
Defines functions csv_colnames

Documented in csv_colnames

#' Title
#' @param data CSV data file input
#' @return A list containing an error message if applicable, and if no errors are found, the column names of the data set, as R would parse them. We do this to ensure the colnames presented as options in dashboards conform to how R would parse them. If not, it's possible a user would select a column name in the tool that then would not be found once the data and select column names are passed to other functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' csv_colnames(matching_by_grade)
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
csv_colnames <- function(data) {


  data <- try(read.csv(data, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  error_message <- NULL

  if ('try-error' %in% class(data)) {
    error_message <- 'Error reading data. No column names returned.'

  output <- list(
    error_message = error_message

  if (is.null(error_message)) {

    try_status <- try({
      output$colnames <- colnames(data)

      # Identify numeric and non-numeric columns
      column_classes <- vapply(

      numeric_index <- column_classes %in% c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical')

      output$numeric_columns    <- colnames(data)[numeric_index]
      output$nonnumeric_columns <- colnames(data)[!numeric_index]

      # Check for binary variables
      binary_index <- vapply(
        FUN = function(x) all(x %in% c(0, 1, NA)) && any(x == 0) && any(x == 1),

      output$binary_columns <- output$numeric_columns[binary_index]

      # Check for possible ID variables

      # Check for possible categorical variables
      categorical_index <- vapply(
        FUN = function(x) {

          # No more than 10 distinct values, AND
          length(unique(x)) <= 10 &&

          # All values are integer, AND
          all(x %% 1 == 0) &&

          # All values are codes with three or fewer digits
          all(x <= 999)

      output$categorical_columns <- output$numeric_columns[categorical_index]

      # Check for highly correlated numeric columns
      if (sum(numeric_index) < 2) {
        high_cor_columns <- character(0)

      } else {

        cor_matrix <- cor(data[numeric_index])

        high_cor_index <- abs(cor_matrix) > 0.9 & upper.tri(cor_matrix) & !is.na(cor_matrix)

        high_cor_row_index <- row(cor_matrix)[high_cor_index]
        high_cor_col_index <- col(cor_matrix)[high_cor_index]

        if (any(high_cor_row_index)) {
          high_cor_columns <- vector('list', sum(high_cor_index))

          for (i in seq_along(high_cor_row_index)) {

            high_cor_columns[[i]] <- c(rownames(cor_matrix)[high_cor_row_index[i]],
        } else {
          high_cor_columns <- character(0)

      output$high_cor_columns <- high_cor_columns

    if ('try-error' %in% class(try_status)) {
      output$error_message <- 'There was a problem reading the data file. Please contact a researcher for help, or contact the administrators of this website.'

  # Be sure output can be converted to JSON by jsonlite
  json_test <- try(toJSON(output))

  if (is(json_test, 'try-error')) output <- list(error_message = 'There was a problem converting output to JSON format.')

mathematica-mpr/edtechrce documentation built on Nov. 10, 2019, 9:19 a.m.