
#     This function returns the cloud metrics from a point cloud.                          #
grid.metrics <<- function( x
                         , pixres     = 1
                         , probs      = if (summ.only){
                                        }#end if
                         , min.pts    = 4 * pixres^2
                         , use.mapply = FALSE
                         , maxblock   = 50
                         , verbose    = FALSE
                         , summ.only  = TRUE
                         , ...

   #----- Track time to process the block. ------------------------------------------------# = proc.time()

   #     Make sure some cloud.metrics options are properly set for grid metrics.           #
   dotdotdot = list(...)
   warn = 0
   #----- mat.out must be FALSE. ----------------------------------------------------------#
   if (! is.null(dotdotdot$mat.out)){
      #----- Warn only in case mat.out is TRUE. -------------------------------------------#
      if (dotdotdot$mat.out){
         warning(" mat.out cannot be true in grid.metrics, setting it to false")
         warn = warn+1
      }#end if
   }#end if

   #----- mhdens must be NULL. ------------------------------------------------------------#
   if (! is.null(dotdotdot$mhdens)){
      warning(" Ignoring mhdens as it varies for each profile")
      warn = warn+1
   }#end if

   #----- zzdens must be NULL. ------------------------------------------------------------#
   if (! is.null(dotdotdot$zzdens)){
      warning(" Ignoring zzdens as it varies for each profile")
      warn = warn+1
   }#end if

   #    If warn is not zero, then call grid metrics with the correct settings.             #
   if (warn > 0){
      dotdotdot = modifyList( x   = dotdotdot
                            , val = list( x         = x
                                        , pixres    = pixres
                                        , probs     = probs
                                        , min.pts   = min.pts
                                        , maxblock  = maxblock
                                        , verbose   = verbose
                                        , mat.out   = FALSE
                                        , zzdens    = NULL
                                        , mhdens    = NULL
                                        , summ.only = summ.only
                            )#end modifyList
      ans       ="grid.metrics",args=dotdotdot)
   }#end if

   #----- "Degrade" point cloud resolution to the desired resolution. ---------------------#
   when.round = proc.time()
   x$x = round(x$x / pixres) * pixres
   x$y = round(x$y / pixres) * pixres
   when.round = proc.time() - when.round
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Rounding took ",when.round[3],"s...")

   #----- "Degrade" point cloud resolution to the desired resolution. ---------------------#
   when.index = proc.time()
   xuniq      = sort(unique(x$x))
   yuniq      = sort(unique(x$y))
   nx         = length(xuniq)
   ny         = length(yuniq)
   x$idx      = match(x$x,xuniq) + nx * (match(x$y,yuniq))
   when.index = proc.time() - when.index
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Finding indices took ",when.index[3],"s...")

   #----- Split data frame using 1-D index. -----------------------------------------------#
   when.split1d = proc.time()
   pc.list      = split(x=x,f=x$idx)
   when.split1d = proc.time() - when.split1d
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Splitting point cloud ",when.split1d[3],"s...")

   #     Split list in smaller blocks.                                                     #
   nlist = length(pc.list)
   nloop = ceiling(nlist/maxblock)

   #      Run the first element to initialise the output matrix.                           #
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Initialising matrix...")
   if (nlist >= 1){
      dotdotdot    = list(...)
      dotdotdot    = modifyList( x   = dotdotdot
                               , val = list( x         = pc.list[[1]]
                                           , probs     = probs
                                           , min.pts   = min.pts
                                           , mat.out   = FALSE
                                           , summ.only = summ.only
                                           )#end list
                               )#end modifyList
      template     ="cloud.metrics",args=dotdotdot)
      cm.table     = matrix( ncol     = nlist
                           , nrow     = length(template)
                           , dimnames = list(names(template),names(pc.list))
                           )#end matrix
      cm.table[,1] = template
   }#end if (nlist >= 1)

   #      Loop over remaining elements using for loop.                                     #
   when.block = proc.time()
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Aggregating data: ")
   if (use.mapply){
      #----- Use mapply to process blocks. ------------------------------------------------#
      nlwr.all = seq(from=2,to=nlist,by=nloop)
      for (n in nlwr.all){
         #----- Bounds for this block. ----------------------------------------------------#
         nlwr   = n
         nupr   = min(nlwr + nloop - 1,nlist)
         nseq = seq(from=nlwr,to=nupr,by=1)
         if (verbose){
            cat0("      - Processing pixel ",nlwr,"-",nupr," of ",nlist,"...")
         }#end if (verbose && (n %in% nshow))

         #----- Prepare arguments. --------------------------------------------------------#
         dotdotdot     = list(...)
         dotdotdot     = modifyList( x   = dotdotdot
                                  , val = list( probs     = probs
                                              , min.pts   = min.pts
                                              , mat.out   = FALSE
                                              , summ.only = summ.only
                                              )#end list
                                  )#end modifyList

         #------ Find cloud metrics for this group. ---------------------------------------#        = t(mapply(FUN=cloud.metrics,x=pc.list[nseq],MoreArgs=dotdotdot))
         cm.table[,nseq] =
      }#end for (n in sequence(nloop))
      #----- Aggregate grid block by grid block. ------------------------------------------#
      nshow = sort(c(1,nlist,pretty(c(1,nlist),n=10)))
      nshow = nshow[nshow %wr% c(1,nlist)]
      for (n in sequence(nlist)){
         if (verbose && (n %in% nshow)){
            cat0("      - Processing pixel ",n,"/",nlist,"...")
         }#end if (verbose && (n %in% nshow))
         dotdotdot    = list(...)
         dotdotdot    = modifyList( x   = dotdotdot
                                  , val = list( x         = pc.list[[n]]
                                              , probs     = probs
                                              , min.pts   = min.pts
                                              , mat.out   = FALSE
                                              , summ.only = summ.only
                                              )#end list
                                  )#end modifyList
         cm.table[,n] ="cloud.metrics",args=dotdotdot)
      }#end for (n in sequence(nloop))
   }#end if
   when.block = proc.time() - when.block
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Running cloud metrics took ",when.block[3],"s...")

   #----- Return the mean, maximum, and the standard deviation of all metrics. ------------#
   when.aggr              = proc.time()          = apply(X=cm.table,MARGIN=1,FUN=mean  ,na.rm=TRUE)          = apply(X=cm.table,MARGIN=1,FUN=sd    ,na.rm=TRUE)        = apply(X=cm.table,MARGIN=1,FUN=median,na.rm=TRUE)           = apply(X=cm.table,MARGIN=1,FUN=max   ,na.rm=TRUE)
   names(  ) = paste("mean"  ,rownames(cm.table),sep=".")
   names(  ) = paste("sdev"  ,rownames(cm.table),sep=".")
   names( = paste("median",rownames(cm.table),sep=".")
   names(   ) = paste("max"   ,rownames(cm.table),sep=".")
   ans                    = c(,,,
   when.aggr              = proc.time() - when.aggr
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Aggregating data took ",when.aggr[3],"s...")

   #----- Free memory and return table. ---------------------------------------------------#
   rm(cm.table,,,, = proc.time() -
   if (verbose) cat0("    + Total time to find metrics ",[3],"s...")
}#end grid.metrics
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.