
Defines functions estimate_sensitivity_index topsa

Documented in topsa

#' Topological Sensitivity Analysis
#' @param Ydat numeric vector of responses in a model.
#' @param Xdat numeric matrix or data.frame of covariables.
# @param dimension number of homology groups to estimate. The only value accepted is \code{dimension = 3}, but in future release this will change.
#  @param threshold.area (no used for the moment) percent of the triangles bigger areas to keep.
#' @param threshold.radius percent of radius or sizes of triangles to keep.
#'   the homology complex. Defaults to `0.05`.
# @param knearest number of the nearest neigbors keep to built the homology
#'   complex
#' @param method type of method to build the homology complex. Two choices are
#'   accepted: \code{Alpha} o \code{VR} (Vietoris-Rips).
#' @return A list of class \code{topsa} with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{call}}{The function call.}
#' \item{\strong{Xdat}}{\code{X} input.}
#' \item{\strong{Ydat}}{\code{Y} output.}
#' \item{\strong{dimension}}{dimension to estimate the homology order.}
#' \item{\strong{threshold}}{cutoff level for the radius or area.}
#' \item{\strong{results}}{A list for each variable with:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{threshold}}{threshold used to limit the radius or area.}
#' \item{\strong{Manifold_Area}}{geometrical area of the estimated manifold.}
#' \item{\strong{Box.Area}}{geometrical area of the estimated manifold.}
#' \item{\strong{Geometric.R2}}{geometric correlation between each
#' \code{x} and \code{y}.}
#' \item{\strong{Geometric.Sensitivity}}{symmetric sensitivity
#' index of each estimated manifold.}
#' \item{\strong{manifold_plot}}{a \code{sf}
#' object with the estimated manifold.}
#' } } }
#' @export
#' @examples
#'ishigami.fun <- function(X) {
#' A <- 7
#' B <- 0.1
#' sin(X[, 1]) + A * sin(X[, 2])^2 + B * X[, 3]^4 * sin(X[, 1])
#' }

#' X <- matrix(runif(3*50, -pi, pi), ncol = 3)
#' Y <- ishigami.fun(X)
#'estimation <- topsa(Ydat = Y, Xdat = X,method = "Alpha")
#' @importFrom methods is

topsa <-
           #threshold.area = 0.9,
           threshold.radius = rep(0.05,ncol(Xdat)),
           # knearest = 20,
           method = "Alpha") {
    #Y: matrix of model outputs (only one column)
    #X: matrix model parameters
    #radius: radius to build the neighborhood graph
    #dimension: number of homology spaces
    # if (!requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #   stop("Please install the package scales: install.packages('scales')")
    # }#end-require-scales
    # if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #   stop("Please install the package igraph: install.packages('igraph')")
    # }#end-require-igraph
    # if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #   stop("Please install the package sf: install.packages('sf')")
    # }#end-require-sf
    # # if (!requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # #   stop("Please install the package rgeos: install.packages('rgeos')")
    # # }#end-require-rgeos
    # if (!requireNamespace("pbmcapply", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #   stop("Please install the package pbmcapply: install.packages('pbmcapply')")
    # }#end-require-pbmcapply
    # # if (!requireNamespace("multimode", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # #   stop("Please install the package multimode: install.packages('multimode')")
    # # }#end-require-multimode

    # future::plan("multisession")
    Xdat <- as.data.frame(Xdat)
    Ydat <- as.data.frame(Ydat)

    ANS <- list()
    ANS[['call']] <- match.call()
    ANS[['Xdat']] <- Xdat
    ANS[['Ydat']] <- Ydat
    ANS[['Xr']] <- as.data.frame(lapply(Xdat, scales::rescale))
    ANS[['Yr']] <- as.data.frame(lapply(Ydat, scales::rescale))
    # ANS[['dimension']] <- dimension

    # message("Estimating persistance homology for each variable")
    # pb <-
    #   utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
    #                         max = ncol(Xdat),
    #                         style = 3)
    # ANS[['persistence homology']] <-
    #   lapply(
    #     X = 1:ncol(Xdat),
    #     FUN =  function(i) {
    #       h <-
    #         TDAstats::calculate_homology(apply(cbind(Xdat[, i], Ydat), 2, scales::rescale), dim = 1)
    #       utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    #       return(h)
    #     }
    #   )
    # close(pb)

