
Defines functions result_table

Documented in result_table

#' Result table for linear models, (bayesian) multilevel models and structural equation models
#' This function creates a printable results table based objects of class \code{lm}, \code{lmerModLmerTest}, \code{brmsfit} or \code{lavaan}. Several arguments can be specified in order to customize the output. 
#' @param object An object of class \code{lm}, \code{lmerModLmerTest} or \code{lavaan}. 
#' @param var_predict A character value or character vector indicating which paths should be included in the output. Each path can be printed individually by passing the predictor variable to this argument. 
#' @param new_labels A character vector with new labels for the paths in the model (needs to have the same number of values as paths in the model, potentially including the intercept). 
#' @param sem_labels When using lavaan for SEM, paths can be labelled in the model. With this argument, one can specify which of the labelled paths should be printed (takes a single character value or a character vector). This argument only works with objects of class \code{lavaan}.
#' @param sem_regressions A logical value specifying whether only regressions should be included. This argument only works with objects of class \code{lavaan}.
#' @param sem_labelled A logical value specifying whether only paths with labels should be included. This argument only works with objects of class \code{lavaan}.
#' @param std A logical value indicating whether standarized coefficient should be included (works only with objects of class \code{lm} and \code{lavaan}).
#' @param ... Additional arguments that can be passed to \code{describe_posterior} from the package \code{bayestestR} (e.g., ci = .90 to adjust the probability of the credible intervals, by default 89% HDI are computed)
#' @param print A logical value indicating whether the resulting table should be formatted according to APA-guidelines.
#' @param digits How many digits should be printed? Defaults to 2.
#' @examples 
#' ## Example 1: Linear model
#' mod.lm <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars)
#' result_table(mod.lm, 
#'              new_labels = c("", "H1"), 
#'              print = TRUE)
#' ## Example 2: Multilevel model
#' mod.lmer <- lmerTest::lmer(Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' result_table(mod.lmer)
#' result_table(mod.lmer, 
#'              new_labels = c(1, 2))
#' ## Example 3: Structural equation model
#' model.sem <- '
#'   # latent variables
#'   ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#'   dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
#'   dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + y8
#'   # regressions
#'   dem60 ~ a*ind60
#'   dem65 ~ b*ind60 + c*dem60
#'   # residual covariances
#'   y1 ~~ y5
#'   y2 ~~ y4 + y6
#'   y3 ~~ y7
#'   y4 ~~ y8
#'   y6 ~~ y8
#' '
#' fit.sem <- sem(model.sem, data = PoliticalDemocracy)
#' result_table(fit.sem, 
#'              sem_regressions = TRUE)
#' result_table(fit.sem, 
#'              sem_labelled = TRUE)
#' result_table(fit.sem, 
#'              sem_labelled = TRUE, 
#'              new_labels = c("H1", "H2", "H3"), 
#'              std = FALSE, 
#'              print = TRUE)
#' # Example 4: Bayesian multilevel modelling
#' library(multilevel)
#' set.seed(15324)
#' d <- sim.icc(gsize = 10,
#'              ngrp = 100,
#'              icc1 = .30,
#'              nitems = 2, 
#'              item.cor = .50)
#' fit <- brm(VAR2 ~ VAR1 + (1|GRP), data = d,
#'            chains = 1)
#' result_table(fit, 
#'              print = TRUE)
#' result_table(fit,
#'              new_labels = c("", "H1"),
#'              rope = T,
#'              print = T,
#'              digits = 3,
#'              ci = .95)
#' @export
result_table <- function(object,
                         var_predict = NULL,
                         new_labels = NULL,
                         sem_labels = NULL,
                         sem_regressions = FALSE,
                         sem_labelled = FALSE,
                         std = TRUE,
                         rope = FALSE,
                         print = FALSE,
                         digits = 2, 
  # dependencies 
  if (is.element("lm", class(object))) {
    # get coefficients
    coefs <- summary(object)$coeff
    cis   <- confint(object)
    beta  <- c(NA, lm.beta(object) %>% as.vector)
    temp <- cbind(coefs, cis) %>%
      as.data.frame %>% 
      rownames_to_column("predictor") %>%
      set_colnames(., c("predictor", "b", "se", "t", "p", "ll", "ul")) %>%
      dplyr::select(predictor, b, se, ll, ul, p) %>%
    if (isTRUE(std)) {
      names(beta) <- temp$predictor
      temp <- cbind(temp, beta) %>%
    if (!is.null(new_labels)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        cbind(., new_labels) %>%
        mutate(label = as.character(new_labels)) %>%
        dplyr::select(predictor, label, everything(), -new_labels) %>%
    # --- extracting results from multilevel models --- #
  } else if (is.element("lmerModLmerTest", class(object))) {
    # get coefficients
    coeffs <- summary(object)$coef %>%
      as.data.frame %>%
    cis <- confint(object) %>%
      as_tibble %>% 

