
Defines functions psItemContent new_psItemContent validate_S3.psItemContent as_psItemContent as_psItemContent.default as_psItemContent.psItemContent as_psItemContent.character as_psItemContent.psSort `[.psItemContent` get_attributes_but new_psItemContentText validate_S3.psItemContentText print.psItemContent knit_print.psItemContentText render_items export_ps.psItemContentText plot.psItemContentText new_psItemContentBin validate_S3.psItemContentBin

Documented in as_psItemContent as_psItemContent.character as_psItemContent.psSort export_ps.psItemContentText knit_print.psItemContentText plot.psItemContentText print.psItemContent psItemContent validate_S3.psItemContent

# helper ====
#' @title
#' Store item content as character strings
#' @description
#' Helper function to append and validate [`psItemContent`][psItemContent] class.
#' See [vignette](https://www.maxheld.de/pensieve/articles/items.html) for details.
# TODO link to psItems class here, once available
#' @details
#' Store **full items** along with metadata (language, design) to enable deployment and convenience functions, as well as enhance the presentation of results.
#' @param items `[character()]` giving the *participant-facing* **item content**.
#' Can be named to provide short, *researcher-facing* **item handles**.
#' Names must be unique, valid R names, as per [base::make.names()].
#' If names are missing, they are automatically added using a string of the first unique words.
#' You can also provide handles as if they were a full item wording.
#' - if `dir_bin` is `NULL` (default), `items` must be text.
#'   Items can be marked up using [Pandoc Markdown](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_pandoc_markdown.html).
#'   An additional subclass `psItemContentText` is prepended and validated.
#' - if `dir_bin` is given, `items` must be file paths, relative from `dir_bin`.
#'   An additional subclass `psItemContentBin`` is prepended and validated.
#'   `lang`, `fontsize_global`, `alignment` and `linestretch` are ignored.
#' @param dir_bin `[character(1)]` giving the root from which `items` can be found, when `items` are paths.
#' Defaults to `NULL`, in which case `items` are expected to be texts.
#' Must be relative path *from the working directory*.
#' @inheritParams declare_pandoc_var
#' @inheritParams wrap_in_latex_env
#' @example tests/testthat/helper_02_psItemContent.R
#' @family S3 classes from `pensieve`
#' @return
#' `[character()]` with class [`psItemContent`][psItemContent].
#' @export
psItemContent <- function(items,  # for all items
                          dir_bin = NULL,  # only for bin items
                          lang = NULL,  # only for text items
                          fontsize_global = NULL,
                          alignment = "left",
                          linestretch = 2,
                          paperwidth = 8.5,  # for all items
                          paperheight = 5.4,
                          top = 0.5,
                          bottom = 0.5,
                          left = 0.5,
                          right = 0.5,
                          unit = "cm",
                          vcentering = TRUE,
                          hcentering = TRUE) {
  assert_string(x = dir_bin, na.ok = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!rlang::is_named(x = items)) {
    names(items) <- make_unique_names_from_strings(strings = items)

  # construction
  if (is.null(dir_bin)) {
    items <- new_psItemContentText(
      items = items,
      all_items = items,
      # necessary for finding highest possible fontsize for all items after subsetting
      lang = lang,
      fontsize_global = fontsize_global,
      alignment = alignment,
      linestretch = linestretch,
      paperwidth = paperwidth,
      paperheight = paperheight,
      top = top,
      bottom = bottom,
      left = left,
      right = right,
      unit = unit,
      vcentering = vcentering,
      hcentering = hcentering
  } else {
    items <- new_psItemContentBin(
      items = items,
      dir_bin = dir_bin,
      paperwidth = paperwidth,
      paperheight = paperheight,
      top = top,
      bottom = bottom,
      left = left,
      right = right,
      unit = unit,
      vcentering = vcentering,
      hcentering = hcentering

  assert_S3(x = items)


new_psItemContent <- function(items, ..., subclass = NULL) {
    x = items,
    any.missing = TRUE,
    all.missing = TRUE,
    null.ok = FALSE
    .Data = items,
    class = c(subclass, "psItemContent", "character")

