
Defines functions diff_multiplication diff_vector_out d lift check_bracket

Documented in d

# check valid input for `[`
check_bracket <- function(ex) {
  if(length(ex) == 3) return(ex[[3]]%%1==0)
  if(length(ex) == 4) return( (ex[[3]]%%1==0) && (ex[[4]]%%1==0) )

# Lifts a function so it will propagate NULL and otherwise do its thing
lift <- function(f) {
  function(x, ...) if (rlang::is_null(x)) x else f(x, ...)

d <- function(f, x, derivs = NULL) {
  x <- rlang::enexpr(x)
  fl <- init_fct_list()
  if(!is.null(derivs)) {
    fd <- derivs@funs
    for(i in seq_along(fd)) {
      fl <- append_fct(fl, fd[[i]]@name, fd[[i]]@dfdx, fd[[i]]@name_deriv, fd[[i]]@keep)
  # Primitive functions, we have to treat carefully. They don't have a body.
  # This is just a short list of such built-in arithmetic functions, it is
  # not exhaustive.
  if (is.null(body(f))) {
    if (identical(f, sin))  return(cos)
    if (identical(f, sinh)) return(cosh)
    if (identical(f, asin)) return(function(x) 1/sqrt(1 - x^2))
    if (identical(f, cos))  return(function(x) -sin(x))
    if (identical(f, cosh)) return(sinh)
    if (identical(f, acos)) return(function(x) -asin(x))
    if (identical(f, exp))  return(exp)
    if (identical(f, tan))  return(function(x) 1/cos(x)^2)
    if (identical(f, tanh)) return(function(x) 1 - tanh(x^2))
    if (identical(f, atan)) return(function(x) 1/(1 + x^2) )
    if (identical(f, sqrt)) return(function(x) 1/(2*sqrt(x)) )
    if (identical(f, log))  return(function(x) 1/x)
    stop("unknown primitive") # nocov

  } else {
    # for other functions we have to parse the body
    # and differentiate it.
    df <- f
    body(df) <- simplify_expr(diff_expr(body(f), x, fl)) 

diff_vector_out <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  d_args <- expr |>
    rlang::call_args() |>
    purrr::map(\(ex) diff_expr(ex, x, fl))
  as.call(c(as.name("c"), d_args))

diff_expr <- lift(function(expr, x, fl) {
  if(is.call(expr)) {
    if(as.name("[") == expr[[1]]) {
      stopifnot("Only integers in [] allowed"=check_bracket(expr))
      if(expr == x) {
      } else {

  expr |> purrr::when(
    is.numeric(.)              ~ quote(0),
    is.name(.) && . == x       ~ quote(1), 
    is.name(.)                 ~ quote(0),
    is.call(.)                 ~ diff_call(expr, x, fl),
    ~ stop(paste0("Unexpected expression ", deparse(expr), " in parsing.")) # nocov

diff_addition <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  lhs <- call_arg(expr, 1) |> diff_expr(x, fl)
  rhs <- call_arg(expr, 2) |> diff_expr(x, fl)
  bquote( .(lhs) + .(rhs) )

diff_subtraction <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  lhs <- call_arg(expr, 1) |> diff_expr(x, fl)
  rhs <- call_arg(expr, 2) |> diff_expr(x, fl)
  if (rlang::is_null(rhs)) bquote( -.(lhs) )
  else bquote( .(lhs) - .(rhs) )

diff_multiplication <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  # f' g + f g'
  f <- call_arg(expr, 1)
  g <- call_arg(expr, 2)
  df <- diff_expr(f, x, fl)
  dg <- diff_expr(g, x, fl)
  bquote( .(df)*.(g) + .(f)*.(dg) )

diff_division <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  # (f' g − f g' )/g**2
  f <- call_arg(expr, 1)
  g <- call_arg(expr, 2)
  df <- diff_expr(f, x, fl)
  dg <- diff_expr(g, x, fl)
  bquote( ( .(df)*.(g) - .(f)*.(dg) ) / .(g)**2 )