    # lapply(
    #   X = 1:ncol(Xdat),
    #   FUN = function(i, Xdat, Ydat) {
    #     h <-
    #       TDAstats::calculate_homology(apply(cbind(Xdat[, i], Ydat), 2, scales::rescale))
    #   },
    #   Xdat = Xdat,
    #   Ydat = Ydat
    # )

    # ANS[['threshold']] <-
    #   if (method == "VR") {
    #     if (threshold.radius == -1) {
    #       threshold.radius <-  sapply(
    #         X = ANS[['persistence homology']],
    #         FUN = function(h) {
    #           # h <-  h[h[, "dimension"] == 1,]
    #           diff_birth_death <-
    #             apply(h[, c("birth", "death")], 1, function(x) {
    #               x[2] - x[1]
    #             })
    #           # q_diff <- quantile(diff_birth_death, 0.99)
    #           #
    #           # h <- as.matrix(h[diff_birth_death >= q_diff,])
    #           #
    #           # q_death <- quantile(h[, "death"], 0.99)
    #           #
    #           # h <- as.matrix(h[h[, "death"] >= q_death,])
    #           order_diff <-
    #             order(diff_birth_death, decreasing = TRUE)
    #           order_death <- order(h[,"death"],-h[, "death"], decreasing = TRUE)
    #           order_in_both_seq <-
    #             cumsum(order_death == order_diff)
    #           order_in_perfect_case <- 1:length(order_death)
    #           idx_features <-
    #             order_death[order_in_both_seq == order_in_perfect_case]
    #           # Test if there are prominent features If lenght(idx_features)==0
    #           # then almost all the persistance is noise. In this case just take
    #           # the largest radius
    #           # if (length(idx_features) == 0) {
    #           #   threshold.radius <- max(h[, "death"])
    #           #
    #           # } else{
    #           # If not, then try to search the intersection of all the select
    #           # features. Once found this intersection, take the middle point.
    #           # intervals <- h[idx_features, c("birth", "death")]
    #           # If intervals is a single vector, only assign l and r to the
    #           # first and second elements
    #           if (is.null(dim(h))) {
    #             intervals <- h[c("birth", "death")]
    #             l <- intervals[1]
    #             r <- intervals[2]
    #           } else{
    #             # Otherwise, try to find their intersection
    #             intervals <- h[, c("birth", "death")]
    #             l <- intervals[1, 1]
    #             r <- intervals[1, 2]
    #             # Find the intersection over all the intervals
    #             for (i in seq_len(nrow(intervals))) {
    #               # If no intersection exists
    #               if (intervals[i, 1] > r | intervals[i, 2] < l) {
    #                 l <- min(intervals[, 1])
    #                 r <- max(intervals[, 2])
    #                 break()
    #               } else{
    #                 # Else update the intersection
    #                 l <- max(l, intervals[i, 1])
    #                 r <- min(r, intervals[i, 2])
    #               }
    #             }
    #           }
    #           threshold.radius <- (l + r) / 2
    #           # }#end-else-if (length(idx_features) == 0)
    #           return(threshold.radius)
    #         }#end-FUN = function(i, Xdat, Ydat)
    #       )
    #     }#end-if-threshold.radius=-1
    #         if (length(threshold.radius) == 1) {
    #           threshold.radius <- rep(threshold.radius, ncol(Xdat))
    #         } else if (length(threshold.radius) == ncol(Xdat)) {
    #           threshold.radius
    #         } else{
    #           stop("Please provide a numeric threshold vector of size 1 or ncol(Xdat)")
    #         }
    #       }#end-if-method==VR

    if (length(threshold.radius) == 1) {
      threshold.radius <- rep(threshold.radius, ncol(Xdat))
    } else if (length(threshold.radius) < ncol(Xdat)) {
      stop("Please provide a numeric threshold vector of size 1 or ncol(Xdat)")

    par.names = colnames(Xdat)	#gets parameters names
    if (is.null(colnames(Xdat))) {
      par.names = paste0('X', 1:ncol(Xdat))

    message("Index estimation")

