
Defines functions farming_with_GAPIT

#' Farming with GAPIT
#' @description The goal of farming_with_GAPIT is to run GWAS with GAPIT.
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @param dat An input dataset.
#' @param by_column The accession column.
#' @param start_column The start column index for traits.
#' @param output_path An output path.
#' @return combined_gwas_result or NULL if something missing.
#' @keywords GAPIT, GWAS
#' @export
farming_with_GAPIT <- function(dat = NULL,
                                by_column = 1,
                                start_column = 2,
                                p_value_threshold = NA,
                                p_value_fdr_threshold = NA,
                                ld_number = 0,
                                KI = NULL,
                                CV = NULL,
                                G = NULL,
                                GD = NULL,
                                GM = NULL,
                                file.Ext.G = NULL,
                                file.Ext.GD = NULL,
                                file.Ext.GM = NULL,
                                file.G = NULL,
                                file.GD = NULL,
                                file.GM = NULL,
                                file.path = NULL,
                                file.from = 0,
                                file.to = 0,
                                model = NULL,
                                SNP.MAF = 0,
                                PCA.total = 0,
                                Model.selection = FALSE,
                                SNP.test = FALSE,
                                file.output = FALSE) {

    ## Create folders to store outputs

    auto_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "GAPIT_auto_output")
    GAPIT_manhattan_plot_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "GAPIT_Manhattan_Plot")
    GAPIT_qq_plot_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "GAPIT_QQ_Plot")
    GAPIT_significant_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "GAPIT_significant")
    ped_and_info_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "Haploview_PEDandINFO")
    ld_data_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "Haploview_LD_data")
    ld_plot_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "Haploview_LD_plot")
    haplotypes_gabriel_blocks_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "Haploview_Haplotypes_gabriel_blocks")
    gff_save_path <- file.path(output_path, "GFF")

    temp <- c(auto_save_path, GAPIT_manhattan_plot_save_path, GAPIT_qq_plot_save_path, GAPIT_significant_save_path,
    ped_and_info_save_path, ld_data_save_path, ld_plot_save_path, haplotypes_gabriel_blocks_save_path, gff_save_path)

    for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
        if (!dir.exists(temp[i])){

    ## Set the working directory

    # Get current working directory
    current_working_directory <- getwd()


    ## Initialize variables

    Count = 0
    Trait = NULL
    P.value = 0

    ## farming with GAPIT and other operations

    # farming with GAPIT
    combined_gwas_result = foreach::foreach(i = start_column:ncol(dat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {

        print("---------------------------------- GAPIT Process Started ----------------------------------")

        gapit_result <- GAPIT(
            Y = dat[,c(1,i)],
            KI = KI,
            CV = CV,
            G = G,
            GD = GD,
            GM = GM,
            file.Ext.G = file.Ext.G,
            file.Ext.GD = file.Ext.GD,
            file.Ext.GM = file.Ext.GM,
            file.G = file.G,
            file.GD = file.GD,
            file.GM = file.GM,
            file.path = file.path,
            file.from = file.from,
            file.to = file.to,
            model = model,
            SNP.MAF = SNP.MAF,
            PCA.total = PCA.total,
            group.to = nrow(dat),
            group.from = nrow(dat),
            Model.selection = Model.selection,
            SNP.test = SNP.test,
            file.output = file.output

        print("---------------------------------- GAPIT Process Completed ----------------------------------")

        if(file.exists(file.path(paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf", sep = "")))){
            system(paste("convert", file.path(paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf", sep = "")),
                            file.path(GAPIT_manhattan_plot_save_path, paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.png", sep = "")), sep = " "))

        if(file.exists(file.path(paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".QQ-Plot.pdf", sep = "")))){
            system(paste("convert", file.path(paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".QQ-Plot.pdf", sep = "")),
                            file.path(GAPIT_qq_plot_save_path, paste("GAPIT.", model,".", colnames(dat)[i], ".QQ-Plot.png", sep = "")), sep = " "))

        gwas_result <- as.data.frame(gapit_result$GWAS, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        # Show the GWAS results to user
        cat(rep("\n", 2))

        if(!("FDR_Adjusted_P-values" %in% colnames(gwas_result))){
            gwas_result <- gwas_result %>%
                            tibble::add_column(`FDR_Adjusted_P-values` = stats::p.adjust(gwas_result[,4], method = "fdr"), .after = 4) %>%
                            as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        # gwas_result$GWAS is formatted in columns below:
        # SNP, Chromosome, Position, P.value, maf, nobs
        # Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP, Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP
        # effect, FDR_Adjusted_P-values

        # Remove all the NAs
        # Prevent chromosome column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,2]),]
        # Prevent position column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,3]),]
        # Prevent P.value column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,4]),]
        # Prevent FDR_Adjusted_P-values column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result$`FDR_Adjusted_P-values`),]

        # Filter P-values column data base on the p_value_threshold
            gwas_result <- gwas_result[gwas_result[,4] <= p_value_threshold,]

        # Filter FDR_Adjusted_P-values column data base on the p_value_fdr_threshold
            gwas_result <- gwas_result[gwas_result$`FDR_Adjusted_P-values` <= p_value_fdr_threshold,]

        # Remove all the NAs
        # Prevent chromosome column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,2]),]
        # Prevent position column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,3]),]
        # Prevent P.value column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result[,4]),]
        # Prevent FDR_Adjusted_P-values column has NA
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[!is.na(gwas_result$`FDR_Adjusted_P-values`),]

