
Defines functions LogisticRegression

Documented in LogisticRegression

#' Logistic regression
#' Runs a logistic regression.
#' @param study.sample Data frame. The study sample. No default.
#' @param outcome.name Character vector of length 1. The name of the outcome
#'     variable. No default.
#' @param covariate.names Character vector. The names of the covariates. No
#'     default.
#' @param run.bivariable.analyses Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE bivariable
#'     analyses are run before the full model is run and these results are
#'     included in the final table as unadjusted estimates. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param stop.if.missing Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE the execution
#'     stops if there is missing data in the outcome or covariates. Defaults to
#'     TRUE.
#' @param create.table Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE a table with the
#'     regression results is created and returned. The apperance of this table
#'     can be modified using table.options. If FALSE the model object is
#'     returned. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param table.options List. Can only include "odds.ratio",
#'     "confidence.interval", "include.intercept", "include.p.value", "digits",
#'     "save.table", "table.name", and "verbose". See
#'     ?CreateLogisticRegressionTable for details.
#' @param verbose Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE progress is printed as the
#'     function runs. Useful for debugging. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
LogisticRegression <- function(study.sample, outcome.name, covariate.names,
                               run.bivariable.analyses = FALSE,
                               stop.if.missing = TRUE, create.table = TRUE,
                               table.options = list(odds.ratio = TRUE,
                                                    confidence.interval = 0.95,
                                                    include.p.value = FALSE,
                                                    digits = 2,
                                                    save.table = TRUE,
                                                    table.name = NULL,
                                                    verbose = FALSE),
                               verbose = FALSE) {
    ## Error handling
    if (!is.data.frame(study.sample))
        stop("study.data has to be a data frame")
    if (!is.character(outcome.name) | !IsLength1(outcome.name))
        stop("outcome.name has to be a character vector of length 1")
    if (!is.character(covariate.names))
        stop("covariate.names has to be a character vector")
    if (!is.logical(run.bivariable.analyses) | !IsLength1(run.bivariable.analyses))
        stop("run.bivariable.analyses has to be a logical vector of length 1")    
    if (!is.logical(stop.if.missing) | !IsLength1(stop.if.missing))
        stop("stop.if.missing has to be a logical vector of length 1")
    if (!is.logical(create.table) | !IsLength1(create.table))
        stop("create.table has to be a logical vector of length 1")
    if (!is.list(table.options))
        stop("table.options has to be a list")
    if (!any(names(table.options) %in% c("odds.ratio", "confidence.interval", "include.intercept", "include.p.value", "digits", "save.table", "table.name", "verbose")))
        stop("table.options can only include odds.ratio, confidence.interval, include.intercept, and include.p.value")
    if (!is.logical(verbose) | !IsLength1(verbose))
        stop("verbose has to be a logical vector of length 1")
    ## Print progress
    if (verbose)
    ## Get model outcome
    model.outcome <- study.sample[, outcome.name]
    ## Create model data
    model.data <- study.sample[, covariate.names]
    ## Check for missing
    if (any(is.na(cbind(model.outcome, model.data))) & stop.if.missing)
       stop(cat(paste0("There is missing data in your outcome or covariates and \n",
                    "stop.if.missing is set to TRUE. If you still want to run \n",
                    "the analysis with missing data and let R use its default \n",
                    "setting to remove this data please set stop.if.missing to \n",
                    "FALSE and run again. \n\n")))
    ## Run bivariable analyses
    bivariable.model <- list()
    if (run.bivariable.analyses) {
        bivariable.models <- lapply(covariate.names, function(covariate.name) {
            model <- glm(as.formula(paste0(outcome.name, " ~ ", covariate.name)), data = study.sample, family = binomial)
    ## Build full model
    model <- glm(model.outcome ~ ., data = model.data, family = binomial)
    ## Create model list
    return.object <- model.list <- c(list(model), bivariable.models)
        ## Create table        
    if (create.table) {
        table.options$model.list <- model.list
        model.table <- do.call(CreateLogisticRegressionTable, table.options)
        return.object <- model.table
   ## Return
martingerdin/bengaltiger documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 4:46 p.m.