
Defines functions print.GCalign

Documented in print.GCalign

#' Summarising Peak Alignments with GCalignR
#' @description
#' print method for class "GCalign"
#' @inheritParams plot.GCalign
#' @param write_text_file
#' A boolean allowing to write a text file.
#' @examples
#' ## GCalign object
#' data("aligned_peak_data")
#' ## print summary
#' print(aligned_peak_data)
#' @param ...
#' Optional arguments passed on to methods are currently not supported.
#' @author Martin Stoffel (martin.adam.stoffel@@gmail.com) & Meinolf Ottensmann
#'  (meinolf.ottensmann@@web.de)
#' @export
print.GCalign <- function(x,write_text_file=FALSE, ...){
    ## Name of a GCalign Object
    object_name <- as.list(match.call())[["x"]]

    ## information from Logfile
    function_call <- x[["Logfile"]][["Call"]] # List of all function arguments
    function_call[["sep"]] <- ifelse(function_call[["sep"]] == "\t","\\t",function_call[["sep"]])
    function_call[["blanks"]] <- if (length(function_call[["blanks"]]) > 2) {
        paste0("(",paste(as.character(function_call[["blanks"]][-1]),collapse = ", "),")")
    function_call[["write_output"]] <- if (length(function_call[["write_output"]]) > 1) {
        paste0("(",paste(as.character(function_call[["write_output"]][-1]),collapse = ", "),")")

    ## Tweak the NULL entries, so they are printable
    which_NULL <- as.vector(which(lapply(function_call, function(x) out <- class(x)) == "NULL"))
    function_call[which_NULL] <- "NULL"
    names_call <- names(function_call)
    peaks <- x[["Logfile"]][["Aligned"]]
    names_peaks <- names(peaks)

if (write_text_file == TRUE) { # write a textfile, no output to the Console if TRUE
sink(paste0(object_name,"_summary.txt"),append = FALSE) # Prepare a Text file

# Information about the date
# --------------------------
cat("Summary of Peak Alignment running align_chromatograms\n")
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste("Input: ",x[["Logfile"]][["Input"]]["File"]),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 0))
    cat("\nStart: ", x[["Logfile"]][["Date"]]["Start"],"\tFinished: ",x[["Logfile"]][["Date"]]["End"],"\n\n")

# Function Call
# ---------------
c <- 1
text <- character()# used in this function to collect and then print output
text <- c(text, (paste0("GCalignR::align_chromatograms(")))
for (i in names_call) {
    if (c < length(names_call)) {
 text <- c(text,paste0(i,"=",paste0(as.character(function_call[[i]]),", ")))
 text <- c(text,paste0(i,"=",as.character(function_call[[i]]),")"))
        c <- c + 1
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = ""),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 2))

# Summary of substances that have been scored and filtred
# ---------------------------------------------------------
text <- character()
cat("\n\nSummary of scored substances:\n")
text <- c(text,paste("In total",peaks["total"],"substances were identified among all samples."))

if (any((names_peaks) %in% "blanks")) text <- c(text,paste(peaks["blanks"],"substances were present in blanks. The corresponding peaks as well as the blanks were removed from the data."))
if (any((names_peaks) %in% "singular")) text <- c(text,paste(peaks["singular"],"substances were present in just one single sample and were removed."))
text <- c(text,paste(peaks["retained"], "substances are retained after all filtering steps."))
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = " "),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 0))

# Reference & Sample  Names.
# -------------------
text <- character()
cat("\n\nSample overview:\n")
text <- c(text,paste("The following",x[["Logfile"]][["Input"]]["Samples"],"samples were aligned to the reference",paste0("'",x[["Logfile"]][["Input"]]["Reference"],"':")))
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = " "),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 2))
text <- paste(names(x[["aligned"]][[1]])[-1],collapse = ", ") # Sample Names
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = " "),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 2))

# Refer to plots
# -------------
cat("For further details type:\n")
text <- paste0("'gc_heatmap(",object_name,")'"," to retrieve heatmaps")
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = " "),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 2))
text <- paste0("'plot(",object_name,")'"," to retrieve further diagnostic plots")
cat(stringr::str_wrap(paste(text,collapse = " "),width = 80,exdent = 2,indent = 2))

if (write_text_file == TRUE) {
    sink() # Close the connection
    cat("Summary is saved as",paste0(object_name,"_summary.txt"))
mastoffel/GCalignR documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:20 a.m.