dcml <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]][2:2], regexp)

    #End: For numeric variables

    #Start: For character variables (For STATA, SPSS and in future other types that can set attributes in DF)
    if (sapply(DF_DATA[varName], is.character)) {

      location.width = 0

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.spss")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 1) {
          #For string width should be maximum it can hold
          #StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]], regexp)
          units <- "character"

      if (!is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata"))) {
        formatValue <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"format.stata")
        formatValueSplit <- strsplit(formatValue, "[.]")
        if (lengths(formatValueSplit) == 1) {
          #For string width should be maximum it can hold
          #StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
          location.width <- str_extract(formatValueSplit[[1]], regexp)
          units <- "character"


    catList <- NA

    #If the variable is labelled and it has labels or if it is nominal/ordinal
    if (is.labelled(DF_DATA[[varName]]) && !is.null(attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],'labels'))) {
      #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
      labels <- attr(DF_DATA[[varName]],"labels") #Get the labels for the variable

      #This can copy value as label if the incoming data file has duplicate category names.
      #e.g;HND_2012_L2L_UTF8_old.dta variable:H60
      #4 "Member of agricultural cooperative, group or settlement"
      #8 "Member of agricultural cooperative, group or settlement" when converted to DF
      #ALl other value labels are lost. The label is set as value
      #Right now nt doing any special case handling, assuming that it will be fixed at source data file.
      labels_df <- as.data.frame(labels) #convert variables to DF

      colnames(labels_df) <- c(varName) #Make the column same as variable name so that we can merge
      labels_df["labl"] <- rownames(labels_df) #Add column for labels
      uniqlabel <- nrow(labels_df)

      #Calculate freq. i.e Table to identify number of occurances for a value
      freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
      uniqfreq <- nrow(freqTable)

      # count is returning unicode, set column name as variable name to merge
      colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

      # Get the sysmiss row and append it back after the merge
      # To resolve the issue sysmiss row is missing for the categorical variable
      sysmiss <- subset(freqTable, is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))
      freqTable <- subset(freqTable, !is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))

      #merge total cat and labels. There might be categories which don't have label.
      #Their "labl" column will be NA
      #   sex  freq  labl
      # 1 1    1670   Male
      # 2 2    1819   Female
      if (uniqfreq<=100){
        #generate for all values (labelled or not)
        catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all = TRUE)
      } else if (uniqfreq >100 & uniqfreq < 5000){
        #minimum threshold  (20%)
        if ((uniqfreq * .20) <= uniqlabel) {
          #generate for all values (labelled or not)
          catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all = TRUE)
        } else {
          #only generate frequencies for labeled values
          catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)
      } else{
        #only generate frequencies for labeled values
        catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)

      # append sysmis row
      if(dim(sysmiss) && dim(sysmiss)[1] != 0) {
        labl <- ''
        catMerge <- rbind(catMerge, cbind(sysmiss, labl))

      #Set frequency as 0 if NA
      catMerge$freq[ is.na(catMerge$freq) ] <- 0

      catList <- lapply(rownames(catMerge), function(rowName){
        catValue <- catMerge[rowName,varName]
        catLabl <- catMerge[rowName,"labl"]
        freq <- catMerge[rowName,"freq"]

    } else if (is.factor(DF_DATA[[varName]]) && toupper(type) == 'CSV') {

      #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
      labels <- levels(DF_DATA[[varName]]) #Get the levels of the factor for the variable

      labels_df <- as.data.frame(labels) #convert variables to DF
      colnames(labels_df) <- c(varName) #Make the column same as variable name so that we can merge
      labels_df["labl"] <- rownames(labels_df) #Add column for labels

      #Set width based on the type
      location.width <- switch(typeof(DF_DATA[[varName]]), "integer" = 8, "double" = 10, 16)

      #Calculate freq
      freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
      colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

      # Get the sysmiss row and append it back after the merge
      # To resolve the issue sysmiss row is missing for the categorical variable
      sysmiss <- subset(freqTable, is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))
      freqTable <- subset(freqTable, !is.na(freqTable[[varName]]))

      #merge total cat and labels. There might be categories which don't have label. Their "labl" column will be NA
      catMerge <- merge(freqTable,labels_df,by=varName, all.y = TRUE)

      # append sysmis row
      if(dim(sysmiss) && dim(sysmiss)[1] != 0) {
        labl <- ''
        catMerge <- rbind(catMerge, cbind(sysmiss, labl))

      catList <- lapply(rownames(catMerge), function(rowName){
        catValue <- catMerge[rowName,"labl"]
        catLabl <- catMerge[rowName,varName]
        #freq <- catMerge[rowName,"freq"]

    }  else {
      # DO THIS: If we are not able to decide if the variable is "Discrete" or "Continuous" based on the
      # variable attributes (isLabelled or factor). Most of the STATA/SPSS should be covered under
      # is.labelled check.
      # TODO: This logic needs to be refined

