
#' Creates a wearableCamImages object from information read in a csv file.
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms mdy_hms
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_df mutate_ group_by_ summarize_ ungroup
#' @importFrom lazyeval interp
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom utils combn read.csv read.table
#' @param path_results the path to the file with coding results
#' @param sep_results the separator in the file with coding results
#' @param path_dico the path to the file with the list of annotations
#' @param sep_dico the separator in the file with the list of annotations
#' @param tz timezone
#' @param quote_sign the quote argument of read.table for the results, default is "\'"
#' @param participant_id participant ID, if available.
#' @param robust_reading FALSE by default. When TRUE the annotation column is the
#' whole line: the file is read once for finding photo paths and times, and once again for finding code.
#' @return A \code{tibble} with
#' \itemize{
#' \item participant_id Name or ID number of the participant (character)
#' \item image_time Path or name of the image in order to be able to identify duplicates (character)
#' \item image_time Time and date of each image (POSIXt)
#' \item booleanCodes columns of boolean, indicating if a given code was given to a given picture. codes is a condensed form of this.
#' \item the attribute \code{dico} \code{tibble} for defining the codes with at least Code and Meaning column, possibly Group column for having groups of codes (e.g. sport encompasses running and swimming)
#' }
#' @details
#' Please check the format that both files should have by looking at the provided
#' example data.
#' However you could consider write your own function for converting the input
#' instead of having to re-format all your existing data,
#' which we could even add to the package.
#' @examples
#' path_results <- system.file('extdata', 'image_level_pinocchio.csv', package = 'watchme')
#' sep_results <- ','
#' path_dico <-  system.file('extdata', 'dicoCoding_pinocchio.csv', package = 'watchme')
#' sep_dico <- ';'
#' data_pictures <- watchme_prepare_data(path_results=path_results, sep_results=sep_results,
#'               path_dico=path_dico, sep_dico=sep_dico)
#' data_pictures
#' attr(data_pictures, "dico")

#' @export
watchme_prepare_data <- function(path_results, sep_results,
                                 quote_sign = "\'",
                                 participant_id = "no_id",
                                 path_dico, sep_dico,
                                 tz = "Asia/Kolkata",
                                 robust_reading = FALSE) {

    # Get dico coding
    dico <- read.csv(path_dico, sep = sep_dico, header = TRUE)
    dico <- dplyr::mutate_each_(dico, dplyr::funs_("tolower"),
                                      c("Code", "Meaning", "Group"))

    dico <- dplyr::mutate_each_(dico, dplyr::funs_("gsub", args = list(pattern = " ",
                                                                       replacement = "_")),
                                c("Code", "Meaning", "Group"))

    # open results

    resultsCoding <- suppressWarnings(readr::read_delim(path_results,
                                       delim = sep_results,
                                       col_names = TRUE,
                                       quote = quote_sign))

    # When it comes from XnView MP, wrong names
    if(grepl("Filename", names(resultsCoding)[1])){
      names(resultsCoding) <- c("image_path",
      resultsCoding <- resultsCoding[,1:3]

      resultsCoding <- select_(resultsCoding, quote(- annotation))
      annotation <- suppressWarnings(readr::read_delim(path_results,
                                                       delim = "[",
                                                       skip = 1,
                                                       col_names = "annotation",
                                                       quote = quote_sign))
      resultsCoding <- dplyr::bind_cols(resultsCoding, annotation)
      # keep only rows with image_path
      resultsCoding <- dplyr::filter_(resultsCoding, lazyeval::interp(~image_path!= ""))

      # if several rows for one image, merge annotation
      resultsCoding <- resultsCoding %>%
        group_by_(~ image_path,~ image_time) %>%  # nolint
        summarize_(annotation = interp(~ toString(annotation))) %>%

    resultsCoding <- dplyr::mutate_(resultsCoding,
                             participant_id = ~participant_id)

    # replace spaces by "_"
    resultsCoding <- dplyr::mutate_(resultsCoding,
                                    annotation = lazyeval::interp(~gsub(" ", "_", annotation)))
    # convert time date

    resultsCoding <-mutate_(resultsCoding,
                            image_time = lazyeval::interp(~lubridate::parse_date_time(
                              orders = c("ymd_hms", "mdy_hms"))))
    resultsCoding <-mutate_(resultsCoding,
                            image_time = lazyeval::interp(~lubridate::force_tz(
                              image_time, tzone = tz)))
    # Find all codes
    # create empty vector
    resultsCoding <- mutate_(resultsCoding,
                             annotation = lazyeval::interp(~tolower(annotation)))

    # then first I create the table with binary variables
    # one column for each possible code,
    # one line for each picture

    codes <- dico$Code

    resultsCoding <- resultsCoding %>%
      dplyr::bind_cols(purrr::invoke_map(grep_code, codes,
                                         df = resultsCoding) %>%
                         dplyr::bind_cols()) %>%
      dplyr::select_(quote(- annotation)) %>%

    # Done!

    attr(resultsCoding, "dico") <- dico

grep_code <- function(df, code){
  mutateCall <- lazyeval::interp( ~ grepl(pattern = code, annotation))
  df %>% dplyr::mutate_(.dots = setNames(list(mutateCall),
                                         code)) %>%

eliminate_spaces <- function(x){
  gsub(" ", "_", x)
masalmon/watchme documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:41 p.m.