test_cases <- data.table::CJ(
ticker = list("GOOG", NULL, c("GOOG", "AAPL")),
id = list(NULL, 59265, c(59265, 62747)), # MSFT, AMZN
statements = list("pl", "bs", "cf", "derived", c("pl", "bs", "cf", "derived")),
period = list(NULL, "q1", c("q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "fy", "h1", "h2", "nine_month")),
fyear = list(NULL, 2022, c(2021, 2022)),
ttm = list(TRUE, FALSE),
sorted = FALSE
)[lengths(ticker) + lengths(id) != 0] # drop rows without ticker or id
test_cases[, indx := .I]
data.table::setcolorder(test_cases, "indx")
data.table::setindexv(test_cases, "indx")
test_cases[, key_ := do.call(paste, c(.SD, sep = "-")), .SDcols = names(test_cases)]
for (row in seq(nrow(test_cases))) {
test_that(paste("sfa_load_statement - Case:", test_cases[row, key_]), {
res <- sfa_load_statements(
ticker = test_cases[[row, "ticker"]],
id = test_cases[[row, "id"]],
statements = test_cases[[row, "statements"]],
period = test_cases[[row, "period"]],
fyear = test_cases[[row, "fyear"]],
ttm = test_cases[[row, "ttm"]]
# testing ticker parameter
for (ticker in test_cases[[row, "ticker"]]) {
expect_true(ticker %in% res[["ticker"]])
# testing id parameter
for (id in test_cases[[row, "id"]]) {
expect_true(id %in% res[["id"]])
# testing statements parameter
if ("pl" %in% test_cases[[row, "statements"]]) {
checkmate::expect_names(colnames(res), must.include = "revenue")
if ("bs" %in% test_cases[[row, "statements"]]) {
checkmate::expect_names(colnames(res), must.include = "total_assets")
if ("cf" %in% test_cases[[row, "statements"]]) {
checkmate::expect_names(colnames(res), must.include = "cash_from_operating_activities")
if ("cf" %in% test_cases[[row, "derived"]]) {
checkmate::expect_names(colnames(res), must.include = "ebitda")
# testing period parameter
expected <- test_cases[[row, "period"]] |>
toupper() |>
sub(pattern = "NINE_MONTH", replacement = "9M") |>
if (is.null(test_cases[[row, "period"]])) {
expected <- c("9M", "FY", "H1", "H2", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")
if (all(test_cases[[row, "statements"]] == "bs")) {
# balance sheet statements are only quarterly
expected <- intersect(expected, c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")) |> sort()
if (all(test_cases[[row, "statements"]] == "derived")) {
expected <- intersect(expected, c("FY", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")) |> sort()
if (isFALSE(test_cases[[row, "ttm"]])) {
# run this test only if ttm = FALSE, because ttm overrides period
expect_identical(unique(res[["fiscal_period"]]) |> sort(), expected)
# testing fyear parameter
if (is.null(test_cases[[row, "fyear"]])) {
expect_lt(res[["fiscal_year"]] |> min(), 2021)
} else if (all(test_cases[[row, "fyear"]] == 2022)) {
expect_equal(res[["fiscal_year"]] |> unique(), 2022)
} else if (all(test_cases[[row, "fyear"]] == c(2021, 2022))) {
expect_equal(res[["fiscal_year"]] |> unique() |> sort(), c(2021, 2022))
# testing ttm parameter
# if (isTRUE(test_cases[[row, "ttm"]]) & !is.null(test_cases[[row, "fyear"]])) {
# expect_equal(res[["fiscal_period"]] |> unique() |> sort(), paste0("Q", 1:4))
# }
# test_that('loading pl statement works', {
# exp_classes <- c(
# id = 'integer', Ticker = 'character', Name = 'character',
# isin = 'character', `Fiscal Period` = 'character', `Fiscal Year` = 'integer', `Report Date` = 'Date', `Publish Date` =
# 'Date', Restated = 'Date', Source = 'character', Template = 'character', TTM = 'logical', `Value Check` = 'logical',
# Currency = 'character', Revenue = 'numeric', `Sales & Services Revenue` = 'numeric', `Financing Revenue` = 'numeric',
# `Other Revenue` = 'numeric', `Cost of Revenue` = 'numeric', `Cost of Goods & Services` = 'numeric', `Cost of Financing
# Revenue` = 'numeric', `Cost of Other Revenue` = 'numeric', `Gross Profit` = 'numeric', `Other Operating Income` =
# 'numeric', `Operating Expenses` = 'numeric', `Selling, General & Administrative` = 'numeric', `Selling & Marketing` =
# 'numeric', `General & Administrative` = 'numeric', `Research & Development` = 'numeric', `Depreciation & Amortization`
# = 'numeric', `Provision for Doubtful Accounts` = 'numeric', `Other Operating Expense` = 'numeric', `Operating Income
# (Loss)` = 'numeric', `Non-Operating Income (Loss)` = 'numeric', `Interest Expense, Net` = 'numeric', `Interest
# Expense` = 'numeric', `Interest Income` = 'numeric', `Other Investment Income (Loss)` = 'numeric', `Foreign Exchange
# Gain (Loss)` = 'numeric', `Income (Loss) from Affiliates` = 'numeric', `Other Non-Operating Income (Loss)` =
# 'numeric', pretax_income_loss_adjusted_ = 'numeric', `Abnormal Gains (Losses)` = 'numeric', `Acquired In-Process R&D`
# = 'numeric', `Merger & Acquisition Expense` = 'numeric', `Abnormal Derivatives` = 'numeric', `Disposal of Assets` =
# 'numeric', `Early Extinguishment of Debt` = 'numeric', `Asset Write-Down` = 'numeric', `Impairment of Goodwill &
# Intangibles` = 'numeric', `Sale of Business` = 'numeric', `Legal Settlement` = 'numeric', `Restructuring Charges` =
# 'numeric', sale_of_and_unrealized_investments_ = 'numeric', `Insurance Settlement` = 'numeric', `Other Abnormal Items`
# = 'numeric', `Pretax Income (Loss)` = 'numeric', `Income Tax (Expense) Benefit, Net` = 'numeric', `Current Income Tax`
# = 'numeric', `Deferred Income Tax` = 'numeric', `Tax Allowance/Credit` = 'numeric', `Income (Loss) from Affiliates,
# Net of Taxes` = 'numeric', `Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations` = 'numeric', `Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)`
# = 'numeric', `Discontinued Operations` = 'numeric', `XO & Accounting Charges & Other` = 'numeric', `Income (Loss)
# Including Minority Interest` = 'numeric', `Minority Interest` = 'numeric', `Net Income` = 'numeric', `Preferred
# Dividends` = 'numeric', `Other Adjustments` = 'numeric', `Net Income Available to Common Shareholders` = 'numeric' )
# names(exp_classes) <- clean_names(names(exp_classes))
# for (sfplus in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
# exp_classes <- exp_classes[!(names(exp_classes) %in% c('shares_basic', 'shares_diluted'))]
# sfa_set_sfplus(sfplus)
# if (isTRUE(sfplus)) {
# options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SFPLUS_API_KEY'))
# } else {
# options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SF_API_KEY'))
# }
# ref_1 <- sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'pl', fyear = 2020)
# checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_1, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 1L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_1, names(exp_classes))
# if (isTRUE(sfplus)) {
# ref_1_plus <- sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'pl')
# checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_1_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 13L, ncols =
# length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_1_plus, names(exp_classes))
# } else {
# expect_error(
# sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'pl'), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE )
# }
# ref_2 <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'pl', fyear = 2015) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2,
# key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 2L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_2, names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_2_plus <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'),
# statement = 'pl') checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 35L, ncols
# = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_2_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error(
# sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'pl'), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed =
# TRUE ) } ref_3 <- sfa_load_statements( c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'pl', ttm = TRUE, fyear = 2015 )
# checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_3, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 2L, ncols = length(exp_classes),
# col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_3, names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_3_plus <-
# sfa_load_statements( c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'pl', ttm = TRUE ) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_3_plus, key =
# 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 33L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_3_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error( sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement =
# 'pl', ttm = TRUE), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE ) } exp_classes <- append(
# exp_classes, c(`Shares (Basic)` = 'numeric', `Shares (Diluted)` = 'numeric'), after = which(names(exp_classes) ==
# 'currency') ) names(exp_classes) <- clean_names(names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_4_plus <-
