
#     This function creates a pretty time scale.  It is loosely based on pretty, but here  #
# we make extensive use of the chron functions, and define the suitable scales in a        #
# different way as time has a non-decimal scale.                                           #
#  The result is a list containing the levels, and nice labels for the plots.              #
pretty.time <<- function(when,n=10,...){

   #----- Find the 1st and last time. -----------------------------------------------------#
   whena = min(when,na.rm=TRUE)
   whenz = max(when,na.rm=TRUE)

   #----- Table for accepted bases for months, hours, minutes, and seconds. ---------------#
   base.months = c(1,2,3,4,6)
   base.days   = c(1,2,4,7,15)
   base.hours  = c(1,2,3,4,6,12)
   base.minsec = c(1,2,5,10,15,20,30)

   #----- Convert time to seconds. --------------------------------------------------------#
   when.sec = as.numeric(when) * day.sec

   #    Find a first guess of the step size, so we decide whether to use years, months,    #
   # days, hours, minutes, or seconds.                                                     #
   wstep.1st  = mean(diff(pretty(when.sec,n)))

   if (wstep.1st == 0){
      #---- Whatever, use just what comes out from the regular pretty. --------------------#
      vlevels = chron(pretty(when,n))
      vlabels = as.character(vlevels)
      padj    = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))
   }else if(wstep.1st / yr.sec > 0.8){
      #     Years are the best scale for the plots.                                        #
      yrrange = numyears(when)
      vlevels = pretty(yrrange,n)
      vlevels = dates(x=paste(1,1,vlevels,sep="/"))

      vlabels = paste(months(vlevels),years(vlevels),sep="-")
      padj    = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))
   }else if(wstep.1st / (30. * day.sec) > 0.8){
      #     Months are the best scale for the plots.                                       #
      #----- Find the time step that is the closest to the base. --------------------------#
      wstep     = wstep.1st / (30. * day.sec)
      whichbase = base.months[which.min(abs(wstep-base.months))]

      #----- Find the list of years to plot. ----------------------------------------------#
      allyears = numyears(when)
      yeara    = min(allyears,na.rm=TRUE)
      yearz    = max(allyears,na.rm=TRUE)+1
      vlevels  = seq.dates(from = paste(1,1,yeara,sep="/")
                          ,to   = paste(1,1,yearz,sep="/")
                          ,by   = "months")
      mon1st   = nummonths(vlevels)
      monlevs  = seq(from=1,to=12,by=whichbase)

      #----- Find the limits that will keep the labels not too far from the data. ---------#
      wlaba    = dates(paste(nummonths(whena),1,numyears(whena),sep="/"))
      monz     = nummonths(whenz) %% 12 + 1
      yearz    = numyears(whenz) + as.integer(monz == 1)
      wlabz    = dates(paste(monz,1,yearz,sep="/"))
      sel      = ( mon1st %in% monlevs 
                 & vlevels >= min(wlaba,na.rm=TRUE)
                 & vlevels <= max(wlabz,na.rm=TRUE) )
      vlevels = dates(vlevels[sel],out.format="m/d/year")
      vlabels = paste(months(vlevels),years(vlevels),sep="-")
      padj    = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))

   }else if(wstep.1st / day.sec > 0.8){
      #     Days are the best scale for the plots, but we keep them tethered to months,    #
      # even if the grid becomes slightly irregular.                                       #
      #----- Find the time step that is the closest to the base. --------------------------#
      wstep     = wstep.1st / day.sec
      whichbase = base.days[which.min(abs(wstep-base.days))]
      #----- Find the list of years to plot. ----------------------------------------------#
      allyears = numyears(when)
      yeara    = min(allyears,na.rm=TRUE)
      yearz    = max(allyears,na.rm=TRUE)+1
      #     Impose the list of months to be from January to December, we will trim the     #
      # numbers later.                                                                     #
      montha   = 1
      monthz   = 12
      #     Impose the list of months to be from January to December, we will trim the     #
      # numbers later.                                                                     #
      #----- First guess for the levels. --------------------------------------------------#
      vlevels  = seq.dates(from = paste(1,1,yeara,sep="/")
                          ,to   = paste(1,1,yearz,sep="/")
                          ,by   = "days")
      day1st   = numdays(vlevels)

