
Updated 2-2-2012: ShrinkBayes can now deal with different designs (and different number of data points) per feature

R package for differential expression: sequencing counts (RNAseq), microarrays, and HTRNAi

This package corresponds to the papers:

Why use ShrinkBayes? •It is demonstrated to be more reproducible than most other approaches, in particular for small samples •It is build upon the INLA fundament. Hence, much faster than MCMC. •Allows for (zero-inflated) Counts and Gaussian data [Hence can be applied to (mi)RNAseq, CAGE, mRNA/miRNA microaarray, HT RNAi, etc....]

•Very versatile in terms of designs. GLM-context, and allows for random effects. •Provides Bayesian FDR and lfdr estimates. •Accommodates a variety of priors, including mixture and nonparametric ones. •Enables multi-parameter shrinkage

R Package Note: if you have a choice to use either Windows or Unix/Linux, opt for the latter. ShrinkBayes runs more efficiently under Unix/Linux than under Windows. NOTE: when running ShrinkBayes you may see WARNINGS from INLA (e.g. on eigenvalues, or on convergence, or even something like 18500 Aborted...). They can currently not be surpressed, because they are produced by C-code. Please ignore them.

Installation instructions For Windows users: PLEASE shutdown Windows Error Reporting. Windows XP: Windows key + Pause/Break, Advanced, Error reporting, Completely (no critical errors either). Windows 7 (and other) see: shutdown error reporting

ShrinkBayes depends on the following packages (see below for installation): INLA (which requires packages sp and pixmap), snowfall, VGAM, mclust, logcondens, Iso, XML, rgl [All available from CRAN]

Steps: 1. install.packages(c("sp","pixmap", "snowfall", "VGAM", "mclust", "logcondens", "Iso","XML","rgl"), repos="")

Unix/Linux: if you can't install "XML", "rgl", try sudo apt-get build-dep r-cran-xml sudo apt-get build-dep r-cran-rgl

2.install.packages("INLA",repos=c(getOption("repos"),INLA=""), dep=TRUE) [or if you installed INLA before 01/10/2012 you should upgrade by using inla.upgrade() ]

Then, install ShrinkBayes: library("devtools") install_github("markvdwiel/ShrinkBayes")

A pdf Vignette is available in the inst/doc folder

markvdwiel/ShrinkBayes documentation built on March 27, 2022, 7:47 p.m.