#'Plot time series
#'Plot time series in the style of the California Current IEA. Dashed lines are
#'used in between **missing data** and points colored by `color_pts`. Include a
#'**ribbon** around `y` if low (`y_lo`) and high (`y_hi`) values are provided.
#'Include **long-term average** if `add_avg = TRUE` with average as a black
#'dashed line and solid lines indicating the **standard deviation** in the color
#'of `color_avg`. Include **rectangle** in the color of `color_avg` between the
#'standard deviation of the long-term average since `x_recent` if provided.
#'Include **icons** in the right-hand margin for recent trend (→, ↗, ↘) and
#'recent average (o, +, -) if stable, increasing, or decreasing (respectively)
#'relative to the long-term standard deviation.
#'The attribute `caption` includes a textual summary.
#'@param d Default dataset to use for plotting with
#' \code{ggplot2::\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}()}. Typically includes columns:
#' `year`, `index`, `SElo` and `SEup`.
#'@param x column for x axis from `d`, unquoted. Defaults to `year`.
#'@param y column for y axis from `d`, unquoted. Defaults to `index`.
#'@param y_lo unquoted column for low value to apply to gray ribbon, typically
#' `y - sd(y)`. Defaults to `SElo` if present.
#'@param y_hi unquoted column for highy value to apply to gray ribbon, typically
#' `y + sd(y)`. Defaults to `SEhi` if present.
#'@param x_recent duration of `x`, typically an integer, for which to consider
#' as recent period to derive **rectangle** and **icons**. Defaults to `5`, as
#' in years.
#'@param units_recent units to describe `x`, used in caption.
#'@param add_avg whether to add average as a black dashed line and solid lines
#' indicating the **standard deviation** in the color of `color_avg`. Defaults
#' to `TRUE`.
#'@param add_icons whether to include icons in the right-hand margin for recent
#' trend (→, ↗, ↘) and recent average (o, +, -) if stable, increasing, or
#' decreasing (respectively) relative to the long-term standard deviation.
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
#'@param font_size font size. Defaults to 24.
#'@param icon_size size of icon font. Defaults to half the `font_size`, 12.
#'@param color_pts color for points, as named color (see
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{colors}()}) or hexadecimal value as provided by red
#' green blue \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}()} specification. Defaults to dusty
#' orange.
#'@param color_avg color for standard deviation lines around long-term average
#' and rectangle between since `x_recent`.
#'@param color_hilo color for ribbon around `y` between values `y_lo` and
#' `y_hi`.
#'@param alpha_avg transparency (0 to 1) for colored elements of long-term
#' average: standard deviation and recent rectangle.
#'@param alpha_hilo transparency (0 to 1) for ribbon around `y` between values
#' `y_lo` and `y_hi`.
#'@param theme_plot theme function to apply to the ggplot. Defaults to
#' \code{\link{theme_iea}}.
#'@return This function returns a ggplot object with attributes for: `caption`,
#' `recent_trend` and `recent_avg`.
#'@import dplyr emojifont ggplot2
#'@importFrom modelr add_predictions
#'@importFrom glue glue
#'@concept plot
#' @examples
#' # example time series dataset with some NAs to show dashed line between non-NA values
#' ts1
#' # defaults to include all options data frame contains x, y, SElo, SEhi
#' g <- plot_ts(ts1)
#' g
#'# show the caption attributed to the returned ggplot object
#'cat(attr(g, "caption"))
#'# without SElo or SEhi columns, just year and index
#'g <- plot_ts(ts1[,c("year","index")])
#'# same caption as previously, since defaults to x_recent=5 and add_avg=T
#'cat(attr(g, "caption"))
#'# without default x_recent, add_avg, or add_icons
#'g <- plot_ts(ts1, x_recent=NA, add_icons=F, add_avg=F)
#'# no caption, since missing x_recent and add_avg
#'cat(attr(g, "caption")) # empty caption without x_recent
plot_ts <- function(
d, x = year, y = index,
y_lo = SElo, y_hi = SEup,
x_recent = 5, units_recent = "years",
add_avg = TRUE,
add_icons = TRUE,
font_size = 24,
icon_size = font_size/2,
color_pts = rgb(225, 118, 44, max = 255), # "dusty orange" xkcdcolors::nearest_named()
color_avg = rgb(63, 173, 213, max = 255), # "lightblue"
color_hilo = "lightgrey",
alpha_avg = 0.8,
alpha_hilo = 0.8,
theme_plot = theme_iea) {
# - add other captions besides recent_*
# - account for diff't avg time period, eg OC_* like PDO
# - remove outliers for avg, eg seabirds
# - deal with Y2 for fitted data
captions <- list(
recent_trend = list(
"→" = "The index changed by less than one standard deviation of the full time series over the last {x_recent} {units_recent} (indicated by icon: →).",
"↗" = "The index increased by more than one standard deviation of the full time series over the last {x_recent} {units_recent} (indicated by icon: ↗).",
"↘" = "The index decreased by more than one standard deviation of the full time series over the last {x_recent} {units_recent} (indicated by icon: ↘)."),
recent_avg = list(
"o" = "The mean of the last {x_recent} {units_recent} was within one standard deviation of the long-term mean (indicated by icon: o).",
"+" = "The mean of the last {x_recent} {units_recent} was more than one standard deviation below the mean of the full time series (indicated by icon: +).",
"-" = "The mean of the last {x_recent} {units_recent} was less than one standard deviation above the mean of the full time series (indicated by icon: -)."))