# validation ====
#' @describeIn psItemContent Validation
#' @inheritParams validate_S3
#' @export
validate_S3.psItemContent <- function(x, ps_coll = NULL, ...) {
    x = x,
    any.missing = TRUE,
    all.missing = TRUE,
    unique = TRUE,
    null.ok = FALSE,
    add = ps_coll,
    .var.name = "items"

    x = names(x),
    type = "strict",
    add = ps_coll,
    .var.name = "items"

  NextMethod(ps_coll = ps_coll)

# coercion ====
#' @rdname psItemContent
#' @param obj
#' An object which can be coerced to [psItemContent][psItemContent], currently one of:
#' - a (named) character vector.
#' @export
as_psItemContent <- function(obj, ...) {
as_psItemContent.default <- function(obj, ...) {
  stop_coercion(obj = obj, target_class = "psItemContent")
as_psItemContent.psItemContent <- function(obj, ...) {
  assert_S3(x = obj)
#' @describeIn psItemContent Coerce from character vector
as_psItemContent.character <- function(obj, ...) {
  psItemContent(items = obj, ...)
#' @describeIn psItemContent Coerce from psSort
as_psItemContent.psSort <- function(obj, ...) {
  items <- as.vector(unique(obj))
  items <- items[!is.na(items)]  # na.omit would leave attributes in its wake
  names(items) <- items
  # items[] <- NA
  # TODO above line would be strictly better, https://github.com/maxheld83/pensieve/issues/420

# subsetting ====
#' @title Subsetting method for psItemContents
#' @description Replacement method for subsetting to retain attributes
#' @inheritParams psItemContent
#' @inheritParams base::Extract
#' @export
#' @noRd
`[.psItemContent` <- function(x, i) {
    .f = new_psItemContent,
    .x = get_attributes_but(x = x, not_attrs = c("class", "names")),
    # class is added again by the constructor
    # names is retained automatically by subsetting
    subclass = attr(x = x, which = "class")[1],
    items = NextMethod(x)

#' @title Get all attributes except some
#' @description Helper to get some attributes
#' @param x `[any]` object with attributes
#' @param not_attrs `[character()]` giving names of attributes *to omit*
#' @noRd
get_attributes_but <- function(x, not_attrs) {
  attributes(x)[!names(attributes(x)) %in% not_attrs]

# subclass text ====
new_psItemContentText <- function(items, all_items, lang, fontsize_global, alignment, linestretch, paperwidth, paperheight, top, bottom, left, right, unit, vcentering, hcentering) {
    items = items,
    all_items = all_items,
    lang = lang,
    fontsize_global = fontsize_global,
    alignment = alignment,
    linestretch = linestretch,
    paperwidth = paperwidth,
    paperheight = paperheight,
    top = top,
    bottom = bottom,
    left = left,
    right = right,
    unit = unit,
    vcentering = vcentering,
    hcentering = hcentering,
    subclass = "psItemContentText"

#' @describeIn psItemContent Validation
#' @noRd
#' @export
validate_S3.psItemContentText <- function(x, ...) {
  NextMethod(ps_coll = ps_coll)

# print ====
#' @describeIn psItemContent Printing to the console
#' @inheritParams base::print
#' @export
print.psItemContent <- function(x, ...) {
  # we don't want to see all the attributes in the console
  attributes(x)[!names(attributes(x)) %in% c("names")] <- NULL

