
Defines functions nchain remove.burnin mcmc.list.from.metropolis.hastings mcmc.list.from.emcee emcee.count.walkers read.multinest read.metropolis.hastings read.cosmosis.grid read.emcee read.cosmosis.mcmc parse.cosmosis.parameters make.matterpower.dataframe make.theory.dataframe cosmo.scan

Documented in cosmo.scan emcee.count.walkers make.matterpower.dataframe make.theory.dataframe mcmc.list.from.emcee mcmc.list.from.metropolis.hastings parse.cosmosis.parameters read.cosmosis.grid read.cosmosis.mcmc read.emcee read.metropolis.hastings read.multinest remove.burnin

#' Read data from a CosmoSIS format linearized matrix sample file, e.g. a power spectrum file.
#' @param dirname The name of the directory from which we read.
#' @param filename The name of the file we will read.
#' @param quiet  Passed to \code{base::scan}.
#' @return The vector of values.
cosmo.scan <- function(dirname, filename, quiet=TRUE)
  scan(file.path(dirname, filename), comment.char = "#", quiet = quiet)

#' Create a CosmoSIS 'theory' dataframe from all the named files.
#' Create a CosmoSIS 'theory' dataframe from the 'theory' files
#' generated by a run of CosmoSIS. It is assumed that each file contains
#' a single column of data, and that all the columns are of the same
#' length. This is the standard CosmoSIS output format for a variety of
#' theory calculations. Lines beginning with CosmoSIS comment character
#' "#" are ignored. The names of the columns are determined from the
#' names of the files, by dropping the file extension.
#' @export
#' @param fnames A character vector containing the names of the files to be read.
#' @return A CosmoSIS 'theory' dataframe.
# If we change the output of CosmoSIS to make a single file with
# multiple columns, then read.table() would work directly and probably a
# bit more efficiently.
make.theory.dataframe <- function(fnames)
  # Scan each file, creating a vector of the right name
  columns <- lapply(fnames, function(n) scan(n, comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE))
  result <- data.frame(columns)
  names(result) <- lapply(fnames, function(n) tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(n)))

#' Create a CosmoSIS matter power dataframe from all the named files.
#' It is assumed the file format is the CosmoSIS format for storing power
#' spectra. Note this format is different from the format used for the storage
#' of scalar parameters.
#' @export
#' @param dirname The name of the directory containing the CosmoSIS power
#'   spectrum output.
#' @param type Any value; this value is replicated to fill the \code{type}
#'   column of the dataframe.
#' @return A CosmoSIS matter power dataframe. If the directory does not exist,
#'   the returned dataframe will be empty.
#' @examples
#' d <- make.matterpower.dataframe(here::here("inst/extdata/demo_output_1/matter_power_nl"), "nl")
#' d
make.matterpower.dataframe <- function(dirname, type)
  # If the directory does not exist, return an empty dataframe.
  if (!file.exists(dirname)) return(tibble::tibble())

  # Scan each file, creating a vector of the right name
  # bind the columns into a dataframe.

  z.in   <- cosmo.scan(dirname, "z.txt")
  k_h.in <- cosmo.scan(dirname, "k_h.txt")
  p_k.in <- cosmo.scan(dirname, "p_k.txt")

  # The p_k array carries the data for a matrix, with 'z' varying slowly
  # and 'k_h' varying rapidly. Thus to build the dataframe, we can rely
  # on the recycling rule to get k_h correct, but have to construct z
  # ourselves.
  dframe <- tibble::tibble(p_k = p_k.in,
                       k_h = rep(k_h.in, length(z.in)),
                       z = rep(z.in, each = length(k_h.in)))
  dframe$type = type

#' Extract the parameter names from a CosmoSIS sampler output file.
#' The format of the first line of CosmoSIS grid and MCMC sample output carries
#' the names of the parameters that were varied in that run of CosmoSIS. This
#' function parses that line and returns the names of the parameters.
#' @param txt The text to be parsed.
#' @return A character vector containing the names of the parameters read from
#'   the file.
parse.cosmosis.parameters <- function(txt) {
  # Remove comment
  tmp <- sub("#", "", txt)
  # split on tabs
  parts <- stringr::str_split(tmp, "\t")[[1]]
  # remove leading section names
  cols <- sub("[a-zA-Z_]+--", "", parts)
  # sub("(like)|(post)", "loglike", cols, fixed = FALSE)

#' Create a data frame from CosmoSIS MCMC sampler output.
#' Reads a file in CosmoSIS MCMC sampler output format and creates a data frame
#' from it. Each line in the file corresponds to a sample in the data frame;
#' each column in the file corresponds to a column in the data frame.
#' The columns in a CosmoSIS MCMC data frame are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{loglike}{log-likelihood of the sample.}
#'  \item{like}{normalized likelihood of the sample.}
#'  \item{\emph{others}}{one column per sampled variable in the MCMC
#'   output, named as in the output.}
#' }
#' We expect the first line of the output to contain the names of the
#' parameters, separated by spaces, and with section names separated from
#' parameter names by a double-hyphen.
#' @export
#' @param fname The name of the CosmoSIS MCMC sampler output file to be read.
#'   making the data frame
#' @param burn The length of the burn-in period; these samples are ignored in
#'   making the data frame.
#' @param drop.nonsampling (default TRUE) if TRUE, non-sampling columns are dropped
#' @return a CosmoSIS MCMC data frame
read.cosmosis.mcmc <- function(fname, burn = 0L, drop.nonsampling = TRUE)
  d <- utils::read.table(fname, as.is = TRUE)
  if (burn > 0L)
    d <- d[-c(1:burn), ]
  first <- readLines(fname, n = 1)
  names(d) <- parse.cosmosis.parameters(first)
  if (drop.nonsampling)
    names_to_keep = setdiff(names(d), non.sampling.columns())
    d <- dplyr::select(d, dplyr::all_of(names_to_keep))

