Man pages for matianzhou/CAMO
Perform congruent analysis among model organisms

bayesRun Bayesian analysis for individual pdata
clustDiagPerform consensus clustering diagnostics to determine optimal...
hashtbHash table
hbHuman burn dataset
hm_orthHuman mouse ortholog file
hsHuman sepsis dataset
htHuman trauma dataset
indDEDifferential expression analysis for individual data.
mbMouse burn dataset
mdsPlotRShinyAnalysis results for multiple pairs: visualization outputs
mergeMCMCMerge multiple MCMCout datasets preparing for cross-species...
mergeRawMerge multiple raw datasets preparing for cross-species...
msMouse sepsis dataset
mtMouse trauma dataset
multiARS_globalResemblance analysis for multiple pairs: global ARS and its...
multiARS_pathwayResemblance analysis for multiple pairs: pathway specific ARS...
multiOutputAnalysis results for multiple pairs: visualization outputs
pathSelectSelect pathways of interest for pathway-level resemblance...
pathwayDBPathway list
read.groupDataRead group label data.
read.pDataRead p-value data.
read.rawDataRead raw data: microarray or RNAseq.
singleARS_globalResemblance analysis for single pair: global ARS and its...
singleARS_pathwayResemblance analysis for single pair: pathway specific ARS...
singleOutputAnalysis results for single pair: visualization outputs
matianzhou/CAMO documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:12 a.m.