      #----- Find the limits that will keep the labels not too far from the data. ---------#
      wlaba    = dates(whena)
      dayz     = numdays(whenz) %% daymax(nummonths(whenz),numyears(whenz)) + 1
      monz     = 1 + (nummonths(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(dayz==1)) %% 12
      yearz    = numyears(whenz) + as.integer(monz == 1)
      wlabz    = dates(paste(monz,dayz,yearz,sep="/"))
      sel      = ( day1st %in% daylevs 
                 & vlevels >= min(wlaba,na.rm=TRUE)
                 & vlevels <= max(wlabz,na.rm=TRUE) )
      vlevels  = dates(vlevels[sel],out.format="m/d/y")
      vlabels  = paste(months(vlevels),days(vlevels),sep="/")

      padj     = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))

      #----- First day of the year. -------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = numdays(vlevels) == 1 & nummonths(vlevels) == 1
      vlabels[sel] = paste(months(vlevels[sel]),"/",days(vlevels[sel]),"\n"
      padj   [sel] = 0.5

      #----- First label.  Always include year in it. -------------------------------------#
      vlabels[1] = paste(months(vlevels[1]),"/",days(vlevels[1]),"\n",years(vlevels[1])
      padj   [1] = 0.5

   }else if(wstep.1st / hr.sec > 0.8){
      #     Hours are the best scale for the plots.                                        #
      #----- Find the time step that is the closest to the base. --------------------------#
      wstep     = wstep.1st / hr.sec
      whichbase = base.hours[which.min(abs(wstep-base.hours))]
      #----- Find the list of days to plot. -----------------------------------------------#
      when1st  = dates(min(when  ,na.rm=TRUE))
      whenlast = dates(max(when+1,na.rm=TRUE))
      mydates  = seq.dates(from=when1st,to=whenlast,by="days")
      mytimes  = times(seq(from=0,to=day.sec-1,by=whichbase*hr.sec)) / day.sec
      ndates   = length(mydates)
      ntimes   = length(mytimes)
      #----- First guess for the levels. --------------------------------------------------#
      vlevels  = chron(dates=rep(x=mydates,each=ntimes),times=rep(x=mytimes,times=ndates))
      wlaba    = chron(dates=paste(nummonths(whena),numdays(whena),numyears(whena),sep="/"),
      hourz    = (hours(whenz) + 1) %% 24
      d2831    = daymax(nummonths(whenz),numyears(whenz))
      dayz     = (numdays(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(hourz == 0)) %% d2831 + 1
      monz     = (nummonths(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(dayz == 1)) %% 12 + 1
      yearz    = numyears(whenz) + as.integer(monz == 1)
      wlabz    = chron(dates=paste(monz,dayz,yearz,sep="/"),times=paste(hourz,0,0,sep=":"))
      sel      = ( vlevels >= min(wlaba,na.rm=TRUE)
                 & vlevels <= max(wlabz,na.rm=TRUE) )

      #     Make the labels, and put day and month information only on the first time of   #
      # the day, and all information in the second time, and the first time of the year.   #
      vlabels      = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels),2,3)
      padj         = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))
      #----- First time of the day. -------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = hours(vlevels) == 0
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5
      #----- First time or first time of the year. ----------------------------------------#
      sel          = ( vlevels == vlevels[1] 
                     |  ( nummonths(vlevels) == 1 & numdays(vlevels) == 1 
                        & hours(vlevels) == 0 ))
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5

   }else if(wstep.1st / min.sec > 0.8){
      #     Minutes are the best scale for the plots.                                      #
      #----- Find the time step that is the closest to the base. --------------------------#
      wstep     = wstep.1st / min.sec
      whichbase = base.minsec[which.min(abs(wstep-base.minsec))]
      #----- Find the list of days to plot. -----------------------------------------------#
      when1st  = dates(min(when  ,na.rm=TRUE))
      whenlast = dates(max(when+1,na.rm=TRUE))
      mydates  = seq.dates(from=when1st,to=whenlast,by="days")
      mytimes  = times(seq(from=0,to=day.sec-1,by=whichbase*min.sec)) / day.sec
      ndates   = length(mydates)
      ntimes   = length(mytimes)
      #----- First guess for the levels. --------------------------------------------------#
      vlevels  = chron(dates=rep(x=mydates,each=ntimes),times=rep(x=mytimes,times=ndates))