has_hilo <- all(c(enexpr(y_lo), enexpr(y_hi)) %in% names(d))
has_recent <- !(is.null(x_recent) || is.na(x_recent))
if (!has_recent & add_icons){
warning("Incompatible arguments: add_icons = TRUE without supplying x_recent. Setting add_icons = F.")
add_icons = F
x_v <- pull(d, {{x}})
y_v <- pull(d, {{y}})
x_min <- min(x_v, na.rm=T)
x_max <- max(x_v, na.rm=T)
x_rng <- x_max - x_min
y_avg <- mean(y_v, na.rm=T)
y_sd <- sd(y_v, na.rm=T)
y_avg_lo <- y_avg - y_sd
y_avg_hi <- y_avg + y_sd
caption <- character(0)
if (has_recent){
d_r <- d %>%
filter({{x}} > max({{x}}, na.rm=T) - x_recent)
y_recent_avg <- pull(d_r, {{y}}) %>% mean(na.rm = T)
# run linear model (lm) regression on recent years
m_formula <- glue("{enexpr(y)} ~ {enexpr(x)}") %>% as.formula()
m <- lm(m_formula, d_r)
d_r <- modelr::add_predictions(d_r, m, var = "pred")
# get recent trend as difference between first and last recent years of lm prediction
y_recent_pred_dif <- d_r %>%
filter({{x}} %in% c(min({{x}}), max({{x}}))) %>%
pull(pred) %>%
# compare recent trend with long-term standard deviation
recent_trend <- ifelse(
abs(y_recent_pred_dif) - y_sd < 0,
y_recent_pred_dif > y_sd,
# compare recent average with long-term standard deviation
recent_avg <- ifelse(
abs(y_recent_avg) - y_sd < 0,
y_recent_avg > y_sd,
caption <- paste(
captions[["recent_trend"]][[recent_trend]], " ",
na_omit <- function(d, has_hilo){
return(na.omit(select(d, {{x}}, {{y}})))
na.omit(select(d, {{x}}, {{y}}, {{y_lo}}, {{y_hi}}))
insert_hilo <- function(){
if (!has_hilo)
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin={{y_lo}}, ymax={{y_hi}}), color=NA, fill=alpha(color_hilo, alpha_hilo))
insert_avg <- function(){
f <- ifelse(
xmin = x_max - x_recent, xmax = x_max,
ymin = y_avg_lo, ymax = y_avg_hi,
fill = alpha(color_avg, alpha_avg))),
if (!add_avg)
x = x_min, y = y_avg,
xend = x_max, yend = y_avg,
linetype = "dashed"),
x = x_min, y = y_avg_lo,
xend = x_max, yend = y_avg_lo,
color = alpha(color_avg, alpha_avg)),
x = x_min, y = y_avg_hi,
xend = x_max, yend = y_avg_hi,
color = alpha(color_avg, alpha_avg))))
insert_x_ticks <- function(){
x_ilbl <- ifelse(x_rng > 40, 10, 5)
# add minor ticks for all years, keep labels every 5 (or 10) years and double tick size
breaks = seq(x_min, x_max),
labels = ifelse(x_v %% x_ilbl == 0, x_v, ""),
limits = c(x_min, x_max)),
axis.ticks.x = element_line(
size = ifelse(x_v %% x_ilbl == 0, 1, 0.5))))
insert_icons <- function(){
if (!add_icons | !has_recent)
icons <- list(
recent_trend = list(
"→" = 0,
"↗" = 45,
"↘" = -45),
recent_avg = list(
"o" = "fa-dot-circle-o",
"+" = "fa-plus-circle",
"-" = "fa-minus-circle"))
x = x_max + x_rng/20, y = y_avg_hi,
angle = icons[["recent_trend"]][[recent_trend]],
label = emojifont::fontawesome('fa-arrow-circle-right'),
family='fontawesome-webfont', size=icon_size),
x = x_max + x_rng/20, y = y_avg_lo,
label = fontawesome(icons[["recent_avg"]][[recent_avg]]),
family='fontawesome-webfont', size=icon_size),
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0.1, 1.1, 0.1, 0.1), "lines")),
coord_cartesian(clip = "off"))
g <- na_omit(d, has_hilo) %>%
ggplot(aes({{x}}, {{y}})) +
insert_avg() +
insert_hilo() +
geom_line(linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(data = d, aes({{x}}, {{y}})) +
geom_point(color = color_pts) +
insert_x_ticks() +
theme_plot(base_size = font_size) +
attr(g, "caption") <- glue(caption)
if (has_recent){
attr(g, "recent_trend") <- recent_trend
attr(g, "recent_avg") <- recent_avg
#' Plotting theme for IEA
#' Derived from \code{ggplot2::\link[ggplot2]{theme_classic}()},
#' a classic-looking theme with x and y axis lines and no gridlines.
#' Additionally dropped x and y axis labels, reduced plot margin.
#' @param base_size base font size, given in pts.
#' @param base_family base font family
#' @param base_line_size base size for line elements
#' @param base_rect_size base size for rect elements
#' @return
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @concept plot
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # default ggplot2 theme
#' plot_ts(ts1) + theme_gray()
#' # slimmed down ggplot2 theme
#' plot_ts(ts1) + theme_classic()
#' # this custom IEA theme, the default theme to plot_ts()
#' plot_ts(ts1, theme_plot = theme_iea)
theme_iea <- function(
base_size = 14, base_family = "", base_line_size = base_size/28,
base_rect_size = base_size/28){
# derived from theme_classic
theme_classic(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family,
base_line_size = base_line_size, base_rect_size = base_rect_size) %+replace%
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(
colour = "black", size = rel(1)), legend.key = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), "cm"), # top, right, bottom, left
strip.background = element_blank(), complete = TRUE)
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