      #1. Check the number of distinct values
      #2. Compare with a configurable parameter (DEFAULT 50).
      # IF less then set it as DISCRETE and set Label to empty ""
      # Otherwise set it as CONTINUOUS

      uniqueValues <- unique(DF_DATA[[varName]])
      lenUniqueValues <- length(uniqueValues)

      #freqLimit: Number of distinct values
      if (lenUniqueValues < freqLimit) {
        #intrvl <- "discrete" - TD
        #Calculate freq
        freqTable <- count(DF_DATA[varName])
        colnames(freqTable) <- c(varName, "freq")

        catList <- lapply(rownames(freqTable), function(rowName){
          catValue <- freqTable[rowName,varName]
          catLabl <- c("")
          #freq <- freqTable[rowName,"freq"]


    #assign each variable a unique id "V1","V2"....
    var_seq <- as.data.frame(paste(replicate(length(colnames(DF_DATA)),"V"),
    names(var_seq) <- list("var_seq") #Modify the column name
    row.names(var_seq) <- colnames(DF_DATA) #Give the rownames same as the variable name
    ID <- as.character(var_seq[varName,"var_seq"]) #Get the sequence ID for the variable

    sumstats <- .summary_stats(DF_DATA,varName)

    #todo - need to test with a date field type
    #variableType <- ifelse(class(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]) == 'Date', 'date', mode(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]))
    variableType <- ifelse(('Date' %in% class(DF_DATA[[varName]]) |
                              'difftime' %in% class(DF_DATA[[varName]])), 'Date', mode(DF_DATA[[varName]]))
    #variableType <- mode(DF_DATA[varName][[1]])

    #handle date type variable
    #if(class(DF_DATA[varName][[1]]) == 'Date'){
    #  variableType<-"date"

      name = varName,
      #measure: If "Discrete" then set it to Nomial. How to figure out ordinal values?
      #stringLen: application will set the character.width as StringLen initially. Resequencing can change it
      #Width vs StringLen:For string width should be maximum it can hold, StringLen: Should be maximum length of character in data
      #dataType: UNITS (REAL for numeric, CHARACTER for string/char)
      #ImplictDecimal: 201 with implicit decimal 2 actually means 2.01


  return(list(result='ok', cnt=rowCount, variables=varList))
  # }, warning = function(war) {
  #   warning(war)
  #   return(list(result='warning', message= paste('warning >> ',war)))
  # }, error = function(err) {
  #   warning(err)
  #   return(list(result='error', message= paste('error >> ',err)))
  # })

#' @title Export file to CSV
#' @description Export datafiles (SPSS, STATA) to CSV format
#' @param filepath Path to data file
#' @param type Type of data file (dta | sav)
#' @param csvFile Output file path
#' @return A list contains the status
#' @examples  datafile_write_csv('/Data/example.dta', 'dta','/Data/example.csv')
#' @export datafile_write_csv

datafile_write_csv <- function(filepath="", type="", csvPath="") {

    csvFile <-  csvPath

    # create directory if not exists
    #dir.create(dirname(csvFile), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

    # read dataset files
    if (toupper(type) == 'DTA') {
      DF_DATA <- read_dta(filepath, n_max=10000)
    } else if (toupper(type) == 'SAV') {
      DF_DATA <- read_spss(filepath, n_max=10000)
    } else if (toupper(type) == 'SAS7BDAT') {
      DF_DATA <- read_sas(filepath)
    }  else if (toupper(type) == 'CSV') {
      #. to resolve the unicode issues, used readr::read_csv instead of read.csv method
      # DF_DATA <- read.csv(filepath, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      DF_DATA <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(read_csv(filepath)))
      DF_DATA[ is.na(DF_DATA) ] <- NA

      # get col names as variables
      variables <- colnames(DF_DATA)

      # set factor levels instead of label
      for(j in 1:length(variables)){

        varName <- variables[j]

        # If factor, set levels as labels, otherwise labels will be exported to CSV
        # Convert type as numeric
          labels <- as.factor(levels(DF_DATA[[varName]]))
          levels <- as.factor(labels(labels))
          DF_DATA[[varName]] <- factor(DF_DATA[[varName]], labels = levels)
          DF_DATA[[varName]] <- as.numeric( DF_DATA[[varName]] )

    # Replace empty string with NA
    DF_DATA[sapply(DF_DATA, is.character)] <- lapply(DF_DATA[sapply(DF_DATA, is.character)],
                                                     function(x) zap_empty(x))

    DF_DATA[ is.na(DF_DATA) ] <- NA    #missing values replaced with NA

    # To resolve the unicode issues, used readr package instead of haven to write the csv file.
    write_csv(DF_DATA, csvFile, na = "*", append = FALSE)
    # write.csv(DF_DATA, file=file(csvFile, encoding="UTF-8"), row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE, na= "*")

    return(list(result='ok', file=csvFile ))
  }, warning = function(war) {
    return(list(result='warning', message= paste('warning >> ',war)))
  }, error = function(err) {
    return(list(result='error', message= paste('error >> ',err)))
mah0001/nadar documentation built on March 30, 2024, 2:44 a.m.