
Defines functions mfdb_disconnect mfdb_finish_import mfdb

Documented in mfdb mfdb_disconnect

# Init mfdb object and open connection to database
mfdb <- function(schema_name = "",
                 db_params = list(),
                 destroy_schema = FALSE,
                 save_temp_tables = FALSE) {
    logger <- logging::getLogger('mfdb')
    is_sqlite_dbname <- function (x) grepl("\\.sqlite3?$", x)
    is_duckdb_dbdir <- function (x) grepl("\\.duckdb$", x)

    # Try a selection of host strings until we connect to something
    db_params <- as.list(db_params)
    db_defaults <- list(dbname = "mf")
    db_guesses <- list(
        list(host = "/tmp"),
        list(host = "/var/tmp"),
        list(host = "/var/run/postgresql"),
        list(host = "localhost"),
        list(host = "localhost", user = "mf", password = "mf"),
        list(host = "/tmp/pg_mfdb"))

    # If schema_name is sql-ite-ish and no other parameters given, use it as dbname
    if (length(db_params) == 0 && is_sqlite_dbname(schema_name)) {
        db_params <- list(dbname = schema_name)

    # If schema_name is duckdb-ish and no other parameters given, use it as dbdir
    if (length(db_params) == 0 && is_duckdb_dbdir(schema_name)) {
        db_params <- list(dbdir = schema_name)
        schema_name <- 'main'

    # Override db_params with MFDB_USER / MFDB_PORT / .. env vars if available
    for (p in c('user', 'host', 'port', 'password', 'dbname', 'dbdir')) {
        env_name <- paste0("MFDB_", toupper(p))
        if (nzchar(Sys.getenv(env_name))) {
            db_params[[p]] <- Sys.getenv(env_name)

    if (identical(db_params$host, 'mfdb.rhi.hi.is')) {
        # Enforce user
        if (!isTRUE(nzchar(db_params$user)) && interactive()) {
            db_params$user <- readline("Username: ")
        # Enforce password
        if (!isTRUE(nzchar(db_params$password)) && interactive()) {
            db_params$password <- getPass::getPass("Password: ")
        # Enforce SSL, no point having lots of guesses
        db_guesses <- list(list(sslmode = "require"))

    for (guess in db_guesses) {
        db_combined <- c(db_params, guess, db_defaults)
        db_combined <- db_combined[!duplicated(names(db_combined))]

        # If no driver yet, guess from dbname
        if (!('drv' %in% db_combined)) {
            if (!is.null(db_combined$dbdir) && is_duckdb_dbdir(db_combined$dbdir)) {
                db_combined$drv <- duckdb::duckdb()
            } else if (is_sqlite_dbname(db_combined$dbname)) {
                if (requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly=TRUE)) {
                    db_combined$drv <- RSQLite::SQLite()
                } else {
                    stop("Run install.packages('RSQLite') before connecting to a .sqlite database")
            } else {
                if (requireNamespace("RPostgres", quietly=TRUE)) {
                    db_combined$drv <- RPostgres::Postgres()
                } else {
                    stop("Run install.packages('RPostgres') before connecting to a PostgreSQL database")

        # SSL mode is actually added to dbname
        if (isTRUE(nzchar(db_combined$sslmode))) {
            db_combined$dbname <- paste(
                c("dbname", "sslmode"),
                c(db_combined$dbname, db_combined$sslmode),
                sep = "=", collapse = " ")
            db_combined$sslmode <- NULL

            "Trying to connect to: ",
            paste(capture.output(str(db_combined)), collapse = "\n")))
        db_connection <- tryCatch(do.call(DBI::dbConnect, db_combined), error = function (e) e)
        if ("error" %in% class(db_connection)) {
            logger$debug(paste0("Failed: ", paste(db_connection$message, collapse = "\n")))
        } else {

    if ("error" %in% class(db_connection)) {
        stop("Could not connect to mf database: ", paste(db_connection$message, collapse = "\n"))

    # Create mdb object, set connection to use selected schema
    mdb <- structure(list(
            logger = logger,
            save_temp_tables = save_temp_tables,
            state = new.env(),
            schema = if (nzchar(schema_name)) gsub('\\W', '_', tolower(schema_name)) else "public",
            db_args = db_combined,
            db = db_connection), class = "mfdb")
    if (mfdb_is_postgres(mdb)) {
        schema_count <- mfdb_fetch(mdb,
            "SELECT COUNT(*)",
            " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace",
            " WHERE nspname IN ", sql_quote(mdb$schema, always_bracket = TRUE))[, c(1)]

        if (!nzchar(schema_name)) {
            names <- mfdb_fetch(mdb,
                "SELECT table_schema",
                " FROM information_schema.tables",
                " WHERE table_schema != 'public' AND table_name = 'mfdb_schema'")
            names <- if (ncol(names) > 0) names[,1] else c()
            stop("You must supply a schema name for schema_name to use in the database. Available names:-\n", paste0("* ", names, collapse = "\n"))

        if (destroy_schema) {
            if (schema_count == 0) {
                mdb$logger$info(paste0("Schema ", mdb$schema, " does not exist. Doing nothing"))
            } else {
                mdb$logger$info(paste0("Schema ", mdb$schema, " removed, connect again to repopulate DB."))

        if (schema_name == 'public') {
            stop("Can't connect to the public schema, since the database tables will be different. ",
                "Instead, use the case study name and copy the data out of public")