# sfa_load_statements( c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'pl', shares = TRUE, fyear = 2015 ) checkmate::expect_data_table(
# ref_4_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 2L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_4_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error( sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement =
# 'pl', shares = TRUE, fyear = 2015), ''shares = TRUE' is reserved to SimFin+ users. As a normal user, please use
# 'sfa_get_shares()' with 'type = \'wa-basic\'' or 'type = \'wa-diluted\'.', fixed = TRUE ) } } }) test_that('getting bs
# statement works', { exp_classes <- c( SimFinId = 'integer', Ticker = 'character', `Fiscal Period` = 'character',
# `Fiscal Year` = 'integer', `Report Date` = 'Date', `Publish Date` = 'Date', restated = 'Date', Source = 'character',
# TTM = 'logical', `Value Check` = 'logical', Currency = 'character', `Cash, Cash Equivalents & Short Term Investments`
# = 'numeric', `Cash & Cash Equivalents` = 'numeric', `Short Term Investments` = 'numeric', `Accounts & Notes
# Receivable` = 'numeric', `Accounts Receivable, Net` = 'numeric', `Notes Receivable, Net` = 'numeric', `Unbilled
# Revenues` = 'numeric', Inventories = 'numeric', `Raw Materials` = 'numeric', `Work In Process` = 'numeric', `Finished
# Goods` = 'numeric', `Other Inventory` = 'numeric', `Other Short Term Assets` = 'numeric', `Prepaid Expenses` =
# 'numeric', `Derivative & Hedging Assets (Short Term)` = 'numeric', `Assets Held-for-Sale` = 'numeric', `Deferred Tax
# Assets (Short Term)` = 'numeric', `Income Taxes Receivable` = 'numeric', `Discontinued Operations (Short Term)` =
# 'numeric', `Misc. Short Term Assets` = 'numeric', `Total Current Assets` = 'numeric', `Property, Plant & Equipment,
# Net` = 'numeric', `Property, Plant & Equipment` = 'numeric', `Accumulated Depreciation` = 'numeric', `Long Term
# Investments & Receivables` = 'numeric', `Long Term Investments` = 'numeric', `Long Term Marketable Securities` =
# 'numeric', `Long Term Receivables` = 'numeric', `Other Long Term Assets` = 'numeric', `Intangible Assets` = 'numeric',
# Goodwill = 'numeric', `Other Intangible Assets` = 'numeric', `Prepaid Expense` = 'numeric', `Deferred Tax Assets (Long
# Term)` = 'numeric', `Derivative & Hedging Assets (Long Term)` = 'numeric', `Prepaid Pension Costs` = 'numeric',
# `Discontinued Operations (Long Term)` = 'numeric', `Investments in Affiliates` = 'numeric', `Misc. Long Term Assets` =
# 'numeric', `Total Noncurrent Assets` = 'numeric', `Total Assets` = 'numeric', `Payables & Accruals` = 'numeric',
# `Accounts Payable` = 'numeric', `Accrued Taxes` = 'numeric', `Interest & Dividends Payable` = 'numeric', `Other
# Payables & Accruals` = 'numeric', `Short Term Debt` = 'numeric', `Short Term Borrowings` = 'numeric', `Short Term
# Capital Leases` = 'numeric', `Current Portion of Long Term Debt` = 'numeric', `Other Short Term Liabilities` =
# 'numeric', `Deferred Revenue (Short Term)` = 'numeric', `Liabilities from Derivatives & Hedging (Short Term)` =
# 'numeric', `Deferred Tax Liabilities (Short Term)` = 'numeric', `Liabilities from Discontinued Operations (Short
# Term)` = 'numeric', `Misc. Short Term Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Total Current Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Long Term
# Debt` = 'numeric', `Long Term Borrowings` = 'numeric', `Long Term Capital Leases` = 'numeric', `Other Long Term
# Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Accrued Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Pension Liabilities` = 'numeric', Pensions = 'numeric',
# `Other Post-Retirement Benefits` = 'numeric', `Deferred Compensation` = 'numeric', `Deferred Revenue (Long Term)` =
# 'numeric', `Deferred Tax Liabilities (Long Term)` = 'numeric', `Liabilities from Derivatives & Hedging (Long Term)` =
# 'numeric', `Liabilities from Discontinued Operations (Long Term)` = 'numeric', `Misc. Long Term Liabilities` =
# 'numeric', `Total Noncurrent Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Total Liabilities` = 'numeric', `Preferred Equity` =
# 'numeric', `Share Capital & Additional Paid-In Capital` = 'numeric', `Common Stock` = 'numeric', `Additional Paid in
# Capital` = 'numeric', `Other Share Capital` = 'numeric', `Treasury Stock` = 'numeric', `Retained Earnings` =
# 'numeric', `Other Equity` = 'numeric', `Equity Before Minority Interest` = 'numeric', `Minority Interest` = 'numeric',
# `Total Equity` = 'numeric', `Total Liabilities & Equity` = 'numeric' ) names(exp_classes) <-
# clean_names(names(exp_classes)) exp_classes <- exp_classes[!