
#' Clean input CREDI response data
#' This calculates the posterior density function.
#' @param input_df (data.frame) Raw input data from the user-specified csv file.
#' @param mest_df (data.frame) Measurement parameter estimates.
#' @param csv_wd (string) Working directory where input *.csv file is located.
#' @param reverse_code (logical). If TRUE, then reverse codes LF9, LF102, LFMH1, LFMH2, LFMH3, LFMH4, LFMH5, LFMH7, LFMH8, & LFMH9. If FALSE, then no reverse coding is applied.
#' @param log (string) Name of the *.txt log file for the CREDI scoring.
#' @keywords CREDI
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clean(input_df, mest_df, reverse_code, interactive, log)

 clean<-function(input_df, mest_df, reverse_code, interactive, log){
      # Input:
      #  input_df - User defined input file, with:
      #                 a) LF item naming convention needed.
      #                 b) Unique identifier needed.
      #                 c) Age in month needed
      #  mest_df - Item parameters and other information like naming conversion and reverse coding.
      #  reverse_code - (logical) If TRUE then reverse codes long form items that are negatively worded.
      #                           Otherwise does not implement reverse coding.
      # Output: List with the following:
      #  cleaned_df - Cleaned data (i.e., missing data codes, reverse coding as necessary)
      #  items_noresponse - character vector with items missing all responses

      stop = 0

      names(input_df) = toupper(names(input_df))
      # Ensure that there is a unique ID variable for each observations
      if (!"ID"%in%names(input_df)){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: An identifier variable named ID must be included."
        log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message
      if (sum(is.na(input_df$ID))>0){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: Values of ID variable missing for some observations. Each observation must have a unique ID value."
        log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message
      if (length(unique(input_df$ID))<nrow(input_df)){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: Values of ID are not unique across observations. Construct a unique identifier and re-run."
        log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

      # Check that AGE is in the response data
      if (!"AGE"%in%names(input_df)){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: An AGE variable named must be included. Scoring requires children's age in months."
        log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

      if (stop == 1){
        out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

      #Ignore variables that

      vecQnames = c(mest_df$Item, mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code_Apr17)
      vecQnames = c("ID","AGE",vecQnames[complete.cases(vecQnames)])
      j_ignore = which(!names(input_df)%in%vecQnames)
      if (length(j_ignore)>0){
        log[[length(log)+1]] = paste("\n* Warning: The following variables will be ignored during scoring: ", paste(names(input_df)[j_ignore], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
        input_df = input_df[,-j_ignore]

      # Ensure the naming of the response data is in the correct format
      j_AGE_ID = c( which(names(input_df)=="ID"), which(names(input_df)=="AGE") )

      key_df = data.frame(
                      rbind( cbind(mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code),
                      cbind( mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$Item),
                      cbind( mest_df$CREDI_code, mest_df$CREDI_code_Apr17))
      key_df = key_df[complete.cases(key_df), ]
      names(key_df) = c("CREDI_code", "Other")
      key_df$CREDI_code = as.character(key_df$CREDI_code)
      key_df$Other = as.character(key_df$Other)

      unknown_vars = NULL
      rename_df = data.frame(orig = rep(NA, ncol(input_df)), new = rep(NA, ncol(input_df)))
      for (j in 1:ncol(input_df)){
        if (names(input_df)[j]=="AGE"){
          rename_df$orig[j] <-rename_df$new[j]<- "AGE"
        } else if (names(input_df)[j]=="ID"){
          rename_df$orig[j] <-rename_df$new[j]<- "ID"
        } else{
          jkey = which(key_df$Other == names(input_df)[j])

          if (length(jkey)==1){
              rename_df$orig[j] = names(input_df)[j]
              rename_df$new[j] = key_df$CREDI_code[jkey]
          if (length(jkey)==0){
            rename_df$orig[j] = names(input_df)[j]
            unknown_vars = c(unknown_vars,names(input_df)[j])}

