
Defines functions kFoldCross

Documented in kFoldCross

#' k-fold cross-validation
#' Implements k-fold cross-validation of multiclass NB classifier. Splits training data into k roughly equal parts. For each 'fold,' the classifier trains on the training data not in the fold and checks its accuracy by classifying fold k.
#' @param coding The numeric vector of codings
#' @param train_matrix A \pkg{quanteda} document-feature matrix with the number of rows equal to the length of \code{coding}
#' @param train Data frame from which \code{train_matrix} is derived (must have rows matching \code{train_matrix})
#' @param k Scalar argument for the number of folds. Defaults to 10.
#' @return A list of results on the accuracy of each fold's classification.
#' \item{correct_max}{A list of length k of the proportion of times the class associated with maximum posterior probability was the correct class.}
#' \item{correct_ratio}{A list of length k of the proportion of times the class associated with maximum ratio of posterior to prior probability was the correct class.}
#' \item{by.cats}{A list of length k of vectors recording the accuracy by training categories. Accuracy is measured as the proportion of times the class associated with maximum ratio of posterior to prior probability was the correct class, for training observations from the respective class.}
#' \item{guesses}{A list of length k of data frames. Each data frame contains three columns: the original coding of that fold's training data and the predicted class using both the maximum posterior probability and the maximum ratio of posterior to prior.}
#' @author Matt W. Loftis
#' @import Matrix quanteda
#' @examples
#'  ## Load data and create document-feature matrices
#'   train_corpus <- quanteda::corpus(x = training_agendas$text)
#'   metadoc(train_corpus, "language") <- "danish"
#'   train_matrix <- quanteda::dfm(train_corpus,
#'                                 stem = TRUE,
#'                                 removeNumbers = FALSE)
#' set.seed(123)
#' k <- 3
#' results <- kFoldCross(training_agendas$coding, train_matrix, training_agendas, k = k)
#' hist(results[[2]], main = "k-fold Accuracies by Ratio Match")
#' hist(results[[1]], main = "k-fold Accuracies by Maximum Posterior Match")
#' cats <- as.data.frame(t(results[[3]][[1]]))
#' for (j in 2:k) cats <- merge(cats, as.data.frame(t(results[[3]][[j]])), all = TRUE)
#' accuracies <- apply(cats, 2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#' ##Graphical contingency table of all k-fold predictions to data (heatmaps)
#' codes <- results[[4]][[1]]$true_coding
#' matches <- results[[4]][[1]]$ratio_match
#' for (j in 2:k){
#'   codes <- c(codes, results[[4]][[j]]$true_coding)
#'   matches <- c(matches, results[[4]][[j]]$ratio_match)
#' }
#' tab <- table(codes, matches)
#' tab <- data.matrix(tab)
#' tab <- tab[order(as.numeric(rownames(tab))), ]
#' tab <- tab[, order(as.numeric(colnames(tab)))]
#' heatmap(tab, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, col = cm.colors(256), scale = "row",
#'         xlab = "Predicted category", ylab = "Actual category")
#' @rdname kFoldCross
#' @import Matrix quanteda
#' @export

kFoldCross <- function(coding, train_matrix, train, k = 10){
  ##Error catching and warnings
  if (length(coding) != nrow(train_matrix)) {
    stop('Number of codings does not equal number of documents in training document-feature matrix')
  if (length(coding) != nrow(train)) stop('Number of codings does not equal number of observations in train data')
  if (nrow(train) != nrow(train_matrix)) {
    stop('Number of observations in train data does not equal number of documents in training document-feature matrix')
  if (any(is.na(coding))){
    warning('Missing values present in coding. Removed observations with missing coding.')
    train_matrix <- train_matrix[!is.na(coding), ]
    train <- train[!is.na(coding), ]
    coding <- coding[!is.na(coding)]
  if (!quanteda::is.dfm(train_matrix)) stop('Must supply a quanteda dfm as train_matrix.')
  if (!is.numeric(coding)) {
    stop('Coding is not numeric. agendacodeR currently requires numeric codings.')
  if (!is.data.frame(train)) stop('Must supply a data frame as train data.')

  size <- ceiling(length(coding) / k) #get approximate size of folds
  labs <- rep(letters[1:k], size) #generate letters for labeling folds
  labs <- labs[1:length(coding)] #reduce label vector to size of training set
  labs <- sample(labs, length(labs), replace = FALSE) #randomize labels to assign folds
  correct_max <- rep(NA, k) #vector of max prob accuracies
  correct_ratio <- rep(NA, k) #vector of ratio prob accuracies
  guesses <- list() #tables of actual vs. predicted codings
  by.cats <- list() #list of accuracies by category per fold
  pb <- txtProgressBar(max = k, style = 3, width = 90)
  for (fold in 1:k){ #Loop over k folds
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, fold)
    train_mat <- train_matrix[labs != letters[fold], ] #pull out training set for fold
    test_mat <- train_matrix[labs == letters[fold], ] #pull out test set for fold
    train_mat <- train_mat[, colSums(train_mat) > 0] #drop terms in train only appearing in test
    test_mat <- test_mat[, colSums(test_mat) > 0] #drop terms in test only appearing in train

    est <- trainNB(coding[labs != letters[fold]], train_mat) #hand off to trainNB
    output <- classifyNB(est, test_mat, train[labs == letters[fold], ]) #hand off to classifyNB
    output$correct <- as.numeric(coding[labs == letters[fold]] == output$ratio_match) #check ratio matches
    a <- split(output, output$ratio_match) #split data by assigned categories
    by.cats[[fold]] <- unlist(lapply(a, function(x) sum(x$correct) / nrow(x))) #ratio match accuracy by category
    correct_max[fold] <- table(coding[labs == letters[fold]] == output$max_match)["TRUE"] / nrow(output) #total accuracy of max matches
    correct_ratio[fold] <- table(coding[labs == letters[fold]] == output$ratio_match)["TRUE"] / nrow(output) #total accuracy of ratio matches
    guesses[[fold]] <- cbind(coding[labs == letters[fold]], output[, c("max_match", "ratio_match")]) #store guesses
    colnames(guesses[[fold]]) <- c("true_coding", "max_match", "ratio_match")
  return(list(correct_max = correct_max, correct_ratio = correct_ratio,
              by.cats = by.cats, guesses = guesses))
mattwloftis/agendacodeR documentation built on June 5, 2023, 7 p.m.