(names(exp_classes) %in% c('shares_basic',
# 'shares_diluted'))] for (sfplus in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { sfa_set_sfplus(sfplus) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { options(sfa_api_key
# = Sys.getenv('SFPLUS_API_KEY')) } else { options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SF_API_KEY')) } ref_1 <-
# sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'bs', fyear = 2015) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_1, key = 'ticker', types
# = exp_classes, nrows = 1L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_1, names(exp_classes))
# if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_1_plus <- sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'bs') checkmate::expect_data_table(
# ref_1_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 12L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_1_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error( sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'bs'),
# 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE ) } ref_2 <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'),
# statement = 'bs', fyear = 2015) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 2L,
# ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_2, names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) {
# ref_2_plus <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'bs') checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2_plus, key =
# 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 34L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_2_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error( sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement =
# 'bs'), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE ) } } }) test_that('getting cf statement
# works', { exp_classes <- c( SimFinId = 'integer', Ticker = 'character', `Fiscal Period` = 'character', `Fiscal Year` =
# 'integer', `Report Date` = 'Date', `Publish Date` = 'Date', `Restated Date` = 'Date', Source = 'character', TTM =
# 'logical', `Value Check` = 'logical', Currency = 'character', `Net Income/Starting Line` = 'numeric', `Net Income` =
# 'numeric', `Net Income from Discontinued Operations` = 'numeric', `Other Adjustments` = 'numeric', `Depreciation &
# Amortization` = 'numeric', `Non-Cash Items` = 'numeric', `Stock-Based Compensation` = 'numeric', `Deferred Income
# Taxes` = 'numeric', `Other Non-Cash Adjustments` = 'numeric', `Change in Working Capital` = 'numeric', `Change in
# Accounts Receivable` = 'numeric', `Change in Inventories` = 'numeric', `Change in Accounts Payable` = 'numeric',
# `Change in Other` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Discontinued Operations (Operating)` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from
# Operating Activities` = 'numeric', `Change in Fixed Assets & Intangibles` = 'numeric', `Disposition of Fixed Assets &
# Intangibles` = 'numeric', `Disposition of Fixed Assets` = 'numeric', `Disposition of Intangible Assets` = 'numeric',
# `Acquisition of Fixed Assets & Intangibles` = 'numeric', `Purchase of Fixed Assets` = 'numeric', `Acquisition of
# Intangible Assets` = 'numeric', `Other Change in Fixed Assets & Intangibles` = 'numeric', `Net Change in Long Term
# Investment` = 'numeric', `Decrease in Long Term Investment` = 'numeric', `Increase in Long Term Investment` =
# 'numeric', `Net Cash from Acquisitions & Divestitures` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Divestitures` = 'numeric', `Cash
# for Acquisition of Subsidiaries` = 'numeric', `Cash for Joint Ventures` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Other
# Acquisitions` = 'numeric', `Other Investing Activities` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Discontinued Operations
# (Investing)` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Investing Activities` = 'numeric', `Dividends Paid` = 'numeric', `Cash from
# (Repayment of) Debt` = 'numeric', `Cash from (Repayment of) Short Term Debt, Net` = 'numeric', `Cash from (Repayment
# of) Long Term Debt, Net` = 'numeric', `Repayments of Long Term Debt` = 'numeric', `Cash from Long Term Debt` =
# 'numeric', `Cash from (Repurchase of) Equity` = 'numeric', `Increase in Capital Stock` = 'numeric', `Decrease