    temp <- cbind(coeffs, cis) %>%
      as_tibble %>%
      set_colnames(c("predictor", "b", "se", "df", "t", "p", "ll", "ul")) %>%
      dplyr::select(predictor, b, se, ll, ul, p)
    if (!is.null(new_labels)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        cbind(., new_labels) %>%
        mutate(label = as.character(new_labels)) %>%
        dplyr::select(predictor, label, everything(), -new_labels) %>%
    # --- extracting results from SEM --- #
  } else if (is.element("lavaan", class(object))) {
    # get Coefficients
      coeffs <- object %>%
        parameterEstimates(standardized = TRUE) %>% 
        filter(label %in% sem_labels)
    } else if (isTRUE(sem_regressions)) {
      coeffs <- object %>%
        parameterEstimates(standardized = TRUE) %>%
        filter(op == "~")
    } else if (isTRUE(sem_labelled)) {
      coeffs <- object %>%
        parameterEstimates(standardized = TRUE) %>%
        subset(label != "")
    } else {
      coeffs <- object %>%
        parameterEstimates(standardized = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(sem_labelled)) {
      temp <- coeffs %>% 
        dplyr::select(outcome = lhs, 
                      predictor = rhs,
                      b = est,
                      se = se,
                      ll = ci.lower, 
                      ul = ci.upper, 
                      p = pvalue,
                      beta = "std.all") %>%
    } else {
    temp <- coeffs %>% 
      dplyr::select(outcome = lhs, 
                    predictor = rhs,
                    b = est,
                    se = se,
                    ll = ci.lower, 
                    ul = ci.upper, 
                    p = pvalue,
                    beta = "std.all") %>%
    if (!isTRUE(std)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        dplyr::select(outcome, predictor, b, se, ll, ul, p)
    if (!is.null(new_labels)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        cbind(., new_labels) %>%
        mutate(label = as.character(new_labels)) %>%
        dplyr::select(outcome, predictor, label, everything(), -new_labels) %>%
    # --- extracting results from bayesian multilevel models --- #
  } else if (is.element("brmsfit", class(object))) {
    temp <- object %>%
      describe_posterior(., ...) %>%
    if(isTRUE(rope)) {
    temp <- temp %>%
      select(Parameter, Median, CI_low, CI_high, ROPE_low, ROPE_high, ROPE_Percentage, ESS, Rhat) %>%
      set_colnames(., c("predictor", "median", "ll", "ul", "rope_ll", "rope_ul", "percent", "ess", "rhat"))
    } else {
      temp <- temp %>%
        select(Parameter, Median, CI_low, CI_high, ESS, Rhat) %>%
      set_colnames(., c("predictor", "median", "ll", "ul", "ess", "rhat"))
    if (!is.null(new_labels)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        cbind(., new_labels) %>%
        mutate(label = as.character(new_labels)) %>%
        dplyr::select(predictor, label, everything(), -new_labels) %>%
  # Printing
  if (isTRUE(print) & is.element("brmsfit", class(object))) {
    temp <- temp %>%
      mutate_at(vars(median, ll, ul, rhat), funs(printnum(., digits = digits))) %>%
      mutate(ess = printnum(ess, digits = 0))
    if(isTRUE(rope)) {
    temp <- temp %>%
      mutate_at(vars(rope_ll, rope_ul, percent), funs(printnum(., digits = digits)))
  } else if (isTRUE(print)) {
    temp <- temp %>% 
      mutate_at(vars(b, se, ll, ul), funs(printnum(., digits = digits))) %>% 
      mutate(p = printp(p))
    if ("beta" %in% names(temp)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        mutate(beta = printnum(beta, gt1 = F, digits = digits))
    # Extracting particular effect
    if (!is.null(var_predict)) {
      temp <- temp %>%
        filter(predictor %in% var_predict)
masurp/pmstats documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 9:24 p.m.