
Defines functions ln_sigsq ln_moms sample_xs compose_bam_inputs bam_priors bam_check_nas bam_check_args bam_data

Documented in bam_check_args bam_check_nas bam_data bam_priors ln_moms ln_sigsq sample_xs

# Using advice from read-and-delete-me:
# "Be sure to add useDynLib(mypackage, .registration = TRUE) to the NAMESPACE file
# which you can do by placing the line   #' @useDynLib rstanarm, .registration = TRUE
# in one of your .R files
# see rstanarm's 'rstanarm-package.R' file"

#' Preprocess data for BAM estimation
#' Produces a bamdata object that can be passed to bam_estimate function
#' @useDynLib bamr, .registration = TRUE
#' @param w Matrix (or data frame) of widths: time as columns, space as rows
#' @param s Matrix of slopes: time as columns, space as rows
#' @param dA Matrix of area above base area: time as columns, space as rows
#' @param Qhat Vector of Q estimates. Needed to create prior on Q. 
#' @param max_xs Maximum number of cross-sections to allow in data. Used to reduce 
#'   sampling time. Defaults to 30.
#' @param seed RNG seed to use for sampling cross-sections, if nx > max_xs. 
#' @export

bam_data <- function(w, 
                     s = NULL, 
                     dA = NULL, 
                     max_xs = 30L,
                     seed = NULL) {

  manning_ready <- !is.null(s) && !is.null(dA)
  if (!manning_ready) {
    s <- dA <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(w), ncol = ncol(w))

  datalist <- list(Wobs = w,
                Sobs = s,
                dAobs = dA,
                logQ_hat = log(Qhat))
  datalist <- bam_check_args(datalist)
  datalist <- bam_check_nas(datalist)

  nx <- nrow(datalist$Wobs)
  nt <- ncol(datalist$Wobs)
  out <- structure(c(datalist,
                        nx = nx, 
                        nt = nt), 
                   manning_ready = manning_ready,
                   class = c("bamdata"))
  if (nx > max_xs)
    out <- sample_xs(out, n = max_xs, seed = seed)

#' Performs the following checks:
#' - types:
#'     - logQ_hat is numeric vector
#'     - everything else matrix
#' - dimensions:
#'     - all matrices have same dims
#'     - logQ_hat has length equal to ncol of matrices
#' @param datalist A list of BAM data inputs
bam_check_args <- function(datalist) {
  logQ_hat <- datalist$logQ_hat
  matlist <- datalist[names(datalist) != "logQ_hat"]
  # Check types
  if (!(is(logQ_hat, "numeric") && is(logQ_hat, "vector")))
    stop("Qhat must be a numeric vector.\n")
  if (!all(vapply(matlist, is, logical(1), "matrix")))
    stop("All data must be a supplied as a matrix.\n")

  # Check dims
  nr <- nrow(matlist[[1]])
  nc <- ncol(matlist[[1]])
  if (!(all(vapply(matlist, nrow, 0L) == nr) &&
        all(vapply(matlist, ncol, 0L) == nc)))
    stop("All data must have same dimensions.\n")
  if (!length(logQ_hat) == nc)
    logQ_hat <- rep(logQ_hat, length.out = nc)
  out <- c(matlist, list(logQ_hat = logQ_hat))

#' Add missing-data inputs to data list
#' Binary matrices indicating where data are/aren't missing are 
#' added to the data list. This is required in order to run 
#' ragged-array data structures in the stanfile. 
#' Previously this function omitted any times with missing data, 
#' but now that ragged arrays are accommodated in the stanfile the 
#' operations are entirely different. 
#' @param datalist a list of BAM inputs
#' @importFrom stats median
bam_check_nas <- function(datalist) {
  mats <- vapply(datalist, is.matrix, logical(1))
  nonas <- lapply(datalist[mats], function(x) !is.na(x))
  # AMHG has-data matrix
  hasdat_amhg <- (!is.na(datalist[["Wobs"]])) * 1

  # Replace NA's with zeros so Stan will accept the data
  datalist[["Wobs"]][!hasdat_amhg] <- 0
  # Manning has-data matrix (only nonzero if all Manning obs present)
  if (identical(setdiff(c("Wobs", "Sobs", "dAobs"), 
                character(0))) {
    hasdat_s <- (!is.na(datalist[["Sobs"]])) * 1
    hasdat_a <- (!is.na(datalist[["dAobs"]])) * 1
    hasdat_man <- hasdat_amhg * hasdat_s * hasdat_a
    # Replace NA's with zeros so Stan will accept the data
    datalist[["Sobs"]][!hasdat_man] <- 0
    datalist[["dAobs"]][!hasdat_man] <- 0
  } else {
    hasdat_man <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(hasdat_amhg), ncol = ncol(hasdat_amhg))
  if (!is.null(datalist[["dAobs"]])) {
    dA_shift <- apply(datalist[["dAobs"]], 1, function(x) median(x) - min(x))
  } else {
    dA_shift <- rep(0, nrow(datalist[["Wobs"]]))
  newbits <- list(
    hasdat_man = hasdat_man, 
    hasdat_amhg = hasdat_amhg,
    ntot_man = sum(hasdat_man), 
    ntot_amhg = sum(hasdat_amhg),
    dA_shift = dA_shift
  out <- c(datalist, newbits)

