Man pages for martahidalgo/hipathia
HiPathia: High-throughput Pathway Analysis

annotate_pathsAnnotates functions to pathways
brcaBRCA gene expression dataset as SummarizedExperiment
brca_dataBRCA gene expression dataset
brca_designBRCA experimental design
compWilcoxon comparison of pathways object
create_reportCreate visualization HTML
DAcompCompares the gene expression, pathway activation level and...
DAoverviewTable and plot of total number of altered and not altered...
DAreportCreate visualization HTML
DAsummaryLists and plots the top 'n' altered pathways, taking into...
DAtopLists and plots the top 'n' altered nodes, paths and...
define_colorsColor palettes to be used in plots.
do_pcaPerforms a Principal Components Analysis
do_wilcoxonApply Wilcoxon test
exp_dataNormalized BRCA gene expression dataset
get_go_namesTranlates GO IDs to GO names
get_highest_sig_ancestorGet highest common GO ancestor of GO annotations
get_node_namesTranlates node IDs to node names
get_nodes_dataGets the object of node activation values
get_path_namesTranlates path IDs to path names
get_paths_dataGets the object of subpathway activation values
get_pathway_functionsReturns functions related to a pathway
get_pathways_annotationsGet Pathways functional annotations
get_pathways_listLists the IDs of the pathways in a pathways object
get_pathways_summaryCompute pathway summary
go_valsGene Ontology matrix of the BRCA gene expression dataset
heatmap_plotPlots subpathways heatmap
hheadHead function for SummarizedExperiment, data.frames and...
hipathiaComputes the level of activation of the subpathways for each...
igraphs_upgradeUpgrade igraphs to current version
is_accepted_speciesChecks whether a species is accepted
load_annofunsLoads annotations object
load_annotsLoads functional annotations to genes
load_entrez_hgncLoads table of translation from HGNC to Entrez
load_gobp_frameLoads GO graph information
load_gobp_netLoads GO graph
load_mgiLoads object with graph information
load_pathwaysLoads the pathways object.
load_pseudo_mgiLoads object with pseudo graph information
load_xrefLoads table of references
mgi_from_sifCreate a Pathways object from SIF files
multiple_pca_plotPlots multiple components of a PCA
node_colorGet colors of the nodes from a comparison file
node_color_per_deColors of the nodes by its differential expression
normalize_dataNormalize expression data from a SummarizedExperiment or...
normalize_pathsNormalize the pathway matrix by rows
paths_to_go_ancestorCreate path results table with highest significant GO...
path_valsPathways matrix of the BRCA gene expression dataset
pathway_comparison_plotPlots pathway with colored significant paths
pca_plotPlots two components of a PCA
plotVGPlots a pathway with or without the comparison information,...
quantify_termsComputes the level of activation of the functions related to...
resultsResults object
save_resultsSave results to folder
top_pathwaysComputes pathway significance
translate_dataTranslation of the rownames IDs of a SummarizedExperiment to...
translate_matrixTranslation of the rownames IDs of a matrix to Entrez IDs.
visualize_reportVisualize a HiPathia report
martahidalgo/hipathia documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 1:44 p.m.