        # If GWAS result has zero row, add a row of NAs
        if(nrow(gwas_result) == 0){
            gwas_result[1,1] <- NA

        # Add trait and method columns
        gwas_result$Trait <- colnames(dat)[i]
        gwas_result$Method <- model[1]

        # Convert chromosome, position, and p.value columns to numeric
        gwas_result[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(gwas_result[, 2]))
        gwas_result[, 3] <- as.double(as.character(gwas_result[, 3]))
        gwas_result[, 4] <- as.double(as.character(gwas_result[, 4]))

        # Get LD number and calculate LD start and stop
        gwas_result$LD_number <- as.numeric(ld_number)
        gwas_result$LD_start <- ifelse(gwas_result[,3] - as.double(ld_number) >= 0, gwas_result[,3] - as.double(ld_number), 0)
        gwas_result$LD_end <- gwas_result[,3] + as.double(ld_number)

        # Re-order the table
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[order(gwas_result$LD_end), ]
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[order(gwas_result$LD_start), ]
        # Order the table base on chromosome number which is on column 2
        gwas_result <- gwas_result[order(gwas_result[,2]), ]

        # Show the GWAS results to user
        cat(rep("\n", 2))


    colnames(combined_gwas_result) = stringr::str_trim(colnames(combined_gwas_result))
    colnames(combined_gwas_result)[colnames(combined_gwas_result) == "Positions"] = "Position"

    ## Reset the working directory

    # Set back the working directory

    ## Save all GWAS Results

    gwas_result_list = split(x = combined_gwas_result, f = combined_gwas_result$Trait)
    for (i in 1:length(gwas_result_list)) {
        gwas_result_filename <- paste("GAPIT.", names(gwas_result_list)[i], ".GWAS.Results.csv", sep = "")
        utils::write.csv(gwas_result_list[[i]], file.path(GAPIT_significant_save_path, gwas_result_filename), row.names = FALSE)

    combined_gwas_result <- as.data.frame(combined_gwas_result, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    combined_gwas_result <- combined_gwas_result[order(combined_gwas_result$LD_end), ]
    combined_gwas_result <- combined_gwas_result[order(combined_gwas_result$LD_start), ]
    # Order the table base on chromosome number which is on column 2
    combined_gwas_result <- combined_gwas_result[order(combined_gwas_result[,2]), ]
    gwas_result_filename <- paste("GAPIT.combined.GWAS.Results.csv", sep = "")
    utils::write.csv(combined_gwas_result, file.path(output_path, gwas_result_filename), row.names = FALSE)

    # output records with 5 lowest P.value SNPs
    combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value = combined_gwas_result
    combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value = combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[order(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,4]),]
    if(length(unique(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,4]))>5 & length(unique(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,1]))>5){
        combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value = combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,1] %in% unique(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,1])[1:5],]
    combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value = combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[order(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value[,1]), ]
    gwas_result_filename <- paste("GAPIT.combined.GWAS.five.lowest.p_value.Results.csv", sep = "")
    utils::write.csv(combined_gwas_result_with_lowest_p_value, file.path(output_path, gwas_result_filename), row.names = FALSE)

    # output records with 5 most frequent SNPs
    combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur = combined_gwas_result
    temp_frequent_snps = combined_gwas_result %>%
        dplyr::select(1,2,3,4) %>%
        tidyr::drop_na() %>%
        dplyr::distinct() %>%
        dplyr::group_by_at(1) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(Count = dplyr::n()) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(Count)) %>%
        as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur = combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur %>% dplyr::left_join(temp_frequent_snps, by = "SNP") %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if(nrow(temp_frequent_snps) > 5 & length(unique(combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur[,1]))>5){
        combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur = combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur[combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur[,1] %in% temp_frequent_snps[1:5,1],]
    combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur = combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur[order(match(combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur[,1], temp_frequent_snps[,1])),]
    gwas_result_filename <- paste("GAPIT.combined.GWAS.five.most.occur.Results.csv", sep = "")
    utils::write.csv(combined_gwas_result_with_most_occur, file.path(output_path, gwas_result_filename), row.names = FALSE)

    # Plot heatmap
            combined_gwas_result_heatmap = combined_gwas_result
            combined_gwas_result_heatmap[,2] = ifelse(is.na(combined_gwas_result_heatmap[,2]), 1, combined_gwas_result_heatmap[,2])
            p = ggplot2::ggplot(data = combined_gwas_result_heatmap, ggplot2::aes(x = Position, y = Trait)) +
                ggplot2::labs(y = "Trait", x = "Chromosome Position") +
                ggplot2::facet_grid(. ~ Chromosome, switch = "x", drop = FALSE) +
                ggplot2::geom_point(data = combined_gwas_result_heatmap, ggplot2::aes(colour = P.value), shape = 108, size = 5.5, na.rm = TRUE) +
                ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colours=c("red","orange", "green","blue")) +
                    axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                    axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                    strip.placement.y = "outside",
                    strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = 'black')

            ggplot2::ggsave(filename = "GAPIT.combined.GWAS.Results.heatmap.png", plot = p, path = file.path(output_path))
    }, error = function(e) {
        print("Heatmap figure cannot be created!!!")

    ## Everything is done, return combined_gwas_result

    if(!is.null(combined_gwas_result) & is.data.frame(combined_gwas_result) & ncol(combined_gwas_result) >= 10){
    } else{

marianneslaten/HAPPI.GWAS documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 12:14 a.m.