# knit_print ====
#' @describeIn psItemContent Printing inside knitr chunks
#' @template knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.psItemContentText <- function(x,
                                         inline = FALSE,
                                         ...) {
  res <- imap_chr(
    .x = x,
    .f = function(wording, handle) {
      if (is.integer(handle)) {
        handle <- NULL  # do not print indeces as title
      if (inline) {
          x = c(
            glue("`{handle}`"),  # this goes to "" if there is name
      } else {
          x = c(
            glue("`{handle}`", ":    "),  # this goes to "" if there is name
            glue("> {wording}

                 ")  # looks ugly but adds the required newline at the end to get into the next environment
          sep = "\n \n"

# rendering ====
#' @title Render items to desired format
#' @description
#' Worker function that renders items to desired format according to their design attributes.
#' Thin wrapper around `render_chain()`.
#' @inheritParams psItemContent
#' @inheritParams render_chain
#' @inheritSection render_chain return
#' @noRd
render_items <- function(x, format) {
  assert_S3(x = x)
  assert_choice(x = format, choices = names(render_chain_formats), null.ok = FALSE)

  design_args <- get_attributes_but(x = x, not_attrs = c("class", "all_items", "names"))

  # now we figure out what the fontsize local should be, given all other args
  fontsize_local <- invoke(
    .f = find_fontsize,
    .x = design_args,
    l = as.list(attr(x = x, which = "all_items"))

    .f = render_chain,
    .x = design_args,
    l = as.list(x),
    format = format,
    fontsize_local = fontsize_local

# export method ====
#' @describeIn psItemContent Export rendered text items to vector formats.
#' @eval document_choice_arg(arg_name = "format", choices = names(render_chain_formats)[-4], before = "giving the output format to render items in.", default = "pdf")
#' @inheritParams export_ps
#' @inheritParams render_chain
export_ps.psItemContentText <- function(x, dir = ".", overwrite = FALSE, format = "pdf") {
  assert_choice(x = format, choices = names(render_chain_formats)[-4], null.ok = FALSE)
  # this is less then all; format grob does not make sense in this context.

  res <- render_items(x = x, format = format)

    .x = res,
    .f = function(x, y) {
      out_path <- fs::path(dir, y, ext = format)
      if (!overwrite) {
        assert_no_file(x = out_path)
      if (format == "tex") {
          x = x,
          path = out_path,
          append = FALSE
      } else {
          x = x,
          path = out_path,
          append = FALSE

# plot method ====
#' @describeIn psItemContent Plot rendered item. Defaults to first item.
#' @section Plotting items:
#' Plotting items to the R graphics system has some limitations:
#' - You can only plot one item at a time.
#'   The function defaults to the *first* item.
#' - The item is placed in the aspect ratio *given by* `psItemContent()` in the middle of the plotting area.
#'   There may be additional white space around the item.
#'   This is because R graphics must offer arbitrary aspect ratios, but items have a fixed aspect ratio.
#'   For good-looking results, you should set the aspect ratio of the plotting area to *equal* that of the items.
plot.psItemContentText <- function(x) {
  grid::grid.draw(render_items(x = x[1], format = "grob")[[1]])

# subclass binary files ====
new_psItemContentBin <- function(items, dir_bin, paperwidth, paperheight, top, bottom, left, right, unit, vcentering, hcentering) {
    items = items,
    dir_bin = dir_bin,
    paperwidth = paperwidth,
    paperheight = paperheight,
    top = top,
    bottom = bottom,
    left = left,
    right = right,
    unit = unit,
    vcentering = vcentering,
    hcentering = hcentering,
    subclass = "psItemContentBin"

#' @describeIn psItemContent Validation
#' @noRd
#' @export
validate_S3.psItemContentBin <- function(x, ...) {
  dir_bin <- attr(x = x, which = "dir_bin")

  assert_directory_exists(x = dir_bin, access = "r", add = ps_coll)
  files <- file.path(dir_bin, as.vector(x))
    x = files,
    access = "r",
    .var.name = "file names",
    add = ps_coll)

  NextMethod(ps_coll = ps_coll)
maxheld83/pensieve documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 9:16 a.m.