        # Update schema and taxonomies
        if (schema_count > 0) {
            mfdb_send(mdb, "SET search_path TO ", paste(mdb$schema, 'pg_temp', sep =","))
        } else {
            logger$info(paste0("No schema, creating ", mdb$schema))
            mfdb_transaction(mdb, {
                mfdb_send(mdb, "CREATE SCHEMA ", mdb$schema)
            mfdb_send(mdb, "SET search_path TO ", paste(mdb$schema, 'pg_temp', sep =","))

            # If schema didn't exist before, see if there's data to be had in the old public tables
            if (mfdb_table_exists(mdb, 'case_study', schema_name = 'public')) {
                res <- mfdb_fetch(mdb,
                    "SELECT case_study_id",
                    " FROM public.case_study",
                    " WHERE name = ", sql_quote(schema_name))
            } else {
                res <- c()
            if (length(res) > 0 && nrow(res) > 0) {
                logger$info(paste0("Copying data from ", schema_name))
                # A case study exists by this ID
                old_case_study_id <- res[1,1]

                # Upgrade the old database to a known state
                mdb_public <- structure(list(
                    logger = mdb$logger,
                    save_temp_tables = mdb$save_temp_tables,
                    state = mdb$state,
                    schema = "public",
                    db_args = db_combined,
                    db = mdb$db), class = "mfdb")
                mfdb_send(mdb_public, "SET search_path TO ", paste('public', 'pg_temp', sep =","))
                mfdb_update_schema(mdb_public, target_version = 4)

                # Create new schema, to known state
                # NB: This should be target_version = 5, but we don't know how to
                # create one from scratch any more, and ancient history regardless.

                # Copy data from old tables
                mfdb4_cs_taxonomy <- c("areacell", "sampling_type", "data_source", "index_type", "tow", "vessel")
                mfdb4_measurement_tables <- c('survey_index', 'division', 'sample', 'predator', 'prey')
                for (table_name in c(mfdb4_cs_taxonomy, mfdb4_measurement_tables)) {
                    cols <- mfdb_fetch(mdb, "SELECT column_name",
                        " FROM information_schema.columns",
                        " WHERE table_schema = 'public'",
                        " AND table_name = ", sql_quote(table_name),
                    cols <- cols[cols != "case_study_id"]

                        "INSERT INTO ", table_name,
                        " (", paste(cols, collapse = ","), ")",
                        " SELECT ", paste(cols, collapse = ","),
                        " FROM public.", table_name,
                        if (table_name == 'prey')
                            c(" WHERE predator_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT predator_id FROM public.predator WHERE case_study_id = ", old_case_study_id, ")")
                        else if (table_name == 'index_type')
                            c(" WHERE case_study_id = ", old_case_study_id, " AND index_type_id != 99999")
                            c(" WHERE case_study_id = ", old_case_study_id),

                    # Ensure the sequence is up to date for the table
                    table_primary_key <- paste0(table_name, '_id')
                        "SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('", table_name, "', '", table_primary_key, "'), MAX(", table_primary_key, "))",
                        " FROM ", table_name)
    } else if (mfdb_is_sqlite(mdb)) {
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;")
        # https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2020/sqlite-performance-tuning/
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;")
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA synchronous = normal;")
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA temp_store = memory;")
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA mmap_size = 30000000000;")
        mfdb_send(mdb, "PRAGMA optimize;")

        # A sqlite database doesn't have separate schema
        if (destroy_schema) {
            if (mdb$db_args$dbname != ':memory:') unlink(mdb$db_args$dbname)
            mdb$logger$info(paste0("DB ", mdb$db_args$dbname, " removed, connect again to repopulate DB."))
    } else if (mfdb_is_duckdb(mdb)) {
        if (destroy_schema) {
            dbDisconnect(mdb$db, shutdown = TRUE)
            if (mdb$db_args$dbdir != '') unlink(paste0(mdb$db_args$dbdir, '*'), recursive = TRUE)
            mdb$logger$info(paste0("DB ", mdb$db_args$dbname, " removed, connect again to repopulate DB."))

    # Now we've done any data fetching, make sure our schema is up-to-date.

    if (mdb$schema == 'examples') {
        # Add data used in examples


# Create indexes if not already there
mfdb_finish_import <- function(mdb) {
    if (!exists('index_created', where = mdb$state)) {
        if (mfdb_is_postgres(mdb)) {
            tables <- mfdb_fetch(mdb,
                "SELECT table_name",
                " FROM information_schema.tables",
                " WHERE (table_schema IN ", sql_quote(mdb$schema, always_bracket = TRUE),
                " OR table_schema = (SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = pg_my_temp_schema()))",
                "")[, c(1)]
        } else {
            tables <- mfdb_fetch(mdb, "
                SELECT name
                  FROM sqlite_schema
                 WHERE type = 'table'
                ")[, c(1)]
        for (t in tables) mfdb_send(mdb, "ANALYZE ", t)
        assign('index_created', TRUE, pos = mdb$state)

# Stop it and tidy up
mfdb_disconnect <- function(mdb) {
    mfdb_finish_import(mdb) # Might have just been an import session
    if (mfdb_is_duckdb(mdb)) {
        dbDisconnect(mdb$db, shutdown = TRUE)
    } else {
mareframe/mfdb documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 12:51 a.m.