
Defines functions otp_isochrone

Documented in otp_isochrone

#' Get the Isochrones from a location
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param fromPlace Numeric vector, Latitude/Longitude pair, e.g. `c(51.529258,-0.134649)`
#' @param mode Character vector of modes of travel valid values TRANSIT, WALK, BICYCLE, CAR, BUS, RAIL, default CAR
#' @param date_time POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time
#' @param arriveBy Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time, default FALSE
#' @param maxWalkDistance Numeric passed to OTP
#' @param walkReluctance Numeric passed to OTP
#' @param transferPenalty Numeric passed to OTP
#' @param minTransferTime Numeric passed to OTP
#' @param cutoffSec Numeric vector, number of seconds to define the break points of each Isochrone
#' @return
#' Returns a data.frame of SF POLYGONS
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' isochrone1 <- otp_isochrone(otpcon, fromPlace = c(51.5292,-0.1346))
#' isochrone2 <- otp_isochrone(otpcon, fromPlace = c(51.5292,-0.1346),
#' mode = c("WALK","TRANSIT"), cutoffSec = c(600,1200,1800))
#' }
#' @details Isochrones are maps of equal travel time,
#' for a given location a map is produced showing how long it takes to reach
#' each location.
#' @export
otp_isochrone <- function(otpcon = NA,
                          fromPlace = NA,
                          mode = "TRANSIT",
                          date_time = Sys.time(),
                          arriveBy = FALSE,
                          maxWalkDistance = 800,
                          walkReluctance = 5,
                          transferPenalty = 0,
                          minTransferTime = 600,
                          cutoffSec = c(600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600))
  # Check Valid Inputs
  checkmate::assert_class(otpcon, "otpconnect")
                            lower =  -180,
                            upper = 180,
                            len = 2)
  fromPlace <- paste(fromPlace, collapse = ",")
  mode <- toupper(mode)
    choices = c("TRANSIT", "WALK", "BICYCLE", "CAR", "BUS", "RAIL"),
    empty.ok = F
  mode <- paste(mode, collapse = ",")
  date <- format(date_time, "%m/%d/%Y")
  time <- format(date_time, '%I:%M:%S')
  checkmate::assert_numeric(cutoffSec, lower =  0)
  arriveBy <- tolower(as.character(arriveBy))

  # Construct URL
  routerUrl <- make_url(otpcon)
  routerUrl <- paste0(routerUrl, "/isochrone")

  query <- list(
    fromPlace = fromPlace,
    mode = mode,
    date = date,
    time = time,
    maxWalkDistance = maxWalkDistance,
    walkReluctance = walkReluctance,
    arriveBy = arriveBy,
    transferPenalty = transferPenalty,
    minTransferTime = minTransferTime
  cutoffSec <-  as.list(cutoffSec)
  names(cutoffSec) = rep("cutoffSec", length(cutoffSec))
  query <- c(query, cutoffSec)

  req <- httr::GET(routerUrl,
                   query = query)

  # convert response content into text
  text <- httr::content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  if (nchar(text) < 200) {
    warning("Failed to get isochrone, returning error message")
  } else{
    # parse to sf
    response = sf::st_read(text, quiet = T)
    response$id = seq(1:nrow(response))

marcusyoung/opentripplanner documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:42 p.m.