      # Check if there were unknown variable names and print them out
      if (!is.null(unknown_vars)){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = paste("\n* Error: Unknown variable names: ", paste(unknown_vars, collapse = ", "), sep = "")
        log[[length(log)+1]] = stop_message

      if (stop == 1){
        out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

      # Check if there were redundancy in original or recoded leads to redundant variable names
      vnfreq_orig = data.frame(table(rename_df$orig)); names(vnfreq_orig) = c("orig","freq_orig")
      inds = which(vnfreq_orig$freq_orig>1)
      if (length(inds)>0){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: Non-unique variable names: "

        log[[length(log)+1]] = paste(stop_message,
                 paste(vnfreq_orig$orig[inds], collapse = ", "), sep = "" )


      vnfreq_new = data.frame(table(rename_df$new)); names(vnfreq_new) = c("new","freq_new")
      rename_df = merge(x = rename_df, y = vnfreq_new, by = "new", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

      inds = which(rename_df$freq_new>1)
      if (length(inds)>0){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: When recoding variable names to the latest convention, one or more of the original
        variables mapped to the same recoded variable."
        tmp = c("original.variable --> recoded.variable")
        for (iii in 1:length(inds)){
          tmp = c(tmp, paste(rename_df$orig[inds[iii]], rename_df$new[inds[iii]], sep = " --> "))
        log[[length(log)+1]]  = c(stop_message, tmp)

      if (stop == 1){
        out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

      # Finally recode the variable
      names(input_df) = rename_df$new

      # Check that all variables outside of ID are numeric
      not_numeric = NULL
      for (j in seq(1,ncol(input_df))){
          if (sum(is.na(input_df[,j]))!=length(input_df[,j])) {
            if( !is.numeric(input_df[,j]) ){
              new_name = names(input_df)[j]
              old_name = rename_df$orig[rename_df$new == new_name]
              not_numeric = c(not_numeric,old_name)
      if (!is.null(not_numeric)){
        stop = 1
        stop_message = "\n* Error: AGE and all item response variables must be in numeric format. At least one of these variables may contain non-numeric values:"
        log[[length(log)+1]] = c(stop_message,
                paste(not_numeric, collapse = ", ") )

      if (stop == 1){
        out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

      # Create a log of number of observations that must be discarded
      N_input = nrow(input_df)
      discard_df = data.frame(Reason = rep(NA,3), Number = rep(NA,3))
      dr = 0

      # Clean the AGE as needed
      #input_df$AGE[c(2, 16, 28, 45:50)] = NA # works
        # Missing age
        rows_mi_age = which(is.na(input_df$AGE))
        if (length(rows_mi_age)>0){
          log[[length(log)+1]] =
                  paste("\n* Warning: ", length(rows_mi_age) , " observation(s) are missing AGE values and cannot be scored (ID = ", paste(input_df$ID[rows_mi_age], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
          dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = "Missing age values"; discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_mi_age)
          input_df = input_df[-rows_mi_age, ]

        # Age outside of range.
        if (nrow(input_df)>0){
          rows_out_age = which(input_df$AGE<0 | input_df$AGE>36)
          if (length(rows_out_age)>0){
            log[[length(log)+1]] =
                    paste("\n* Warning:  The following ", length(rows_out_age) ," observation(s) cannot be scored because the AGE values are outside of 0-36 months: (ID = ", paste(input_df$ID[rows_out_age], collapse = ", "),")", sep = "")
            dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = "Age values outside of 0-36 months"; discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_out_age)
            input_df = input_df[-rows_out_age, ]

        if (nrow(input_df)>0){
          # Clean the missing responses data
          cols_Q = which(startsWith(names(input_df), "LF"))
          temp_df = input_df[,cols_Q]
          temp_df[temp_df!=0L & temp_df!=1L] = NA

          # Discard observations with fewer than 5 item responses
          num_nonmi_y = apply(temp_df, MARGIN = 1L, function(X){sum(!is.na(X))})
          rows_toofew_y = which(num_nonmi_y<5L)
          if (length(rows_toofew_y)>0){
            log[[length(log)+1]] =
                    paste("\n* Warning:  The following ", length(rows_toofew_y) ," observation(s) contain less than 5 non-missing item responses and will not be scored:\n  ID = ", paste(input_df$ID[rows_toofew_y], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
            dr = dr+1; discard_df$Reason[dr] = "Less than 5 item responses"; discard_df$Number[dr] = length(rows_toofew_y)
            input_df = input_df[-rows_toofew_y, ]

        # Check if there are any remaining observations to score

        if (nrow(input_df)==0){
          stop = 1
          stop_message = paste("\n* Error:\n  All ", N_input," observations have been discarded for the following reason(s): \n", sep = "")
          print(discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ])
          log[[length(log)+1]] =  stop_message
          log[[length(log)+1]] = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]

        if (stop == 1){
          out_list = list(cleaned_df = NULL, items_noresponse = NULL, stop = stop, log = log)