#' read.emcee
#' @export
#' @param fname The name of the CosmoSIS MCMC sampler output file to be read.
#' @return a CosmoSIS MCMC dataframe
read.emcee <- function(fname)
  num.walkers <- emcee.count.walkers(readLines(fname, 500L))
  x <- read.cosmosis.mcmc(fname)
  nsamples <- nrow(x)/num.walkers
  x$walker <- rep(1:num.walkers, times = nsamples)
  x$sample <- rep(1:(nsamples), each = num.walkers)

#' Read a CosmoSIS grid sampler output file.
#' Reads a file in CosmoSIS grid sampler output format and returns a list
#' describing the data.
#' @export
#' @param fname The name of the CosmoSIS MCMC sampler output file to be read.
#' @return A list of \code{n+1} components, where \code{n} is the number of
#'   coordinate axes comprising the grid.
#'   \describe{ \item{\code{x}, \code{y}}{The \code{x} and \code{y} coordinates
#'   of the grid points, vectors of length \code{m} and \code{n}.}
#'   \item{\code{z}}{An \code{m} by \code{n} matrix of log-likelihoods.} }
read.cosmosis.grid <- function(fname)
  d <- utils::read.table(fname, as.is = TRUE)
  first <- readLines(fname, n = 1)
  names(d) <- parse.cosmosis.parameters(first)

#' read.metropolis.hastings
#' @export
#' @param fileglob The glob pattern (as used by Sys.glob) specifiying the CosmoSIS
#' Metropolis-Hastings sampler output file to be read.
#' @return a CosmoSIS MCMC dataframe
read.metropolis.hastings <- function(fileglob)
  # Determine files to be read.
  fnames = Sys.glob(fileglob)
  checkmate::assert_count(length(fnames), positive = TRUE)
  # Read all files into list of dataframes.
  tbls <- lapply(fnames, read.cosmosis.mcmc)
  # Augment each dataframe with the chain number, and the sample numbers
  chain_ids <- as.list(1:length(tbls))
  tbls_and_chain_ids <- rlist::list.zip(df = tbls, chain = chain_ids)
  tbls <- lapply(tbls_and_chain_ids,
                 function(x) {
                   ntmp <- nrow(x$df)
                   x$df |> dplyr::mutate(chain = x$chain, sample = 1:ntmp)
  # Combine into one dataframe

#' read.multinest
#' @param fname The name of the CosmoSIS output file to be read
#' @param remove.small If TRUE, remove very small weights
#' @return a weighted CosmoSIS dataframe
#' @export
read.multinest <- function(fname, remove.small = TRUE)
  d <- read.cosmosis.mcmc(fname)
  d$sample <- 1:nrow(d)
  if (remove.small)
    d <- dplyr::filter(d, .data$weight > .Machine$double.xmin)

#' emcee.count.walkers Return the number of walkers used for this EMCEE run.
#' @export
#' @param txt Starting lines from the EMCEE output file
#' @return The number of walkers
emcee.count.walkers <- function(txt) {
  matches <- stats::na.omit(stringr::str_match(txt, "^#walkers=(\\d+)$")[,2])
  stopifnot(length(matches) == 1)

#' mcmc.list.from.emcee
#' @export
#' @param tbl An emcee data.frame, as created by read.emcee
#' @return an mcmc.list object
mcmc.list.from.emcee <- function(tbl)
  lst <- dplyr::group_by(tbl, .data$walker) |>
         dplyr::group_split(.keep = FALSE)
  coda::as.mcmc.list(lapply(lst, coda::as.mcmc))

#' mcmc.list.from.metropolis.hastings
#' @param tbl A MH data.frame, as created by read.metropolis.hastings
#' @return an mcmc.list object
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head
mcmc.list.from.metropolis.hastings <- function(tbl)
  lst <- dplyr::select(tbl, -c(sample)) |>
         dplyr::group_by(.data$chain) |>
         dplyr::group_split(.keep = FALSE)
  # Because the input dataframe might now have the same number of samples for each chain
  # (a sign that the run was terminated prematurely), truncate all to the shorted.
  min_length <- min(sapply(lst, nrow))
  lst <- lapply(lst, function(x) head(x, min_length))
  coda::as.mcmc.list(lapply(lst, coda::as.mcmc))

#' remove.burnin
#' @export
#' @param x : a emcee or MH dataframe
#' @param n : the number of samples to remove (from each walker or chain)
#' @return a copy of the input x, with n samples removed
remove.burnin <- function(x, n)
  dplyr::filter(x, .data$sample > n)

nchain <- function(x)
marcpaterno/rcosmosis documentation built on June 5, 2023, 6:43 p.m.