#' get_pseudo_outcome
#' This function calculates the pseudo-outcomes depending on the estimand
#' @param y outcome
#' @param a treatment
#' @param x confounders
#' @param v1 effect modifiers 1
#' @param v2 effect modifiers 2
#' @param mu0x function for fitting mu0
#' @param mu1x function for fitting mu1
#' @param pix function for fitting propensity score
#' @param cond.dens function for the conditional density of any of random variable
#' in v1 given all variables in v2
#' @param cate.w function for fitting E(tau(X) | v2)
#' @param nsplits number of splints
#' @return a list containing the pseudo outcomes
#' @export
get_pseudo_outcome <- function(y, a, x, v1, v2, mu0.x, mu1.x, pi.x, cond.dens,
cate.w, nsplits = 1) {
n <- length(y)
s <- sample(rep(1:nsplits, ceiling(n / nsplits))[1:n])
mu0hat <- mu1hat <- pihat <- tauhat <- cate.out <- rep(NA, n)
cate.out.folds <- pd.out.folds <- vector("list", nsplits)
if(!is.null(v2)) {
theta.bar <- ghat <- tauhat.w <- rep(NA, n)
theta.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = n, nrow = n)
pd.out <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(v1), nrow = n,
dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(v1)))
else pd.out <- theta.bar <- theta.mat <- NULL
for(k in 1:nsplits) {
test.idx <- k == s
train.idx <- k != s
if(all(!train.idx)) train.idx <- test.idx
n.te <- sum(test.idx)
n.tr <- sum(train.idx)
a.tr <- a[train.idx]
y.tr <- y[train.idx]
x.tr <- x[train.idx, , drop = FALSE]
a.te <- a[test.idx]
y.te <- y[test.idx]
x.te <- x[test.idx, , drop = FALSE]
mu0hat.vals <- mu0.x(y = y.tr, a = a.tr, x = x.tr,
new.x = rbind(x.te, x.tr))
mu0hat[test.idx] <- mu0hat.vals[1:n.te]
mu1hat.vals <- mu1.x(y = y.tr, a = a.tr, x = x.tr,
new.x = rbind(x.te, x.tr))
mu1hat[test.idx] <- mu1hat.vals[1:n.te]
pihat[test.idx] <- pi.x(a = a.tr, x = x.tr, new.x = x.te)
tauhat[test.idx] <- mu1hat[test.idx] - mu0hat[test.idx]
cate.out[test.idx] <- a.te / pihat[test.idx] * (y.te - mu1hat[test.idx]) -
(1-a.te) / (1 - pihat[test.idx]) * (y.te - mu0hat[test.idx]) +
cate.out.folds[[k]] <- cate.out[test.idx]
if(!is.null(v2)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(v1)) {
v1.j <- v1[, j]
v2.not.v1.j <- v2[, colnames(v2) != colnames(v1)[j], drop = FALSE]
v1.tr <- v1.j[train.idx]
v2.tr <- v2[train.idx, , drop = FALSE]
v2.not.v1.j.tr <- v2.not.v1.j[train.idx, , drop = FALSE]
v1.te <- v1.j[test.idx]
v2.te <- v2[test.idx, , drop = FALSE]
v2.not.v1.j.te <- v2.not.v1.j[test.idx, , drop = FALSE]
w.long.test <- cbind(v1[test.idx, j, drop = FALSE],
v2.not.v1.j.te[rep(1:n.te, n.te), , drop = FALSE])
cond.dens.vals <- cond.dens(v1 = v1.tr,
v2 = v2.not.v1.j.tr,
new.v1 = c(v1.te, w.long.test[, 1]),
new.v2 = rbind(v2.not.v1.j.te,
w.long.test[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
marg.dens <- colMeans(matrix(cond.dens.vals[-c(1:n.te)], ncol = n.te,
nrow = n.te))
ghat[test.idx] <- marg.dens / cond.dens.vals[1:n.te]
w.long <- cbind(v1[test.idx, j, drop = FALSE],
v2.not.v1.j.te[rep(1:n.te, n), , drop = FALSE])
cate.preds <- cate.w(tau = mu1hat.vals[-c(1:n.te)] - mu0hat.vals[-c(1:n.te)],
w = v2.tr,
new.w = rbind(v2.te, w.long.test, w.long))
tauhat.w[test.idx] <- cate.preds$res[1:n.te]
theta.mat.test <- matrix(cate.preds$res[(n.te+1):(n.te + n.te^2)],
nrow = n.te, ncol = n.te)
theta.mat[, test.idx] <- matrix(cate.preds$res[-c(1:(n.te + n.te^2))],
nrow = n, ncol = n.te)
theta.bar[test.idx] <- apply(theta.mat.test, 2, mean)
pd.out[test.idx, j] <-
(cate.out[test.idx] - tauhat.w[test.idx]) * ghat[test.idx] +
pd.out.folds[[k]] <- pd.out[test.idx, ]
return(list(cate.out = cate.out, pd.out = pd.out, theta.mat = theta.mat,
theta.bar = theta.bar,
cate.out.folds = cate.out.folds,
pd.out.folds = pd.out.folds))
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