#' Establish prior hyperparameters for BAM estimation
#' Produces a bampriors object that can be passed to bam_estimate function
#' @useDynLib bamr, .registration = TRUE
#' @param bamdata An object of class bamdata, as returned by \code{bam_data}
#' @param variant Which BAM variant to use. Options are "manning_amhg" (default), 
#'   "manning", or "amhg".
#' @param ... Optional manually set parameters. Unquoted expressions are allowed,
#'   e.g. \code{logQ_sd = cv2sigma(0.8)}. Additionally, any variables present in 
#'   \code{bamdata} may be referenced, e.g. \code{lowerbound_logQ = log(mean(Wobs)) + log(5)}
#' @export

bam_priors <- function(bamdata, 
                       variant = c("manning_amhg", "manning", "amhg"), 
                       ...) {
  variant <- match.arg(variant)
  if (variant != "amhg" && !attr(bamdata, "manning_ready"))
    stop("bamdata must have slope and dA data for non-amhg variants.")
  paramset <- bam_settings("paramnames")
  myparams0 <- rlang::quos(..., .named = TRUE)
  myparams <- do.call(settings::clone_and_merge, 
                      args = c(list(options = bam_settings), myparams0))
  quoparams <- myparams()[-1] # first one is parameter set
  params <- lapply(quoparams, rlang::eval_tidy, data = bamdata)
  if (!length(params[["logQ_sd"]]) == bamdata$nt) 
    params$logQ_sd <- rep(params$logQ_sd, length.out = bamdata$nt)

  if (!identical(dim(params[["sigma_man"]]), 
                 as.integer(c(bamdata$nx, bamdata$nt)))) {
    params$sigma_man <- matrix(rep(params$sigma_man, 
                                   length.out = bamdata$nt * bamdata$nx),
                               nrow = bamdata$nx)
  if (!identical(dim(params[["sigma_amhg"]]), 
                 as.integer(c(bamdata$nx, bamdata$nt)))) {
    params$sigma_amhg <- matrix(rep(params$sigma_amhg, 
                                    length.out = bamdata$nt * bamdata$nx),
                                nrow = bamdata$nx)
  out <- structure(params[paramset],
                   class = c("bampriors"))

compose_bam_inputs <- function(bamdata, priors = bam_priors(bamdata)) {
  inps <- c(bamdata, priors)
  out <- inps

#' Take a random sample of a bamdata object's cross-sections.
#' @param bamdata a bamdata object, as returned by \code{bam_data()}
#' @param n Number of cross-sections to 
#' @param seed option RNG seed, for reproducibility.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
sample_xs <- function(bamdata, n, seed = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is(bamdata, "bamdata"))
  if (n >= bamdata$nx)
  if (!is.null(seed))
  keepxs <- sort(sample(1:bamdata$nx, size = n, replace = FALSE))
  bamdata$nx <- n
  bamdata$Wobs <- bamdata$Wobs[keepxs, ]
  if (!is.null(bamdata$Sobs)) {
    bamdata$Sobs <- bamdata$Sobs[keepxs, ]
    bamdata$dAobs <- bamdata$dAobs[keepxs, ]

#' Calculate lognormal moments based on truncated normal parameters
#' Used to put measurement errors into original log-normal parameterization.
#' @param obs A numeric vector of observations
#' @param err_sigma Standard deviation of measurement error
#' @param a zero-reference for method of moments.
#' @importFrom stats dnorm pnorm
ln_moms <- function(obs, err_sigma, a = 0) {
  alpha <- (a - obs) / err_sigma
  Z <- 1 - pnorm(alpha)
  mean <- obs + (dnorm(alpha)) / Z * err_sigma
  sdquan <- 1 + (alpha * dnorm(alpha)) / Z - 
    (dnorm(alpha) / Z)^2
  sd <- err_sigma * sqrt(sdquan)
  out <- list(mean = mean, sd = sd)

#' Calculate lognormal sigma parameter based on truncated normal parameters
#' Used to put measurement errors into original log-normal parameterization.
#' @param obs A numeric vector of observations
#' @param err_sigma Standard deviation of measurement error
#' @param a zero-reference for method of moments.
ln_sigsq <- function(obs, err_sigma, a = 0) {
  moms <- ln_moms(obs = obs, err_sigma = err_sigma, a = a)
  mn <- unname(moms[["mean"]])
  sd <- unname(moms[["sd"]])
  mu <- 2 * log(mn) - 0.5 * log(sd^2 + mn^2)
  sigsq <- 2 * log(mn) - 2 * mu
markwh/bamr documentation built on Aug. 7, 2020, 11:52 p.m.