      wlaba    = chron(dates=paste(nummonths(whena),numdays(whena),numyears(whena),sep="/"),
      minz     = (minutes(whenz) + 1) %% 60
      hourz    = (hours(whenz) + as.integer(minz == 0)) %% 24
      d2831    = daymax(nummonths(whenz),numyears(whenz))
      dayz     = (numdays(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(hourz == 0)) %% d2831 + 1
      monz     = (nummonths(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(dayz == 1)) %% 12 + 1
      yearz    = numyears(whenz) + as.integer(monz == 1)
      wlabz    = chron(dates=paste(monz,dayz,yearz,sep="/")
      sel      = ( vlevels >= min(wlaba,na.rm=TRUE)
                 & vlevels <= max(wlabz,na.rm=TRUE) )

      #     Make the labels, and put day and month information only on the first time of   #
      # the day, and all information in the second time, and the first time of the year.   #
      vlabels      = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels),2,3)
      padj         = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))
      #----- First time of the day. -------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = hours(vlevels) == 0 & minutes(vlevels) == 0
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5
      #----- First time of the year. ------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = ( vlevels == vlevels[1] 
                     |  ( nummonths(vlevels) == 1 & numdays(vlevels) == 1 
                        & hours(vlevels) == 0 & minutes(vlevels) == 0))
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5

      #     Minutes are the best scale for the plots.                                      #
      #----- Find the time step that is the closest to the base. --------------------------#
      wstep     = wstep.1st
      whichbase = base.minsec[which.min(abs(wstep-base.minsec))]
      #----- Find the list of days to plot. -----------------------------------------------#
      when1st  = dates(min(when  ,na.rm=TRUE))
      whenlast = dates(max(when+1,na.rm=TRUE))
      mydates  = seq.dates(from=when1st,to=whenlast,by="days")
      mytimes  = times(seq(from=0,to=day.sec-1,by=whichbase)) / day.sec
      ndates   = length(mydates)
      ntimes   = length(mytimes)
      #----- First guess for the levels. --------------------------------------------------#
      vlevels  = chron(dates=rep(x=mydates,each=ntimes),times=rep(x=mytimes,times=ndates))

      wlaba    = chron(dates=paste(nummonths(whena),numdays(whena),numyears(whena),sep="/"),
      secz     = (seconds(whenz) + 1) %% 60
      minz     = (minutes(whenz) + as.integer(secz == 0)) %% 60
      hourz    = (hours(whenz) + as.integer(minz == 0)) %% 24
      d2831    = daymax(nummonths(whenz),numyears(whenz))
      dayz     = (numdays(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(hourz == 0)) %% d2831 + 1
      monz     = (nummonths(whenz) - 1 + as.integer(dayz == 1)) %% 12 + 1
      yearz    = numyears(whenz) + as.integer(monz == 1)
      wlabz    = chron(dates=paste(monz,dayz,yearz,sep="/")
      sel      = ( vlevels >= min(wlaba,na.rm=TRUE)
                 & vlevels <= max(wlabz,na.rm=TRUE) )

      #     Make the labels, and put day and month information only on the first time of   #
      # the day, and all information in the second time, and the first time of the year.   #
      vlabels      = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels),2,3)
      padj         = rep(0,times=length(vlabels))
      #----- First time of the day. -------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = hours(vlevels) == 0 & minutes(vlevels) == 0 & seconds(vlevels) == 0
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5
      #----- First time of the year. ------------------------------------------------------#
      sel          = ( vlevels == vlevels[1] 
                     |  ( nummonths(vlevels) == 1 & numdays(vlevels) == 1 
                        & hours(vlevels) == 0  & minutes(vlevels) == 0 
                        & seconds(vlevels) == 0))
      vlabels[sel] = paste(substring(100+hours(vlevels[sel]),2,3),":"
      padj[sel]    = 0.5
   }#end if

}#end function
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.