
Defines functions plot_gravity_responses

Documented in plot_gravity_responses

#' @title Plot gravity response of observed and modeled gravity signal
#' @description Plot gravity time series obtained through measurements during the sprinkling
#' experiment and modeling of infiltration of sprinkled water.
#' @param gravity_obs Character string with the filename of the gravity observation data to be used.
#' @param gravity_mod Character string with the filename of the modeled gravity response data.
#' @param input_dir Character string, containing the path to input file "gravity_obs".
#' @param output_dir Character string, containing the path to the directory where to save the plot.
#' @return Returns NULL as object. It creates a plot of all input time series.
#' This plot is shown on screen as well as saved to the specified output folder.
#' @details missing
#' @references Marvin Reich (2017), mreich@@posteo.de
#' @examples missing

plot_gravity_responses = function(
            input_dir = dir_input,
            output_dir = dir_output,
            dat_tsf = 7,
    # gravity_obs = gravityObservations_file
    # # gravity_mod = paste0("model_output/GravityResponse_Infiltration_model_", model_runs, ".rData"),
    # gravity_mod = paste0("model_output/GravityResponse_Infiltration_model_9.rData")
    # input_dir = dir_input
    # output_dir = dir_output

    # subtract starting value (of first timestep)
    # subtract starting value (of first timestep)
    # this is done to create relative mass change responses and not absolut
    # gravity reponse outside & below
    # gravity_outside$value = gravity_outside$value - gravity_outside$value[1]
    # gravity_below$value = gravity_below$value - gravity_below$value[1]
    # subtract mean value 
    # gravity_outside$value = gravity_outside$value - mean(gravity_outside$value, na.rm = T)
    # gravity_below$value = gravity_below$value - mean(gravity_below$value, na.rm = T)

    ## read in routine for gravity obs data
    # same as in function "reduce_gravity"
    # this time resulting in columns $datetime, $value

    # load data observed gravity data
    gravity_obs_data = read_data(gravity_obs, input_dir, dat_tsf = dat_tsf)
    # set same column name for joining datasets
    colnames(gravity_obs_data)[2] = "gmod"
    # subtract starting value 
    gravity_obs_data = mutate(gravity_obs_data, gmod = gmod - min(gmod))
    # subtract mean value 
    # gravity_obs_data$value = gravity_obs_data$value - mean(gravity_obs_data$value, na.rm = T)

    ## load modeled gravity response
    g_mod_data = load(file = paste0(output_dir, gravity_mod))
    gravity_mod_data = as.data.frame(get(g_mod_data))

    ## create measurement uncertainty of +- 10 %
    # this will be due to unprecise estimated total water mass used in experiment
    gravity_mod_data_over = gravity_mod_data
    gravity_mod_data_over$value = gravity_mod_data_over$value * 1.1
    gravity_mod_data_under = gravity_mod_data
    gravity_mod_data_under$value = gravity_mod_data_under$value * 0.9 
    # time steps of gravity observations
    ts_mod_data = length(gravity_mod_data[,1])
    # SG_timesteps = data.frame(datetime = 1:length(gravity_obs_data$gmod[-1]), value = gravity_obs_data$gmod[-1])
    SG_timesteps = data.frame(datetime = 1:ts_mod_data, value = gravity_obs_data$gmod[2:(ts_mod_data + 1)])

    ## combine datasets
    gmod = rbind(
             cbind(SG_timesteps, Scenario="Observed gravity response"),
    	     cbind(gravity_mod_data, Scenario="Infiltration model")#,
             # cbind(gravity_mod_data_over, Scenario="uncertainty"),
             # cbind(gravity_mod_data_under, Scenario="uncertainty")

    # add uncertainty of +- 10 %
    gmod$ymin = gmod$value * 0.9
    gmod$ymax = gmod$value * 1.1 
    # adjust factor levels for plotting order
    gmod$Scenario = factor(gmod$Scenario, levels=c("uncertainty","Observed gravity response", "Infiltration model"))

    # plot
    gravity_ts.gg = ggplot(gmod, aes(x=datetime, y=value, fill = Scenario, colour=Scenario)) +
        geom_ribbon(data = dplyr::filter(gmod, Scenario == "Infiltration model"), aes(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), fill = "grey", colour = NA) + 
        geom_line(size=1.5) + 
    	ylab("Gravity [nm/s²]") + xlab("Time since start of experiment [min]") +
        scale_color_manual(values = c("red","blue"), breaks=c("Observed gravity response", "Infiltration model")) + 
        # scale_color_manual(values = c("grey","red","blue"), breaks=c("Observed gravity response", "Infiltration model")) + 
         # legend.position = "bottom",
         legend.title = element_blank(),
         # legend.text=element_text(size=18),
         # panel.background = element_rect(fill="transparent"),
         panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "black", linetype = "dotted")
         # axis.title=element_text(size=20,face="bold"),
		 # axis.text=element_text(size=15,face="bold"),
         ) +
        guides(colour = guide_legend(nrow = 2))
    # save plot
    png(filename = paste0(output_dir, "Gravity_responses.png"),
                      width = 800,
                      height = 400,
                      res = 150)

marcianito/gravityInf documentation built on April 10, 2021, 9:32 a.m.