diff_exponentiation <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  # Using the chain rule to handle this generally.
  # if y = f**g then dy/dx = dy/df df/dx = g * f**(g-1) * df/dx
  f <- call_arg(expr, 1)
  g <- call_arg(expr, 2)
  df <- diff_expr(f, x, fl)
  bquote( .(g) * .(f)**(.(g)-1) * .(df) )

diff_built_in_function_call <- lift(function(expr, x, fl) {
  # chain rule with a known function to differentiate. df/dx = df/dy dy/dx
  name <- call_name(expr)
  keep <- get_keep(fl, name)
  if(keep) {
    message(paste("Found function", name,  "which should be kept constant. This function is not considered for calculating the derivatives. Notably, also the arguments of the functions are ignored!") )
  name_deriv <- get_derivative_name(fl, name)
  len <- length(expr)
  args <- sapply(seq_along(2:len), function(x) call_arg(expr, x))
  dy_dx <- sapply(args, function(as) diff_expr(as, x, fl) )
  if(!is.list(args)) args <- as.list(args)
  deriv_args <- formalArgs(get_derivative(fl, name))
  deriv_args <- lapply(deriv_args, str2lang)
  if(length(args)!=length(deriv_args)) stop(paste("wrong number of args for function", name))
  outer_deriv <- get_derivative(fl, name) |>  body()
  outer_deriv <- deparse(outer_deriv)
  outer_deriv <- parse(text = outer_deriv)[[1]]
  od <- list()
  counter <- 1
  for(i in seq_along(args)) {
    od[[counter]] <- pryr::modify_lang(outer_deriv, substi, bquote( .(deriv_args[[i]]) ), args[[i]] )
    counter <- counter + 1
  outer_deriv <- od
  entire_deriv <- NULL
  for(i in seq_along(args)) {
    id <- dy_dx[[i]]
    od <- outer_deriv[[i]]
    entire_deriv = c(entire_deriv, bquote(.(id) * .(od)) )  
  for(i in seq_along(entire_deriv)) {
    deriv_current <- entire_deriv[[i]]
    deriv_current <- simplify_expr(deriv_current)
    if(deriv_current == 0) {
      entire_deriv[[i]] <- NA
    } else {
      entire_deriv[[i]] <- deriv_current
  entire_deriv <- entire_deriv[!is.na(entire_deriv)]
  if(len > 2) {
    entire_deriv <- paste(entire_deriv, collapse = "+")
  } else {
    entire_deriv <- paste(entire_deriv)
  if(identical(entire_deriv, character(0))) {
  if(entire_deriv == "") {


diff_parens <- function(expr, x, fl) {
  subexpr <- diff_expr(call_arg(expr, 1), x, fl)
  if (is.atomic(subexpr) || is.name(subexpr)) subexpr
  else if (is.call(subexpr) && call_name(subexpr) == "(")
    call("(", subexpr)

diff_call <- lift(function(expr, x, fl) {
  arg1 <- call_arg(expr, 1)
  arg2 <- call_arg(expr, 2)
  call_name(expr) |> purrr::when(
    is.name(.) ~ . |> purrr::when(
      . == "+" ~ diff_addition(expr, x, fl),
      . == "-" ~ diff_subtraction(expr, x, fl),
      . == "*" ~ diff_multiplication(expr, x, fl),
      . == "/" ~ diff_division(expr, x, fl),
      . == "^" ~ diff_exponentiation(expr, x, fl),
      . == "(" ~ diff_parens(expr, x, fl),
      (as.character(.) %in% get_names(fl)) ~ diff_built_in_function_call(expr, x, fl),
      . == "c" ~ diff_vector_out(expr, x, fl),
      ~ stop(paste("The function", ., "is not supported"))
    ~ stop(paste("The function", ., "is not supported"))
mailund/dfdr documentation built on Feb. 25, 2023, 5:37 p.m.