        # Check if they want to continue given the discarding
          discard_df = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]
          discard_df = transform(discard_df, Percent = paste(round(100*Number/N_input,1),"%",sep = ""))
          N_discarded = sum(discard_df$Number); Pct_discarded = round(100*N_discarded/N_input,1)

          log[[length(log)+1]] =  paste("\n* Warning:  A total of ", N_discarded, " (", Pct_discarded,"%) observation(s) cannot be scored for the following reason(s):",sep ="")
          log[[length(log)+1]] = discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ]

          if (interactive == FALSE){
              x = "Y"
            } else {
              print(paste("\n* Warning:  A total of ", N_discarded, " (", Pct_discarded,"%) observation(s) cannot be scored for the following reason(s):",sep =""))
              print(discard_df[complete.cases(discard_df), ])
              x<-as.character(readline(prompt = "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]: "))
          x <- toupper(x)

          cut = 0
          while(cut == 0){

            if (x == "Y"){
              cut = 1;
            } else if (x == "N"){
              cut = 1
              stop("Scoring canceled.", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
              x<-as.character(readline(prompt = "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]:"))
              x <- toupper(x)
              cut = 0

          } #end while

        } # end if

        # Create the cleaned_df version
        N = nrow(input_df)
        cleaned_df = data.frame(mat.or.vec(nr = N, nc = nrow(mest_df)+2)+NA)
        names(cleaned_df) = c("ID","AGE", mest_df$CREDI_code)
        cleaned_df$ID = input_df$ID; cleaned_df$AGE = input_df$AGE
        for (j in cols_Q){

          # Only bring in answers that are 1 or 0. Otherwise keep missing
          col_j = which( names(cleaned_df) %in% names(input_df)[j] )
          rows_j = which(input_df[,j] == 1L | input_df[,j]==0)
          cleaned_df[rows_j,col_j] = input_df[rows_j,j]


        # Print out missing data descriptive statistics
        miss_df = data.frame(round(100*apply(cleaned_df[,-c(1,2)], 2, function(X){sum(is.na(X))})/N,2))
        names(miss_df) = c("Pct_Missing")
        miss_df = subset(miss_df, Pct_Missing>0)
        if (nrow(miss_df)>0){

          items_noresponse = row.names(miss_df)[miss_df$Pct_Missing==100]

          inds_order = sort(miss_df$Pct_Missing, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
          miss_df2 = data.frame(Item = row.names(miss_df)[inds_order$ix], Pct_Missing = miss_df$Pct_Missing[inds_order$ix])

          # if (length(items_noresponse)>0){
          #   log[[length(log)+1]]  = c(paste("\nThe following items on the long form contained missing responses from all individuals: ",
          #                      paste(subset(miss_df2, Pct_Missing==100)$Item, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
          # }

          miss_df3 = miss_df2
          miss_df3 = transform(miss_df3, Pct_Missing = round(Pct_Missing, 1))
          miss_df3 = transform(miss_df3, Pct_Missing = paste(Pct_Missing,"%", sep = ""));

          log[[length(log)+1]] = "\nMissingness rates of items responses:"
          log[[length(log)+1]] = miss_df3


        reversed_items = NULL
        if (reverse_code == TRUE){
            # Reverse code as needed
            items_reverse = mest_df$CREDI_code[mest_df$RevCoded]
            cols_reverse = which(!is.na(match(names(cleaned_df),items_reverse)))
            for (j in cols_reverse){
              rows_j = which(cleaned_df[,j]==1L | cleaned_df[,j]==0L)
              cleaned_df[rows_j,j] = as.integer(1L-cleaned_df[rows_j,j])
              new_name = names(cleaned_df)[j]
              old_name = rename_df$orig[rename_df$new == new_name]
              reversed_items = c(reversed_items, old_name)

            log[[length(log)+1]] =paste("*\nNote that reverse_code set to TRUE. As a result, the following items have been reverse coded automatically: ", paste(reversed_items, collapse = ", "), sep = "")


        out_list = list(cleaned_df = cleaned_df, items_noresponse = items_noresponse, stop = stop, log = log)

marcus-waldman/credicpp documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:43 p.m.