
Defines functions mcar

Documented in mcar

#' Little MCAR
#' @details: Function is developed and explained here: https://stats-bayes.com/post/2020/08/14/r-function-for-little-s-test-for-data-missing-completely-at-random/
#' Further details will be added in the future!
#' @param x data.frame or matrix. Input to run Little's hypothesis test to check for MCAR on.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
mcar <- function(x){
  if(!require(norm)) {
    stop("You must have norm installed to use LittleMCAR")

  # if(!require(data.table)) {
  #   stop("Please install the R-package data.table to use mcar")
  # }

  if(!(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x))) {
    stop("Data should be a matrix or dataframe")

  if (is.data.frame(x)){
    x <- data.matrix(x)

  # delete rows of complete missingness
  foo <- function(x) return(any(!is.na(x)))
  dd <- apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = foo)
  dd <- which(!dd, arr.ind = TRUE)
  if(length(dd) > 0)
    x <- x[-dd,]

  # define variables
  n.var <- ncol(x) # number of variables
  n <- nrow(x)  #number of respondents
  var.names <- colnames(x)
  r <- 1 * is.na(x)

  nmis <- as.integer(apply(r, 2, sum))  #number of missing data for each variable REWRITE
  mdp <- (r %*% (2^((1:n.var - 1)))) + 1  #missing data patterns
  x.mp <- data.frame(cbind(x,mdp)) # add column indicating pattern
  colnames(x.mp) <- c(var.names,"MisPat") # set name of new column to MisPat
  n.mis.pat <- length(unique(x.mp$MisPat)) # number of missing data patterns
  p <- n.mis.pat-1 # number of Missing Data patterns minus 1 (complete data row)

  s <- prelim.norm(x)
  ll <- em.norm(s)
  fit <- getparam.norm(s = s, theta = ll)

  # gmean<-mlest(x)$muhat #ML estimate of grand mean (assumes Normal dist)
  gmean <- fit$mu
  # gcov<-mlest(x)$sigmahat #ML estimate of grand covariance (assumes Normal dist)
  gcov <- fit$sigma
  colnames(gcov) <- rownames(gcov) <- colnames(x)

  #recode MisPat variable to go from 1 through n.mis.pat
  x.mp$MisPat2 <- rep(NA,n)
  for (i in 1:n.mis.pat){
    x.mp$MisPat2[x.mp$MisPat == sort(unique(x.mp$MisPat), partial=(i))[i]]<- i

  x.mp<-x.mp[ , -which(names(x.mp) %in% "MisPat2")]

  #make list of datasets for each pattern of missing data
  datasets <- list()
  for (i in 1:n.mis.pat){

  #degrees of freedom
  for (i in 1:n.mis.pat){
    no.na<-as.matrix(1* !is.na(colSums(datasets[[i]])))

  df<-kj -n.var

  #Little's chi-square
  cat("this could take a while")

  # this crashes at the missingness pattern where every column is missing
  # this for-loop can be handled faster with plyr-function
  for (i in 1:n.mis.pat){
    mean <- (colMeans(datasets[[i]])-gmean)
    mean <- mean[!is.na(mean)]
    keep <- 1* !is.na(colSums(datasets[[i]]))
    keep <- keep[which(keep[1:n.var]!=0)]
    cov <- gcov
    cov <- cov[which(rownames(cov) %in% names(keep)) , which(colnames(cov) %in% names(keep))]
    d2 <- as.numeric(d2+(sum(x.mp$MisPat==i)*(t(mean)%*%solve(cov)%*%mean)))

  #p-value for chi-square

  #descriptives of missing data
  amount.missing <- matrix(nmis, 1, length(nmis))
  percent.missing <- amount.missing/n
  amount.missing <- rbind(amount.missing,percent.missing)
  colnames(amount.missing) <- var.names
  rownames(amount.missing) <- c("Number Missing", "Percent Missing")

  list(chi.square = d2,
       df = df,
       p.value = p.value,
       missing.patterns = n.mis.pat,
       amount.missing = amount.missing,
       data = datasets)
masem-research/masemPsychometrics documentation built on Dec. 9, 2020, 2:21 a.m.