in
# Capital Stock` = 'numeric', `Other Financing Activities` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Discontinued Operations
# (Financing)` = 'numeric', `Net Cash from Financing Activities` = 'numeric', `Net Cash Before Disc. Operations and FX`
# = 'numeric', `Change in Cash from Disc. Operations and Other` = 'numeric', `Net Cash Before FX` = 'numeric', `Effect
# of Foreign Exchange Rates` = 'numeric', `Net Change in Cash` = 'numeric' ) names(exp_classes) <-
# clean_names(names(exp_classes)) for (sfplus in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { sfa_set_sfplus(sfplus) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) {
# options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SFPLUS_API_KEY')) } else { options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SF_API_KEY')) } ref_1
# <- sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'cf', fyear = 2015) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_1, key = 'ticker',
# types = exp_classes, nrows = 1L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_1,
# names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_1_plus <- sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'cf')
# checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_1_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 12L, ncols =
# length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_1_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error(
# sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'cf'), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE ) }
# ref_2 <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'cf', fyear = 2015) checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2,
# key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, nrows = 2L, ncols = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' )
# expect_named(ref_2, names(exp_classes)) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { ref_2_plus <- sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'),
# statement = 'cf') checkmate::expect_data_table( ref_2_plus, key = 'ticker', types = exp_classes, min.rows = 36L, ncols
# = length(exp_classes), col.names = 'unique' ) expect_named(ref_2_plus, names(exp_classes)) } else { expect_error(
# sfa_load_statements(c('GOOG', 'AAPL'), statement = 'cf'), 'Omitting 'fyear' is reserved for SimFin+ users.', fixed =
# TRUE ) } } }) test_that('warning is triggered if the API did not return any data', { fyear <- year(Sys.Date())
# expect_warning( expect_null( sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'bs', fyear = fyear) ), 'No data retrieved for
# ticker 'GOOG'.', fixed = TRUE ) }) # TODO: Test all kinds of statements test_that('warning is triggered when no
# company was found', { expect_error( expect_warning( sfa_load_statements('doesnotexist', statement = 'cf', fyear =
# 2015L), 'No company found for ticker `doesnotexist`.', fixed = TRUE), 'Please provide at least one one valid 'ticker'
# or 'id'.', fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that('downloading all statements works only for SimFin+ users', { for (sfplus in
# c(TRUE, FALSE)) { sfa_set_sfplus(sfplus) if (isTRUE(sfplus)) { options(sfa_api_key = Sys.getenv('SFPLUS_API_KEY'))
# checkmate::expect_data_table( sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'all') ) } else { options(sfa_api_key =
# Sys.getenv('SF_API_KEY')) expect_error( sfa_load_statements('GOOG', statement = 'all'), 'statement = 'all' is reserved
# for SimFin+ users.', fixed = TRUE ) } } }) test_that('#35 is fixed', { options(sfa_api_key =
# Sys.getenv('SFPLUS_API_KEY')) tickers <- c( 'A', 'AA', 'AAL', 'AAN', 'AAOI', 'AAON', 'AAP', 'AAPL', 'AAT', 'AAWW',
# 'ABBV', 'ABC', 'ABCB', 'ABEO', 'ABG', 'ABM', 'ABMD', 'ABNB', 'ABR', 'ABT', 'ABTX', 'ABUS', 'ACA', 'ACAD', 'ACC',
# 'ACCO', 'ACER', 'ACET', 'ACGL', 'ACHC', 'ACI', 'ACIW', 'ACLS', 'ACM', 'ACN', 'ACRX', 'ACU', 'ADBE', 'ADES', 'ADI',
# 'ADM', 'ADMA', 'ADNT', 'ADOM', 'ADP', 'ADPT', 'ADSK', 'ADT', 'ADTN', 'ADUS', 'ADVM', 'ADXS', 'AEE', 'AEHR', 'AEIS',
# 'AEO', 'AEP', 'AES', 'AFG', 'AFI', 'AFL', 'AGCO', 'AGI', 'AGIO', 'AGLE', 'AGNC', 'AGO', 'AGR', 'AGS', 'AGX', 'AGYS',
# 'AHH', 'AIG', 'AIMC', 'AINC', 'AIR' ) expect_silent( sfa_load_statements( ticker = tickers, statement = 'all', period
# = 'quarters', start = Sys.Date() - 5000, end = Sys.Date(), ttm = TRUE, shares = TRUE, sfplus = TRUE ) )
# })
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