    # cores <- parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
    # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
    # parallel::clusterExport(cl,
    #                         c('topsa:::estimate_sensitivity_index',
    #                           'topsa:::VR_homology',
    #                           'topsa:::estimate_symmetric_reflection',
    #                           'Ydat',
    #                           'Xdat',
    #                           'threshold.radius',
    #                           'method'
    #                         ), envir=environment())

     sensitivity_results <- try(parallel::mclapply(
       X = 1:ncol(Xdat),
      FUN = estimate_sensitivity_index,
       Ydat = Ydat,
       Xdat = Xdat,
    #   dimension = dimension,
    #   knearest = knearest,
       threshold = threshold.radius,
       method = method,
    mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
     silent = T)

    if (is(sensitivity_results, 'try-error')){
      sensitivity_results <-
          # cl = cl,
          X = 1:ncol(Xdat),
          FUN = estimate_sensitivity_index,
          Ydat = Ydat,
          Xdat = Xdat,
          # dimension = dimension,
          # knearest = knearest,
          # threshold.area = threshold.area,
          threshold = threshold.radius,
          method = method,

    for (i in 1:ncol(Xdat)) {
      sensitivity_results[[i]]$xname <- colnames(Xdat)[i]
      sensitivity_results[[i]]$yname <- colnames(Ydat)

    ANS[["results"]] <- sensitivity_results
    class(ANS) <- 'topsa'

    # SA.tab <- try(pbmcapply::pbmclapply(X = HOMOLOGY,
    #                                     FUN = estimate_index,
    #                                     mc.cores = nc),
    #               silent = T
    # )
    # if (is(SA.tab, 'try-error')) {
    #Windows does not support mclapply...

    # }

    #  sensitivity_table <- t(sapply(sensitivity_result, function(x) {
    #   as.numeric(x[1:5])
    # }))
    # colnames(sensitivity_table) <- c('Radius', 'Manifold Area', 'Box Area' , 'Geometric correlation', 'Symmetric index')
    # rownames(sensitivity_table) <- par.names
    # ANS[['sensitivity_table']] <- sensitivity_table


estimate_sensitivity_index <- function(ivar,
           # knearest,
           threshold, method) {
    constructHOMOLOGY <-
      function (ivar, Ydat, Xdat, dimension, threshold,method) {
        Y <- as.matrix(Ydat)
        X <- as.matrix(Xdat[, ivar])

        idx <- order(X,Y)
        X <- X[idx,]
        Y<- Y[idx,]

        X <- as.matrix(scales::rescale(X , to = c(0, 1)), ncol = 1)
        Y <- as.matrix(scales::rescale(Y , to = c(0, 1)), ncol = 1)

        if (method == "Alpha") {
          Filtration <- TDA::alphaComplexFiltration(cbind(Y, X),printProgress = FALSE)
          cmplx <- Filtration$cmplx[Filtration$values<=threshold[ivar]]
        } else if(method=="VR"){
          Filtration <-TDA::ripsFiltration(
            cbind(Y, X),
            maxdimension = 1,
            maxscale = threshold[ivar],
            printProgress = FALSE
          cmplx <- Filtration$cmplx
          Filtration <- NULL
          stop("No method defined")

        idx_triangles <- lengths(Filtration$cmplx) == 3
        clq <- cmplx[idx_triangles]
        # clq <- igraph::cliques(graphBase, min = 3, max = 3)
        clq <- matrix(unlist(clq), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
        clq <- cbind(clq, clq[, 1])
        clq <- clq[order(clq[, 1], -clq[, 2], clq[, 3]), ]

        clq_list <-
            X = seq_len(nrow(clq)),
            FUN =  function(i) {
              p <- sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(X[clq[i, ]], Y[clq[i, ]])))
            mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
          ),silent = T)

        if (is(clq_list, 'try-error')) {
        clq_list <-
            X = seq_len(nrow(clq)),
            FUN =  function(i) {
              p <- sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(X[clq[i, ]], Y[clq[i, ]])))

        # message("Assemblying all the polygons and setting the manifold...")
        clq_polygons <-sf::st_geometrycollection(clq_list)

        clq_polygons <- sf::st_collection_extract(clq_polygons)

        grid_polygons <-
          sf::st_make_grid(clq_polygons, cellsize = 0.01)

        Number_Polygons <-
          lengths(sf::st_intersects(grid_polygons, clq_polygons))

        grid_polygons <-
          sf::st_sf(grid_polygons, Number_Polygons = Number_Polygons)

        clq_polygons <- sf::st_union(clq_polygons)

