#' Main function for pre-processing fixations and vertical re-alignment
#' This function reads in data from .asc files and performs the pre-processing.
#' @author Martin R. Vasilev
#' @param data_list Input of data files to be processed. This can be specified in three ways:
#' 1) a directory that contains all the files (it will select all files ending with ".asc",
#' and order them by participant number, if present).
#' 2) Directory to a txt file that contains all the .asc data file names inside:
#' e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/data_list.txt".
#' In the .txt file, the directory for each .asc data file should appear on a separate row,
#' e.g.: C:/My Data/subject1.asc /n
#' C:/My Data/subject2.asc
#' 3) A directory to a single .asc file: e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/subject1.asc".
#' @param ResX X screen resolution in pixels
#' @param ResY Y screen resolution in pixels
#' @param maxtrial Maximum number of trials in the experiment
#' @param align A logical indicating whether to perform re-alignment of fixations.
#' The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, the script will return a data frame with
#' only the raw fixations extracted from the data.
#' @param plot A logical indicating whether to plot the raw and re-aligned fixations
#' as an image file. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, no images will be plotted.
#' Note that plotting images will generally take longer time to pre-process the data.
#' The images are saved in the current working directory in the folder "img".
#' @param RSpar A vector of parameter values (n=3) for detecting return sweeps in the data.
#' It's usually best not to change this unless you know what you are doing. The default values
#' have been tested to work well in most cases.
#' 1). Minimum Y-distance travelled as a function of line height (1= saccade has to travel
#' the height of one line of text)
#' 2). Minimum X-distance travelled in characters to the left
#' 3). How much the saccade went down compared to the y postion of the previous fixation.
#' This is again measured in line heights (1= the eye travelled 1 line height below the
#' previous fixation).
#' Use= c(1/4, 8, 2/3)
#' @return A data frame containing the data
#' @example
#' myData<- paraFix(data_list= "preproc/files.txt", ResX= 1920, ResY=1080, maxtrial= 120,
#' align=TRUE, RSpar= c(1/4, 8, 2/3), plot=TRUE)
#' @include utility.R
paraFix<- function(data_list= "preproc/files.txt", ResX= 1920, ResY=1080, maxtrial= 120,
align=TRUE, RSpar= c(1/4, 8, 2/3), plot=FALSE, tBlink= 50,
# check file input:
if(grepl('.txt', data_list)){
data<- readLines(data_list, warn=F) # process multiple files
if(grepl('.asc', data_list)){ # if a single .asc file was provided...
data<- data_list # process only 1 file
} else{ # otherwise, it must be a dir of files
data<- get_files(data_list)
raw_fix<- NULL; RFalign<- NULL
for (i in 1:length(data)){ # for each subject..
cat(sprintf("Processing subject %i", i)); cat("\n")
cat(sprintf("Loading data %s ...", data[i]));
file<- readLines(data[i]) # load file
cat(" Done"); cat("\n")
trial_db<- trial_info(file, maxtrial) # extract info about trials to be processed
cat("Trial... ")
for(j in 1:nrow(trial_db)){ # for each item
text<- get_text(file[trial_db$ID[j]:trial_db$start[j]]) # get text details (Eyetrack)
if(text[1]!=0){ # if trial contained text
coords<- get_coord(text) # extract text coordinates
map<- coord_map(coords, x=ResX, y= ResY) # map them to pixels on the screen
# Extract raw fixations from data and map them to the text:
raw_fix_temp<- parse_fix(file, map, coords, trial_db[j,], i, ResX, ResY, tBlink,
# Align fixations:
RFalignTemp<- reAlign(raw_fix_temp, coords, map, ResX, ResY,
Ythresh= RSpar[1],Xthresh= RSpar[2],
threshSimilar= RSpar[3])
RFalign<- rbind(RFalign, RFalignTemp)
# plot re-aligned fixations
plot_fix(coords, RFalignTemp, i, j, ResX, ResY, reAligned=T)
} else{
raw_fix<- rbind(raw_fix, raw_fix_temp)
if(length(raw_fix_temp)>1 & plot==TRUE){ # if data was extracted from trial
# create picture of fixations:
plot_fix(coords, raw_fix_temp, i, j, ResX, ResY)
} else{ # if there was no text in trial, just extract fixations
raw_fix_temp<- parse_fix(file, map=0, coords=0, trial_db[j,], i, ResX, ResY, keepLastFix, hasText=FALSE)
raw_fix<- rbind(raw_fix, raw_fix_temp)
# create picture of fixations:
if(length(raw_fix_temp)>1 & plot==TRUE){ # if data was extracted from trial
plot_fix(coords, raw_fix_temp, i, j, ResX, ResY, hasText = FALSE)
cat(toString(j)); cat(" ")
} # end of item loop
cat("\n DONE \n \n");
} # end of subject loop
cat("\n \n All Done!");
} # end of ParaFix
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