        #         for (d in 1:dimension) {
        #           clq <- igraph::cliques(graphBase, min = d, max = d)
        #           clq <- matrix(unlist(clq),ncol = d,byrow = TRUE)
        #           if (d == 1) {
        #             H[[d]] <- st_multipoint(cbind(X[clq],Y[clq]))
        #             })
        #           } else if (d == 2) {
        #             clq_list  <- purrr::map(clq, function(x) {
        #               cbind(X[x], Y[x])
        #             })
        #             H[[d]] <-  sf::st_multilinestring(clq_list)
        #           }
        #           else{
        #             clq_list  <- purrr::map(clq, function(x) {
        #               list(cbind(X[c(x, x[1])], Y[c(x, x[1])]))
        #             })
        #             H[[d]] <-  sf::st_multipolygon(clq_list)
        #           }
        #         }

            grid_polygons = grid_polygons,
            manifold_unioned = clq_polygons,
            # neigborhood.distance = neigborhood.distance,
            threshold = threshold[ivar]
            # Number.Edges.per.Point = npositives

      } #end-function-constructor

    Ydat <- as.matrix(Ydat)

    H <- constructHOMOLOGY(ivar, Ydat, Xdat, dimension, threshold, method)

    # vv <- igraph::as_data_frame(H[["graph"]], "vertices")
    # H2 <- H[["homology"]][[3]]
    # l <- list()
    # idxObj <- sort(unique(as.numeric(H2)))
    # Vertices <- data.frame (name = vv$name[idxObj],
    #                         x = vv$x[idxObj],
    #                         y = vv$y[idxObj])
    # l <- furrr::future_map(1:nrow(H2),
    #                        function(i) {
    #                          idxTriangle <- H2[i,]
    #                          idxname <-
    #                            Vertices$name %in% c(idxTriangle, idxTriangle[1])
    #                          subVertices <-  Vertices[idxname , ]
    #                          subVertices <-
    #                            rbind(subVertices, subVertices[1,])
    #                          Triangle <-
    #                            as.matrix((subVertices[, c(2, 3)]))
    #                          rownames(Triangle) <- NULL
    #                          p <- sf::st_polygon(list(Triangle))
    #                        }, .progress = TRUE)

    #     l <-  try(pbmcapply::pbmclapply(
    #   X = 1:nrow(H2),
    #   FUN = function(i) {
    #     idxTriangle <- H2[i, ]
    #     idxname <- Vertices$name %in% c(idxTriangle, idxTriangle[1])
    #     subVertices <-  Vertices[idxname ,]
    #     subVertices <- rbind(subVertices, subVertices[1, ])
    #     Triangle <- as.matrix((subVertices[, c(2, 3)]))
    #     rownames(Triangle) <- NULL
    #     p <- sf::st_polygon(list(Triangle))
    #   },
    #   mc.cores = mc.cores.inner
    # ),
    # silent = T)

    # if (is(l, 'try-error')) {
    #   #Windows does not support mclapply...
    #   l <- lapply(
    #     X = 1:nrow(H2),
    #     FUN = function(i) {
    #       idxTriangle <- H2[i, ]
    #       idxname <- Vertices$name %in% c(idxTriangle, idxTriangle[1])
    #       subVertices <-  Vertices[idxname ,]
    #       subVertices <- rbind(subVertices, subVertices[1, ])
    #       Triangle <- as.matrix((subVertices[, c(2, 3)]))
    #       rownames(Triangle) <- NULL
    #       p <- sf::st_polygon(list(Triangle))
    #     }
    #   )
    # }

    # mp <- sf::st_multipolygon(l)
    #mp_union <- sf::st_buffer(sf::st_union(mp),0)

    # mp_union <- sf::st_simplify(H[["homology"]][[3]])

    mp_union <- H[["manifold_unioned"]]

    mp_reflection <- estimate_symmetric_reflection(mp_union)

    bb <- sf::st_make_grid(x = mp_union, n = 1)

    mp_sym_difference <-
      sf::st_sym_difference(mp_union, mp_reflection)

    Symmetric.Diff.Area <- sf::st_area(mp_sym_difference)
    Manifold.Area <- sf::st_area(mp_union)
    Box.Area <- sf::st_area(bb)

        threshold = H[["threshold"]],
        Number.Edges.per.Point = H[["Number.Edges.per.Point"]],
        Neigborhood.Distance = H[["neigborhood.distance"]],
        Manifold.Area = Manifold.Area,
        Box.Area = Box.Area,
        Geometric.R2 = 1 - Manifold.Area / Box.Area,
        Symmetric.Diff.Area = Symmetric.Diff.Area,
        Geometric.Sensitivity = Symmetric.Diff.Area / (2 * Manifold.Area),
        homology = H
maikol-solis/TopSA documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 12:53 a.m.